Why We're Doing This -- Today's News (10/10)

posted by MaureenSchweers on October 10, 2025 - 11:09am

More reasons why we need to join together to take our country back: 

  • Can't Get No Satisfaction: According to the latest Gallup poll, just 31% of Americans are satisfied with the way the U.S. is being governed. 
  • The S-CHIP Hits The Fan: "There have been moments when the fight between Congressional Democrats and President Bush over the State Children's Health Insurance Program seemed to devolve into a shouting match about who loves children more," New York Times reports. However, this "partisan feud" is "all the nastier" because a 12-year-old child is at the center of it. 

  • Do Regular Voters Get This Kind Of Attention? Washington Post exposes "the courtship of" big-money bundlers. In early 2025, "virtually all of the presidential contenders were engaging in a seemingly endless series of dinners and one-on-one meetings as they tried to gain the backing of the handful of people known for their ability to raise huge sums of political money." 
  • Quotable: "Do not underestimate the temptation, to which the intense cohorts on Democratic left and Republican right are susceptible, to kick over their party's furniture for the fun of it" -- Washington Post columnist George Will.

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S-Chip program is exactly what the problem in this country is. This program is nothing more than an attempt by the socialist distribute the wealth crowd to get more people dependent on them aka- give me your vote, we'll take care of you mandate approach. S-Chips will now include kids age 25, who's parents only earn a paultry $83,000 a year. If the people on Unity-08 can't see this program for what it is, than there is really no sense in pretending this is a non- partisan group.Keep growing the welfare state, entitlement state, mandate state== HIGH TAXES!!! Enough is Enough. Cuomo & Kean, been there done that. No great results there.

Where do you live? If you live in New York, you would know that $83,000 a year is like $43,000 a year in Montana or $63,000 a year in New Mexico.
How much you can buy with what you make depends very much on where you live.


Regardless of what side of the S-CHIP debate you're on (or any issue, for that matter!), I think we all can agree that there HAS be a better way to deliberate the most important issues facing our nation, rather than the shouting matches that define Washington today... we'll be watching to see if our leaders can *compromise* to do what's best for our country.

I agree whole heatedly. S-chip is like any other program the government offers, inefficient and wasteful but the concept is a good one. What needs to be done with this and all other programs is to cut out the waste, fraud and abuse.


...of deliberating the most important issues facing our nation, rather than the shouting matches that define Washington today... so what's your better way?

In my youth, I was taught to never criticize unless you had a better way. So how would you bring about a better way to deliberate the most important issues facing our nation?

ex animo

there is a better way -- UNITY08! and kudos to you all for being part of the solution!

The first thing I do is read non-partisan reports and keep an open mind when doing so. You would be surprised how often your opinion can change when you don't go at it with a preconceived objective.


... of deliberating the most important issues facing our nation?

I, for one, would like to see if we can explore this issue in just a little bit greater detail. Unless, of course, you are simply acting as kind of a Unity08 cheerleader, mindlessly hollering out useless slogans that have no real function other than to arouse our herding instincts.

So how actually do you see Unity08 contributing to the civility of political discourse in this country as it is presently structured?

ex animo

Why Were Doing This blog made some bad choices, sorry. It brings to the fore all the partisan feelings that we need to avoid. We need to bring people together not divide them. S-chip is an emotional subject, the campaign finance is what we are looking for but it was partisan, did not mention one Republican, just Democrats. How do think any democrats coming to the site is going to take that one. The George Wills article was also partisan, but again, bad light only on the Democrats. So you have three articles that the Republicans will jump on to put the Democrats down and only one that the Democrats could use but it was an extremely emotional subject that divides the country.

If you guys what to pull people from both sides in, you need to pay attention to what you are posting. Again, we want to bring people together, not divide them, so you need to look for articles that show how government is partisan, both sides equally and on issues like campaign finance. You must also be careful when it comes to the MSM, there are partisan papers and non-partisan papers, partisan writers and non-partisan writers, you choice all partisan sides, both the papers and writes.


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