Sam Waterston on Colbert Tonight

posted by BobRoth on September 26, 2025 - 2:22pm

Sam Waterston, Emmy-winning actor and Unity08 spokesperson, will be on The Colbert Report Wednesday, September 26 at 11:30pm ET.

We've also launched a poll to follow up on our previous visit to Colbert where we announced the "Should Colbert run for president?" poll -- which was our largest ever -- this time "If Stephen Colbert runs for president, who should he pick for his running mate?"

The Colbert Report, although a humorous slant on the current news, provides us with an opportunity to send our message to millions of viewers. As you know, in order to reunite our country, we need millions of people to join us on our mission. History indicates that this is a very good way to add members!

Don't forget to watch, or record, Sam's appearance on The Colbert Report, September 26 at 11:30pm ET.

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Sam did a good job on the show tonight. Sadly, there's not a lot of room for serious discussion on Colbert, so it ends up being mainly about pitching the website as much as possible. It seemed like Sam had as much fun with it as time permitted, though, and if folks show up to investigate, so much the better.

I commend you for your compassion and support - I Believe in and Support UNITY08 myself - so I'll leave it go at that ..


I watched Colbert last night, too. I like the idea of unity08 because I'm tired of the fact that oil companies and insurance companies run our country.

the appearance on colbert got me on the more supporter for unity08!

I would have never known about it if it wasnt for the colbert report and id honestly vote for colbert/stewart if the option was available. The only mildly respectable candidates are obama and edwards, and if i see hilary in office im defecting to canada.

I am here because of his appearance. So tired of the parties fighting against eachother; our government is actling like a bunch of petty, bickering children fighting over a toy in the sand box.... GROW UP! If I was as unproductive at my job as they are - I'd be fired.

im here because of colbert


We're going to start having local meetup here in NYC pretty soon. Stay tuned...

Andy Wilson
Unity08 Volunteer Program Coordinator
AIM: AndyatUnity08

I strongly agree that this effort can only succeed if it leads to people of differing political views having ftf meetings and discussing issues without screaming. If it's just on the internet, it will perpetuate our mutual isolation.

I am here because of Sam's appearance on Colbert also, good job on the show Mr. Waterston

Echoing the above, Sam's appearance on the Colbert report turned my eye to this. Good thing too!

It's so indicative of the 6th-grade-science-fair mentality the two party system has created. Rather than nuance and philosophy we get platitudes and chicanery with about as much thought put into them as said science fair volcano project (which they so obviously had help from their parents on...)

Joking aside, let's change that! Relight the torch!

Rock On...Let's get this party organized...Spread the word...Unity08...Two party politics is over once and for all.

here because of the Colbert appearance. Thank you Sam!

I recently became a registered Independent after many years as a Democrat. Jon Stewart has been promoting bipartisanship for a long time, but it was Sam Waterston's appearance on Colbert that showed me that changing party affiliation is not enough. The Colbert/Stewart ticket - bad idea. They are serving us well in their current roles. I'm riding this all the way to true democracy.

law and order + colbert report = me join website

enough already how you found out about this place, how are you going to help it succeed?

"The evils of war are great in their endurance, and have a long reckoning for ages to come." Thomas Jefferson

I would vote for these guys. They'd keep it honest enough for all of us to benefit. I would campaign for you guys in Oregon. Sure i could get alot of support. I hope you run!

As As an immigrant in this country who left Cuba at 6 yrs. old and grew up respecting/obeying/US Citizen and eternally grateful for the opportunities this country has given me and my boys, I must say that for the first time I worried if this great country would end up just like my own. US deserves a new change, and if we can actually come together and make a real change than I pledge to UNITY 2025 and welcome it with my arms open just like this great country did to me when I came in 1967.


Great comment, barb1205. Welcome to the movement!

Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08

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The internet is a godsend in that it may help us to achieve a level of democratic participation hitherto unify rather than polarize our country in the next election we need a new face in politics. Imagine...Rudy G. as president...Clinton as either (likely) scenario, the country would only become further polarized. How bad when people who come into daily contact with each other and act civily would likely lynch each other if put on the same radio talk show. The liberals are not idiots and the republicans are not war-mongers. Both of them are your neighbors. Our political climate must be cleared so honest and reasonable debate can be conducted outside the forums of 24-hour news channels and talk radio shows. The internet, and this Unity '08 forum may be the best chance we have to realize a democratic society.

Wow im impressed the impact his appearance had. I also have just joined today thanks to his appearance

Welcome aboard marley18 and all of those who joined us in the last few days!

Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08

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To learn about them, click here.

I also learned about Unity08 via Waterson's appearance on Colbert's show. I'm skeptical that the internet can work in the ways your group proposes, however. Any cursory reading of American history yields the conclusion that liberal democracy arose through literacy and through social institutions: face-to-face discussion and debate of ideas; people forming ftf groups and learning to work together. THis also took time--time that people used to have. People now work so much and spend so much time commuting that there is nothing much left for participating in anything else.

The book _Bowling Alone_ makes the point that it may well be the disintegration of our ftf social institutions--clubs, societies, groups of every kind--that is one of the reasons for the decline of liberal democracy. The internet is a manifestation of our growing isolation from one another, and thus can't in itself revitalize a political system founded on social institutions. So I think a centrist third party could only emerge from Unity08 if people of differing political views start meeting ftf and learning to talk to one another--it's this which leads to the ability to compromise.

I like many others watched the Colbert Show last night and was intrigued by what I saw. I look forward to a day when we can stop passing the presidency between two families, and have it represent the people and their beliefs again.

i liked sam waterson on the colbert report, and have been dying for someone to stand up to the 2 big parties and take back the country, so i signed up for unity08. why does democracy work better in other countries? because the special interest groups have hijacked our country.

This sounds good, I'm willing to play.

Stop the REAL war, the war on Americans.....
the War on Drugs!!!!!

Prohibition is a failure, thousands of Americans are arrested or killed by law enforcement during non-violent, drug related police actions.

The FBI has just released it's figures showing marijuana related arrests have hit an all time high!

MARIJUANA???? In 2025? Arresting AMERICANS for their own personal use of a plant? Arresting people for non-violent drug use is unconstitutional and needs to stop yesterday.

This issue is the ultimate pornographic snap-shot of what is wrong with our government. A failed war waged on Americans by it's own out of touch, racist, ignorant politicians and law enforcers.

I read an article today that broke the entire issue down to several small points that even the most hardcore prohibition supporter can understand and not be able to argue against. It completly changed my veiwpoint on the topic.

Go learn more about it at

Wouldn't have even known about this site if it weren't for Sam's appearance on the Colbert report. I just heard his name in conjunction with Colbert's and couldn't possibly change the channel.

I've been attempting to spread bipartisanship throughout my years in high school, but none of the people I've talked to seemed even willing to admit that "the other guy" might have a valid point. It's nice to see that some people have managed to put petty partylines aside and join together for a worthy cause.

It's good to know I'm not alone... I thought I was the only idealistic visionary religiously watching the daily show/colbert report. Kudos for the appearance, you got our attention. I'm pretty sure I can speak for all of us when i say were ready to do our part. Tell us where to meet, we'll be there, tell us what you need, and we'll get it done.

I've wanted to see everyday people stand up and unite behind the ideology that is core to our being for a while now, just never knew where to find it. The brits live for queen and country, and the chinese for country alone. Time to show the world what power a nation of independent sovriegns can wield, like we have in the past.

We're the only ones that can fail us, but we have the ability to succeed....

I'll be checking this site often, waiting for the word

Las Vegas, NV

SET---Sam Waterston---FREE. Let him loose; we believe him. America knows the two existing parties have failed !!! Colbert did a great job of showing the uselessness and combustion of our two parties, controlled by special interests, which only cause explosions and grief for America !!!

Bravo, Mr. Waterston!
(Pheh, I wish!)

I'm interested in changing politics and how our country is run.

I seen Sam on Colbert and he had an interesting message.
Here I am.

Sam mentioned on Colbert that existence of Factions is what is destroying American politics today, as feared by the Framers. I suggest that the problems today are caused by too few Factions.

In Federalist #10, James Madison basically said that factions, or special interests, are inevitable in a republic. He especially feared any one faction gaining a majority over all others, which is more likely when there are fewer factions (say, in a single state). By forming a larger Union with so many diverse interests, it seemed unlikely that any one political faction could control the government.

Our problem today is that the political rhetoric is focused on only two factions: right-wing Republicans and left-wing Democrats. The individual politicians are strongly encouraged to follow the party line or face intra-party punishment or isolation. Unity08 allows debate among myriad factions, not just one more. The on-line primary will allow many factions to compete to pick one president and one vice-president.

In short, we need MORE FACTIONS to bring order to our election and governing processes. If the two-party system is to continue, then each party member should have some level of independence, not be forced into a cookie cutter that pre-defines every single position for all candidates, equally. More factions would require more compromise – which is highly compatible with the goals of Unity08.

“If a faction consists of less than a majority, relief is supplied by the republican principle, which enables the majority to defeat its sinister views by regular vote. It may clog the administration, it may convulse the society; but it will be unable to execute and mask its violence under the forms of the Constitution.” --James Madison

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