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American democracy is broken and is in dire need of repair

Barry Goodsmith

bgood26's picture


Home: New Jersey. DOB: 4/26/70. Occupation: teacher. Political affiliation: none. Political stance: centrist/moderate. Issues of concern: terrorism, border security, education, illegal immigration, social security, Congressional corruption/crime.

Why I joined Unity08:

I hold equal disdain for both major parties. Neither one represents me or speaks to me. Most politicians today are more interested in keeping their job than doing their job. Few are concerned about their country, as most are too busy screwing the other side. Few think for themselves as most tow the party line. Money has corrupted the system to the point where the People have little or no say anymore. The primary system is set up such that the candidate with the most money and best connections, not the best ideas and most integrity, wins the nomination. The Bushes and Clintons represent everything the Founding Fathers fought against 225 years ago.

City: West Orange

State: NJ

Country: USA

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