Following up his appearance on Hardball, Sam Waterston, actor and Unity08 spokesperson, was on "Morning Joe" to do a phone interview this morning.
Listen to part of the interview at the MSNBC web site by clicking here. Look for the link titled, "Sam Waterston discusses Unity08."
For those that don't listen/watch Joe Scarborough, "Morning Joe" is a weekday morning talk show on MSNBC with Scarborough discussing the news of the day with three panelists. Mr. Scarborough served in the United States House of Representatives, from 1995 to 2025, as a Republican from Florida.
Tags: Unity08, election, president, government, bipartisan, politics, news and politics, scarborough, morning joe, sam waterston
I just joined Unity08 and totally agree about the need for a middle of the road
party that does not pander to special interests and deals with the critical needs of our country. The hard part will be finding these people of integrity who can stomach going through our current campaign process. Also, our candidates must be nearly spotless in their integrity and life's work to qualify. Boy, does that narrow the field.
I am liberal politically and tend to fall just a little left of center in my political beliefs.
I now need to digest this whole idea of a third party and think about it. I do believe if the word gets out enough, the support will be there.
I am a big fan of Sam Waterston and am convinced he could not play his role on Law and Order so well if justice and fairness were not a big part of his true personality. In fact, I'm sure Sam would be a great candidate! I would have no trouble supporting him as a Unity08 Party candidate. He's the type of person we need in the executive office!
I agree with you, I am also a big fan of Mr Waterston. I think that he could be a good candidate, for Unity08, Mr Waterston is a very educated man and its ideas are clear and positive. Unity08 needs man such as he.
I join unity08 since already some time and at no moment I regretted him.
My signature :
"that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth."ABRAHAM LINCOLN" 16ème président des USA"
Hi Chiflajim, I'd like to ask you to clarify this as it left me a bit confused.
[middle of the road party that does not pander to special interests and deals with the critical needs of our country.]
A "middle of the road party" sounds to me like someone who is a mix of cookie cutter template Democrat and cookie cutter template Republican. Not a maverick from either party, but someone who is part of the political machine.
Someone who "does not pander to special interests" is not the above mentioned middle of the roader. They are a maverick, an outsider Democrat or an outsider Republican. Someone who has run a campaign on a shoestring budget because they don't take contributions from PACs or large corporations.
If I were to pick a viable Democrat and a viable Republican who are doing fairly well in the polls, have had some success raising money from small donors, and are outside of the beltway in terms of politics, I'd choose a ticket of John Edwards and Ron Paul.
I saw Sam on Bill O'Reilly a couple of weeks ago, and it seemed he spoke for me more than any politician I've seen in years. Yet it seems the message isn't reaching the country quickly enough. Is it possible to have Jack McCoy deliver Sam's message on Law & Order?
If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you're reading it in English, thank a veteran.
I couldn't agree more with the purpose behind Unity08, and applaud all the participants for stepping up to make a go of this.
Kudos to Waterston, who, in time will get really good at those news conferences. At that time, I just hope he ain't so slick that he loses credibility. Thanks, Sam, for being a great American and stepping up to do this.
I've got to ask - and part of me actually HOPES it's true: Would Fred Thompson be waiting to jump in the ring until Unity08 gains steam?
John Coonen
The Coffee Group
Take the country; leave my coffee.
I've got to ask - and part of me actually HOPES it's true: Would Fred Thompson be waiting to jump in the ring until Unity08 gains steam?
Is this what we are doing here, if that is the case that is not what I read this site was about. A discussion (partison) to seek out anf find the best candidate. One that we can all come to an agreement that has OUR country first and foremost, Reviving OUR Constitution, freedom, transparency of government, We the People..., Evaluate what Critical Issues needs to be acknowledged and put on the front burners and placing others on the back Burners. Discussions of this awful War we have had to take on and seems now that the next president will be dealing and cleaning up this administrations mess. Healthcare is another that needs to be addressed, Our Borders... on and on. So are you saying we have a Candidate? The process here is to get this site hyped and united and already spreading the word to many, many people and recruiting them. I would like Transparency here. Because that was not what I read and listened to about this site. Getting rid of Big Corporate run Government on and on. Could you address this please. I know I gave your site just at sign up about 30 e-mail addresses. I have never shared addresses as I did here, after reading and I saw Sam on Hardball and Morning Joe. If this is a site that is to recruit, get the members support and trust with a Candidate even in MIND is not even transparency on this site. I really would like this addressed and with the most transparency as was INTENDED!
Feeling very ambivalent, disillusioned to be the better word.
If we have to look so hard to find...Is it Really Worth It? To Someone, Yes!
Barbara Dietrich, R.N.
Is it possible that coffeegroup favors Fred Thompson?
He certainly isn't non partisan. He is a deep religious righter and, as such,likes to tell people how they should think and what they should do. An ultra-conservative and strict Republican.
He cannot possibly fit the goals of Unity08.
Sam Waterton is a fine actor. For the record, is he being paid for any of his appearances on behalf of Unity08, by Unity08?
ex animo
I'd doubt it. Generally most celebrities don't get paid for their assistance in campaigns. At least as far as I know. I could be wrong, but I'm sure it's mostly pro bono.
Sam Waterston is volunteering his time as our spokesperson. He is not being paid.
Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com
**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**
Give Sammy a big hug for me, bro.
John Coonen
The Coffee Group
Take the country; leave my coffee.
Why, don't we just go ahead and get the whole country behind Kucinich? (sp)?
The little nerd says a lot of what we all think. I think it would be funny as Hell and shake up a lot of people.
The real question here, when talking candidates, is why do we (Americans) always ignore or overlook the candidate that speaks up and says what we want to hear? Huh?
I'd love to see a comparison between campaign funding and our national debt.