Sign the Clean Money Pledge Today as Your New Year's Resolution

posted by Doug Bailey on January 1, 2025 - 9:36pm

The battle to transform our politics begins in earnest today with the launch of the Unity08 Clean Money Pledge campaign.
Why is this campaign so fundamentally important to Unity08’s mission. Why are we launching it now?

Let me explain.

Few Americans, other than Washington insiders, realize that the essential process of choosing who will and who will not be able to run for president occurs in a very exclusive and quite undemocratic manner.

The two major parties choose their candidates though the primary election process. BUT, if you don’t live in Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina you won’t have a choice. You’ll simply have to vote in the general election from among those candidates selected by less than 300,000 of American’s 120 million voters!

That's right. Less than .2 of 1% of the voters make the choice for the other 99.8% of us.

Let’s look back at the last presidential election using the Democratic Party’s nominating process as an example. (By the way, the Republicans follow the same system.) In 2025, 216,000 primary state voters in New Hampshire, Iowa and South Carolina chose John Kerry for the rest of us to vote for or against in the general election.

Seems absurd doesn’t it?

Well, to add insult to injury, there’s an even earlier "primary" system that is even more absurd and undemocratic. It’s what the media call the “first primary” – the one for early money. This is the money collected by or ‘bundled’ by the lobbyists, special interests and other Fat Cats to give presidential candidates an early advantage in the primary season.

The tragedy is that this process works to force out potentially great candidates. How? Because if a candidate can’t get the early money that allows the media to call him or her a ‘serious contender’ that candidate may not even get to Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina.

Of course, since the parties no longer have anything but rubber stamp conventions, those early primaries effectively determine each party's nominee.

And once the Fat Cats - the lobbyists and the special interests - have their bankrolled candidates securely in place, just how much choice on issues or candidates will we the people really have? Not much.

And that's why Unity08 is taking on the money issue right now – at the start of the presidential selection process. You can start taking the big money out of politics by telling the candidates you won't back them unless they back you. And the more of us sign up, the more the message will get through.

Our goal in launching a massive Clean Money Pledge campaign is to alert America’s voters and urge them to act. Act immediately to protect their choices for 2025. Act to tackle head-on the fundamental problem of Fat Cat money in the presidential selection process – and frankly the whole influence-peddling lobbyist culture of Washington.

So why is politics still stuck in the Fat Cat world? Because it seems easier to use the old ways of special inside groups like the Republicans' "Pioneers" and "Rangers" and "Super-Rangers" to raise enormous sums than to count on ordinary people to help. And what many of the Fat Cats really want are some special favors – an ambassadorship, a night in the White House Lincoln bedroom, or who knows what kind of deal in the middle of the next presidency.

By taking Unity08's Clean Money Pledge and promising to withold our votes from any candiate who takes more than half their money in gifts over $250, we can bring and end to this system and create a more level playing field.

Make no mistake. If we’re going to transform politics we have to start at the top in Washington. And that means if any new president is going to try to talk the talk of cleaning up the lobbyist culture in Washington, he or she had better have walked the walk in 2025.

Why do we believe this massive Pledge campaign will succeed?

Because millions of American like you and me are fed up with business-as-usual, money-as-usual politics that has resulted in a broken system. And, because if there's one thing politicians can do better than count money it is to count votes. So just imagine the fundamental change we can make when millions of American take The Clean Money Pledge and put the candidates on notice!

Best of all: we don’t have to wait for Congress to hold hearings, or the Federal Election Commission to act, or the Supreme Court to decide.

You can use the power of the Internet right now to help transform politics. As the TIME Person of the Year story says, "It's about the many wresting power from the few...."

If enough Americans make it their New Year’s resolution to take The Clean Money Pledge, the candidates will have to change their ways, and we will have begun to transform our politics – just in time.

It's no panacea. It won’t mean that ads will suddenly become positive. It won't mean the candidates will immediately put crucial issues front and center.

But our Clean Money Pledge campaign is a beginning. It the first step on a journey toward rediscoving the old Ameica amid the new technology. By taking the first step, we will be one step closer to taking our country back.

Next steps:

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Ladies & Gentlemen, start your engines.

One Must Walk The Walk!

If no candidate meets the requirement then what do we do, stay home? Not trying to be rude, just curious since that is a real possibility.

No, we don't have to stay home. We can make our voices heard by writing in a worthy candidate who meets the requirements. This, however, means we must do our civic duty and do the reseach to find that worthy candidate.

A factual question:

In its appeal for donations associated with this latest petition, why has Unity08 pledged not to take any money from PACs, considering that (according to my review of the newspapers) Unity08 has been required to register as a PAC itself?

What's the ethical problem with PACs that does not apply to Unity08 itself?

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

Can somebody in charge please go to and figure out what is going on?

If your mission is unity, why not hook up this clean money pledge to what Public Campaign/Public Campaign Action Fund are already doing -- with collaboration between them, Common Cause, US PIRG, etc. Why recreate the wheel rather than link to great efforts of the same ilk already underway? It would do a lot to boost your own purpose.

In the donations page associated with this latest petition and fundraising effort, Unity08 goes out of its way to state:

"We're taking no money from corporations, no money from special interest groups, and no money from PACs."

"Special interest group" is an undefined term, and so is practically meaningless. I've already asked why Unity08 won't take PAC money considering that it has been required to register as a PAC itself.

And now I see that Unity08 is itself registered as a corporation. Let's ignore for the moment that corporate contributions to a PAC are already prohibited in a direct sense and highly regulated in the indirect sense. Why is Unity08 taking a stand against corporate involvement in politics when it is itself a corporation?

This just doesn't make consistent sense. I'd like an explanation.

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

Jim: I do not see a problem here. If unity is a corporation they will be giving money to two candidates, much like a business corporation. To me there is one very important difference. Our donations will be for the public good, a business corporation's donation is intended to help only their business not the entire country.

One Must Walk The Walk!

Jim, I for one don't have a thing against corporations - they are what puts the meat on the table for all of us in America, what I do hate is : when they engage in covert activity and conspire with the weak and corrupt in Government to serve a purpose that's contrary to the Health, Welfare & Security of this Nation and Its Citizen Majority.

That Is Precisely Our Problem : AMERICA Is THE WORLD'S LARGEST CORPORATION being Run BY People & Policies that virtually guarantees
social and economic chaos and disaster.

I have nothing against Nancy Pelosi (I think she's a very pretty lady) - but what in the Hell Qualifies Her To Manage the Current Affairs Of The World's Largest Corporation - IT's SHEER MADNESS !!

OK so right now we are stuck with her - BUT Let's At Least Give WE and The Nation A Chance - Let's Get That Third Party Going By 2025 & And Get Some People In There With Business Savvy, Charisma & Guts - maybe we can help her and help everybody else at the same time.

My opinion


Sorry, but this pledge makes no sense to me. Why should I volunteer to limit by how much or how little money a candidate raises and from whom? Don't I care about where a candidate stands on all the issues and make my choice taken in balance?

Big money in politics is a problem, but the right way to address it is by exposing where the money comes from and what strings may be attached. Of course, then we (i.e. the voting public) all must pay attention to what that means, which is the real source of the problem.

btsweber : the trouble is by the time you find out where the money REALLY CAME FROM - And What Strings Are Attached - WE ARE LOCKED IN TO WHATEVER BOON OR BURDEN IT MAY BE !! I have no recollection OF ONE SINGLE CASE WHERE A LOBBYIST CREATED A BOON FOR YOU OR ME !!

Where Do You Think The INFAMOUS "EARMARKS" CAME FROM - you know, that Congressional Conspiracy to Divert Public Funds For "Special Interest Projects". This was done without the knowledge and sanction of many of our Elected Representatives and the American People !!

NO SIR - the only safe approach : Eliminate The Practice Of Providing Private & Special Access To All Our Politicians By Paid Agent Of Domestic or Foreign Special Interests.


Minimum wage, abortion, morality, none will distract my people from this battle in a communications revolution. We the people now know it is a man's policies that matters and not the political party being influences by foreign and special interests that motivate party politicians to confuse the people with partisanship! Today we need a strong leader with a clearly "American's First" agenda, as money has turned our political parties into mudd... - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
For more policies visit

The longer we kick around public funding of campaigns on this blog, the more I think it will have to be enacted at the state level before it can happen at the national level. The only hope is a third party, I mean a real one. I am beginning to have serious reservations about Uo8. Don't misunderstand I think it is fine in theory, but I only see about 20 individuals consistently discussing the issues on the blog and shoutbox. I am beginning to believe this movement is running out of gas and it has barely left on its journey. I hope I am wrong.

An Independent


Hang in there MFV - something's going to get us moving - I feel it in my bones ..


There is much motion in Pa right now, so I may agree with you that reform may take hold there first.

MFV, please consider the possibility of acting at both levels, as both are required. Our federal system does not allow excessive regulation of state and local electoral practices from the federal level, and the courts have been less than friendly toward some states' attempts to regulate federal campaign activity. To develop sufficient momentum the beast must be attacked from all directions and at all levels. This means infiltrating local and state parties where the opportunity presents itself, forming or supporting third parties, heavy emphasis on free media, demonstrations, letters to the editors, etc. The people are for the most part with us, or will be if they know we exist. The key to success is in developing a broad and deep populist groundswell of sufficient mass and velocity to overwhelm the entrenched money interests whose very existence we threaten.

Unity 08 might or might not be a part of all this - that's up to the Founders. But those of us here will, and should seek out every viable avenue to press toward our common goal.


Mark Greene
Texas Democrat in the Middle

The states are unity's first battleground. Ballot access is not easy.

If unity must go into each state, why wouldnt it go in with state wide candidates?

You are right GEA that ballot access starts at the state level. I am also in agreement that Unity08's focus from the outset on nothing but the Presidency has been one of its credibility issues with me from the outset. I think the intent was to be a one shot kick in the pants that would somehow straighten everything out - not likely.

A credible reform/good government movement must be working on state legislatures and governorships as well as congresscritters, senators and chief executives.

On the matter of campaign funding, however, I think that a joint attack is required. If you look at the turnout differential between presidential and non-presidential cycles it becomes clear that the vast majority of the electorate doesn't participate at the state level even though state and local governments have a much more direct impact on our lives and our pocketbooks. Loveable, but not bright...

Mark Greene
Texas Democrat in the Middle

An immediate injection of "Earn Snyder" in the arm would bring both sides back to life! If not me someone very much like me must be put forward or we will fall - not a third party of the same but a third party of the opposite! A complete right turn on all issues so the American people will truly believe that reform is being debated by the establishment. - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
For more policies visit

As streaming video must have been was made for the future politician, thus the media machine is no longer needed for communication and edit... only the right words will win now as the radicals mount their horses so do I!!!!... The money in politics is like dust in the wind, either find a man that can ride against it or blow away with it... - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent (poor speller:)
For more policies visit

I like Nancy Pelosi, but I am disappointed in the democratic action on earmarking. Bob Schieffer(CBS news) questioned her on the new plan the democratic house passed. He kept trying to pin her down by saying just having ones name attached to the earmark would not cut down on their number. She being an astutue politican dodged his question. To me this is politics as usual. I do however applaud her push for a pay as you go approach. I predict this will not pass the senate. Hope I am wrong.

An Independent from Oklahoma

MFV, check my posting "OPEN LETTER TO : SPEAKER PELOSI !! 0n my blog


I just read your letter, you didn't pull any punches. I am already disappointed on three counts. First the lobbyist reform does not go far enough, they can still throw the parties for Congressmen. How dumb do they think we are? Earmarking now one who puts a goodie into a big bill containing many things, all they have to do is attach their name, big deal, it says nothing about an up or down vote on the particular earmark. Again how dumb do they think we are? Last their new rules (House) still allows for some votes to be held in secret. Give me a break I thought this was a democracy, maybe they have a reason for this but they should justify this with an explanation why some votes need to be taken in secret(democratic, hardly) I do like the House's new pay as you go approach, if they will stick to it and not ditch it when it suits them. Have a good day.

An Independent from Oklahoma

They are all the same, intent on securing and perpetuating their own power. No substantive reform can come from any of them. I was initially for term limits, then against them, now I am for them again. You simply can not trust any those who get power, their self interest inevitably gets in the way. They become eiltes simply by being.

They are ignorant of the populist movement which will sweep out the baby and the bathwater. So be it ... lets start anew.

GEA, Every bloody Politician and Government Employee Should Have The Following TERM LIMIT : Commit A Crime Punishable In The Same World We Live In THAT'S YOUR LIMIT - YOU'RE OUT & IN JAIL JUST LIKE WE THE PEOPLE WOULD BE ..

Engage In ANY ACTIVITY Contrary To The Health, Welfare & Security Of This Nation & It's People : THAT'S YOUR LIMIT - YOU'RE OUT - YOU LOSE ALL PENSION & PERKS !!

That's my feeling about Term Limits !


We have term Limits now folks! They are called ELECTIONS! We get the government we deserve. Let us not make the fatal mistake about denying us the Electorate's complicity in all this by whining about those evil Congressmen dropped from outer space and somehowfoisted upon us. They are NO better and NO worse than the rest of us. They problem is we keep returning them to office at a 95% rate. The problem is us in how we do not hold the bad ones accountable!!!

Exactly, well said!

An Independent from Oklahoma

When I comment - I do my damnedest to offer positive input - a way to change things for the better, I've been doing that since the 1960's,
check my blog - I hope to get Members of UNITY08 To Help Me Change Things For The Better - I'd like to count on your help to make it happen !


To the extent we/you can focus on successfully addressing the two main nation-buster issues (Comprehensive Entitlement Reform and Clear Delineation of a US Grand Strategy in the 21st Century World) then I'm with you totally popo! We need focus around 1 or 2 key crystallizing issues. That's how Third Party's have become successful! FOCUS is the key to Victory!

Check my site - I'm the most focused person you will ever meet, lose focus and you've lost the battle & the war.

Looking for your help ..


JOHN - click on today AND LEARN JUST HOW FOCUSED I AM - then join me in getting UNITY08 To Come Out Of The Closet !!


Sorry forthe late response - my system was down all day. I read/hear what you are saying popo and admire your spunk, but have to repectfully point out that your focus/platform 6 points is a tad amorphous esp the ones about "breach of contract" items. Most of the 6 items could be subsumed under "Elections" and are clearly unconstitutional or would be deemed so by most courts. I do agree the status quo sucks but your 6 points are so widely interpretable that you could drive a Mack truck thru them. I think what we need on many of your points is greater (total) Transparency of Congresses actions esp on the earmarks and campaign financing and an IG ethics panel with some teeth to helpcrack the whip. No matter how you slice it though We still will, when push comes to shove, need to address the 2 Mega Issues impinging on our nation's and the next several generations' future - Entitlement Reform and U.S. Grand Strategy in the World. Resolution of most all other issues we have discussed here inthis Forum will flow from resolution of those 2 key crystallizing issues. The status quo will remain if those 2 Kahunas are not successfully addressed. Our children and grandchildren will be up in arms and label us the "Worst Generation" if we do not focus on and resolve those 2 key issues.

Understand that our leaders are not selected based on real blood and guts leadership, how to motivate men for their potential death as required for the cause. These you now elect are lawyers trained in litigation based on payment rather than truth by the very nature of their education. Or you call those with money - the power to make profit off the backs of others is no true leader during times of war and reform, rather serve best during peace and tranquility ... As these regular men and women cannot stand against the heathens now leading the charge of our enemy simply because they have not the experiences that creates the pure heart, body, and soul of ones self sacrifice, giving up all else in life for a cause much bigger than every man, woman and child living on this planet today! A leadership quality that is necessary to lead the pure fight against such a ruthless enemy.... - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
For more policies visit

There is no honor amoung these theives. They are indeed taught that the truth is not as important as the "case" you can make and the benefit they can receive.

Rule of law, not rule by lawyer.

Please tell me why is it that the Founders see fit to conduct frivolous membership polls on "Naughty or Nice," yet make major policy decisions - such as the "Clean Money Pledge" and the "Rules Committee" membership - without any input from the membership whatsoever?

Campaign Finance is a worthy goal for this organization to be pursing. There is a broad consensus behind that on this site. But you undercut your support, dear Founders, when you announce policy decisions "on high" without getting input from the membership first.

I haven't given up the possibility that - with input on this site from other members - we can transform Unity'08 into a true grass roots organization. But I am increasingly of the opinion this will only be done with the Founders being dragged kicking and screaming into that process.

That's a good question, Trombone Erik. An excellent question. I would like to see Founder Doug Bailey answer TE's question. I would like to see Unity08 COO Anya T. Harris answer TE's question.

"Would" is a subjunctive word.

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

I subscribe to the commonplace feeling that the political discussion is being hijacked by big money, but I don't (yet!) subscribe to the notion that requiring the bulk of donations to be less than X ($250 in this case, $1000 earlier) addresses the key issue. That issue is in my view not the amount of money that is spent advancing any particular point of view on any given issue, but the grotesquely inadequate discussions on the content of that issue. Hijacking is not speaking out, it's drowning out. The requirements that the sources of money be identified gets diluted by the creation of PAC's with apple-pie-motherhood names; the McCain-Feingold "fixes" did hardly more than require still more devious money paths. We need clarity in who is supporting, who is opposed, and why. I'm very concerned that putting the limit at $250 will promote pandering to very large numbers of people with very simplistic arguments and contribute further to the "dumbing down" of the discussion.

I have now concluded campaign reform needs to be accomplished at the state level first then the people will demand it be done at the national level. Uo8's primary mission should be to force the two parties to deal with the unfunded liability of our entitlement programs, it wouldn't hurt to place campaign finance reform on the agenda, but it will not happen at the national level first(public funding) My humble opinion.

An Independent

Entitlements MUST be addressed by the next Prez no matter who. And Remember the Law of Direct Opposites (i.e only Nixon could go toChina, etc) and how it tends to assert in National/International politics. Tomeit will take a moderate/liberal Democrat or candidate to enact Comprehensive Entitlement reform that is so desparately needed if the republic is to survive the demographic Tsumani about to his. It's coming/looming and our Beach front property is exposed big time. Obama wouldbe the best person to get the job done!

Skull and Bones, One World Society, Knights of the Templar or any other goofy club - Any citizen that has sworn allegiance to a secret fraternity cannot hold political office! As this is treason - and our last few Presidents have all had alternative motives! - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent (poor speller:)
For more policies visit

Anyone who drinks out of a skull, promotes a one world order or worships the image of the beast is not mentally stable! You are all nuts! - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent (poor speller:)
For more policies visit

Come on Earn, stop the posting of your replies to your messages just posted. Put your stuff into one message please when it is posted on one thread. Everyone else does it why not you?

The problem is that when you do this you automatically monopolize the left bar on the home page. We all obviously use that bar a lot to find answers to our own posts (because the dern Unity Web Site doesn't allow one to find answers to prior posts very well).

I mean I like you Earn and I enjoy your comments, why irk us? -- it gets in the way of your message!

Well I for one believe that the amount of money is not the issue, but the source of the money. Candidates for a particular district should be constrained to getting campaign contributions from individual voters in their district. Individual voters should be constrained from getting money outside the district and contributing it to candidates in their district as if it were the voter's money. Anyone caught doing otherwise should be prosecuted for election tampering.

I see no constitutional allowances for businesses or unions or "organizations" to give to any campaign. Businesses don't vote and neighter do unions or PACs. People vote.

All of this "outside" money is drowning out the voice of the people, its election tampering, plain and simple and should be called and prosecuted as such.

Well SAid. Wouldn't it be great if this would actually become law. Total funding of political campaigns with a $250 maximum for an individual and $0 from special interests, PAC's, Corp's etc.

An Independent

It is time for the citizens of this great country to firmly take a stand against the gridlock and special interest politics that dominate our government. I propose a campaign finance reform measure that is simple, easy to understand, and will restore the integrity of our elections...
"Voters registered to vote for any given candidate are legally allowed to contribute to that candidate's campaign". I also believe that a dollar limit should be set, so that large donations do not drive our elections. There are enough ways that the wealthy, and corporate interests can finance their messages or special interests positions, owning the candidate is not one of them..

I like what the pledge promotes, but I will not promise not to consider any individual candidate based on this or any other single issue. An intelligent voter makes the best possible selection from the menu of available choices based on a whole panoply of influences and criteria. Single issue voting is literally stupid, in my opinion. I say, get the candidates take the pledge, not the voters.

I agree 100%! Well siad! Have the candidates make their stance, not the party! Are we communists - NOT! - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent (poor speller:)
For more policies visit

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