Sam's got a question for you

posted by stevek332 on May 17, 2025 - 11:25am

Law and Order star Sam Waterston, as you probably know, has been speaking out for Unity08 for a few months now --perhaps most notably in a dazzling April 25 address at the National Press Club (which can be viewed here).

Now, Sam has posted a question on Yahoo Answers about the plague of partisan polarization and paralysis. Your feedback is encouraged -- you can find Sam's question here.

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Why so polarized

I believe they are so polarized because they've been out of the loop of the average American for so long, or were never in it ,to begin with.

The average American has a lot of concerns about where our country is headed and what will be left for our children. Will we have healthcare available for them in twenty years? Will we have our own retiremant ability?, it's more like "Will there be any work available in ten years?"
I'm not so worried about gay and lesbian rights, right now (although they should be covered) but I am worried about mine and my childrens' future survival in a country that's losing it's footing, amidst a chaos of pointless arguments, that are only so important in Washington D.C., because it's someone's personal stepping stone to a 'bigger and better' career in politics. And they have the money coming in to back it, because if they win a vote on one of these pointless topics, they aren't making just themselves look good, but the people who funded them. It's not about everyone outside Washington anymore. It's their own private little game, that we have the pathetic luxury of watching and reaping the consiquences of.

Why Are Politicians So Polarized?

The answer is money. Controlling the money, the flow of money and the purchasing power of money has become the primary objective of politicians. Control over businesses and industry translates to money, control over oil equates to profits which translates to money, and on and on. The duplicitous campaign speeches and advertising are all geared to generate more control over the flow of money.

Take Harry Reid, for example, the loudest horn blower for the Democrat’s Trojan horse on withdrawing the troops. He toots his horn to Bring The Troops Home Now! Yet, the only person foolish enough to actually believe that a plan to bring the troops home is viable is John Edwards. His lack of real political experience and complete void of connections to the DC good ‘ol boys club would place him in a more target centric position than Jimmy Carter found himself in. Edwards is predestined to fail in his bid for the White House. John Edward’s is all about money. He is supported by the American Trial Lawyer’s Association – made his money suing doctors and hospitals and consults for wealthy hedge funds, but Harry is all too happy to ride on Edward’s far left, liberal stance on Iraq.

However, there is absolutely no way that the Democrats would leave the oil revenues on the table in Iraq. But their disinformation machine has, again, done a better job than the conservatives at bringing a palatable message to the voters. And the Dems are counting on the “withdraw” the troops rhetoric to sell the day in 11/08. They just need to get the Republican’s hands off of the control of the oil, and the money.

The global warming debate is another red herring. It’s all about money. Any politician who is not currently a part of the oil mafia has seized the opportunity to scare the heck out of Americans as they are heavily lobbying and investing in the alternative energy research and programs. Most of which require huge petroleum resources to produce. But the plan to open up another huge income source has motivated the “proselytizers” spread the end of the world message. Doom and gloom are approaching unless we, not they, support the global warming farce.

Immigration has caused another split in Washington because of money. Open the borders between Canada, Mexico and the US has been a long term plan of many administrations. Ted Kennedy doesn’t care about little Mexican kids getting a proper education or health care, he cares about being able to make millions of dollars on the one currency plan between the three countries and the oil revenues which the US will share with Mexico. George Bush has taken a leap to bring the US, Canada and Mexico into a comparable position as the European countries did in forming the EU. Opening the borders to Mexicans is the next step toward the one world government concept pushed and supported by George Bush, Sr.

The answer to the question is that the movement toward a one world government which will control all of the money is causing the politicians to scramble for their positions in the food chain. The scrambling makes them appear to be fractured and insane – which perhaps they are.

You are exactly right

I always wondered what it would be like to experience a revolution. Now it looks like I will see it. Its greed amongst the rich and powerfull that propels the middle class to revolution, be it armed or political, but its time has come. When the "people" are tired of being abused they will be forced and fight back. Hopefully it will not be too late when the "people" wake up.

Sam The Answer Is Simple ..

They are Not Polarized - They Are Paralyzed : they are in over their Heads and They see The Handwriting on the wall - THE GAMES UP !!


Why no comments Sam?

Why no comments Sam?

light speed nears!

The magic is technology! Curving straight up - in 5 years we will have answers not even dreamed of today! We must just take baby steps for now... electric cars for the common man and upgraded social security cards. Then start building up the local economies and stop the exodus of jobs! The rest will come later as we are hitting light speed folks so just buckle your seatbelts as we can only see a short distance ahead and at such speeds only dreamed of before!!!! - Earn Snyder
For more policies visit


Illegal Immigrants will be the number one issue in the up coming election and Iraq will be second. Our Government in Washington doesn't treat legal Americans as well as it treats illegals;
those who wish to come to this country. Americans need to be offered a little tax amnesty too of $5000....think how easy they are getting off. If you only had to pay $5000 in taxes one year... to be forgiven why not offer that to ALL Americans that have broken tax laws? If you don't stand up against this will fall for anything. Do not support anyone that approves the immigration Bill... now before Congress. If we send that message loud and clear...we will have a new congress that will listen to Unity08....

Tell those that wish to come to this country get in line. Have employers dial a social security information JOB LINE and ask for the name and the age of the person applying for a job...set up a special number for each state. Fine employers $5000 for the 1st violation and $50,000 for the second.

Illragal Immigrants

I work for the NC DMV. We received a memo today that requires us now to take a long list of non secure items to issue driver licenses. It is apparent to me that there is a major drive by liberals to crush the middle class. Why do the politicians not like the middle class? Simple, its easier to control the lower class by forcing them to work longer hours and then tax them more and more.

I would submise that in part

I would submise that in part at least, the two parties have over organized. Leaving no room for one to vote on reason, common sense, or any other way than that of their party lines. Any who do vote against their party line often finds themselves out of a job and in large part, that is because of us, the people.

Locked in by their special interests

I would say betty that both major parties have ossified and are locked into and controlled fully by their respective activist special interest bases that causes them to default to in their policies and their candidates esp at the Prez level. But we the voter and the press as well are complicit in allowing this whole siuation to get where it is now.

Both the vast majority of voters and the press have been lazy apathetic IMHO in the last 25 years in not acknowleding the rise of the special interest influence in DC and in both parties. That special interest influence (representing you and me BTW in our particular interests) have denigrated finding moderate centrists bipartisan solutions in the middle based on an overall national interest. Thus we get fine rhetoric, finer sounding legislation, and vast ends-means disconnects (do not want to tell the hard truth costs to the voters) in means of implementation and thus the frustration.

It use to be back in the Tip O'neil and before days that both parties had enough common sense to resolve things in the middle. Not now as the special interest (representing you and me BTW in our particular intersets) in both parties and on K-Street gin things up enough to make accommodation and compromise unthinkable. We have to overcome ourselves as we strive to overcome these special interests we have allowed to ossify the parties and our poliitics. Hopefully Unity can kick-start that process!

John, I agree

I could not agree more but I hope u08 can do more then kick start the process. I think these back and forth debates are good start for those willing to participate.

It's not money or special interests.

Sam Watterson asked a question based on inaccurate assumptions.
The first assumption, politics today is more polarized than in the past. This is incorrect. Politics has and will always be contentious. The second assumption, govt gridlock is a by-product of a corrupt or broken system. The Founding Fathers designed a system of checks and balances to slow the system. This is to prevent any swift legislative solution to a current problem until, there is first, a chance to debate the issue in a public forum. The idea is to slow down emotional knee-jerk solutions to short term problems that may result in even greater problems in the future.

The Founding Fathers believed in the power of reason over the emotions of the mob. Slowing down change in order to allow cooler heads to prevail. For each time the govt is asked to solve a problem
the citizens have voluntarily given up some portion of their own freedom.

American's, over a period of years, have given up their freedom with relative ease. Finally, some folks are noticing. Yet no-one is accepting responsibility. There is only one group to blame, the citizens.

Thug, your slow down statement

The founding fathers may have designed the system this way, however, the policy makers can and has bypassed the checks and balances to speed thing up when they choose to. The perfect example is the illegal immigration bill and there has been others over the years. Two, when the system was designed, it was a different world and the system is no longer working, it's outdated. Your right about corruption and the broken system, however, this issue is a bit more complicated then your statement. Polarization of the parties have many layers and the beltway insiders know this. In addition, never has their been such an outward disregard for checks and balances. Those in Washington has known for years that we were heading for diaster and chose not to address the issues because they were afraid of losing all their perks, which they gave to themselves, without public debate.

Asking the government to solve problems does not mean giving up our freedom. It is what they were hired for. The problem lies in the fact we have no meanful way to hold them accountable and is one of the things Unity is trying to change. See link below on how to accomplish this.

With regards to blame, I am more then willing to accept part of the blame, but not all. We have failed to teach the population civics and all too often people do not learn this lesson until later in life, if at all. Beside, accepting responsibility in itself in not enough or is it worth a darn if their is no way to hold one accountable. Currently, most beltway politicans avoid the general public and when they do have contact it is excessively controlled.


How is this true??

Quote - "The founding fathers may have designed the system this way, however, the policy makers can and has bypassed the checks and balances to speed thing up when they choose to. The perfect example is the illegal immigration bill and there has been others over the years. "

When you say this, are you talking about the current bill before congress? The one that hasn't been passed yet? The one that hasn't been signed into law?

If a majority in Congress supports this bill, and it goes to the president and he signs it, then there is no failure of checks and balances - it simply means that the president received a bill from congress that he could sign.

After being signed into law, the bill must clear the inevitable court challenges - possibly all the way up to the Supreme Court. This court is more conservative than any in the last 70 years; the irony here is that the president appointed people to this court who likely differ with him on this issue. If this bill passes and becomes law, it is almost certain that there will be questions from those who oppose the bill about its constitutionality.

As I said, I don't know if you are talking about the current bill before congress - but if that is the case, you can rest assured that this bill will have to endure more scrutiny (checks and balances)than most.

Jeff C

Sam Waterston Q

It seems to me that the question is not how 'polarized' the two parties are, but how indistingushable they have become--part of the reason for voter ennui in several decades of presidential elections. If only a third or little more of eligible voters 'turn out', could it be that they sense it IS all about money and special interests? (For the Republicans, BIG OIL; for the Dems, BIG TRIAL LAWYERS and UNIONS--not compatible interests! Or, at least, not without a lot of work.) As for immigration, that is the least of our worries.

I am glad to see that the idea of checks and balances is not a foreign one in this forum, and I would say to anyone who may think we've 'outgrown' the founding fathers to think again!

Finally, good luck, Unity08, in what I gather is an attempt to build a viable third party.

Sam Waterston Q

It seems to me that the question is not how 'polarized' the two parties are, but how indistingushable they have become--part of the reason for voter ennui in several decades of presidential elections. If only a third or little more of eligible voters 'turn out', could it be that they sense it IS all about money and special interests? (For the Republicans, BIG OIL; for the Dems, BIG TRIAL LAWYERS and UNIONS--not compatible interests! Or, at least, not without a lot of work.) As for immigration, that is the least of our worries.

I am glad to see that the idea of checks and balances is not a foreign one in this forum, and I would say to anyone who may think we've 'outgrown' the founding fathers to think again!

Finally, good luck, Unity08, in what I gather is an attempt to build a viable third party.


I did not imply we have outgrown out founding fathers. They put a plan together for America that had reason, common sense and intelligence. They also recogized that all goods plans need updating from time to time. And our system of checks and balances are in danger of collapse if we do not do something about the corruption in Washington.



To Read & Digest This Posting : It Presents The Big Picture In Brief But Accurate & Precise Language !!

Well done


THUG .. Adding my 2 Cents !!

The problem we face in 2025 is VOTER PARALYSIS - the unwillingness or inability to face reality ..

It is a fundamental Fact Of Life That : The Political Reforms Needed To Solve Our Most Urgent Social & Economic Problems - Will Be Opposed by The Power Brokers In Congress, because they will and/or may impinge on their power, pay and perks..

Unless we the People Establish The Means BEFORE THE ELECTIONS, to insure the Will Of The People Transcends The Demands of Special Interests - no meaningful changes will take place ..

Please, check my posting on of yesterday " To Every American Of Voting Age - If You Only Vote Once In Your Lifetime - Do It In 2025 and Make It Count" !!

A long title - but a good read ..

Peter K. Evans (popo)

Polarized? Them or US?

The politicians are polarized because the US voters are polarized. What needs to be recognized is that the US voters are polarized over issues that should be minor in the scope of the US governments role in the lives of American and to a significant exrent, the human race.
We are there because the moneyed interest know the battle for the swing vote gets the most bang-for-the-buck and wins the power of office.

Our job is to find a middle so big that moneyed power brokes can not find a swing vote minority to feed upon. We must tell the electorate the we are the "base" for that majority.

Bill"for what we are together"


That is the best describtion I've heard. You go Bill


NO MAS to the politics of divide/destruction

I agree totally Bill! The issues/differences are actually fairly minor and resolvable if you really stand back and look at them dispassionately and soberly and rationally. It's the monied (and unmonied) special interests PACs and lobbyists on K street and nearby that spin up the differences and make them (the issues) bigger than they really are in order to capture that swing voter with their accumulated fear campaigns and force the politicians into their political cowardice cowering.

These groups like to play the astro-turf politics to the T using their various polls to throw the fear fo God into the voter and the politicians when they tend to inch towards any rational sober compromise that could result in decent moderate implementable policies. They relentlessly beat down any idle demonstrations of political courage by the politicians. Few stand up to them.

These PACs/Lobbyist/K_streeters gravy train is to keep the passions on high and the voters spun up to such an extent that compromise on a bipartisan basis is akin to selling out a constituency. The American voter DOES buy into it esp when the lobbyists and cowering politicians offer up to the electotrate the whole "you can have your cake and eat it to happy talk" vast ends-means disconnects and can-kicking the issues to the next generation.

I think what Unity can do is chart a different course and build from the center the bridges to resolve these issues in a truly bipartisan dispassionate and sober rational way. Unity can differentiate from the other parties and start to say NO MAS to the politics of divide/destruction, ends-means disconnects and getting something for nothing happy talk.


Polarization causes higher ratings and higher ad revenues.

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