Members: 121,666

The Torch (CEO Blog)

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  • We're Growing!

    Unity08 is growing from a number of directions, and all of them are good. We’ve recently moved into new office space in Washington DC. This was a pretty painful exercise in a city where finding inexpensive office space is an oxymoron.

    People Want Choice For President In 2025

    Sometimes there are just too many polls, but here's one that is very interesting. The latest NBC poll asked people to vote for who they favor. Hillary Clinton was 47% and Rudy Giuliani was 45%. But the very next question asked "Do you support a new independent party with a credible White house cadidate?" and nearly half, 47% said yes, and only 27% saying no. Unity08 is that credible path to the white house, join today.

    Welcome to Unity08

    Welcome to Unity08’s new web site. We are very excited to finally set the tone and direction for how we are going to accomplish our goal of remaking American politics by combining our highest values with our newest technologies. If this is your first time here, then we welcome you to Unity08! If you have experienced our site before, you’ll know that this is a major release for us.

    Web Site Sneak Peek of Features

    The Unity08 team has been hard at work behind the scenes making sure we have the next generation web site in development. We’ve had to re-engineer the hardware and software to handle lots of traffic that media events garner, but we are really excited about the next revision to the front door of the web site. I thought I’d share a short sneak peek of some of the features that will greet you soon during login. 

    Relighting The Torch

    Unity08 has been presented by the media in many different ways. Are we a movement? Are we are a ‘party’? Are we deeply concerned citizens? Are we a plaintiff in a lawsuit against the FEC? Are we doing the hard work for potential candidates? Are we building world class technology to deliver the peoples’ voice?… Yes, technically, all of these things are true. But the sum of the parts is more important. Unity08 is relighting the torch of freedom for our country.

    New Mgt Team, National TV Coverage, Linescale Survey, Ballot Access Drive
    New Website, Membership Drive, Candidate Draft Movement
    Vote on American Agenda, Recruit Candidates, Ballot Access in 20 states
    World's First Online Convention
    Q3'07 --- Jul Aug Sep
    Q4'07 --- Oct Nov Dec
    Q1'08 --- Jan Feb Mar
    Q2'08 --- Apr May Jun
    Everybody In, Polling Starts, YouTube Debate, Fundraising Race Starts
    Sound Bite City, Unprecedented $$$ Raised, Front Runners Annointed
    Super Tuesday, Party Nominations locked, Billions of $$$ Spent
    Party Hangover, Buyer's Remorse, Lesser of 2 Evils Realization