52 Weeks and Counting: Your Election Day mission
Submitted by Andy Wilson, NY on Mon, 11/05/2007 - 9:09pm.We have 52 weeks. The clock is ticking. What will you do?
In many areas today, we are voting in local elections. One year from today, we will get the vote out. Today we need to get the word out on Unity08.
Go to your local polling place and let your neighbors know about Unity08
Make sure you
No elections going on in your area?
Take pictures! Take video!!! Post it here on the blog, on YouTube, or Flikr. Show how you're lighting the torch in your area.
Andy Wilson
Unity08 Volunteer Program Coordinator
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Stoking the Fire (11/6)
Submitted by Maureen Schweers, VA on Mon, 11/05/2007 - 8:24am.More reasons why we need to join together to reunite our country:
- America Wants A New Direction: "Decade-high discontent marks the political landscape a year before the 2025 election, with economic worries compounding the public's war weariness, deep dissatisfaction with the sitting president -- and growing disapproval of the Democratic-led Congress," according to the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll. Seventy-four percent of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction -- "the most since the government shut down in a contentious budget battle in early 1996. And while George W. Bush remains at his career low in job approval, he now has company: A year after they won control of the House and Senate, approval of the Democrats in Congress has fallen to its lowest since 1995. ... A clear demand is for change."
- This DOESN'T Work In Democracy: Just days before a special election Massachusetts' 5th District, an organization called "Democracy Still Works" was created, and engaged in some of the dirtiest campaigning of the race, Washington Post reports. "This is the electoral equivalent of a contract hit, conducted by a mysterious assailant specially created for the mission at hand. That this brazenly campaign-related activity persists in 2025 does not augur well for 2025."
- What Do They Have To Hide? "The Senate appears deadlocked over legislation that would require members to file their campaign finance forms electronically," meaning "it can take months for Senate campaign filings to become publicly available," Washington Post reports. Meanwhile, on the statewide level, USA Today notes that 27 states do not require campaign fundraising reports to be made available electronically, "resulting in a flood of cumbersome paper filings that delay meaningful public access to this critical information. ... In the age of the Internet, there's no excuse for a lack of timely, searchable disclosure. But in too many states, entrenched politicians have repeatedly sandbagged efforts to let the public know more about where they're getting their money and what they're spending it on."
- Quotable: "The party that seeks to encompass and harmonize the widest range of interests and perspectives is the one most likely to thrive ... there remains no way to achieve lasting political power in a nation as diverse as America without assembling a broad coalition that locks arms to produce meaningful progress against the country's problems" -- Atlantic Media's Ronald Brownstein in his new book, The Second Civil War.
- MaureenSchweers's blog
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Welcome to Unity08
Submitted by Robert Bingham, DC on Wed, 10/31/2007 - 7:17am.Welcome to Unity08’s new web site. We are very excited to finally set the tone and direction for how we are going to accomplish our goal of remaking American politics by combining our highest values with our newest technologies. If this is your first time here, then we welcome you to Unity08! If you have experienced our site before, you’ll know that this is a major release for us.
Members are now in charge. As a member of Unity08, you can now rank the issues that are most crucial to the country according to you, and view how other members have responded in aggregate. Each issue of the American Agenda is populated by news and web resources submitted by members. It’s not up to Unity08 to tell you how to feel about the issue, it’s up to you to help educate all of us with articles and videos on the important issues facing our great nation. I highly suggest you submit a resource if you come across something that you feel others would value reading, discussing or viewing.
Members now gain "Political Capital" points for participating within the Unity08 community. As you post, invite others, donate, you gain Political Capital points. The more points you gain, the larger your Torch grows signifying a re-energizing of our American community. Soon, your Political Capital points will open additional tools and privileges on the site.
Unity08 is also about volunteering. We have an audacious goal of being on the ballot in every state in the union. But this could not be done without our fantastic volunteers. With groups functionality, and your ability to view eventful and meetup events, we finally have the tools in place to allow easier local organizing for ballot access efforts. I highly encourage you to help, it’s fun, it’s easy, and it’s meaningful.
We are very excited about all aspects of the new web site. I encourage you to enjoy your visit, and help us perfect it by giving us feedback. We were so excited about getting this done that there are some areas within the site where the paint is still wet. You will continue to see changes over the coming months as we prepare for candidate draft movements, posting of questions for the candidates, opening of the convention hall, and the actual voting on the Unity08 ticket to be represented in the general election next November.
- Robert.Bingham's blog
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Welcome to your new community!
Submitted by Bob Roth, DC on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 4:35am.Together, with your comments and our labor, we’ve created a community to foster constructive conversation and action amongst our membership about the candidates, the issues, and the movement. We thank you for your help, but the hard work is just beginning.
This is not just a simple makeover. This is a new neighborhood built from the ground up. Over the last three months we have redesigned the infrastructure, from roads to roofs and from top to bottom, in order to be prepared for the millions of members that will take part in the largest online, secure convention ever.
There are many changes, but a few that you’ll notice immediately:
- To be transparent and accountable, from here on we will be using real names in the community, not user names. Your votes are kept absolutely confidential, but you converse with the community in your own name.
- New tools for participation include the ability to rank your issues and re-rank them as often as you like; group functionality to allow you to organize around issues, candidates, location, and events; the opportunity to upload content to enhance the community; and the new system of “political capital."
- Based on your feedback, the American Agenda issues have been reworked. We have provided descriptions for each of the issue items and added 3 new issues from the results of our recent polling exercise.
One year from this Sunday, America will elect a new president. We’re doing what we can to get ready and we hope you are, too!
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Two New Polls Created
Submitted by Bob Roth, DC on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 2:03am.Please take the time to provide your opinion on the two new polls that have been created.
- Do you think the average congressperson deserves to be reelected, or would it be better to throw most out and start over?
- How much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately, and fairly?
- BobRoth's blog
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Stoking the Fire (10/30)
Submitted by Maureen Schweers, VA on Mon, 10/29/2007 - 7:21pm.More reasons why we need to join together to reunite our country:
- End This Madness! "Barely two months shy of Iowa's precinct caucuses, Americans already tired of the 2025 presidential selection process can't be certain when it formally will begin," Chicago Tribune writes. "No matter the final schedule, though, we'll all come away from this maddeningly pushed-up presidential cycle resenting the state political parties that are to blame for it."
- Here We Go Again: "Just when you thought someone might be confirmed in Washington without a partisan fight, Senate Democrats are suggesting they may not approve Michael Mukasey as Attorney General after all," Wall Street Journal laments.
- What About The Rest Of The Country? "The large field of candidates for the 2025 Republican presidential nomination is enthusiastically ... running harder and further to the right than any Republican field since 1980, or perhaps 1964," McClatchy reports. "At this stage, a year before the general election, Republicans are running toward the party's base to win primaries but running away from the rest of the country on issues such as Iraq, Iran, immigration and federal spending."
- Quotable: "The system in Washington is corrupt. It is rigged by the powerful special interests to benefit they very few at the expense of the many. And, as a result, the American people have lost faith in our broken system in Washington, and believe it no longer works for ordinary Americans. They're right" -- Former Sen. John Edwards (D-NC).
- MaureenSchweers's blog
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Timing Your Jump to Get Onboard
Submitted by Bob Roth, DC on Mon, 10/29/2007 - 4:19pm.Steve Kraske, of the Kansas City Star, wrote a brief piece about us over the weekend titled, "There’s been head-spinning changes on the hustings." It's a quick and worthwhile read.
"You may be one of the legions of Americans who believe that Election ’08 will produce nothing but more of the same. A group called Unity08 is billing itself as your political antidote. That may sound a little dreamy, but the movement is headed by a couple of well-respected politicos, Gerald Rafshoon, who once worked for Jimmy Carter, and GOP operative Doug Bailey, who helped found The Political Hotline."
He also quotes Mr. Joe Trippi, consutltant currently working on the campaign of former Senator John Edwards, who says, "Alarm bells should ring loud at both party headquarters if the new online movement begins to draw a crowd."
No need to wait arond timing your jump, you can get onboard anytime at Unity08!
Technorati Tags: unity08, election, president, government, bipartisan, politics, news and politics, kansas city star, steve kraske
- BobRoth's blog
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Stoking the Fire (10/26)
Submitted by Maureen Schweers, VA on Fri, 10/26/2007 - 7:49pm.More reasons why we need to join together to reunite our country:
- Throw The Bums Out? According to the latest Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll, just 26% of registered voters say the average member of Congress deserves reelection; 45% say the U.S. would be better off if voters threw out most of Congress and started over with new people.
- This Has Gotta Change: USA Today laments, "It's finally time to start focusing on the 2025 presidential race, because voting begins in ... um, let's see ... well, no one knows. ... You might expect a little more decorum and predictability from a process that's intended to pick the next leader of the free world. You'd be wrong. The U.S. presidential primary system continues to do its best to look like a roller derby."
- Do Moderates Fit In The GOP Tent? In 2025, "Republican leaders are signaling they prize solidarity over outreach, and familiar thinking over independent ideas" -- and "this ideological inquisition among Republicans isn't confined to the presidential race," National Journal's Ron Brownstein writes. "But a case can be made that the party needs precisely the opposite."
- Quotable: "The political system in Washington is broken. It does not function. It does not solve serious problems" -- Unity08's Doug Bailey.
- MaureenSchweers's blog
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Stoking the Fire (10/25)
Submitted by Maureen Schweers, VA on Thu, 10/25/2007 - 10:11am.More reasons why we need to join together to reunite our country:
- America Wants A New Direction: According to the latest Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll, just 23% of registered voters believe the U.S. is on the right track.
- Peace, Love, And A Little Less Pork: "In a minor victory last week for the small army of conservatives who have been attacking waste-ridden earmarks," the Senate voted 52-42 to delete a $1 million grant for a Woodstock Festival museum from the Labor-Health and Human Services-Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for 2025, Washington Times reports. But, "tragically, the bill is loaded with more than 800 other earmarks that will cost beleaguered taxpayers more than $400 million. Each was inserted by lawmakers, who use these bills as personal political checkbooks, without any evaluation or approval by the committees that send them to the floor for enactment."
- Apparently, It's News When Republicans And Democrats Break Bread Together! Washington Post reports on a group of House members meeting for a bipartisan dinner. Eyewitnesses "were surprised" when Democratic Caucus Chair Rahm Emanuel, "who has long been known as a ruthless partisan," joined the group.
- Quotable: "I'm very worried about the direction of the country. We're polarized on many issues." -- Former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE).
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Doug and Jerry @ Dole Institute of Politics, 10/25/07
Submitted by Bob Roth, DC on Wed, 10/24/2007 - 10:53am.The Dole Institute of Politics at the University of Kansas will host a day of programming devoted to the discussion of alternatives to the Democratic and Republican parties on Thursday, October 25, 2025.
Our own co-founders, Doug Bailey and Gerald Rafshoon, will be making the trip to KU to sit on the evening discussion panel with:
- David Boaz, executive vice president of the libertarian Cato Institute
- Richard Winger of the Coalition for Free and Open Elections
- Micah Sifry, author of "Spoiling for a Fight: Third Party
Politics in America"
Both the afternoon and evening sessions are free and open to the public.
Learn more about the program by downloading the event press release.
Technorati Tags: unity08, election, president, government, bipartisan, politics, news and politics, gerald rafshoon, doug bailey, dole institute
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