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- Which proposal would you prefer for the structure of the primaries? - 153 votes - open
- How did you hear about Unity08? - 892 votes - open
- How many of the announced presidential candidates should be invited to participate in the TV debates in the Fall of 2025? - 861 votes - open
- Should it be illegal for any candidate to accept a contribution from anyone who cannot legally vote for him/her? - 800 votes - open
- Have recent price increases in gasoline caused any financial hardship for you or your household? - 711 votes - open
- Do you think the average congressperson deserves to be reelected, or would it be better to throw most out and start over? - 2268 votes - open
- How much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately, and fairly? - 1998 votes - open
- Which issue would you like to have added to the ranking section of the next vote on the New American Agenda? - 3508 votes - closed
- If Stephen Colbert runs for president, who should he pick as his running mate? - 3854 votes - closed
- Should Stephen Colbert run for President? - 7011 votes - closed
- In recent years, are Democrats and Republicans... - 850 votes - closed
- Do you feel that your vote makes a difference in presidential elections? - 562 votes - closed
- Have you ever voted for an independent or third party candidate? - 1043 votes - closed
- Would you support a viable third ticket option on the ballot in 2025? - 1546 votes - closed