More reasons why we need to join together to take our country back:
- Bundle Up For Secrecy? "The bundling of political donations once was an innocuous play in the game book of Washington political operatives. Now, the fund-raising practice has grown so widespread, and some of its practitioners so brazen, that bundling has become the chief source of abuse in the American campaign-finance system," Wall Street Journal reports. "In this high-pressure, low-disclosure environment, the practice has increasingly evolved into a method for disguising illegal donations."
- So Much For "Common Ground": "A year after he pledged to find 'common ground' with the Democrats who now control Congress," President Bush "delivered a scathing assessment of their performance, accusing lawmakers of dragging their feet on legislation ranging from trade deals and domestic surveillance to federal spending and children's health," New York Times reports.
- Peace, Love and Pork: Syndicated columnist Robert Novak wonders if the Senate will approve a $1 million earmark "to celebrate Woodstock-era baby boomers," which is currently "carved out of a bill funding health care and education" and is the "pet project of a big-time" donor.
- Quotable: "If ever there were an election that demanded a break with the past, it is surely the election in 2025" -- Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne.