Today's Read: "Bipartisan ticket aim of Unity08," The Washington Times.
Andrew Seaman interviews our CEO, Robert Bingham, and discusses how Unity08 will position itself after the primaries.
Check it out!
Tags: Unity08, election, president, government, bipartisan, politics, news and politics, washington times, robert bingham, andrew seaman
TO : Doug, Robert. Bob, The Founders Council ..
I've been trying to force you guys to make a move by my Postings on my blog (read yesterday's it's a dilly) ..
Bob read my answer to your "Does America Know Our Country's In Trouble"
Read yesterday's posting on my blog and read my response to Bob's posting : I've given UNITY08 a Plan That Is Legal, Practical & Dynamite - Properly Implemented .. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE - Sam, Doug, Jerry, Robert CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH WITH TALK OF BIPARTISANSHIP ..
(a) Seeks to provide more public control over Congress & individual members will be strongly opposed by power brokers on both sides of the aisle ..
(b) Seeks Legitimate Public Access to actions by Congress & Individual Members of Congress - will be strongly opposed by power brokers on both sides of the aisle ..
Millions of Potential Delegates & Voters ARE WAITING TO SEE - WHO IF ANYBODY
That is what the Plan I developed and contributed to UNITY08 will do !!!!!!!
IT'S TIME GUYS & GALS - To Tell It Like It Is - And Take The First Step In UNITY08's Journey to Win The White House For The American People in 2025 !!
To SUM UP ..
Read/Digest ..
Yesterday's posting on
My comments responding to Bob's "Does America Know The Country's In Trouble"
Re-read the content of this presentation of fact ..
I'll be standing by for an answer ..
Peter K (popo) Evans
Every single article out there is getting more attention and bringing more people to us. Kudos for that.
The article does, however, pose a valid criticism, which is the disadvantage of not specifically taking stances or identifying candidates. In turn, prospective members don't have something concrete to "grab onto." I understand from recent research that the Unity08 entity, in its current form is not legally (via FEC) able to promote a candidate or position. Is this the case?
Would it be permissible instead to promote a list of candidates that the leadership feels is centrist by simply prefixing them with "like Chuck Hagel" or "Like Mike Bloomberg." That is, without specifically promoting any one candidate, we could still promote ones "like" a certain candidate, and promote why we think those individuals are centrist? Likewise Unity could provide a "centrist" range of ideas for each of the major issues - not concrete, but in the ballpark.
The concern that many of us have outside the official leadership circle is that the leadership is a bit too quiet on the substance part, and should be grooming us towards centrism. It could perhaps be providing anchors by which people who hail from one of the major parties can find common ground. In short, develop "how to think centrist" articles for dems and reps. Unity, as in the process of unification and cooperation, might not flourish on its own; we might need some cultivating.
If the above ideas are not within the realm of "can do" for reasons legal or otherwise, would the leadership recommend or mind that we start are own sites that could promote centrist ideals and use that to refer people to the only real centrist movement out there (Unity08 that is)?
I think one of the things we need to do is to allow people to see the world through the centrist lens just as a site like DailyKOS does for Democrats. In our case it's a greater challenge because we're trying to unite people who hail from an existing party (and all the slogans and beliefs that come with that.) We have to "un-train" to a certain degree; free people from bad soundbites, etc.
Let's do as The Beatles' said: "Come together, right now. Unity." Something like that... ;)
Was I wrong in assuming that the U08 delegates were picking the candidates? Is the U08 leadership or the delegates deciding the issues and their rank? Where are the candidates/issues polls we were told would be available last week? What is the "centrist" stance on illegal immigration, the Iraq war, taxation, government spying on it's citizens, electronic voting, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights?
The delgates pick the candidates. I never suggested otherwise. What I did suggest is some anchoring for those coming here to understand what centrism is, lest they misperceive, for example, that a hard left candidate is centrist because that person carries a significant liberal/democrat bias.
In the end, there is no way to win other than to accept a simple tactical reality: the Unity candidate will have to draw roughly the same amount of votes (1/3) from the Democrat side AND the Republican side. If we field a candidate that appeals almost exclusively to one side, we have lost. Further, the dem vote is going to be harder to win than the rep vote by simple reason that the dems have "waited for this moment for 8 years." You need a candidate that appeals to both sides; no left/right radicalism will work.
There must a centrist "glue" or philosophy in place as we get close to that decision point. It doesn't have to be authoritarian or ultra-specific, but it must be in the ballpark and it must be common knowledge amongst the membership.
If the final vote is a straight up and down vote between 100 candidates, the winner is going to be the one that garners something like 5-10% of the vote. The likelihood of that candidate being centrist is rather slim. Worse, the likelihood of the other 90-95% of the membership losing interest and bailing on Unity08 is increased if there is not some common anchoring in place. Each person voting should have some understanding of this tactical reality and be able to sacrifice a bit of their bias towards the common goal.
This anchoring will have to come from the leadership. It has to come in the form of "in the ballpark" ideas, news stories, and examples (both policy and candidate).
Let's do as The Beatles' said: "Come together, right now. Unity." Something like that... ;)
I agree with both of you on your major points, but the bottom line is that until the U08 leadership gives us the candidates/issues polls to see where the consensus is we are powerless to do much but what we have been doing, discussing the issues/solutions and candidates/stances. Timing will be critical since I don't think we at U08 can effectively choose our candidates until the Dems and GOP select their's or it becomes obvious who they will be. The Dem race is a toss up, and not just between Hillary and Obama. Of the GOP voters who have heard Ron Paul nearly all now back him while the support for any other GOP candidate among those who have not heard of Dr. Paul is soft and fractured with a slight edge at this point going to Fred Thompson. One other thing that is causing me concern about the U08 leadership's lack of constructive involvement is that it leaves us in the position to potentially have a ticket that could cause the very poeple we don't want elected win because of a U08 ticket that will clearly draw votes from one party more than the other.
The bottom line is that the U08 leadership needs to step up to the plate now and get the issues/candidates polls rolling. This would be a huge edge if the candidate(s) U08 delegates favor is not a declared candidate as it would offer leadership the opportunity to approach them to see if they would be willing to run on the U08 ticket.
Give our comments a day to sink in and see what Bob comes out with, one thing I think we all agree on - too many more interviews eithout anything specific to offer - will hurt us
My opinion
Taking action to establish a Legal Basis : To Force All Candidates To Honor Their Oaths Of Offices & Accept & Abide By - A Legally Constituted Peoples Mandate For Political Reform Without Opposition and in A Timely Manner IF ELECTED ..
This action to be taken prior to The General Elections of 2025 ...
Rationale :
The type of Political Reforms we need to solve every single one of our major problems : will require WE THE PEOPLE TO EXERCISE MORE POWER & CONTROL OVER OUR GOVERNMENT FROM 2025 AND BEYOND ..
The power brokers in Congress on both sides of the aisle - their cronies on K Street and in the Main Stream Media : will try to oppose any change in the status quo ..
We have the right and law on our side - let's use it, and make sure our Government Operations subsequent to the Elections of 2025 - are based on a Peoples Agenda, not the Agenda of special interests and crooked politicians.
establish a legal basis to force all candidates to honor their oaths of office and accept and abide by - a legally constituted peoples mandate for political reform without opposition and in a timely manner, if elected... What you are asking for is a dictatorship, which I know you do not support.
What is missing here, of course, is a deliberative process whereby the delegates can post their motions to adopt their political planks and have the general body of delegates vote for the ones they support.
But, apparently, it's going to be the owners of Unity08 making those decisions.
ex animo
David - technically of course you are right : short of putting a gun to their heads etc THAT SAID in the World Of Politics "A REFUSAL TO ACKNOWLEDGE A CONTITUTIONAL RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE & WILLINGNESS TO COMPLY" is widely recognized as POLITICAL SUICIDE !!!
It maybe that the reason Unity 08 is not "grooming us toward centrism" is perhaps the goals (as I would hope) would be to ween us off words like centrist, republican or democrat. If they were to successfully create a widely accepted centrist party I would argue that we would gain only a three party system with the exact same problems that we have today.
I believe that the ultimate goal would be to rid the American public of parties altogether. None of us share the exact same political view as others, and no one view can be considered "right" we all need to come together on controversial decisions as individuals not parties.
I absolutely agree with that last comment. The only way we can get our heads out of the clouds, and back on the issues, is to quit categorizing everyone else, and focus together, despite affiliation!
The reality is that the nearly one billion dollars expended by the major parties is going to shape what people (think they) know about the election. We have little choice but to play Judo with those same words and concepts. Unity's best marketing ploy is precisely in being able to use the words "democrat" and "republican" and fuse the positive aspects of each together with words like "centrist" and "common sense" and "bi-partisan."
The activist minded ones (all of us on here, I would suggest) love "new" words and concepts, but the reality is that we do NOT have the money or time to try to sell the public at large on a new series of buzzwords. We don't have time to re-invent the wheel. We need to work with what's out there and words people who don't follow politics daily understand. Those words need to be the ones that haven't been poisoned with divisiveness like "liberal" or "neo-conservative" but rather ones that form a core at the middle.
In a tactical sense, this entails embracing the non-radical parts of each major party and pulling them to our center. While we can do this through complicated analysis and lucid expounding of thought, the unfortunate reality is that to appeal to the majority of the public, we too will need bumpersticker slogans, and simple adages. That is why words like "centrist" are not only needed, but essential.
Let's do as The Beatles' said: "Come together, right now. Unity." Something like that... ;)
While I agree that"in a tactical sense" There must be something for people to grasp, a collection of similar ideas that represent an alternative. I would hope that the "activist minded" ultimate goal would be to eliminate the need for marketing political and ethical views. For now we must use the system in place, but using marketing to manipulate weak minded or uninvolved people still is not in the best interest of this country. I believe unity 08 is a step in a very necessary direction, one in which the countries best interests are in mind and not the parties financial backers. I would hate to see a project like this become yet another lobbyist for some financial cause.
GP you are on track. my blog is designed to do just what you say - if you will check my response to Bob's message About The Washington Times Interview of our new CEO and Professor Jane Elemes-Crahall of Wilkes University .. YOU'LL SEE WHERE I'M COMING FROM ... AND TRYING TO GO WITH THIS
Pete (popo)Evans
This message is in response to Robert Bingham's statement in the Washington Post article, as listed in Bob Roth's post: Unity08 CEO Interviewed in The Washington Times
Mr. Bingham stated in the article, "...a win for the Unity '08 ticket could have a powerful impact on the political system.
"Nothing changes Washington like a new president. He makes a huge number of appointments, and for the first time, if you had a Unity ticket, they can pick the best people for the job and not necessarily their cronies or the people they are beholden to, to select for the key Cabinet positions and all the way down the chain of 60,000-some appointments that they have to make. How would Congress view this? I think Congress would want to work with the president because the president would have the popular vote behind him."
Apart from the most sophomoric dissertation of presidential power in government I have seen from an employee of Unity08 in a long time, allow me to point out that in a Unity (bipartisan) Ticket, "they", will not be picking anybody. The President, alone, appoints the key members of his Cabinet, "...with the advise and consent of Congress."
One person's crony is another person's loyal supporter. Does anyone in his or her right mind think that these 60,000-some appointments are not going to be picked because of their political loyalty to the president? Especially if the vice-president is from another party or is an Independent. How politically naive can you get?
And you decide this one -- thank about it -- If Unity08 does elect a president and vice-president from different political parties, or even two independents, does anyone but Robert Bingham, CEO, Unity08, believe Congress is really going to want to work with president who defected from their own party, at best, when they, themselves, have just been elected to Congress from their own districts, from their own party?
I don't know where Robert Bingham or Unity08 came up with these wild political theories, but they are not true and will only result in disappointment for many who believe in such political bunk.
ex animo
Having read all of your reforms, ask yourself which one's have highest priority and a chance of being enacted without a majority control (67%) of Congress. We can't rely on Congress changing any of these issues without a veto override majority in Congress. Some of our corrupt politicians have been doing what they want, regardless of how "We the People" feel about the Issues for decades. Until this issue is addressed and changed, then it is business as usual. It is sad, but true.
Big business has been running this country for a long time and that is why we are in the situation we are in today. De-regulation started it all, way back in 1984 with the break-up of AT&T and progressed to the utilities etc. and the rest is history. We have technology that was developed back in the 1970's that would have run automobiles on 60% gas & 40% water, but the oil companies bought the technology and shelved it. I guess that is why they are having record profits today. They do not want us to become oil independant as it is crucial to their bottom line. You can't blame them for wanting to be profitable. So if technology is developed that will hamper their profitability, they will fight it with their last dollar. Look what happened to General Motors ZEV (all electric vehicle) with Texaco buying the patents and manufacturer of the batteries that ran the car. These are the hurdles that "We the People" face. Each industry, ie power utilities, do not want alternatives to power production unless they have a slice of the pie. Look at your power bill, why is the fuel adjustment charge more than your usage charge, figure it out, it is called Greed by me, but they have lobbied the respective Public Service Commissions to allow them this charge with no ongoing oversite. Look at their rate of return, it has doubled since they were deregulated. This scenario permeates our country and the really sad thing about it, is that over 35% of these utilities are owned by foreign entities.
Sooner I hope, than later, America will wake up and "Take Back Our Country". I think Unity 08 is a good start, but to succeed, we need to pull this country together. There is power in the masses, as we control the vote in each state, which is where this has to start. Yes we control the Presidential outcome, but if we give him/her a "Lame Duck" Congress, he/she will be unsuccessful in making changes. The time is now to start looking for legislators in your state up for re-election, to seed our candidates and support change to our ideals. I look forward to your comments. Lets "Take Back Our Country" in 2025.
You do it in a way that's confrontational and counterproductive, I too recognized the opportunity Robert lost - lost because almost everyone including Unity08 Founders Council, have yet to accept the reality of the situation ..
The Presidential Debates Have Produced Nothing Tangible, The Campaigns Are Producing Nothing Tangible .. All We are hearing from the Mouths Of The Politicians and Their Cronies In The MSM - IS EACH PARTY WILL GIVE US WHAT THEY'VE FAILED TO GIVE US SINCE 1947 - AND THE OTHER PARTY ARE CROOKS AND LIER'S ...
And Right Now - My Problem With Sam, Jerry, Doug and Now Robert IS : Unity08 is missing Valuable Opportunities To SHOW UNITY08 HAS SOMETHING TANGIBLE TO OFFER .. With All Humility "Popopete's Plan That WILL BREAK THE GRIDLOCK, ELIMINATE THE SPECIAL INTEREST PANDERING, AND TAKE BACK THE COUNTRY FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE !!!
I'm a reasonably intelligent person with over 60 years of applicable life experiences, do you think for one second I'd be wasting my time fighting this battle IF I WASN'T POSITIVE I HAD THE RIGHT ANSWER !!
CURE THE DISEASE - the Symptoms will disappear ..
Peter K (popo) Evans
or it may not be good for the country. Do you think it's Sam, Jerry, Doug or Robert's job to accept or reject your plan or the delegates' prerogative?
I really don't know where you are going with this. You seem to be begging the Unity08 leadership to adopt your plan over the wishes of the delegates.
So, Peter, please tells us who do you think should pass judgement on your plan, the Unity08's leadership or Unity08's delegates?
ex animo
everyone thinks they have the right answer. thinking so does not make it so
David - as usual you are partly right : I've sought support for my Plan from Delegates - On The Unity08 Website and provided a supporting Rationale, I've Presented my Plan on my Blog in several postings - with supporting Rationales ...
It may surprise you to know, I had over 2,000 hits per day while these postings were on AND - The only people that visit my blog are people in the US and 14 other Countries that are interested what's going on in American Politics right now ..
David - get a life, quit knocking what other people do just to make yourself feel good - it doesn't work !!
Pete Evans
I am unaware of any motion you have made on any plank of your plan for its adoption by the participants of the Unity08 Shoutbox forum, and having it seconded, an essential first step for its adoption by the delegates of Unity08.
If you wish to have your planks voted upon, I would suggest you follow this procedure. In studying your plan, in detail, I, myself, would probably second many of them, if a proper motion is made.
ex animo
Let's see if you and I can make some headway for the sake of UITY08 ..
You tend to be sarcastic - I tend to be opinionated and stubborn - But I know My My Subject Better than most - and when I know I'm Right I don't budge .. Let's See if I can make you and everyone else in UNITY08 Understand where I'm Coming from ..
In 1964 as part of a Consulting Assignment - I Had Cause To Study The Powers Of The American People - The "Entitlement Of The United States Supreme Court & The United States Government" AND The Actual Internal Operating Policies & Procedures Of The UNited States Congress (The People Elected By Us To Manage Our Money & Our Lives) ..
Because IT BECAME CLEAR THAT WE WERE PLACING OUR LIVES, WELFARE & SECURITY IN THE HANDS OF "PERFECT STRANGERS" - I Examined The Process We Used TO : Hire them, Empower Them, Monitor Their Performance and Our Process To Hold Them Accountable ..
I learned in 1964 - That The American People (The Sovereign Power AND THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONDUCT OF THE GOVERNMENT) Had NO PROCESS IN PLACE TO PROPERLY VET CANDIDATES BEFORE THEY WERE ELECTED & SENT TO DC -- THERE WAS NO PROCESS IN PLACE TO EFFECTIVELY MONITOR THEIR CONDUCT PERFORMANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY .. There was clear evidence of incompetence and corruption within both parties - that those with honor and integrity could do little about ..
There was Millions of The Tax Payers hard earned Dollars that couldn't be accounted for - nobody knows or will tell who got it - under the GSA there was Billions in NO BID Contracts ...
A very simple study of events that have occurred - since 1964 : TELLS A STORY MILLIONS OF AMERICANS MUST NOT IGNORE - AS WE FACE THE ELECTIONS OF 2025 ..
To allow perfect strangers and/or people we already have reason to doubt or mistrust, to control our lives and the lives of our loved ones IS NOTHING SHORT OF INSANE ..
My Plan is simple - it is constitutionally & morally right - and embraces all the recognized/accepted principles of sound management !!
AND Anticipating a possible question about why I didn't so something about this before : I did and its a matter of Public Record - I warned President Nixon, Ted Kennedy, Gerald Ford (then A Senator, Margaret Chase-Smith and numerous others - Obviously to no avail..
I started this move with my own blog in 2025, when UNITY08 was created - I saw an opportunity to join forces with people like me : people who recognize how bad things really are .. I had something to offer of value - Information and Ideas that could "pin-point" the core issue - and point the way to the needed First Step .. Regaining Our Right and Ability To Control The Conduct Of Our Government.
Viet-Nam, Iraq, Iran, Open Borders, the disaster of our Levees and Katrina, Moral and Fiscal Bankruptcy - EVERY ONE A SYMPTOM - OF THE REAL DISEASE, Lack Of Wisdom, Dedication and Integrity - NOT JUST ON THE PART OF POLITICIANS -
As the Sovereign Power - we have the Responsibility To Create The Agenda For The Nation's Future, we screwed up when we became so wrapped up in enjoying the benefits of American Citizenship - we didn't have time to do what it takes to defend and protect it ..
SO here we are facing the most important Election of our lives - and what are we and our politicians focused on - if the rhetoric from the debates and campaigns - and most of the comments on the UNITY08 Website tell the story ..
If the current Delegates of UNITY08 - can start building an agenda on the foundation I've proposed - We Will Have Something Millions of Americans Are Looking For and Haven't Found Yet : People with a Plan That Can - Eliminate Political Gridlock and Special Interest Pandering - once and for all !!
David - read this with an open mind, Unity08 does have access to everything it will take to make this happen - even if-they don't realize it yet.
Peter K (popo) Evans
I'm sorry popo, but the admission that you have been at this since 1964 and have made no progress should tell you what sort of potential your proposal has in the future.
I like you popo, I really do. I think you have a lot to offer, but I just see you wasting your time on this proposal thing.
No piece of paper enforced by a judge is going to solve our problems. Its asking the fox to police the henhouse.
To join the U08 Delegate Council Online Community send an email to
I've answered your question - fully and completely
But even the best of plans, without a means of implementation, is just talk. What I am interested now is, how to do you propose to implement your plan with Unity08?
Are you suggesting that somebody in the leadership of Unity08 wave their magic wand, as they have done with all other decisions concerning Unity08, or are you suggesting the planks to your platform be properly placed before the delegate membership of Unity08 for their approval or disapproval?
As I have said, I support most of your planks, but disagree with others. However, the only way I know to gage the delegate support of the planks in your plan is for you to motion and have them seconded -- unless you want me to make the motion?
ex animo
But sometimes you might be over estimating this forum. Some folks are just hanging around to see if they can create a game in which they can be the score keeper.
Bill"for what we are together"
does everyone here understand the concept of non partisan????? probably no...the general concept is not to nominate someone that has only u r ideas...there are already 2 non functioning parties doing this....i know i am not the first to mention this...but why when i watch c i see almost no politicans that seem to understand that i can not afford their grandieur ideals....yes it would be great for a lot of things to happen..but i seem to miss the concept from this govt..personal accountability and responsibility...and...the concept that the government that they are bleeding me to s chip program..that gives medical insurance to anyone citizen or not ....what planet am i living on what country am i living in..lately not the one i have spent 63 yrs in
Rhowlier, would love to see your "non-partisan" political platform. I'm not kidding. Here, it's your turn to take the "magic-wand-of-reform" and start reforming our government for the better.
The process is simply. All you have to do is take an issue -- one issue at a time, please -- and in one paragraph explain what you see is the problem and solution. After which, you write out your motion in as clear and concise language as you can. If your motion is seconded, I, for one, will seriously consider it and judge it accordingly. Fair enough?
ex animo
AND WE ARE ON OUR WAY .. to building a consensus that Focuses On And Cures The Disease that created the afflictions we call : War, Social & Fiscal Peril, Dependence on Foreign Oil and Credit, Questioning Of America's Values & Place In World Society, Present & Future !!
Even the Founders themselves - may not realize the true value of the vehicle they've created in UNITY08, I can tell many of the current delegates - including you, GEA, GP - have yet to comprehend its true value and the opportunity it affords us, all Americans of Voting Age .. and less fortunate people throughout this whole planet we call Earth ..
GEA asked why - since I've been at this since 1964 I haven't gotten anywhere, the answer is simple : I was fighting alone and trying to raise a family and build a new life here in America - I had to give up the fight in the 60's ..
CONDITIONS ARE IDEAL Fortunately or unfortunately) NOW TO FORCE CHANGE .. Millions More Are Madder More Scared and Understand Their Government has put them squarely behind the 8 Ball ..
Presidential Debates and Campaign Rhetoric - Offer Nothing Tangible Toward Changing Things Dramatically For "We The People" : there will still be no means of effectively controlling incompetence and corruption - there will still be Members of Congress with family Members that Are Lobbyists for Special Interests, There will still be Pandering to the Big Money supporter of the Two Major Parties .. THE NEW ETHICS BILL JUST PASSED IN THE HOUSE IS A BAND AID TO COVER UP A SORE THAT WILL CONTINUE TO FESTER & POISON OUR POLITICIANS AND SCREW THE AMERICAN PEOPLE !!
This time I vowed not to give up the fight for the changes I KNEW WERE NEEDED NO MATTER WHAT, my Family and my Neighbors have feared for my life because of the charges I've made against our Government - Charges that are being viewed by people interested in America and its Politics - in 14 Countries besides America !!
I saw the opportunity UNITY08 offered me : to come together with people seeking answers and solutions, answers and solutions I could provide ..
When I attended the meeting in Washington - I made it clear to Doug Bailey, the Staff - and other Delegates present THAT : My Agenda Was Already Established and on Line - that I would not change my Agenda - and as long as our objectives remained the same - "To Take Back Our Country For The American People" - I would support UNITY08 and contribute the information and solutions I'd already developed .. AS A FOUNDING DELEGATE - AT LARGE, I HAVE KEPT MY WORD .. and I'm keeping it here and now ..
Starting - right here and now, with this message and final comments to David Farrar : I hope to implement a re-action in UNITY08 that Starts a groundswell that Can Become A TSUNAMI FOR CHANGE BY JUNE of 2025 !!
Once we've cleared the legal hurdle - Take My Case To The Founders Council to adopt the plan as the foundation upon which to build the UNITY08 Agenda !!
I intend to present my case as expressed herein - on my blog before the middle of next week.
David, I'm opinionated, I'm stubborn - and when I know I'm right - I dont budge an inch .. REMEMBER .. CURE THE DISEASE - THE SYMPTOMS WILL DISAPPEAR -Disregard The Disease And Life As We Know It Will Cease To Exist !!
Peter K (Citizen) Evans of Boynton Beach, Florida
This message is a in response to popo's post:David do that with my last response to you ..
While it is prudent to submit your plans for legal review, as any political plank adopted by Unity08 must be, I am sadden to hear you simply want to ignored the vital part delegates can, and must play, not only in the support of Unity08's political platform, but in its development as well.
What you are saying is, you have a plan which you believe is so great, so wonderful, so beneficial to all, it need not be placed before the delegates of Unity08 for their review, developement, and support, only the leadership of Unity08 for their approval. You further believe that once the leadership of Unity08 adopts your plan as their own gospel, the rest of the delegates will blindly follow their leadership -- I think you may have a point there. Why else would you be so determined to seek Unity08's leadership support over that of the delegate general body?
In a way, Peter, I really can't blame you for feeling as you do. After all, the four owners of Unity08 are busy following virtually the same script, for the same reason. The only difference is, they haven't adopted your plan as their own yet, and that is making you mad.
ex animo
The promise of the candidates/issues polls seems to have been an empty one. A people's movement would imply in our case that the delegates would rate issues and candidates and select candidates thusly. The leadership is not leading and I suspect because it is because they don't like the direction U08 is headed. Watch for the tent to fold before the show starts.
The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Join the Ron Paul Revolution and get a free country!
And remember, if it is on the internet the revolution will find it!
HC, I have a rule - I wont cast my lot with ANYONE I HAVEN'T MET FACE TO FACE and had a chance to get inside their head : I took the trouble to fly up to DC to attend the meeting AND SPEND AN EXTRA DAY JUST TO MEET WITH DOUG BAILEY PRIVATELY (even he didn't know this until now) ..
It's because of that meeting and the opportunity to visit UNITY08's own Offices the next day - and talk with Doug Bailey without others present - THAT I DECIDED TO CAST MY LOT WITH UNITY08 ..
UNITY08 IS BREAKING NEW GROUND it has to move carefully TO BE ABLE TO STAY THE COURSE, this I can assure you - if we do our jobs as Delegates UNITY08 will not only stay the course : IT WILL WIN THE WHITE HOUSE & ACHIEVE ITS OBJECTIVE TO TAKE BACK THE COUNTRY FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE !!
I'm a realist, I'm sure there's moments when Doug Bailey Jerry Rafshoon and Hamilton Jordan - click on the website and see some of the dialog there, they wonder if we the people are willing and able to rise to the occasion and take advantage of the opportunity they are providing - I sure would : that said ...
HC, I for one am convinced - if I'm effective in getting UNITY08 and the Delegates to adopt my plan, and our dedicated delegates and trail blazers do their part - there will be any number of Potential Winning Candidates Knocking on Our Door - willing to Fight for Our Agenda ..
Hang in there with me - and we can make this happen.
YOU SEE THE GLASS HALF EMPTY and you are too damn ignorant and lazy - to realize you have to seek out water and fill it !!
I think you like to test me David - you are in way over your head, now go play with your toys and let us grown ups get down to the the job of saving the future for you and your family !!!
This really id ....................QED for u from popo !!
You and the boys have all the right answers. Us mere delegates just need to sit down, shut up and rubber-stamp your grand plans.
Tell me, Peter, how is this any different than any of the other political parties?
ex animo
Looking at our Constitution as being partly intact rather than being partly destroyed is foolish. There are some issues where nothing but a full glass is acceptable.
"Moderate Centrist Politicians" from both parties just voted to give Bush and Gonzalez more authority to spy on us, and before that the money to keep the quagupation in Iraq going at a cost of $275,000,000 every single day.
Do we want these Moderate Centrist Politicians to represent America? Not I.
I want Outsider Politicians who represent Moderate Centrist America!
If Unity08 is going to select apparatus politicians who want to maintain the status quo, then it will become the third wheel of the problem.
Opinionated Ed, the only real way to arrive at a true centralist political platform for Unity08 is to employ some consensus-building software and allow the delegates, themselves, to propose, develop, and vote on their own political platform. What the leadership of Unity08 is presently undertaking is nothing short of a blatant attempt to manipulate this process. Peter, a so called "founding delegate", realizes this only too well and is willing to play along as long as the process adopts his agenda in the end.
ex animo
[Peter, a so called "founding delegate"...]
Wow, a "Nukem Newt" supporter is a founder here?
I definitely will never support the kind of bipartisanship (corporations and religion for class warfare and imperialism) Newt brought to Congress in 1994.
I want delegates who will stop unnecessary wars, help the middle class and poor, and protect the constitution.
That is 180 degrees from Newt.
Yes, I won't forgive Newt either. But his rhetoric on his website and publishing in recent years is suppose to be his new coat....wool, I think.
But that rhetoric could be seen as much closer to the 'center'.
Bill"for what we are together"
Gingrich is one of the progenitors of our current red state/blue state debacle. He is a charlatan of low character. He would be a horrible choice for Unity '08.
--Think also of the comfort and rights of others
Completely agree. Newt represents partisanship at it's ugliest. We have had enough "dividers".
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ
When you have a tough and complex job to be done that's urgent and vital : you pick the person with the most experience and best track record in all the pertinent areas -
Newt's Leadership Ability and Dedication To America's Safety & Security IS A WELL ESTABLISHED FACT ..
Further ,, in recent months when everyone else was caught up in the Democratic/Republican FEUD AND PARTISANSHIP GRIDLOCK . Newt Gingrich developed and implemented a Bipartisan Program to get both sides working together to move this country forward ..
To me, A President is a tool to do a specific job - it's all the better if they have lived an exemplary life (so few of us have) : I've studied all the candidates - words and deeds, not one of them possess the proven inventory of skills and depth of experience to match that of Mr. Speaker, Newt Gingrich .. that said, I will vote for any suitable alternative selected by a Delegate majority !!
Peter K (popo) Evans
ps be sure to click on Sundays posting on
[When you have a tough and complex job to be done that's urgent and vital: you pick the person with the most experience and best track record in all the pertinent areas]
Experience does not make a leader. Saddam had experience as did many other bad people. I prefer a leader with experience doing what's best for America, not just the wealthy. Note: I am not comparing Newt to Saddam as a person.
[Newt's Leadership Ability and Dedication To America's Safety & Security IS A WELL ESTABLISHED FACT]
So Newt admits that it was wrong to attack Iraq for oil, and wants to leave within six months?
[Further, in recent months when everyone else was caught up in the Democratic/Republican FEUD AND PARTISANSHIP GRIDLOCK. Newt Gingrich developed and implemented a Bipartisan Program to get both sides working together to move this country forward ..]
Forward to you is reverse to me. Newt is a class warrior out to punish the middle class and poor.
[To me, A President is a tool to do a specific job - it's all the better if they have lived an exemplary life (so few of us have) : I've studied all the candidates - words and deeds, not one of them possess the proven inventory of skills and depth of experience to match that of Mr. Speaker, Newt Gingrich .. that said, I will vote for any suitable alternative selected by a Delegate majority !!]
Then I seriously doubt your mental, moral and intellectual capacity to serve as a delegate for anything but the far right wing of the Republican Party.
At first I wanted to respond with the same sarcasm that you put into your posting - then I realized this wouldn't do either of us or UNITY08 any good ..
The last thing I can be accused of is being far anything, I am a retired fairly successful businessman - that learned very early in life what it takes to insure success in any venture .. my judgment in that respect served me well for over 60 Years - good habits die hard ..
I'm sorry you chose to attack my intelligence and credibility as a delegate -it doesn't help anybody including you ..
Stay well - and please .. go to, Today's Posting - I think you'll get a charge out of it ..
You have a political agenda you believe will save the country, but you are not interested in putting it before the delegate membership for their approval. You want the leadership of Unity08 to simply adopt your plan and force the delegate body to accept it as a fait accompli. Peter, that's not how a democracy works. That is how a dictatorship operates.
Has the thought ever occurred to you, Peter, your plan may not be the right one to adopt?
Are you really so hopelessly committed to your plan, you can't see what you are saying? What you are suggesting? What you have become?
Peter, get a grip. Why on earth would Unity08's leadership adopt your political fantasy when they are busy creating their own?
ex animo
David, it seems to me Peter has a very solid framework. If we simply get behind the candidates we feel are the best, we are still getting behind the people who have created our dire situation.
We should indeed draw up a platform that is a written contract. To be eligible to receive votes from unity08 members a candidate must have executed the agreement. The key to such a movement is having enough members in each state to give unity08 power.
Bill Koontz
Whether Peter has a very solid framework or he doesn't isn't my point. What Peter is saying is that his plan is so perfect it need not be placed before the delegate membership for their support or rejection. That's not democracy. That's tyranny in my book.
Secondly, when have you ever heard of a presidential candidate actually adopting, in toto, the political platform of any political party? If you want to believe in Peter's political fantisy that just because a presidential candidate signed a Unity08 contract prior to being elected, he or she is going to be bound by said contract after reciting the oath of office you may, but I can tell you, that whole idea is simply ridiculous and will not be legally binding.
Now, if you are suggesting that Unity08's delegates adopt a political platform, fine. I have no problem with that. However, the four owners of Unity08 never intended to form an actual third party. As a result, even if Unity08 somehow managed to elect a president and vice-president, there will be no way to enforce its platform after the election.
However, do not be disheartened. There are plenty of other Unity08 delegates who believe to be politically effective, Untiy08 must become a viable political their party. If you would like to join a discussion group to address this issue, please go to The Unity Cyber Party Yahoo Group
ex animo
The Unity Cyber Party
Check out my youtube page and discuss/debate my proposal for a change.
Robert G.
This is not spam, just wanting feedback! Thanks, again.
You might want to go to: The motion has been seconded and give us five stares of support. Thank you.
ex animo
Unity 'O8 needs to have a discussion board forum for anyone interested in creating a better online experience for arguing, I mean coming up with strategic ideas. Also, if there are already questions of a rift between executives and delgates then the organization as a whole will be split.
There needs to be clear communication, with a clear vision and action steps. We also need to hear from the delegates, someone above was asking for their plan to be viewed on you tube and it was the second request. Someone should already have watched it and given feedback.
Now I am a fresh Newbie, but I can tell already that there is still a lot of doubt in this forum.
Also, I do not know how many delegates there are or who they are if there is, I missed it. If there is not a list, can we get one please.
We also need to be aware that the US is vast, and we likely wont be able to reach everyone, but we can energize a lot of people if we do it right. I would not talk about canidates or contracts until 2 months before the vote. One month before the vote I would solicit video interviews from the canidates who support our Initiatives. The first thing that I feel should be tackled is to get as many people as we can to truly answer this question:
What are the main initiatives for the US for 2025-2012?
We should spend about, oh lets say, the next 6 months to get people to answer this question while we simultaneously recruit membership and continue working on a plan to get as many voices in the "room" as possible.
get as many people as you can to answer that one question for six months. Next, set up tons of online places where people can answer and debate that question. Then for the next two months take all of that data and the current membership and leadership of unity 08 craft an Issues Statement that is released to the "public" (hopefully-a good number of people will already be involved by then) and we solicit feedback on that statement from everone who gave initial input and their next of kin (voting age of course). Unity 08 can then take a month to take that feedback and make changes to the 08-12 agenda. Once all of that hard work is done, we should bring the canidates into the fold. They of couse will be watching us closely the whole time, as we will already be getting a lot of attention from voters and media. Finally, use my suggesstion from above about how to select the canidate. Depending on the actual date you were looking at for next summer, some of the timetables might need adjusting, but that what I feel would be the best process to geet us there.
Just saying hello and giving my initial thoughts.
john spalding
p.s. I also feel that a Constitutional Convention needs to occur before the end of this decade. I think that if it is used properly, some necessary conversations can be held. This is one agenda item that I would like to see.
I am glad that you are here and contributing.
We have asked and, in fact, ran our own poll on the issue of allowing the delegates to create their own "Delegate Council" within the structure of Unity08, as a means of bringing into focus a collective voice of the delegates, as a body. To date this request has simply been ignored by the Unity08 leadership. I think you will find that any issue or question you might have with the leadership of Unity08 will be ignored by them if it doesn't actually fit in with their overall game plan.
I would suggest you spend some time reading some of these posts. They're actually quite interesting. There are several Google groups dedicated to discussing various aspects of Unity08. You might want to go to some of them as well. I will leave their hosts to invite you to join them.
I have my own, of course. It's at: The Unity Cyber Party Yahoo Group
ex animo
The Unity Cyber Party