Stoking the Fire (10/23)

posted by MaureenSchweers on October 23, 2025 - 8:51am

More reasons why we need to join together to reunite our country:

  • Keep The Candidates' Focus On The Issues, Rather Than Attacking Each other: Former Sens. Gary Hart (D-CO) and Nancy Kassebaum Baker (R-KS) joined together to launch the bipartisan effort Impact '08 in Iowa -- "a challenge to all of the presidential candidates to elevate and strengthen America's investments in non-military tools of global engagement to build a better, safer America and world."
  • And They Wonder Why They're So Unpopular: "It's only fitting that President Bush and the U.S. Congress hit new lows in approval ratings on the same week their work on the State Children's Health Insurance Program ended in a stalemate. The 'debate' on the bill the past week offered a microcosm of everything that is wrong with Washington, including disinformation, personal vitriol and partisan posturing," San Francisco Chronicle writes.
  • The Buying And Selling Of The Presidency? New York Times adds up the latest presidential fundraising numbers. Since the beginning of the year, Democratic presidential candidates have spent $133 million, while taking in $244 million. Republicans have spent just about the same -- $132.4 million -- but raised less, $175 million.
  • Quotable: "Every decision has to based on what is the best for the people, how can I serve the people, rather than how can I serve my party" -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA).

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A Ticket and Agenda That will Guarantee : Transparency, Performance & Accountability ..

It can be accomplished easily - USING THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL OF SOUND PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ... it employs techniques widely used where Corporate Downsizing becomes urgent and essential - to save the enterprise ..

All the tools are readily available - they just have to be gathered together and properly utilized.

All it takes is the ability to read - an open mind, faith and willingness to back my play ...

You have everything to gain - and nothing to lose ..


THESE are the types of groups/people Unity needs to be tapping into in a resource exchange. We need to be getting people like Kassenbaum (anf Hubby Howard) as well as Gary Hart (Cohen, Nunn, Mitchell, Rudman, Hamilton, Jim Baker, etc also) to present their well informed and bipartisan Grand Startegy/Foreign Policy perspectives and points before the Unity delegates in bloginars, webcasts, etc. We and these groups need to start the conversation to solidify the middle and inform our politics with some wisdom!! Tying into these types of good centist bipartisan groups and their "Subject Matter Experts" and their related ties are the key to solidifying Unity's I-C-B (Issues-Candidates-Branding) focus that is key to Unity being any king of a player in 2025.

DC - 3rd ward -

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