The Truthiness of Politics-as-usual

posted by BobRoth on October 23, 2025 - 8:17am

As many of you have heard, Stephen Colbert has decided to seek the presidential nomination in the South Carolina primary. What makes this interesting, however, is that he is going to run as a Democrat and a Republican! What better way to confirm what we have been saying all along, that politics-as-usual is dead. Done. Gone. Through. Over.

Mr. Colbert's campaign hits the heart of what many Americans believe -- we are tired of get-nothing-done politicians who can't resolve any of the crucial issues that are facing our country.

The Rising Tide of Disapproval

posted by BobRoth on September 21, 2025 - 8:49am

The most recent Reuters/Zogby poll puts the public approval rating of the President at 29% and of the Congress at 11%.  The disapproval of the Congress is at 83% (82% among Democrats, 86% among Republicans, 96% among Independents).

How high must the disapproval go before Washington understands:  Politics-as-usual is dead.  Done.  Gone.  Through.  Over.

The only remaining question is what will replace it – just somebody masquerading as change only to play the same old games all over again – or the people rising to the challenge to change our politics forever?

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