Waterston on Hardball (Updated)

posted by BobRoth on July 20, 2025 - 3:17am

Sam Waterston, actor and Unity08 spokesperson, was originally scheduled to be on Hardball this Monday, but it has been moved to Tuesday, July 24 for a full half hour.

These things happen in the television industry... we are still taping the episode on Monday, but the airing has been moved to Tuesday on MSNBC at 5pm & 7pm ET.

The show will be taped outdoors near Union Station, so if you are in the D.C. metro area, come on out and support Sam and Unity08! The outdoor taping will start on Monday at 3:30pm ET at 400 Capital St. NW at the corner of Louisiana Ave. We’re going to have Unity08 signs in the crowd, so look for them!

For those new to politics, “Hardball with Chris Matthews” is a cable news show that features discussion of a wide range of topics, focusing primarily on politics. To learn more about the show, visit MSNBC.

Sam Waterston on "Hardball with Chris Matthews" at 5pm and 7pm ET Tuesday, July 24!

7/25/07: Watch the interview!

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I sure hope Sam prepares better for this interview. When I watched his interview on O'Reilly, it seemed as if O'Reilly had to really pull information from Sam as to exactly what Unity08 was about. I was expecting Sam to at least have a couple of clear, concise sentences/paragraphs about it, but all he seemed to do was respond to O'Reilly's questions and make no real statement of his own. It appeared O'Reilly was supportive, but had that not been the case, that interview could have acomplished more negative than positive for the cause.

Just my 2 cents worth....

Actually, although this may not give my campaign much impetus, I am not a huge Sam Waterston fan (too Liberal), but I thought he did pretty well on O'Reilly.

Why NOT think outside the box? Does it make sense to nominate the same old hacks to represent us as our Presidential nominee, just he/she is a comfortable old shoe?

A Democrat and a Conservative, I am running for President of the United States in 2025. Try to control your excitement. So how, besides being an unknown, does that make me any different from those already running?

First, I have a solution for every problem facing our country; at least for those challenges worth fixing. Second, if you ask me how I shall (not “will” Hillary) fix those problems, I actually shall give you an answer. What a unique concept.

Third, unlike the lawyers running our government, I actually have life experiences that provide insight into solutions. A member of three trade unions, a business owner with stores in several states and Europe, employing over 100 people, and an employee of Federal, State, and local governments, I can identify the problem, then offer a solution.

Lawyers know how to negotiate, arbitrate, talk, have lunch, settle, and adjourn. While they know the mechanics of the law, and how to manipulate the system to get elected, they are not trained, nor do they have the experience to come up with an answer for anything.

Finally, aside from being the smartest person on the planet, I am witty and entertaining. Those snores you hear during the debates will abate whenever I have something to say.

Please check out SAWYER2008.COM and if you have an open mind, e-mail or call me with your comments. If you are bigots and have closed minds, well . . . . call me anyway.


John W. Sawyer

Hello John W. Sawyer,

That you want to say by "too liberal" by speaking about Sam Waterston

Thank you in advance for your answer.


my signature :
"That government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth."ABRAHAM LINCOLN" 16ème président des USA"

I prepared a script for Sam to read before today's taping - I doubt he got it in time MAYBE ALL UNITY08 DELEGATES WOULD LIKE TO READ IT : click om www.america-21stcentury.com .....



Pete (popo) Evans

Probably part of the problem is that Sam knew that O'Reilly wasn't going to have a lot of time for him. Unity08's main goal is pretty simple to explain, but the workings of it are actually complicated enough that you'd have to go on at length to really let people know what's going on here.

There were hints that either Sam and O'Reilly had discussed Unity08 before the segment, or else O'Reilly had done a bit of research on his own, since the question was asked about what happens if a potential candidate doesn't want to run, but they didn't get into the whole drafting process and other details that make Unity08 both different and interesting.

Hopefully, a half hour will give Sam enough time to explain what makes Unity08 more of a revolutionary idea compared to previous centrist movements.

I had never heard of Unity08 before and the interview on O'Rielly was more than adequate to grab my attention. I immediately signed up. Glad I happened to catch that show and glad to be aboard.

While watching the O'Rielly Factor, I became aware of Unity08. I quickly joined and will test the workings of this site before I recommend it to my family and friends.

I'll ditto the remarks of bilgrego and a few others. I too had never heard of Unity08 and joined. I have an unsent email to all my contacts which I have edited numerous times, but remain reluctant to sending it. I have always felt my political beliefs are my own and not to be foisted on others.

I hope Chris Matthews takes the time to read some of the material accumulated on the website:SQUIDOO "News & Politics". The article is entitled: "Unity 08 Questions Persist, Showing Ethical Lapses." It makes for very interesting reading.

ex animo

The Unity Cyber Party

New York City where i live spends five plus billion dollars a year on it's public schools and they are a dysfunctional mess. Most of the kids in these horrid schools are minority kids, so i feel safe in saying money is not the problem. Taxpayer money is poured in to these schools year after year and they get worse and worse. To many people want to play the race card, insinuating that these schools fail because of a racist school system. I went to Cardinal Hayes high school in the Bronx, if you enter that school today which is predominantly black and Hispanic you will find a role model for the bureaucrats and teachers unions to follow. These kids are polite, well dressed,un-armed, no need for a metal detector at the door and they graduate at a rate of over 90%. Why?- Good parenting,just teach the ABC's, demand excellence" they can do it- no doubt. As long as we continue to play the blame game every kid loses every day. Private schools close every year, lack of attendance- lack of- money, from parents unable to pay the tuition, condemning their kids to a failed public school. These parents must be given a grant to send their child to a good school, what ever it cost the city to force that child off to a horrid school, it will cost less to enable that parent to send their child to a good school. I hope Unity 08 will not shy away from putting the blame for the public school mess on who is responsible. Teachers Union, anti- voucher politicians like Hillary, Schumer, and the rest of the hypocrites who send their kids to the best school they can. To the parents who want to get your kids out of these horrid public schools take to the street and let these political hypocrites- whom we pay- they work for us know you want your kids out --when ? NOW. CALL THEM LET THEM KNOW, that you pay their salary, get it done or you will FIRE them.

as an illiteriate hillbilly i find this refreshing..and probably oh no close to the truth...but for a few more dollars i could fix it

chris matthews...give me a break bill clintons lap dog.....tell cnn to stay with the terrorists.....and give us the make me sick view..

Right now it is just an idea with alot of potential money behind it.

Unity08 has no platform, no candidates, and no history.

So who knows what Unity08 is?

I doubt Sam will tell us anything during that half hour.

Probably right there Ed. All three come out zeros as it stands now and I hope Matthews calls Sam on each one of the above 3 keys to get this Unity showon the road - 1) Issues (standing for something centrist); 2) branding/marketing (inbcreasing our basebased on what we stand for); and 3) potential candidates (who can deliver the centrist message and be truly viable/electable). Right now we have none-of-the-above except Sam's smile and a shoeshine. Don't think Matthews will buy that one and hopefully will prompt Unity to accelerate efforts on all 3. Here's hoping!! It can be done but we need to get crackin'!!

Can't make the rally this aft but my hopes are with Sam!

DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com



Concerning your points 1,2&3...

1)How can Unity08 have a stand on the issues when they have not selected Candidates yet? Optimally, yes, I think most of us would like to be centrist rather than one extreme or the other. But would taking a stand on the issues rule out some Candidates? I think you have to wait to see who the people pick before you can take a stand. Tough position to be in!

2)Agree. But again, difficult to do without having a stand.

3)I, myself, am perfectly viable and electable. Get off your duff, take a look at our website, and get on the ball! We are here. If it's a perfectly groomed billionaire nice honest guy with morals and values that you want. Good luck. Doesn't exist. All I lack is the $400 haircuts and the billions. Other than that, beyond being just what you want... I'm what we all NEED. I like to think I am anyway...!

Sorry you can't make it to the taping!

Richard H. Clark
Independent Presidential Candidate


Well, *I* was there...

If you count Sam and I, there were all of 4 Unity08 people in attendance, at least that I knew of. I got to shake his hand, wish him luck, and hand him my card just as he was going on. The others, the vast majority, were just a bunch of kids from a media class who didn't even know what a Republican was... If you watch behind Sam at the very beginning of the show, look for the NASCAR baseball cap! That's me, jumping around looking like a groupie! Hey, it was a gorgeous day...

At any rate, having heard the first part of Sam's responses (I had to scoot early), I stand corrected. What I heard, was that Unity08 is to *DEFINE* the centrist stand on the issues, and then pick candidates according to their answers when questioned on those issues. So...


Really, you had better start moving...
You're missing a wonderful opportunity!
The time is NOW!

Richard H. Clark
Independent Presidential Candidate

I have been a registered independet since 1978 which has afforded me the right to not participate in any primary elections. I have always been left with the two parties chosen ones. I am happy that someone is forming a centerist party. I am sure there will be growing pains but the process should be well worth it. I submitted a youtube video,
, but it was not chosen, no suprise there since there were so many. I feel that it is time for a normal everyday American to be elected to the Presidency. The current crop and the previous candidiates are all among the elite and I just can not fathom how any of them can even begin to relate to the everyday concerns of the average American.

After seeing Sam Waterston on Hardball, I decided to check out this site, and signed up (hey, it didn't cost anything but time).

I come in a bit jaded (read: practical)--in other words, whomever Unity08 members select on a ticket may not be practically electable. If the selected individual is not on states' ballots, it would require a massive (and likely futile) write-in campaign (though wouldn't it be nice if it didn't)...if a person from one party is selected for President, but someone else from the other major party for vice-president, many (most? all?) states' ballots require that the person vote for both--actually, you vote for electors who cast the votes for President, so only they could split the ticket.

I am a liberal Democrat, but like a few Republicans--I'd like to see Susan Collins from Maine, for example, run for President. Michael Bloomberg is intriguing, and I'd like to hear more from Bill Richardson.

Best case scenario is that Unity08 identifies a candidate that is deemed better than the two parties' choices, and that the majority here support that candidate (let's be realistic--our backgrounds are so divergent that many people here will opt for another candidate in the end), and that candidate can be placed on the ballot in 2-3 states where he/she has a realistic chance of winning...thus causing the Electoral College to convene and force a compromise that way.

I too signed up after seeing Sam on Hardball tonight, (actually had thought about it for a while.)

I'm a former "ditto-head" Republican, turned "Air America" Democrat, turned "what the hell is up with the system?" undecided. I generally lean to the left now, but I don't trust Hillary and most of the rest of the Dems are a question mark. And the religious chokehold on the Republican party is what lost me.

I understand the concerns that the guy above me posted, but I also understand that these guys are making sure that the candidate will indeed be on the ballot in all 50 states. So I don't see that as a stumbling block

briefly my hopes:

1) "platform" - I sincerely hope that it is based on honesty, intelligent discourse and rational thought. Those three elements have been sadly lacking in the American Political process for Decades. Both Republican and Democrat "platforms" of the past have been dogmatic and reactionary and "spun" beyond all reason.

since most polls show that the American public is as disatisfied with the congress as with the president, maybe Unity08 should adopt a platform of "VOTE THEM ALL OUT" .... leaving no incumbents in office and starting the whole show from scratch (who cares what party... just new faces... that ought to scare the heck out of all our current senators and congressmen)... just a thought

2) "candidates" - AN HONEST PERSON! - one who is not afraid to tell the public he or she tried marijuana without a "i didn't inhale" qualifier... ala Wm Clinton. One who will take responsibility for his/her administration's incompetence (or lying as you see it) ala GW Bush vis a vis IRAQ.

3)"history" - give it some time... pun intended


I hope a few people show up!

It's your chance to meet the next prez,
in person, without too much crowding...

Just look for the NASCAR baseball cap.
That's me!

Looking forward to meeting a few of ya!

Richard H. Clark
Independent Presidential Candidate
(and Unity08 Delegate)

Anyone have an update on the U08 candidates/issues polls? The sooner the better so we can get the show on the road and give U08 leaders more to talk about when they get the chance.

HC, we have another small group test going out tomorrow. We'll measure load and response. Thanks for your patience.

Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com

**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**

Face it, there are no good solutions to the war in Iraq. If we continue with the current plan or try others, it will be continue to be a terrible problem. The only way to proceed is to select one course of action and unite behind the cause. We need leadership and we need commitment. Can someone please fix this mess and protect our country at the same time?

I have run across an interesting website that is called Pick Your Candidate It gets its material from 2 Decide. Perhaps we can incorporate this information into Unity08 somehow and see where the membership is on this issue.

I took the test and I came out for Romney (17 points) and Clinton (12 points). So under Unity08's nominating rules, I should nominate Rommey for President and Hillary for Vice-President.

ex animo

I took it too. My results came back Paul 72, Kucinich 18. Romney and Clinton both came back negative numbers.


I joined today as a result of watching Sam Waterston on Hardball. Thank you, Sam! I feel that there are a lot of sincere people on both sides of many current issues, but I think they're missing the boat. I think there are two systemic problems facing us:
1. Gerrymandering of congresssional districts: Congressional districts have been redrawn to facilitate extreme rightist or extreme leftest constituancies. This has destroyed the traditional American tradition of moderate left or moderate right politics. As a result, only ideological extremist candidates make it through the primary process.
2. Undue influence of money and pressure have been injected into the election process. These problems speak for themselves.
The middle-of-the-road voter has been excluded from the electoral process.


If we, the American people, do not hold accountable the politicians of our day, we will be inviting the next group of leaders to have free reign to form their policies of corruption. This is exactly what happened to cause the fall of the Roman empire. People gave up their freedoms. I for one, do not wish to see this happen to my children and grandchildren. We must hold our elected leaders accountable for their personal, greedy endeavors. The definition of a dictatorship is a one-party system (ex. Fidel Castro). We are a two-party system married to each other, which is as close to a one- party system as you can get. This is scary!!! Much success to Unity08.

Tuned in tonight and was enlighted by the honest attempt by Mr. Waterson to get the ball rolling for a possible third party something...also saw him on Bill O'Rielly. The audience was young, I am older, so was glad to see that. The disappointing aspect is that the generations 30 and younger just seem to be disengaged by the whole political process. I have an 18 and 21 year old and trying to engage them is hard. They sit and watch TV and ask questions especially about the conflict in Iraq and ask what is going to be done to solve this conflict. The bottom line is no political candidate Republican or Democrat wants to answer the tough questions and not one commentator for these debates has the guts to ask. They would rather talk about hair, clothing and playing nice instead of taking their opponent to the mat. Both parties are cowtowing to their constituants and unfortunatally to eachother. So let's play "Hard Ball" and get to the heart of what americans need in this country real men and women who know how to listen and act according to what they are told to do by "We the People". This push reminds me of the "Contract with America" so I wish succcess for "Unity 08" and will fully participate once I see some consistancy in what their cause will bring to the political process. I might even convenice my family to join.

Thanks Sam for reaffirming Unity 08's commitment to give the vast middle a place to go.
I'm not a big Hardball fan but Chris got it right when he said whichever way you vote you are buying an agenda that caters to the special interests and moonbats on the fringes.

After about a year as a member of Unity 08 it seems the fringe have gone away leaving those whose agenda is the well being of the country and the people not the agendas of the special interests.
Maybe being an option to none of the above will work.
Thanks Sam for giving the middle a place to go.

denny, get your sons to click on www.america-21stcentury.com - they will become better informed, interested in participating in UNITY08 - I promise ..

Pete (popo)Evans, Unity08 Founding Delegate at Large

After watching MSNBC and the interview with Mr. Waterston I decided to sign up. I have stated and lived the sentiment Mr. Waterston expressed so clearly. It is unconscionable, after these last six and one half years, not to be passionately envolved in the political process of this great country. We the people are the government of this country. It is up to us --more than a delusional President or a impotent Congress-- to make the necesary changes needed to right the wrongs our mis-representatives have created in our name. It is solely up to us, our voices, our votes, our country. We would do well to re-elect nobody and of the eighteen canidates paraded in front of us on national television, elect none of them.

He described Unity08 as a Donkephant hybrid, taking a second hand discarded politician from each of the two parties.

What good is that?

I want a viable third party that will stand for the people and be outside the political duopoly, not a third corporate interest clone.

What will make Unity08 different, just a nifty slogan?

Will it stand for something, or just become a third bad choice?

I'm just thrilled that a group with goals such as ours can attract someone like Sam Waterston to help publicize the cause (and our efforts) at all!

Before I found Unity08, I had long been convinced that the lobby money had bought out every face and voice that any American had ever seen; and we'd have nothing but some no name like myself to get up and try to articulate for us.

So, I'm just glad to know that not only are there more Americans like me, but also that there are some like Mr. Waterston who are willing to employ their own, personal celebrity to assist us in publicizing our goals and efforts. Thanks to Mr. Waterston, and thanks to all my peer delegates in Unity08!

Timing of the announcement was great. Thank you, Sam. Let me know how I can help in Illinois.

- Independent Conservative,

John Coonen

Ive never heard of Unity 08, Waterson was certainly good enough in the interview to peak my intrest. Keep it up Sam spread the word, the country is so ready for this!



If you are a moderate THEN VOTE DEMOCRATIC. The Democrats represent the interests of most Americans: The American Middle Class, the working poor, and ethics in business. They believe in the Greater Good and prosperity for all.

They brought us the weekend, consumer protection, Social Security, civil rights, the minimum wage and so much more.

The -- Media Savvy -- American Fascist Republican Party represent the financial interests of 7 million of the most selfish and short sighted among the rich (Their "real" base). All else has been about garnering our votes.

The Republicans deceived and divided the other $293Million of us, just when we needed to be strong and united, to get us to vote against our own interests. They divided veteran against veteran, Catholic against Catholic, the younger against the older with Social Security, and paid off certain churches, through their -- fYth byst inticiative to get them to come to vote in a biggotted way against gays and lesbians.

Mr. Waterson is as much of a ********Propaganda victim *** of the Repulbican controlled Media as those who voted for Mr. Bush in the first place.

Mr Bush left Texas bankrupt to the tune of $3B (Its education and air quality 45 and 49 in the nation). He flew in on the Enron Plane (Ken lay his largest supporter). Then the Republican appointees, in the Supreme Court,
stopped the Vote Recount and declared him the winner (a recount we know they would have lost)

A lot of people don't realize that it is the Executive Branch that controlls and RUNS our ENTIRE government AND ALL OF ITS AGENCIES --- WHICH THE REPUBLICANS HAVE BEEN DESTORYING. ** WHY WOULD ANY MODERATE want to empower ANY Republican?


The only things they know how to do is to manipulate the Media to their agenda.

Their APPEASERS: MSNBC, CNN and FOX consistantly trash the Democrats
yet Democrats have been working hard to try to turn around the ***Damage ** the Republican controlled legislature left behind in the last 12 years of control

Meanwhile the Telvision Media did not open their little mouths while the Republicans were pushing out TENS OF THOUSANDS OF Non Partisan civil servents and replaced them with Brownies!!!

Meanwhile Chris Mathews (WHO IS A REPUBLICAN) gave the Swifboat Liars for the War in Vietnam TENS OF BILLIONS IN FREE ADVERTISING in the lead up to the 2025 elections.

Think about it: How much did we keep hearing, in the last several years, the quote: "The Democrats have no plan about the war" THIS LIE BY THE TIM RUSSERTS OF THE WORLD was repeated this over and over and over again was so transparent in its dishonesty.

***YET** As events were chaning on the ground, over the last few years, The Democrats presented many, many, many, ideas about how to handle the war: Including that the Sunniis should be mentioned in the constitution as getting a portion of the oil of Iraq. Or to bring in Special Forces and REMOVE COMBAT TROOPS who keep going over the same IED over and over and over again. These are only some of the policy proposals that mR bUsh ignored and his mouthpieces completely ignored.

DO NOT BE PROPAGANDIZED into disenpowering the Democrats -- BY THE TALKING HEADS -- MSNBC has 5 to 1 Republican anchors. When Fox introduced the DEMOCRATIC condidacy of General Clark they had his picture surrounded by large downward moving arrows like a stock that should be sold.

Furthermore, The Democrats DID NOT vote for "the war." They voted to show a unified front and *** intimidate Sadam into ALLOWING THE INSPECTORS BACK IN*****, and only for war, as a last resort, if he did not.



It is they who allowed Mr. Bush to get away with calling John Kerry a flip flopper whie he was in the proecess of committing the biggest flip flop in History -- by dismantling the Iraqi Army and they trying to put it back together again.

All the tragedies our country is encountering have been predicatble and a torture to watch. The Republicans have been trying to get rid of FEAM, the Army Corp of Engineers, Department of Education, etc. etc. etc. FOR DECADES.

Some of the Republicans mentioned here are great. SO LET THEM VALUE OUR COUNTRY OVER THEIR PARTY AND LEAVE IT.

Do not be pursuaded to trash the Democrats. IT IS THEY WHO ARE THE MODERATES


Wow! if anybody ever needed a reason to support the political aims of Unity08, they need look no further than Dani's post:This will only Empower the AFRP

This is exactly the kind of warped, partisan fanaticism presently infecting the leadership of both parties. It must be stopped.

I am quite sure a third party, empowering the middle majority by means of the Internet, is by far the best way to get the job done. I am just not sure the four owners of Unity08 are dedicated to this objective. I certainly don't believe that anything less than a third party will be politically strong enough to make a significant impact on the kind of mindset so ably exhibited by Dani's post.

ex animo

I think Sam makes a great spokesperson, and he certainly had more time and probably more latitude on the Chris Matthew's segment than what he was given on Bill O'Reilly's. This seemed to make his appearance more serious, more informative, and more energetic.

Some of his responses were a little thin, but I think that may be refelective of the organization, which still may be trying to define exactly where it's headed. I agree with Sam that there are millions of people in the US who don't subscribe to all of any one party's platform, and that party loyalties often get in the way of coming up with REAL solutions to today's problems. To get the needed funds to support a candidate, they will need to develop a general platform so people are clear on Unity'08's core values. The organization can't say forever that it's centrist, but then not be able to define, issue by issue, what that centrist position will be. I could be putting the proverbial cart before the horse - maybe the list of candidates and their beliefs should come first, and a platform later...

Anyway, I think Unity '08 has a lot of merit and I plan on following it closely.

Being a serial entrepreneur, I know what it's like to NOT have all the answers. While Sam's tapdancing may not be his best quality, I'd say that's precisely why he'd make an awful lobbyist.

With Unity on his resume, some day, I think he's gonna be a big star. I could see him starring on a TV show or something like that. Maybe a heavy hitting drama of some kind...hmmmmmm...


Cheers, Sam.

John Coonen
The Coffee Group
Take the country; leave my coffee.

I'm going to vote for you to be our next President because you know so much...in fact you know it all...in fact you know everything there is to know about everything and that qualifies you to be a " FINISHED PERSON " with nothing left to learn.....I don't think I'll vote for you after all but if I do I hope someone takes me out behind the barn and shoots me. Dan , why don't you just blow it out your...,and give us all a break.

I just sent Sam a note and copied some of the comments from this post. He has been spending a lot of time as our spokesperson and I felt we should let him know how much we appreciate it. So, thank you, everyone, for your comments!

Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08
comments AT unity08 DOT com

**Don't forget to vote on forum topics!**


Is Sam volunteering?

John Coonen
The Coffee Group
Take the country; leave my coffee.

One of Unity08's goals (through Sam's apperances on tv and print) should be to debunk the myth that we live in a 2 pary political system and that third party candidates "steal" votes from either party. We have been forced to live within the 2 party system by the polititians (and media) we have come to distrust. The idea that third party candidate Ralph Nader "took away votes" from democratic candidate Al Gore should be addressed head on by illustrating that "we the people" have the inherent right to choose the leaders we believe represent our best interests and not just settle for whats out there.

One of the messages to both parties should be that there is a deep belief in this country that they are no longer capable of representing the needs of our country and it's people and as a result we will endevore to find someone who will.

Quote - "The idea that third party candidate Ralph Nader "took away votes" from democratic candidate Al Gore should be addressed head on by illustrating that "we the people" have the inherent right to choose the leaders we believe represent our best interests and not just settle for whats out there."

The Nader voters made a choice.

They chose George W Bush for president. They voted their conscience, and we ended up with W.

Thank you, Nader supporters, for helping to elect George Bush president. You are all responsible.

The 2025 vote for Nader was a protest vote against Al Gore. By voting against Gore (a man who would have represented their interests far better than Bush), they ensured that the minority viewpoint would prevail.

Unity08 was supposed to be a different type of organization (when compared to a typical "fringe" third party), applying pressure to BOTH major parties from the center. Sam Waterston even talked about the "pragmatic center" during his time on "Hardball".

But on the Shoutbox, the typical far-right, and ultra-liberal disaffected 3rd party voters are advocating for Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. They don't get it - it isn't enough to vote for a candidate - it is important to vote for a candidate who can WIN.

In the real world, there are consequences for stupid behavior.

If you vote for Kucinich or Paul (both anti-war candidates), you are increasing the possibility that a Neo-Con can win the presidency, since Kucinich and Paul have no hope of winning. They could have an effect on the outcome, but the effect is likely to be the opposite of what their supporters desire.

Is it too much to ask that the members of Unity08 put some degree of thought into the consequences of their actions? How many Nader supporters are happy with George W. Bush as president? In what way does Bush represent Green party voters better than Gore?
Is it right and proper that the majority will of the electorate was subverted in 2025? Was the "protest vote" for Nader worth the cost?

Why would you place a vote that ensures that you will get the opposite result from what you desire? Common sense should tell people not to throw away their vote on a spoiler candidate.

Or is it mandated somewhere that 3rd party voters have to be morons?

Jeff C


Ron Paul will win. The GOP candidates and the GOP are screwed. The cat is out of the bag and they can't catch him to put him back in. The "top tier" candidates will have the die hard GOP vote pretty much split evenly among them in the primaries and Ron Paul will walk away with the GOP nomination. He will make mincemeat out of whoever the Dumbocrats run.

The Revolution is not being televised but it is being youtubed!

Although I disagree on your Nader argument Jeff (Gore ran a lousy lousy campaign and "lost" fair and square - do not blame that one on Ralphie), I agree we here at Unity land need a valid moderate centrist-oriented bipartisan ticket that has a possibility of actually winning this thing. Paul and Kucinich would be disasters. Some of their ideas are interesting though and I would not mind shoehorning some of them into some centrist-oriented tent-stakes/platforms. But to deliver a true centrist bipartisan message and govern as such? No, I'm sorry - Ron/Denny would be the last people who could do that.

But before we have the capability to attract such candidates, we need to delineate what we Unity08 are about as a true centrist bipartisan/nonpartisan party and what our basic centrist, moderate principles/issues/solutions actually are. Our possible centrist candidates will need something to get their teeth into before they will leap into the abyss and build on our ideas. If we do not stand for something centrist or at least through down the basic issue tent stakes on the top (no more that 4 or 5 please!) issues, they we will not attact the centrist-moderate candidate it will take to win this sucker.

So Issues come first, then Branding, then Candidates - I-B-C!

First things first!!

DC - 3rd ward - milligansstew08@yahoo.com


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