We began distributing the first member vote email invitation yesterday (Friday). There was a slight bug in the first batch that we corrected quickly. I will be sending the invitations out in batches over the next week. So far, the response has been fantastic. I appreciate your patience.
Intro copy from the invitation...
"This is not just research for a couple hundred - it is an actual vote of all Unity08 members. You and all members can directly shape Unity08 priorities on issues, candidate qualifications, and even Unity08 operations. There are no criteria for who can participate and we hope that every single member participates!"
I look forward to your input!
I just completed the "First Vote". The "blueline" continually showed the results of my answers, but they were not correct. It seemed the further I went into the questions, the more the posted "results" did not correspond to the responses I was entering.
Thus, sorry guys, I will not trust any "vote" results that get posted on this website.
leiftheduckfan, you should have received an "Updated" email that had a link that was your unique link. If you did not, please send me an email to the address listed below. Make sure that you include the study link that was in your invitation email if you send anything to me.
Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com
**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**
I have received not one e-mail since I joined this site. Signed up as a Delegate. Put a button on My myspace that I use, as does many real family and real friends. I have posted on here without feedback. I specifically am waiting a response to a post regarding getting Unity08 fired up, and Thompson stepping up to take the position of candidate. You can find it on recent Posts under Sam on "Morning Joe". I did not sign up to either have a candidate choose for me, Nor compromise the election with a 3rd party candidacy. People need to keep in mind that Bush was not an elected but a court appointed President, there can be no rational argument with Gore winning the Popular Vote by a half million votes, but not the Electoral vote.
I would like some answers about this site and very soon. Is this a true forum for Americans to talk, debate, prioritize, try to come to UNITY, with issues that divide so many Americans here at this present time. This is the Vote of OUR lifetime, and that is not a slogan, that is Fact. Just FYI I have been writing that this is the Vote of OUR lifetime, long before I learned of this site from Sam on Morning Joe.
I am not on here to have Thompson ride in on a white horse in the last hour. I joined as an American for change. I already know that we have many faces trolling as one. It is who says the same thing in the right way and it be just as meaningless as everything is now. How many members are on this site? I know that there truly is the majority from all sides that are sick of all the Words, meaningless, empty words coming out of the mouths of most of the candidates. Ron Paul does make the best case for Americans. But does he stand a chance at the presidency, I doubt that. But then again, he is a magnet of people like us that are really ready to put the Constitution, The Will of the People( included in that is our health, freedoms, privacies...). I am sorry that I appear to be rambling, with horrible fragmented grammar here, but I am very much looking for an answer. As I posted last night, I gave 30 private e-mails and was proud to be part of something new, Americans, from all walks of life, wanting to come together and make HUGE changes or even honestly try to make real changes for "We the People". New, another thing I have saw post from "06". New? OK I am going to shut up and hope that I get some anwsers. Because I do not want to come on here and talk friends and family into reading and joining, to find out this is nothing more than a Campaign fund and backdoor draft for Thompson. I know nothing about this man, other than he found humor in making fun of Moore for making a movie, trying to bring Issue with Our Healthcare to the fore front, which like him or not, he is right! Yes and he is making money!!Instead of killing in Iraq for OIL, we should be preventing 18 thousand plus dying every year because they can not get the healthcare they need. To add 30,000+ coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
If we have to look so hard to find...Is it Really Worth It? To Someone, Yes!
Barbara Dietrich, R.N.
barb i am curious as to why you think this is a backdoor draft for thompson?
i must have missed something. if you are correct then i am done with unity 08'. thompson has never stood for anyhting except big business. the best best thing he ever did for our country was when he got out of politics and went to tv in my opinion.
thank you.
Barb, more than a few "worthwhile candidates" are starting to look into UNITY08's ideas and potential agenda : you as a delegate will get to pick the brains of each of them - and contribute to our demands on them ie you will help pick the agenda - and the candidate we decide to back for the Presidency ..
This much you can count on : Whoever UNITY08 Selects as its Ticket in 2025 WILL BE COMMITTED TO A PEOPLES AGENDA FOR ELIMINATION OF PARTISANSHIP, INCOMPETENCY & CORRUPTION - and compliance with Our Constitution, Bill Of Rights and sound management operating policies & procedures - IF I HAVE MY WAY !!
For more - click on www.america-21stcentury,com
I also signed up (twice) and never received a confirmation email. I signed up after seeing Waterson on O'Reilly. I thought the site might have been inundated with requests, but days later, still nothing.
Contact [email protected] and the team will look at your account to see if the emails were delivered. It is likely a spam filter issue with the email client that you use. Thanks!
Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com
**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**
That is strange. I sent an email asking all sorts of questions right after I signed up. Will Fogel responded within a few days. I also participated in the recent survey with no hitches. I am more interested in seeing their financial report at this point.
Did not receive any such email invitation.
Phil, we are sending them out in batches. You should receive your invite soon.
Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com
**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**
'People control the govt OR the govt controls the people'
Should there be recent updates from Unity08 after June? I have not found any messages, not even in the spam folder.
Best wishes for 2025 and 2025!
The article even said a few went out with bugs that they immediately fixed. If that one, quickly fixed, error is your basis for not ever voting again then who needs your short sided opinion anyway?
Peace on ya,
I too had the same problem. I sent an email about this discrepancy. Bob Roth responded and said that corrections were being made.
Voting should not be taken lightly. If mistakes are occurring within the electronic technology, I think the entire vote should be thrown away and Mr. Roth should start over. This way the delegates can be assured that it was just a first start screw up, and that the voting mess was thrown away with a new vote being initiated. This will renew the trust in the Delegates that Unity08 wants to above board.
Mr. Roth, please start over with the First Vote for the American Agenda.
Thank you
Barbara Johnson
Manhattan Beach, CA
When I posted a answer wrong I hit "back" and than re-selected the proper answer point on the line, it did not show until I answered the following question...So If you can have it so if someone hits "back" it takes the question away that would be cool...Or easier to get a hang of maybe.
I had a bit of a glitch when I went back once, but nothing too serious. It was all pretty smooth sailing.
Peace on ya,
The line thing was about the new american agenda?
To join the U08 Delegate Council Online Community send an email to
[email protected]
Yes, this first vote will rank the issues that the membership deems the most important. We will do this several times leading up to the convention.
Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com
**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**
What steps have been taken, if any, to prevent sockpuppetry (aka, where one person creates a bunch of different accounts to influence the results unfairly)?
Which is also why Unity08's delegate numbers are not to be trusted...
Jeff C
[email protected]
Why not consider bowing out of this group so you wont have to worry about the numbers.I'm sure you will be missed...Good Bye
Sorry to bother you with my statement, but in a political organization the number of current members serves to communicate a sense of viability to potential supporters. This is even more true with Unity08, since it is by design a populist organization. So if Unity08 is intentionally or unintentionally misleading the public with regard to the delegate numbers, it could be damaging to the future growth of the organization in a caustic political environment that is stacked heavily against a third party.
It is a known fact that Unity08 has had trouble meeting membership goals since its inception. There is also credible evidence that some delegates were (and possibly still are) registered more than once. This is a reasonable basis for skepticism, and something Unity08 must address as it moves forward - even if I do decide to "bow out".
Thanks for your concern,
Jeff C
[email protected]
I was going to respond but as I waited for the form to emerge I said that you really do not warrent a response. Tell me what you like about this site.
How do you know people who desire to be delegates are US citizens qualified to vote?
I am waiting for your considered solution to the problen you have raised....I'm sure you have the answer.
Beware movements like this Unity '08 movement to put two people who are diametrically opposed in philosophy on the same ballot.
These groups Ed in '08, Unity '08, Carbon Coalition, Priorities NH, all showing up at conservative events trying to infiltrate. Run 'em out on a rail!
In NO WAY does a good conservative like Ron Paul want to be associated with socialists like Richardson or Gravel or socialists in disguise as Democrats.
This is just a way to diffuse the freedom movement and promote the agenda of the NWO (carbon tax, and all the other nonsense the UN wants)
Please do NOT fall for it! Use your head. Why does Ron Paul NOT associate with the wackjobs like Cindy Sheehan and other anti-war, anti-Bush people? Because as he says, "they have another agenda".
Yes folks, globalism. I mean doesn't it throw up a red flag that SAM WATERSTON is part of this? His dad directed me in a few productions, and they are nice people but whoaaaaaaa, NO WAY do his political views fit with the freedom movement.
Consider yourselves educated.
NO EMAIL REACHED MY BOX, in fact other that the thanks for the donation and welcome I have gotten ZILCHO from y'all
Newt Gingrich/Joseph Liberman
Pray for the Shalom of Jerusalem
According to our records, you were sent an e-mail on the 26th. It may have been caught by a Spam filter. If you need us to resend the message, please e-mail [email protected] and let us know.
It is time for the US to pull all our troops out of the middle east and to stop the assistance, military and financial, to the apartheid state of Isreal. We need a President who puts America first not a continuation of the failed neocon policies that Newt and LIEberman would be.
The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!
Join the Ron Paul Revolution and put America first for a change!
It is not "now" the time to pull "all" of our troops out of Iraq. The next president will undoubtedly bring back a substantial number because the present one is too stiff necked to even consider it as an option. It may also not be the best thing to do for the Iraqis until their political situation is clarified. Putting America first is so self centered and selfish I'm almost prepared to call HC an antisemite. Has he ever been to the Middle East, or read about the Israeli peace movement? In no way is Israel an apartheid state as defined by the South African model. Israelis wanted to build homes and live peacefully within the West Bank and Gaza, but their lives were threatened by Hamas and eventually, due to an inablitiy to secure their lives, their own government removed them. Are these the actions of an apartheid government?
It is beyond me that people running for polital office are always the ones that earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. To become president they are willing to take a pay cut of a couple of hundred thousand. Don't give me the malarky that they want to serve the people. They just want to line their pockets from the perks and insider corrupt info they get when serving in a high polital office. Am I bitter? You're damn right, I'm sick of all these elitist clowns that are robbing this country blind. How come a working stiff that has been beating his brains out for years to support his family can't become president? Why don't the Republicans or Democrats throw a couple of hundred million at some average honest hard working "Joe Schmoe" and let him run for high political office? Cuz an honest person wouldn't cut them in on the gravy train, nor would the honest joe want to be part of it.
You know for years I havent voted for the same reason.People would call me on the phone and say who are you voting for and I would say,am I running.There would be a pulse and they would say,excuse me and I would say when a person runs that held a real job where they work and sweat pay taxes and worry if there going to make there rent call me.I really think this is best way to get the person we need and want.People that are in power now have book smarts but are life dumb and dont have a clue what it takes to run this country anymore and It saddens me to know that when we need a strong leader that we are left with little or no choice for a real leader.Well as for me im going to try what unity8 is doing and if they fail or if it turns out to be like all the rest malarky that we been fed over the years I'll never vote again
You are brilliant...two canidates for president...Your excused.
Ddwartt says Edwards for Prez. A multi millionare who makes probably 500 thousand plus per year wants to take a pay cut to be Prez. Get real.
Some of us have overactive spam filters and had to reregister with Unity'08. Will we be added to this round of emails?
I was hoping that Unity 08 was for real. I was wrong. Full of Liberals bashing America. If you want to vote for a Socialist like Edwards, well, he is a Democrat so you can vote Dem. No need to have Unity 08 if all ya want to do is vote Liberal. Just vote Dem and all your Socilistic dreams will come true. Seems like this Unity 08 is just a place to put a bunch a names in a hat and then draw one out and say HERE HE IS, OUR candidate. This is really silly stuff. Back to the drawing board...........
Please be aware the this discussion forum is exactly that; a means for people to talk about whatever they wish. We do our best to keep the discussions on topic. The intent of Unity08 is not to draw names out of a hat. We will engage in a winnowing process and an online, secure vote to determine our nominees next summer.
Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com
**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**
Good point Walter, we need to get rid of all remaining forms of socialism in this country. To start we can trash Social Security and Medicare, they're for deadbeats who are sick and old.
Then we can gut communal projects like our schools, roads, defense readiness, police, fire, hospitals, and regulatory agencies. As rugged individualists we don't need none of that girly-man fluff.
With all the money we save we can eliminate taxes on the dividends and capital gains of the Americans who matter more than the deadbeats and peons who leech of the wealth of their betters.
But there will still be money left over! We can attack Iran, Venezuela, Nigeria and Norway. We must bring our democracy and freedom to their oil, all we have to do is copy the success we have in Iraq.
I'd be perfectly okay with all of that ^ Well, except for invading Norway, unless it's for their women.
Kids who are home or privately schooled do better than public schools, roads should be handled by each state's gas taxes, our public police force is a joke, fire could be done privately, hospitals, well, they're all private for the most part and regulatory agencies simply raise the price of everything without insuring much of anything. Social Security and Medicare could be replaced by a simple and far superior Medical/Retirement Savings Account. Then we'd all be wealthy rather than just some of us.
A Democrat seeks complex solution to simple problems
A Republican seeks simple solutions to complex problems
A reasonable person seeks simple solutions for solvable problems
As I was answering the questions, the report would tally how I voted before going to the next section. When I reviewed my answers, I found they were different from the answers I had provided. I sent an email about this discrepancy. Bob Roth responded and said that corrections were being made.
Voting should not be taken lightly. If mistakes are occurring withing the electronic technology, I think the entire vote should be thrown away and Mr. Roth should start over. This way the delegates can be assured that it was just a first start screw up, and that the voting mess was thrown away with a new vote being initiated. This will renew the trust in the Delegates that Unity08 wants to above board.
Mr. Roth, please start over with the First Vote for the American Agenda.
Thank you
Barbara Johnson
Manhattan Beach, CA
This message is in response to walterab's post: WOW
Yes, I understand how you feel. But we are addressing issues that are real. Please go to The motion has been seconded and give us your support by appropriately marking all five stars. Thank you.
ex animo
I didn't receive one either, and no, it's not in the junk folder. I did however receive Thursday's mailing to recruit people whose mothers were born in America.
Just wanted to confirm that as of the afternoon of 7/31 that these are still going out. I haven't received anything yet on this and would certainly like to participate.
Let's do as The Beatles' said: "Come together, right now. Unity." Something like that... ;)
Is it my imagination or has 'the media' created a controversy from the last Democratic debate? The question posed was: AS PRESIDENT WOULD YOU PLAN TO MEET . . . DURING THE FIRST YEAR OF YOUR PRESIDENCY?
I'm paraphrasing:
Obama: Yes
Clinton: It's naieve to think . . . that such meetings could take place without some preliminary agreements. Wouldn't want to be used as a propaganda ploy.
Every outlet I've seen or heard repeat the question and the varied answers are leaving out the 'when' of the question. They have even implied Clinton said she WOULD NOT meet at all.
Obama has added that Clinton's response to the question is very much like the current administration's position.
Since the weekend commentators and opinion makers have been successful at goading Obama to produce his current Pakistani war statement.
Has anyone else noticed this . . . or is it me?
As an afterthought, maybe we all should give UNITY08 a break. As a start up venue, they're attempting to get everything together. I think we shold all consider that this is a 'start up' effort!
Presidential Candidate - Jim Webb
Vice Presidential Candidate - Ron Paul
Presidential Candidate - Jim Webb
Vice Presidential Candidate - Ron Paul
I found the poll to be a good first step. No, it did not go into a great deal of detail but I did not expect it to, at least not at first. The format was pretty good but not sure about the scale.
I hope we get many more before deciding on a ticket. I found the question asking me to choose one rebup and one dem. I really had a hard time with that one because I have not really seen anyone I am crazy about emerge just yet.
I look forward to new polls and seeing the results of this one.
Betty McLeod
PA 06
[email protected]
When will we be getting the results from the First Poll to create The New American Agenda?
To join the U08 Delegate Council Online Community send an email to
[email protected]
What about trying to get Newt G. to run under unity 08, I think he is a good guy , good ideas and cares about america