Unity08 is breaking ground on the American Agenda by asking all of our membership to participate in a detailed survey of the issues facing our Country. "Ground-breaking" in our case involves both leveraging tools that have been tested on the market and helping to develop technologies that have yet to be launched in public. These tools will help us to recruit, communicate, and record the opinions of, eventually, millions of Americans.
As an early-adopting member, we need your help and understanding along the way. The benefit, of course, is that you are taking part in an experience that has never before been done. Your feedback is vital to making each aspect of the movement valuable. The downside, you may also experience some technical challenges as we move toward full deployment of the American Agenda.
With the recent first vote on the American Agenda, we released invitations to the membership in small quantities. This allowed us to fix any technical hurdles that we discovered. Some of you experienced a slow or inaccessible survey right at launch, which was caused by a combination of the high level of security and/or the number of members concurrently taking the survey.
We have released both secure and non-secure versions of the study during the distribution process. A random sampling of studies completed in secure mode will be used to formulate the published results.
We've gotten an overwhelming response and completion rate. Therefore, we know that our members are excited about this opportunity to be heard. We appreciate all of the feedback that we have received and look forward to announcing the results.
We absolutely take everything we do and present to the membership seriously. This is not a half-hearted effort to enact change. We will be pushing existing tools to volumes that have never before been tested, and we will be building technologies that allow our members to interact and participate in their government. It is our goal to work with vendors and our own internal developers to build/locate the tools that provide the best solutions, then make sure that they can handle the volume, integrity, and security that our movement demands.
Tags: Unity08, election, president, government, bipartisan, politics, news and politics, american agenda
I thought the survey format was really well done. I liked not being forced to decide between 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, when an item might really be a 4.2 and another item might be more like pi. (And everybody likes pie!)
I'm really interested to see what's next in the pipe, as well as to see how those results turned out. Keep up the great work :)
Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com
**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**
I thought the idea to Digg It! is also taking good advantage of online technologies. I would like to see us also take advantage of other popular online technologies to let more people know we are here. How about making a video with the results and getting that posted on YouTube?
Since we, as delegates, have had no access to the process of the recent polling of Unity08's general membership, this is hardly ground breaking. It is, in fact, the some old trick the other two major political parties have used over and over again when they want to give their membership the allusion of a unified political front. It's business as usual here with Unity08's poll, only with a few online delivery tricks thrown in, and even they weren't competently done.
As I have pointed out in the past: In politics, look at the action rather than the word.
In this regard, the entire process, from who was sent what, to the results received, even to the interpretation of a..."'random' sampling"...will be generously provided to us, the delegates, by the owners/controllers of the poll. Now we are going to be told what to think, thanks to their interpretation, not yours, not mine. How nice of them.
When you seek a clear voice of the body, seek the process first, rather than the word. Without a clear and accessible record, the results will be worse than useless, they will be used to deceive.
ex animo
Have neither seen or been contacted about either Polling or surveys or results of either. I'm concerned that this organization is becoming just another political organization.
rvedmons, you probably haven't received your invitation yet. They have been going out in batches. There was a batch this morning and there is a final one scheduled for Monday.
Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com
**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**
The problems with the Unity 08 format are numerous, I am not surprised at this format given the orientation of the founding council, but I have one overall comment IT WON'T WORK! Now that we have the second character from the tv series "Law and order" running for president, I must say that the trouble with celebrities being the spokes people is that most often they have no experience in the very thing, in fact the only thing, that will change the political system in America, which is local groups.. If all you look for is big names to front for you all you will get is a show, where everybody waits for the big name to do something, or confines their efforts to waving signs for the big name. I've got to tell you folks, as a founding delegate to the Reform Party at the Kansas City convention, and being involved in it ever since IT DOESN'T WORK!!
Ross Perot was the smartest candidate, the best shot we ever had in America for a Third Party taking the white house and he was defeated. I could tell you all the reasons for what happened and why, but that would take a small book . But I can boil it down for you why Ross, Jesse Ventura, Pat Buchanan, and Ralph Nader, all honest Reformers and all good Americans never had a chance at fixing the corrupt system. That is that the system is to big to entrenched for any one man to handle, and even if you got your guy elected he would be Jimmy Carter'd by the corrupt system. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO TAKE AMERICA BACK FROM THE SPECIAL INTERESTS THAT ARE DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY?? THEN GO AFTER THE HOUSE AND THE SENATE!!
SO WHY AND HOW?? Well they are both interconnected, Here are the reasons (1) You are never going to match the billions of bucks the establishment will spend publicizing the " mainstream" (which means the Republican and Democratic machine) candidates in the electronic media so you are going to have to do it the old fashioned way, door to door, small parades picnics in parks etc. When you start out you will have to target individual congressional races and combine volunteers for adjacent local districts just to cover one CD thoroughly enough to win. THAT WILL WORK IN ALL HOUSE RACES AND MANY SENATE RACES BUT IT WON'T WORK IN THE PRESIDENTIAL RACE.
(2) you will need at minimum around 200 volunteers per CD race to blanket the district. This is because you only have one year to go it and people have to make time for political work in the mix of job and family life. So say you only have eighty people in your targeted CD but you can get 60 each from 2 adjacent districts, That will work because of--
(3) the phenomenon known as critical mass. Critical mass in a small city is fifty adults with their children holding a parade down main street and ending with a rally in the park with hot dogs and leaflets once a month . Critical mass is twenty cars pulling trailers with signs or pickup trucks with signs on their beds every day. Critical mass is a hundred people carrying signs outside the local TV station demanding they host a debate amongst the candidates. critical mass is multiple picnics at all the local parks all spring and summer with signs saying "beat the Machine!!" and Critical mass is blanketing two hundred thousand home with leaflets. Critical mass is two hundred homes supporting the candidate with big home made lawn signs.
What putting most of our resources in this type of effort will get us:
(4) fifty to one hundred congressmen from a third Party dedicated to
(A)ending free trade with slave wage nations
(b) investigating bribery corruption and political kickbacks in congress
(c) ending the control of the media by the corporate conglomerates by mandating lots of free time for all political parties and prohibiting any entity person or corporation from owning or controlling more than 1 broadcast channel and mandating satellite and cable companies provide multiple outlets for free political expression.
These are goals that every one of our candidates in every CD will put first and foremost. If we can make a significant presence in congress in 2025, we can take the majority of the house in 2025 thus controlling the political agenda and the presidency in 2025. If we has done this in 2025, instead of dividing over Ventura vs Buchanan, we would hold the presidency now. If we are going to be stupid and expend all our effort to shoot for the presidency without even thinking about cleaning up the corruption in congress, then we get nothing and just repeat the whole Anderson, Perot, Buchanan, Nader, experience once again, and worse by focusing all our energies on that, we will forfeit what is actually achievable.
The definition of stupidity is trying the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different result. John Bambey vice chair Reform Party of California
We can't beat the two parties at their own game. We have to do things different. We need to be wide open, with no smoke filled rooms. Appeal directly to that 7 out of 10, leave the parties to their base supporters, and attract all the rest.
Keep the message positive. Build bridges between left and right. Don't present a problem without offering a solution. To quote a favorite football coach, if we set our standards high enough, we will have no competition.
Keep the membership informed, and don't let anyone try to control the whole thing. The leadership should serve, not rule.
The issues to rally around might include the war and foreign policy, political corruption, a better managed economy, what's going on with our infrastructure? partisanship in the way of progress, or change in general - embracing it and using it for a better life for all Americans.
When enough good people want change, they will find a way to get it.
Situations arise that make something possible NOW that would have been impossible - maybe even just days ago ..
WHY CAN WE SUCCEED NOW - WHEN YOU FAILED THEN !! John in your heart you know the answer ..
Millions of hard working Americans are losing their Homes because they can't pay the mortgage - because the Congress allowed credit card companies to increase their interest rates to usury levels and double minimum monthly payments : all to help them recover from bad business practices ..
In July alone Foreclosures rose 58% - lending institutions are going bust because of bad business practices - Middle Class America is being forced to pay the price and Congress has appointed itself AS COLLECTION AGENT FOR CREDIT CARD COMPANIES that failed to exercise good Judgment ..
Hilary Clinton voted to change the Bankruptcy Laws to deny The American People the same rights afforded to American Corporations and the Wealthy ..
She and the rest of Congress "overlooked" the fact that raising interest rates and doubling monthly payments on credit cards WOULD PLACE MILLIONS OF HARD WORKING AMERICAN FAMILIES IN JEOPARDY and CREATE A MAJOR SHORT FALL IN GOVERNMENT INCOME !! (You can thank the Republicans & The Democrats For That)
John - you are right on target when you say the answer to our problems depends on our ability to - Neutralize the Embedded Power Brokers on Both Sides Of The Aisle - in the House and The Senate, the "Pete's Plan For Political & Management Reform" - implemented in a timely and proper manner, will do exactly that ...
My involvement with our Government and the inner workings of its various agencies - goes way back and at high levels, I wouldn't be wasting my time or the time of the Founders & Delegates of UNITY08 if I wasn't sure I'd found a way to penetrate the barrier Congress has created between themselves and the people.
This time John - we can do it and the need is more critical and greater than ever before.
Peter K (popo) Evans Email popopete@hotmail.com
Lots of different feedback here... most of it very interesting!
I got the poll invitation, and took it. It was very nicely done.
My biggest problem with it, was that it showed a lot of naivete
on how our two-party system works. Namely, "polarized" parties....
They are not "polarized", they are one-in-the-same, and any differences
you may perceive are purely show.
My next problem was that Free Trade, Outsourcing, and a few other
major problems were not even mentioned, so I couldn't rate them.
The survey did not ask what my feelings on each subject were, but
rather how important I thought each issue was. I assume that stance
on the issues will come later.
The last annoyance with the survey, was that it asked me about my
stand on the major candidates from the GOP/DEM parties. Why????
I could not give a rat's a$$ about the two major parties, and if
unity08 decides to back even one of them, I will not support it.
Unity08 must start pushing THIRD PARTY CANDIDATES, immediately.
I disagree with John Bambey in his post above. It is not hopeless.
We have the Internet now. All we need to do is FOCUS ON THE MEDIA.
If we can get JUST ONE major publication to start following us, then
we will grow by leaps and bounds. The rest will then have no choice but
to start printing about us, fueling further growth.
Richard H. Clark
Independent Presidential Candidate
Just for show? Do you think the extreme views on abortion, gay-rights, and gun-control are just for show. Who controls the whole thing, the Tri-Lateral commission or the illuminati?
I've found that it is very easy to complain about what IS NOT happening or what is wrong with a project. I say Let's Start Here and Move Forward. Learn from mistakes and make improvements. Unity08 is trying something a bit different in some ways and radically different in other ways. The online convention is to me a pretty radical twist to an old idea (online polling). Maybe it's not the most far out idea, but it is functioning. I say let's work it and see how it works.
William Cerf
Congressional District 11
Brooklyn, NY
For information about voting and democracy in the USA see the Center for Voting and Democracy website at
I find the various views regarding the Poll interesting. Some liked it, others couldn't see the reasoning, and last but not least, some hated it.
I found it simular to the thousands of psych tests I have taken over the years at the VA Hospital. You won't see any instant gratification report while you take them, you sort of have to read between the lines. But all in all, it comes out the same in the end, one has to be crazy to spend 20 minutes filing out a survey all the while wondering what it was to mean!
Just call me crazy!!
P.S. when will we know the results.
We've got another batch of invitations to send still. Look for a press release to come out talking about the results in a few weeks. We'll also post them on the blog. So, grab the RSS feed and stay in touch!
Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com
**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**
I joined Unity08 in the very early days. I participated in many topics and responded where appropriate. As time passed, I realized the Unity08 was leaderless. The entire effort was getting members to add members to join in the email and bloggings. Talk, talk, talk and write, write write. Nothing of significance occurred. Month after month is was yatata, yatata, yatata and no definitive movement toward selection or identification of candidates for President or vice president. A large list of "the usual suspects" was developed. The same old names from the last two decades. This is not progress.
Never did I see any effort to identify potential Representatives or Senators. Of what value is a President who is non partisan when he has to deal with a partisan Congress.
John Adams had more to do with writing our Constution than anyone including the pompous and arrogant Thomas Jefferson. Adams greatest fear for this young country was the possibility of a two-party political system for the party members would strive for success of the party and not the greater good for America.
Political parties are America-wide and from the grass roots individuals all the way up to the President of whatever party is in power anywhere. You chats, emails and bloggings have not addressed the basics...not yet.
On this web and on my blog www.america-21stcentury.com, even on this thread if you scroll back far enough ..
Let me identify the basics for you right now ...
The Way We : Hire, Montor & Fire ... those elected to manage our affairs PROVIDES AN OPEN INVITATION TO THE PROBLEMS WE ARE FACING ...!!!!!
That's it, The Process Makes No Provisions To Insure THE PEOPLE WE ELECT ...
Are Appropriately Qualifed, Have Formal Explanations of Duties, Required Standards of Performance & Accountability et etc etc
THAT'S THE BASICS - they don't exist and until they do NOTHING WILL CHANGE ..
I've offered a Practical & Legal PLan that's identified throughout the Shout bos and elsewhere under Topics "Congressional Reforms" etc NOBODY SEEMS INTERESTED IN FOCUSSING ON BASICS (THE DISEASE) - everyone wants to talk about the SYMPTOMS ..
This messages is in response to William Cerf's post: "Let's Start Here and Move Forward
In order to "Start here", one must assume, as you apparently have, that lessons were learned from mistakes made and corrections implemented. I see nothing of the sort being attempted, much less achieved by the ownership of Unity08.
Unity08 isn't trying anything different -- I wish it was. It's basically using standard online marketing techniques to empower a group of lobbyist-driven Washington insiders.
However, do not be alarmed or disheartened. There are plenty of other Unity08 delegates who believe to be politically effective, Untiy08 must become a viable political third party. If you would like to join a discussion group to address this issue, please go to The Unity Cyber Party Yahoo Group
ex animo
The Unity Cyber Party
Although I haven't actually received an invitation to participate in the onsite polling taking place, I did look at it a "del.icio.os."
It was nothing but a simple push poll. Its objective wasn't to ascertain the political leanings of its membership in order to identify and support crucial political issues in Unity08's political platform. It was simply used to build up party loyalty for Unity08's leadership.
What this tells me is two things: One, the leadership, being lobbyists themselves, aren't interested in changing the present two-party system with the addition of an effective 3rd party. And, two, the idea of developing an effective political platform is the last thing Unity08's leadership wants to achieve.
The real political aim of Unity08's leadership is simply to harness the present frustration many people are feeling with the ineffectiveness of our present two-party system, not to change it. If actually changes our two-party system would have been their goal, they would have started building a party structure from the ground, up first, than addressed the 2025 elections. But that's not their stated purpose. They simply want to impact the results of the 2025 elections in a way that will best benefit themselves at the expense of Unity08's delegates.
As far as this poll is concerned, it was a "make-happy" poll. Designed to pacify the membership while instilling party support in Unity08's leadership while they pursue their own goal of empowering themselves in the upcoming 2025 elections.
ex animo
In my humble opinion, the poll was not a vote to create the American Agenda, it is simply an opinion poll that is structured by individuals who want answers to certain questions. The questions I want to see are OUR questions and the answers I want to see are OUR answers.
I can't see the American Agenda being created vy the membership this way. Step one, we must ask the questions, and step two we must rate the answers.
So I ask Unity08 to do the right thing and let us decide which questions to ask and then decide which answers we like in what order.
To join the U08 Delegate Council Online Community send an email to
Common sense - the cure for stupid!
I took the poll - found it rather interesting - though not extremely pertinent.
IMHO this should be a movement for CHANGE, we don't need to agree on much of anything except that the current system is broken, and moving toward fair and logical approaches to the political structure.
As long as money is allowed to control the government we will never have any concern by politicians for more than re-election to keep the cash cow alive.
Policy schmolicy - we need term limits for all politicians, complete financial transparency, no more pork 1 bill 1 vote, eliminate the electoral college so every citizens vote counts I believe that's called majority rule.
I could care less about anybodys position on health care reform, the war, immigration, abortion, nafta, the second amendment, even terrorism. The list is endless and I bet we can not find concensus on half the issues.
Let's try to fix the busted system so that the focus is on the good of the nation rather than the bank account and power of the individual politician.
If we can do that the rest of it will work itself out to the benefit of us and our children.
Common Sense is the cure for many things - not just stupid ..
Let's you and I see if we can put something together that makes sense to ALL OUR DELEGATES & OUR FOUNDERS COUNCIL ..
The best place t start is with the word "COMMONSENSE" ...
Prior to and at the end of World War 2, The System we employed for Hiring, Monitoring & Firing our Elected Government Officials was based on Trust, Candidates were not vetted, those elected went Washington and became part of a Congress that made it's own rules and was controlled by members with tenure ..
At this stage of our existence we thought we were ONE NATION UNDER GOD etc etc, committed to making America Great ..
THE TRUTH WAS, we were 48 Nations Divided By Laws and The Individual Demands of those 48 Nations WITH NO EFFECTIVE MEANS OF MONITORING AND CONTROLLING THE CONDUCT OF THE PRESIDENT AND/OR THE ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES FOR THOSE 48 STATES .. (Except to wait for the next elections - by then it can be too late)
FACT : all of a sudden we Had A President & A Congress trying to Manage The Individual Needs of 48 States & 5 Decimated Nations - Without The Protection Of All The Skills & Disciplines Necessary To Protect Fortress America ..
FACT : we are now 50 Nations Divided By Laws and The Individual Demands Of Those 50 Nations AND WE HAVE A PRESIDENT & A CONGRESS trying to Manage The Individual Needs of those 50 Nations AND The Needs Of The Less Fortunate Throughout The World - WITHOUT THE PROTECTION OF ALL THE SKILLS & DISCIPLINES NECESSARY TO PROTECT FORTRESS AMERICA ...
We exported Jobs and technology we needed to sustain life and growth at home ..
We used Military Power to participate in Wars - instead of Brain Power to avoid Wars ..
We squandered our money and attention on space - without first making sure we had things under control - in New Orleans, On Our Borders, With Our Bridges, Our Highways and Our Interstates ..
We squandered our inheritance, failed to Defend and Protect our Constitution from all enemies Foreign & Domestic - and failed to educate and inspire our young to build on their inheritance ..
We created situations where Incompetence and Corruption have become a clear and present danger to The Life, Liberty and Pursuit Of Happiness, of Every Living and as yet unborn American Citizen ..
Unless we establish a formal and legal basis - to exercise our Rights & Responsibility to Control The Conduct of Our Government before the elections of 2025, the future of this nation stands in grave jeopardy !!
Congress controls the game plans and the purse strings - all the President has is veto power, we can have the Wisest, most honorable and dedicated President - One Or More Members Of Congress from either or both parties CAN HOLD THE PRESIDENT AND THE REST OF US HOSTAGE FOR WEEKS, MONTHS & EVEN YEARS, while the threats to our existence become more in number and more deadly - THIS IS INSANE ..
I contend "Pete's Plan For Political & Management Reform" - is the only solution that can be implemented in time to do any good.
Check yesterdays posting on www.america-21stcentury.com
Peter K (popo) Evans
Common sense - the cure for stupid!
Establishing a formal and legal basis to do anything will be nearly impossible.
Congress makes the laws - if you remove the incentive for personal financial gain you will return the government to the people.
I'll go read your blog again but I think you need to broaden your vision a bit, I probably need to do that as well. Compromise and unity will give us strength, inflexibility and hardheadedness will doom any endeavor to failure.
Remember the famous line by John Quincy Adams who had more to do with drafting our Constitution than anyone ..
When questioned about what the Constitution was intended to do for The People - He Responded and I quote : "It Endows The People With Rights & Freedoms That Cannot Be Restrained Or Repealed By Human Law" ..
You see my friend - as long as Congress is not bound By Formal Contracts For Performance & Accountability : it can pass all the self serving and disastrous legislation it wants AND THAT'S THE REALITY WE MUST FACE AS WE PREPARE FOR 2025 !!
The fact is, John Adams and others recognized the Threat The Federal Congress posed " to this most perfect union " by stealing power from the people and trying to change it from a Republic into a form of Government they could more easily manipulate - This was and still is their goal AND WE MUST STOP THEM NOW - BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE !!
This is how I see it - and what drives me to seek the action I propose.
Remember the famous line by John Quincy Adams who had more to do with drafting our Constitution than anyone ..
When questioned about what the Constitution was intended to do for The People - He Responded and I quote : "It Endows The People With Rights & Freedoms That Cannot Be Restrained Or Repealed By Human Law" ..
You see my friend - as long as Congress is not bound By Formal Contracts For Performance & Accountability : it can pass all the self serving and disastrous legislation it wants AND THAT'S THE REALITY WE MUST FACE AS WE PREPARE FOR 2025 !!
The fact is, John Adams and others recognized the Threat The Federal Congress posed " to this most perfect union " by stealing power from the people and trying to change it from a Republic into a form of Government they could more easily manipulate - This was and still is their goal AND WE MUST STOP THEM NOW - BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE !!
This is how I see it - and what drives me to seek the action I propose.
Common sense - the cure for stupid!
I'm with you on the idea - sounds good.
How do you get the electorate to agree on what the perfomance should be and what they are accountable for?
We can't even get concensus on this site for all the diversity of opinion on what the critical issues are.
My position is that the issues are totally irrelevant at this time - we need sweeping change to control corruption and the influence of special interests through financial "shenanigans". The fact of more senior members of congress having more influence and getting the "plum" positions on committees leads me to think that term limits are a necessity as well to pull the power for the sake of power appeal out of the system as well.
Hey, our politician are being bought and paid for 98% of the time. Should we continue to allow this to go on?
Congress makes up its own interpretation of its Entitlement - and enacts legislation accordingly with the help of the Supreme Court ..
There may be two parties - but there's only one mindset : Do whatever it takes to Keep WE The People "Out Of The Loop" - AND, Protect Power, Pay, Perks & Pensions AND THE RIGHT TO BECOME A LOBBYIST AFTER TWO TERMS ..
They've even set it up so you can pay the party and buy a seat on A Committee that deals with things you know nothing about - when there are better qualified people willing to serve !!
They obviously think we are a bunch of Morons who deserve to be conned and fleeced out of our hard earned money !!
"Pete's Plan For Political & Management Reform" CAN END ALL THAT - IF IT GETS THE CHANCE BY 2025 !!
Today I'm feeling disgusted, with what little progress I've made in getting people to respond constructively to our effort to focus on your five questions and my responses, it was a good idea - worthy of support ..
I'm tired - I'm going to lay down for a while ..
Congress makes up its own interpretation of its Entitlement - and enacts legislation accordingly with the help of the Supreme Court ..
There may be two parties - but there's only one mindset : Do whatever it takes to Keep WE The People "Out Of The Loop" - AND, Protect Power, Pay, Perks & Pensions AND THE RIGHT TO BECOME A LOBBYIST AFTER TWO TERMS ..
They've even set it up so you can pay the party and buy a seat on A Committee that deals with things you know nothing about - when there are better qualified people willing to serve !!
They obviously think we are a bunch of Morons who deserve to be conned and fleeced out of our hard earned money !!
"Pete's Plan For Political & Management Reform" CAN END ALL THAT - IF IT GETS THE CHANCE BY 2025 !!
Today I'm feeling disgusted, with what little progress I've made in getting people to respond constructively to our effort to focus on your five questions and my responses, it was a good idea - worthy of support ..
I'm tired - I'm going to lay down for a while ..
Common sense - the cure for stupid!
Hey Pete I have looked all over your blog site and can't find your "Plan".
Would you mind posting - "Pete's Plan For Political & Management Reform" in it's entirity so I can read the whole banana and see what I think?
Just a thought but there are a few individuals on this site that are not worth arguing with. Keep the blood pressure down if you know what I mean.
I've responded to you about the plan on the other thread UNDER THE BLOG Titled "4,367 or 10 Million" ..
If you have questions after that you can email me at popopete@hotmail.com, give me your phone number I'll give you a call.
By the way I do have the opinion of one Law Professor - indicating my approach while unprecedented - has merit.
Pete (popo) Evans
When do the results of the Unity08 "Poll" come out?
To join the U08 Delegate Council Online Community send an email to
Accounts are cross-linked and there are no replies to concerns or complaints. If they can't get that right, and won't even respond, then I don't take them seriously on anything. But it appears they are screwed up in all the usual ways political activists usually are. Same old frothy nothingness discussed and debated ad nauseum.
Wish I could figure out how to cancel my account. Probably haven't looked hard enough. BTW, I changed my email address and now they send info to both addresses.
Forget this nonsense, just crush the Republicans and better luck next time. It's probably true that anyone willing to run for public office probably doesn't have the integrity to deserve it anyway. But, maybe we can organize around somebody more inspiring than Sam Waterston. Wait, did I say 'more inspiring'? I just meant inspiring.
See my biography etc, to see how I really feel.
Oh yeah, I took the survey - that's when I got my wife to take it, and when she tried to join she ended up looking at someone else's info. That was about a month ago. No response yet on the problem. So, my response to the survey - who cares?
While I consider the survey format adequate for its purpose, I'm finding the ShoutBox format grossly inadequate for issue resolution and consensus building. ShoutBox is fine when a few people are simply voicing opinions on a topic, but it's very cumbersome following conversation flows and as forum topics grow large and multiple intertwined conversational "threads" branch out all around. Even navigating and responding to new posts after a few days away is a frustrating experience. And if you include more than a couple of links in a post, there is a delay since we must wait for a moderator to determine if it's spam; by the time the post is approved, the conversations could have already gone in other directions.
And if we want to develop planks to the American Agenda platform, which I contend ought to be a primary objective of Unity08, we need a better way to compile and share facts/data, build and compare models, as well as debate and vote on them. A different social media vehicle such as a wiki would be much more appropriate for this.
My other frustration is that we lack moderators who regularly organize and synthesize lengthy, complex conversations within and across multiple topics in each forum so as to help participants focus and converse effectively.
Steve Beller, PhD