CNN/YouTube Debate Question: Pick a Republican

posted by BobRoth on July 23, 2025 - 10:54pm

When asked to pick any Republican to be their running mate, democratic presidential candidates Joe Biden and John Edwards both named Nebraska senator Chuck Hagel.

As asked by saheedb, "Partisanship plays a major role in why nothing can get done in Washington today. All of you say that you'd be able to work with Republicans. Well, here's a test. If you had to pick any Republican members of Congress or a Republican governor to be your running mate, who would it be?"
the video

Who do you think those that didn't get to answer the question (Obama, Clinton, Dodd, Gravel, Kucinich, Richardson) would pick as a bipartisan running mate?

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I think that there are both republicans and democrats out there that will choose the common person's interests over a special interest. The problem is that these people do not get any credit for doing so in our media circle. Believe it or not but I could see Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul making a great ticket for America and I could see Dennis picking Ron as his running mate. Even if their philosophies on how to solve problems are incredibly different, they still have the passion to make real change and i could see them working together to change the way we look at liberals and conservatives. They would champion what real liberals and real conservatives have in common and would really work to restore faith in our political system and eliminate the cynicysm that all successfull politicians truly represent the powerful over the weak.

They both seem like nice guys but their characters are somewhat Jimmy Carterish. I'm afraid they would both roll over like female dogs at the first sign of a real conflict. We currently need strong leadership that is both
rational, compassionate and progressive unlike our phony "Compassionate Conservative" President whom is neither and totally beholding to Corporate America.

Believe me! I am all for an independent president and vice president. I have voted thrid party tickets in the past and I am ready to do so in the future, including 08. However, I have one concern. How effective will an independent white house be with a congress controlled by either Reps or Dems? Don't we need a full slate for the Unity08 ticket, so that there is full representation in congress also?

In the words of Dr. Phil...."hows that working so far"?

We are today a hop, skip and a faked Threat to U.S. National Security from being Nazi Germany as it is.....

In fact as of this week...King George has made it... "against the law to speak out against the war"

Wake up and smell the constitution burning people....

We're losing in Afghanistan.

We're losing in Iraq.

There has been a degradation in Lebanon and Palestine.

Turkey has massed 150,000 troops on its border with Iraqi Kurdistan.

Saudi Arabia has upped the rate of dollars and fighters for the Sunni insurgency.

Pakistan is on the verge of civil war.

So I guess the Jesus for Genocide Freaks within the Republican Party will be pushing for a war with Iran.

Bipartisanship is nice, but I don't want any of those loons anywhere near the government after January 20, 2025, unless it's for a war crimes trial.

Going off this single post that you have made, the only opinion I can come to is that you are no better than "those loons." Not every Republican is a conceited Jesus freak that hates "dem ferigners." That description only fits the radical right "neo-con" portion of the Republican party, and those are the megalomaniacs that we need to get rid of.

We don't just need to get them out of the White House, we need to get them out of Congress. These people do not represent the interests of the American people; in fact, they do everything in their special-interest purchased power to take away the rights of the common man. The only reason they can do this is because we elect them, so we have to stop electing them. Don't vote based on the guy you'd like to have a beer with, agree with on abortion, or even the party they're from. Those issues are completely meaningless compared to the problems caused by big money such as healtcare, energy independence, and global climate change.

My point is, you can't base an opinion about someome on what group they associate with or where they live or any other simplistic way like that, but you need to take everything about them together and base your opinion on their morals, ethics, loyalties, and capabilities. If we fail to do this then we will never be able to root out the corruption that threatens our freedom.

[Not every Republican is a conceited Jesus freak that hates "dem ferigners."]

Which is not at all what I said, I said they are part of the Republican Party. Going off this single post that you have made, the only opinion I can come to is that you have not read my post with sufficient comprehension.

[That description only fits the radical right "neo-con" portion of the Republican party, and those are the megalomaniacs that we need to get rid of.]

Good, then you agree with me. Judging by their actions and votes, that includes almost every Republican in the Executive and Legislative branch. And that includes Joe Lieberman.

[My point is, you can't base an opinion about someone on what group they associate with or where they live or any other simplistic way like that, but you need to take everything about them together and base your opinion on their morals, ethics, loyalties, and capabilities. If we fail to do this then we will never be able to root out the corruption that threatens our freedom.]

What in a politician counts more than their actions and votes? Not what they promise before an election, or in their verbal opposition to a war before they vote to continue it.

you have to be kidding

Thats a great question.But I believe that if we the people get the person we want in the white house, the rest of white house will fall in line. We vote them in to.

Personally, I'd also like to see the candidate teams propose a bipartisan cabinet that they will pursue. I believe this will help any pres/vp achieve progress during their tenure.

Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com

**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**

U08 should in my opinion encourage eventual candidates to have a non-partisan versus a bi-partisan cabinent. Bi-partisan people are narurally partisan in one direction or the other. While a fully non-partisan cabinent may not be attainable, I am sure a majority non-partisan cabinent is doable.

When are the candidate and issues poll going to be on the site?

They actually answer questions, have experience, have real solutions and seem to be more interested in doing what they think would be in the best interest of the country. Instead of the just the political power that is associated with the position. Of course I still need to hear more to make a true defense of my position. But if I had to vote today, that is a ticket I could support.

it all hs to change if you put daffey duck up as an ind. got my vote
the war is not the biggest isseue gobal health is are we still going to shoot at each other when the watter is up two or noses buy the way wat are we fighting for

What we've got here is failure to
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week,
which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N' I don't like it any more than you men."

Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before

Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before

My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars

D'you wear a black armband
When they shot the man
Who said "Peace could last forever"
And in my first memories
They shot Kennedy
I went numb when I learned to see
So I never fell for Vietnam
We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all
That you can't trust freedom
When it's not in your hands
When everybody's fightin'
For their promised land

I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war

Look at the shoes your filling
Look at the blood we're spilling
Look at the world we're killing
The way we've always done before
Look in the doubt we've wallowed
Look at the leaders we've followed
Look at the lies we've swallowed
And I don't want to hear no more

My hands are tied
For all I've seen has changed my mind
But still the wars go on as the years go by
With no love of God or human rights
'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our civil wars


I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
And I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
I don't need one more war

I don't need one more war
Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway


I believe a Unity 2025 dream ticket is Fred Thompson/Colin Powell. I would like the people of the United States to ponder this scenario. Thanks! Mark Roddey

Sen. Jim Webb for President and I have not decided on a VP yet.

I think a perfect dream ticket would consist of Angus King--Two time governor of Maine --who came from behind in the polls to win and Birch Bayh A two time Democratic governor of Indiana who won a republican state by a landslide and is now in the U.S. Senate. With their combined knowledge of politics and their commitment to the people they could lead this nation to where it once stood.

I like your dream ticket just one correction.
Birch Bayh was never the governor of Indiana his son Evan served two terms as governer and is now Indiana's U.S. Senator. Birch was senator for many terms and very much a Kennedy Democrat.
I lived in Indiana for 32 years, wasn't happy when Evan ran because I didn't like his daddy. But he was one hell of a governor, made a lot of changes and did a lot of good for the state. I think he would make an excellent President or Vice President.

I am equally concerned about the points mentioned regarding both the ability to elect and the effectiveness afterwards. One thing for sure, there is safety in numbers and right now, we have enough time to see if we can create significant numbers before / leading up to the '08 election. So, it's up to us to drive meaningful dialogue, sell the vision for true change, communicate with others to create some groundswell so that the "mainstream only (2 party)" folks must take notice.

I applaud you for your open-mindedness in testing this experiment over the coming months. Let's see what we can do! If we stand back and let the government lead us as it wishes, then are we as submissive as those citizens in other countries who historically have not self ruled (stood up and protested) and therefore, now find themselves in a quadmire?

I'm thinking Ron Paul would be perfect for this. He's getting silenced by his own party, yet alot of people support him. I think he's exactly the change we need in this country.

I agree. The guy cant get a word in edgewise but just about everything he does say is right on. The only one running now I would support but realistically he'll never get the Republican nomination - they'll see to it. Although as much as I have faith in the American people and hope they take up this initiative of Unity08, he just may not be pretty enough to be elected! Sad but probably true.

I am another one who is impressed with Ron Paul.

Ron Paul has sound economic views. He was one of the very few Congressmen that voted against the war in Iraq from the start. Everything he has says or writes has solid backing. He is a Constitutionalist. I believe his views on American foriegn policy will lead our country in the right direction. That's just my thoughts, read the facts-

He is the only Presidential Candidate that I actually think speaks real truth and liberty. Ron Paul is what America needs.

What about him for you UNITY08 rep?

The problem with Newt Gingrich is that he doesn't appeal to the common American. He is without a doubt a brilliant man, but many see him as pompous and overly cocky. I think a Jim Webb or a Ron Paul would better represent the majority on this site.

Aloha my friend;

What's right with Newt? This is the guy that started the "Contract on America". He orchestrated the whole dog and pony show of the neo-con takeover. Read Cobra II and find out how he was instrumental in the neo-con build up to Iraq. I also recall how I had to quit listening to the radio when I was in the truck with my children for fear I would have to explain to them what oral sex was. His talking points were the start of the level of political discord we now have. Thanks for the memories Newt, but no thanks. The last thing this country needs is another neo-con president.

Ah yes, the "moral majority" crap - yet Newt cheated on his wives... while leading the charge on Clinton for the same thing! Yes, we need another hypocrite.

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

jim webb and ron paul would be a great ticket

I don't have any empirical evidence to support this statement, but from watching the news, reading papers, listening to radio, etc., Newt seems to have become more "centrist" in his thinking and beliefs. From discussions at work and with neighbors he has certainly attracted their attention....and at this point that is certainly a step in the right direction. A Newt/Liberman ticket might just work....

For RadioFlyer.... Have you listened to Newt lately, with an open mind? He is making sense on the direction this Country needs to go. His ideas are "spot on".... However what I don't know is....has he distanced himself from the lobbyist's and Big Business $*#&@&*($. If anyone has "recent---hard facts" regarding Newt and Liberman's relationship with lobbyists and Big Business, it would be helpful information.

Ron Paul is interesting...but I'll have to reserve judgement on him until I learn more about him and watch/hear him debate. Regardless of Unity's choice....this is a great grassroots can catch on and be successful if we are stubborn enough and have the "staying power".

Lastly, I couldn't support someone who preaches Universal Health Care as part of his/her platform. It's a very destructive program for our Republic....

So you think the privatized health insurance scheme we've got going is better? You think that handling people's health should be a for-profit industry, and not government regulated? I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just baffled at a remark like that without providing any alternatives. I believe Americans should first start taking better care of themselves, and also, we should start taking better care of each other, and not just taking care of those with the money for health insurance.

As much as I hate to say it a Newt / Lieberman ticket would not be as bad as
Bloomberg/Hagel,Clinton/Obama or Kucinich/Paul.

Although, they would have to be Drafted, Personally, I think Lou Dobbs/Jim Webb or Lou Dobbs/Gen. David Grange or even Lou Dobbs/Jack Cafferty would be better. At least, they speak for real American workers and are smart enough to not roll over for every Special Interest or National threat that comes along.

It's time to get away from professional politicians. You can see where always (continually) going to this pool of morons as gotten us thus far. Our country is almost beyond repair.

Ron Paul and Mike Gravel

i think we are all screwed beyond belief, i see no good democratic or republican people running, once again we will have the choice of bad or worse. if this election stuff wasnt all about money it would be much much better. but unfortanoutly for some reason its all about who has the most money,... which is ridiculous.


In fact, you can do so by going here, YouTube Republican Debate site.

Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com

**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**

I would vote for this pair any given day. I'd personally pick Kucinich as the president and then have Ron Paul run after him. You see thats the best mathematical solution to this. No matter what they propose they will stay long enough to make sure it works out properly. But thats another topic in itself. My point is the following, these two will not win because their parties will betray them. But together, you are now dipping into both parties for votes. You get them where it hurts most, unified voters.
Why do you think "political analysts" always turn this down? They fear losing control. They encourage partisanship. We deserve true bipartisanship.
You want a "third party". Well guess what? It won't happen in its traditional way. A unified ticket is the way to go. But wait, that's why "we" are here on this site. Thank you for reading this.


ps. Huge problem right now is the following:
Young people don't even register to vote.
They love to put their two cents in political discourse
but they don't even register. The few that are convinced to do so,
don't vote! Hypocrisy permeates our society!
Help me fight it....

I went to the Ron Paul rallies in Spartanburg and Greeenville SC last Saturday and what impressed me more than the huge number of people who turned out was their ages. Over one third of them were under 30 years old and there were many young couples with small children as well as a lot of college kids. The Ron Paul Revolution is being led by the younger generation, just go to and check it out. There are many people coast to coast organizing and spending their own money and time to get Ron Paul elected. I am starting a meet up group here in my county to educate the voters about Ron Paul and his message of Liberty. I will be meeting with the local GOP executive committee to gain their support and voice their opinion to the state GOP organization.

People say they want to take our country back, well here is their chance. Ron Paul is causing the MSM, Republicrooks and Dumbocrats to lose sleep now. While the Ron Paul Revolution is not being televised it is being youtubed!

Naturally I am biased because I am part of the movement to draft Robert F. Kennedy Jr. into the race, but if he chooses not to run, a Paul/Kucinich ticket would sure work for me! I'd give *two thumbs up* to that!

Being from S. Central Texas, I have had the pleasure of meeting Ron Paul on several occasions and can attest to the fact that he is an honest man who will NEVER compromise his ideals or the Constitution.

I have the same feeling about Kucinich, although I've never met him personally. His track record as a congressman is impressive, and it's so rare I can say that about many members of our Congress nowadays!

These two men, while seemingly diametrically opposed in their political philosophy (one is far to the right, the other is far to the left), actually *do* agree on more things than they disagree. Can they achieve a balance working together on a Unity08 ticket? Could they set aside their differences for the sake of the country? Would be interesting to find out, for sure...

Of course, I still want RFK Jr. to run tho'. He could knock everybody out of the ballpark!!!

News and Information site for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Movement to Draft him in 2025:


If RFK is anything like his Open Borders, Special Interests, Advocate, Uncle Ted...I would have to say, definitely...a Big NO! I used to think Ted Kennedy was a man of integrity but he has become the biggest disappointment of all the Kennedy clan. It's time to eliminate the Royalty factor from our political process.

Dennis Kucinich for President and Ron Paul for VP

I just wanted to point out how good it feels to be able to come to a site and find other people who are open minded enough to talk about other candidates, who are not even in the same party. At the same time, keeping the conversation polite, constructive and well organized. I never really thought someone would put a site like this. This truly feels like a place where people with different ideas can come and work together to find a unified solution to our real problems. I put more thought into the ticket and i'd say Ron Paul for President with Kucinich as V.P. Cutting taxes is a must, while cutting down on spending!
I definitely enjoy a civilized debate about the problems we truly face.
We really should focus more on the young voters, given that there are so many of them who simply don't vote. I'd like to suggest if you have your own blog, use it as a plug! that's how i am helping out.
thank you

my blog

In the Youtube debate Joe Biden was the only candidate that had a real solution to the genocide in Darfur. The other candidates answers were rehersed and illogical.

Action is the only thing that will put a stop the the genocide, Biden has always said that as he is now. I cant recall which candidate said that unalatteral action would cause fear and anger in African countries, but I found that to be the most mind boggling statment in the whole debate.

I am undecided on the vice presidency, but all the times I'v heard both Webb and Hagel speak I came away with absolute cofidence that both men have the upmost compassion and since of duty to the men and women in the armed services.I am cofident that those beliefs will be vital in the near future of our country, so Im sure both men are great applicants for the job.

I wouldn't trust Hagel very far at all. He's a Bush/Kennedy open borders advocate. Biden, I would have to investigate further...but Jim Webb is a " New Democrat" and not yet beholden to Special Interests... and seems like a man of integrity. He could be a good, potential, candidate for Unity 08.

Isn't a Republican - does he even count?

PS I love Ron Paul, except that he seeks to implement changes that our congress wouldn't allow (ending income tax, abolishe dept. Homeland Security, Education, etc.). By the end of his very hypothetical Presidency, this Unity thing would look like a impotent useless experiment. Ron Paul's views a idealistically appealing to me, but quite obviously the type of fringe beliefs that cause the need for this movement. We need 2 leaders from opposite sides of the political spectrum that can formulate policies that represent the will of the American people. Paul's (and Kucinich's) foriegn policy ideas are much closer to this. But domestically, Paul would not be a good Unity candidate.

I'll take Colin Powell, Hagel, Specter or my Grandpa as the Republican candidate. (Abe Lincoln anyone?)

I'm for Paul and Kucinich if the the one I agreed with the most was President. ;) One wants a universal, one payer, health care system and the other wants as much of the government out of our lives as is possible. Not quite like comparing Libertarianism with Socialism. Or is it?.

Theoretically, there is nothing wrong with either of these ideologies. But in practice neither has won the hearts of all Americans. The poor deserve a piece of the pie as much as the rich. The problem is the size of the pieces.

Congress not getting anything done is a GOOD thing. The more they do, the more they scew up America.

I think any candidate should resign as a Republican or Democrat and file as an independent. But if they were popular enough, it wouldn't matter and, in fact, would probably increase the interest. Joe Lieberman certainly pulled it off and drove his truck right down the centrist highway. And he's a terrible campaigner and speaker. Nice guy though. Steve Forbes would be great, but doubt he'd leave the Republican party. John McCain can't win the Republican nomination, he should file as an independent and run and he'd probably win.

A Democrat seeks complex solution to simple problems
A Republican seeks simple solutions to complex problems
A reasonable person seeks simple solutions for solvable problems

Of all the candidates, (well, except for Mike Gravel, but I really feel he's too old) only Kucinich and Paul aren't pandering. I hear truth and common sense, straight answers, not double-talk.
I actually like Paul best, but feel Kucinich's plan for health care (not health insurance) is crucially needed.
I am cheered by seeing other comments here with much the same feelings.
Now, if we could just convince the majority of voters to listen and research....

US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69 5th District, NJ

Sounds like many here are dedicated Repulicans. I am not attached to any party because I have parts to both that I can not agree with. One of the major points in the Rep. party I do not agree with is the lack of women's rights. Ron Paul has all the religious followers slobbering after him because he doesn't agree with the right to choose. He firmly beleives, as many in the right do, that he knows for sure when life begins and that he should be the one to tell a woman to carry that 'life' to birth.
I have yet to understand how we as a nation can define life when it comes to being dead (brain dead is dead) but we can not use that same scale for the begining of life. I am not for late term abortion since I feel a woman should have made up her mind, and known the health risks well before then. But to say that life begins when some religion says it begins and ends when science says it ends seems just a bit over bearing and makes me wonder if we are not back to the concept that men should control our breeding habits. So Ron Paul does not have my vote.
I do on the other hand appreciate Guiliani because he is against aportion, but can see that others do not always share his opinion of when life begins and that we have the right to our own personal opinions and beliefs. How refreshing a concept...sounds democratic freedom.

Ron Paul's personal view on abortion is not to have it, that's true. Ron Paul has also stood very firmly by the fact the our federal government shouldn't be telling us what is right or wrong in this issue. Dr. Paul believe that it should be handled by the states, as well as many other issues. You have a way better chance at what happens at the state level than dealing with the Federal Government.

I invite you to watch the documentary "Guiliani Time," my only comment on him is that he simply cannot become president. He accually wants to wage premtive NUECULAR STRIKES ON IRAN!!! I think abortion will probably be the last thing we will be worrying about if Guiliani becomes pres. He is not a moral man.

Ron Paul is our last true hope for liberty....

I'll make it short.

I believe this combination would provide competency in all areas required of our executives. With these two at the helm I believe American citizens could have both liberty and security. I also foresee sound fiscal policy. They both seem to realize that government is of, by and for the people.

Follow the greatest documents of our nations framework and the rest will work out much better than what we have today.

I'm not sure which one I would rather have as president, but the tandem would be a huge step in the right direction for the whole world, not just our country.

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