The Accelerated Primaries

posted by BobRoth on August 10, 2025 - 5:26pm

"I think, frankly, that the American public is just fed up with the game-playing of both political parties," said Bailey, an adviser on Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential campaign. "And this is just another example of it. How stupid can you get?"

In a USA TODAY article, our own Doug Bailey was interviewed about his views on the accelerated primary schedule.

He continued, "You don't even have a very good sense of what the issues will be in the (general) election when you pick the nominee this early," he said. "This just feeds the public frustration."

Allan J. Lichtman, a presidential campaign expert at American University says, "It has the risk of further alienating the voters, who are going to get inundated very early with these (general election) campaign commercials. The accelerated calendar also creates a vast time span for a third party movement."

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I see this as good news for Unity08. Except for the fact that it will shorten ballot access time, Unity08 will be in a good position to gain members. It is unfortunate Bailey & Company want to sell out to the highest bidder instead of actually using this momentum to form an effective 3rd party that could actually change American politics.

However, do not be disheartened. There are other Unity08 delegates who believe Untiy08 must become a viable political 3rd party to be effective. If you would like to join a discussion group to address this issue, please go to The Unity Cyber Party Yahoo Group

ex animo
The Unity Cyber Party


I suggest : The First Political Organization That Comes To The Public With A PLAN THAT WILL CLEARLY - Eliminate Gridlock, Partisan Politics and Pandering To Special Interests - Permanently ... WILL GRAB MEDIA & PUBLIC ATTENTION - OVERNIGHT !! ...

Doug, the public may be slow to catch on to some things BUT They Know Damn Well No Matter Who Gets Elected - We'll still be powerless unless we exercise our Constitutional Rights and Responsibilities AND CHANGE THE RULES BY WHICH THE GOVERNMENT OPERATES ..

If you don't know by now - That The Congressional Record Contains Proof Positive That - Congress Has UNILATERALLY Enacted Legislation That Violates Their Entitlement and Endangered The Nation and It's Citizens Social and Economic Welfare and Security .. YOU, ME, EVERYONE That's Committed Themselves To The Stated Objectives of UNITY08 - ARE DUTY BOUND TO HOLD GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABLE - if we don't - nothing will change.

We can announce this now - as laying a proper foundation for the Agenda to follow, this the Voters will recognize as a necessary and wise move on our part - YOU KNOW THAT, I KNOW THAT ...

My postings on will continue to push "Pete's Plan For Political Reform" with UNITY08 as the Vehicle, I made it clear to you when we talked in DC - our goals are the same - but my plans and timetable for execution - will be based on my knowledge and experience ..

I do promise you this, whatever I do - will be designed to help UNITY08 meet its objective : Take Back Out Country For The American People in 2025.

God Bless - Stay Well ..

Peter K (popo) Evans

ps I'm tired - I'm not even going to edit this

Would you please provide a link to your broader platform? I've been reading some of your ideas and think you have the strands of some interesting ideas. However, as a law professor I detect you harbor some fundamental misunderstandings of constitutional law, and for the benefit of this forum I'd like to see if I can better understand your ideas so that we can flesh them out a bit.

Michael C. Duff

The key phrase in your comments is "Nothing is cast in stone" ..

About My Plan ...

Criteria :

We are in deep you know what - Socially, Economically & Security wise !!

The evidence is overwhelming our Political system is no longer adequate to serve the needs of the Nation and its Citizens !!

A simple review of that system allows us to "PIN-POINT" the key issues and an appropriate and practical solution !!

As the Sovereign Power we have the Right & Responsibility To Insure That Our Politicians Do In Fact Defend & Protect Our Constitution From Enemies Foreign & Domestic !!

We have from now until about June of 2025 - to Educate Millions of American Voters as to THE REAL CAUSE OF OUR CURRENT - SOCIAL, ECONOMIC & SECURITY PROBLEMS ... And What It Will Take To Fix Them In Time To Save Our Arses !!

The Reality :

The reality is our Our Political System is completely VOID of the Disciplines necessary to Defend and Protect - The Security of The Nation & Its Citizens !!

We elect people we know little about - they must follow the party line or suffer in silence !!

Congress has enacted rules/regulations and procedures - without our knowledge, advice and consent : that by error and/or default - has cost us dearly in Loss of Life, property, respect and credibility both at home and abroad !!

The Solution "Pete's Plan For Political & Management Reform" !!

Objective : Establish Procedures In 2025 - That Eliminate Political Gridlock, Partisanship and the Ability To Pander To Any Special Interests at The Expense Of The Nation and Its Citizenry !!

How ?! .. Establish Formal Job Descriptions For Our Elected Representatives & A Contract Governing Required Performance & Accountability ..

Require all Candidates For Office To Publicize Their Resume of Skills, Experience and offer Referances for verification ..

Require all Candidates for Office To Provide Their Constituency With A Written Pledge - To Vote In Compliance With Our Constitution & Bill of Rights NOT In Compliance with Party Dictates ..

Make provisions for a recognized advocacy group such as The American Veterans Group and The NTU (Nat'l Taxpayer's Union) To Do A Study/Evaluation of Rules/Procedures Enacted By Congress since 1947 - for the purpose of identifying and repealing those that pose A Real & Present Danger To The Future Security of This Nation and Its People !!

Grounds :

Common Sense, Natural & Constitutional Law ..

If it Looks Like A Duck, Walks Like A Duck & Quacks Like A Duck - It's Probably A Duck !!

If a Formally Successful Venture - Winds Up On The Slippery Slope & Slides Down To The Brink of The Abyss - It's probably A Venture with the wrong people & policies for the time and its place in the scheme of things !!

"Pete's Plan For Political & Management Reform" .. recognizes and responds to the situation expressed above ..

My case for this being a Constitutional Issue is simple : under the Constitution THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS IS NOT PERMITTED TO ENACT ANY REGULATION, PROCEDURE OR LAW - That Denies Us The Sovereignty Granted By OUR FOUNDING FATHERS .. ipso facto ...

We have the right to examine/evaluate/repeal - any act by Government that impinges on those rights ..

One simple example : Congress passed a law, in order to charge a Member with a Crime, the complaining party must reveal private information about itself that has nothing to do with the case : The Constitution Clearly States "Government Officials Are Subject To The Same Laws As The People" ...
All that's required under the Law of The Land to bring a charge against a Member of Congress IS EVIDENCE THEY HAVE COMMITTED A CRIME !!

This is just one small example of how Congress has violated its Entitlement to increase its power - and to protect itself from oversight and control of the People .. it is the thin end of the wedge we can use to pry open Congress's Pandora's box !!

Michael, during my almost 60 years in business - Ive overcome many complex problems by thinking "outside the box" - concentrating on "what can be - not what is" ..

My Plan may not have all the answers - but I know from my life experiences, IT PROVIDES THE INSIGHT & GUIDANCE TO BRING ABOUT THE "FINAL SOLUTION WE ALL NEED" !!

Hope I didn't bore you ..

Peter K (popo) Evans

Plse email me

I agree with Popo. It's not that we are tired of the process, it's that we don't trust the process. We want a good government that works for the people, we don't want bad government that works to sustain it's own interests.

It may be difficult for people in the system to understand that we distrust the system (and therefor them). It would be difficult for good honest people who have been subverted by the current system to believe that they are doing good to believe that they are part of the problem.

To get a real solution, we must look outside the system.

To join the U08 Delegate Council Online Community send an email to

all in one linear line, without spaces, except where you see the word "space":






U08 Delegate Council





If you can do that, then you will have created a direct hyperlink to your discussion group.

ex animo

David, Many people do not have their default mail program pointing to the program with which they email. I know I don't, and neighter do the majority of folks using web mail systems like hotmail or yahoo mail.

To join the U08 Delegate Council Online Community send an email to


To join the U08 Delegate Council Online Community send an email to

The 2 parties want to narrow their own fields as fast as possible. I don't see how it adversely affects us. We may gain recruits from the dissatisfied whose candidate has been left behind. And when we come up with an alternative ticket next June, voters may already be tired of the dem and repub nominees.

I would heavily publicize the Unity08 movement, but not our individual candidates, as a strategy to keep an air of mystery and excitement going.

I think this is an accurate analysis.

Michael C. Duff

I agree with steve... the two parties have, in their haste to "one-up" the other, provided an opening for a viable third party. Long before the nominating conventions they will have decided the platforms and candidates.

The public may be so sick and tired of listening to the same old line of BS, that a dynamic third party candidate will crack the two party system.

The four owners, and now it seems a few heavy lenders, never intended it to be a political party. Indeed, that would be an anathema to Unity08's stated political purpose.

Far from directly challenging the present, two-party system, Unity08's leaders want to preserve the two-party system by simply "demonstrating" to them that a moderate political foundation for a third party exists. This well, as the theory goes, allow the leadership of the two major political parties an opportunity to move their politics back to the center, where, presumably, the right decisions are located.

As Bob Roth pointed out in his post: Party, or No?, when the leadership of Unity08 states publicly that Unity08 is a political party, they do so to more easily explain Unity08's intended political function to the masses, nothing more.

However, do not be disheartened. There are plenty of other Unity08 delegates who believe Untiy08 must become a viable political 3rd party to be effective. If you would like to join a discussion group to address this issue, please go to The Unity Cyber Party Yahoo Group

ex animo
The Unity Cyber Party

Nothing the Unity08 leadership is saying or doing precludes the effort from evolving to a third political party. It's a big enough undertaking to create a viable presidential ticket for November 2025, that for now the priority should remain there. The most important challenge is to increase the number of voting delegates for the online convention. The relatively slow pace now is not the point. Delegate recruiting will likely begin in earnest sometime in February once the two parties have settled on their nominees, and the country has settled into nine months of buyer's remorse. That is when voters will gain interest in signing on as delegates. And it is when candidates who didn't get the Democratic or Republican nominations will declare their intention to compete for Unity08's nomination. But it's imperative there be a large number of voting delegates to contrast with the 15 million or more voters who will have participated in the Republican and Democratic caucuses and primaries. There will be ample time and opportunity to evolve to a third party once the work of building a credible presidential ticket has succeeded.

It's our Agenda that will grow the numbers - the First Step in this needs to be taken ASAP ..


I've provided the plan - all it takes is for our current Delegates to recognize its validity and convince UNITY08 in DC to adopt it .

For those who haven't seen/read/evaluated the plan, go to the home page check the Current Blog Titles in the far column on the right Click on " 4,367 or 10 Million" scroll to Page 2 and Title "OK Will Do - Here Goes" from popo

After you've read/understood the information and logic, please comment and email me at

Thanking you in advance ..

Peter K (popo) Evans (also

Click on todays posting on


The problem with primaries, and political parties for that matter, is television and/or money. The cost of television advertisement and the capture of the medium by corporate interests deprives third party actors (of whatever stripe) of access to public dialogue. (I think the internet is starting to change that). The trouble started with Buckley v. Valejo, the Supreme Court case equating money with speech. That holding effectively deprives the great mass of the public of any but corporate sponsored candidates. But contrary to the suggestion I've read by a number of the comments on this forum, nothing about the current system, such as it is, is "unconstitutional." The courts long ago decided that the constitution merely guranteed a "republican form of government" and went to great pains not to define what that meant. In fact, until Bush v. Gore the Court was loath to enter in any respect to electoral issues (with the possible exception of the 15th Amendment Voting Rights cases) holding that such issues are "unjusticiable political questions."

This should all come as comfort to Unity 08 devotees because it means that the sky is the limit. Nothing about the current electoral system is written in stone.

Michael Duff

Michael, please read my posting of the 13th on
and email me at

Peter K (popo) Evans

For someone to dialog with on the ROLE OF LAW IN ANY COUNTRY ..

Here Are My Assumptions : Our Constitution Grants Us Sovereign Rights Over the Welfare & Security of The United States of America and Its Citizens ..

Government operates under Entitlements granted by the people - that are subject to review and change as needs become apparent due to evidence of a clear and present danger ..

Current conditions within the United States socially, financially - with regard to Home Foreclosures, Credit Card Debt, Border Security, dependence on Foreign Oil - and a deteriorating Infrastructure ..

Plus the threat to our Soldiers Abroad and Our Civilians at home from Terrorist ,,


Further evidence exists that This Clear & Present Threat To The United States & Its Citizens - IS THE RESULT OF VARIOUS BRANCHES OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ABUSING PUBLIC TRUST & THE TERMS OF THEIR ENTITLEMENTS !!

I contend there is clear evidence that The Executive & Legislative Branches of Government, The United States Congress and The United States Supreme Court, are all guilty of abusing the Publics Trust and Violating the Terms of their Entitlements ..

As a Naturalized Citizen of the United States who took an oath to defend and protect The United States Constitution against All Enemies Foreign AND DOMESTIC - I feel duty bound to do everything in my power to see that those Branches of Government are held accountable - and necessary changes are made to prevent further abuses.

Michael - trust me : The Congressional Record is loaded with proof of Government's culpability in criminal acts and acts of abuse and malfeasance in office .. I can't stand idly by when I know damn well NOTHING'S GOING TO CHANGE IN 2025 - UNLESS WE HAVE THE MEANS TO CONTROL THE CONGRESS - This means KNOWING WHO AND HOW MANY ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE CAN BE LEVERAGED TO SUPPORT THE BILLS WE NEED PASSED !!!

Email me at I'm hoping to talk with you Phil, GEA and some of the others about this SOON

Peter K (popo) Evans, I'm going to have to rest for a while - my heart's been acting up the last couple of days.

Peter K (popo) Evans

Lets just have one continuous primary. That way they won't have to bother with the Peoples business at all. They can stay in campaign mode, indefinitely, and continue to hold popularity poll contests to affirm the biggest egos by monthly rankings. Give them stars and at the end of the 4 year term the one with the most stars gets to be the next president. It would even make a good TV series in the vein of...Who Wants To Be A Super Hero.

Have them solve cute little puzzles and do crazy things.It might even be funny...and, that way the Networks (those bought and paid for political, media shills ) could pay for it all! Lobby their favorites...deduct it off their business tax's and also have the new government figure out a way to subsidize the industry so that they could pass it along to the tax payers.

I'm surprised they haven't figured this out yet?

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