Unity08 & YouTube

posted by U08 Web Team on March 9, 2025 - 10:22am

‘Blog the Campaign in 08’, a blog about social media in the politics, posted an entry about Unity08 and our use of YouTubeCheck out our YouTube videos here. ‘Blog the Campaign in 08’ has been doing a series of video blogs on how presidential candidates have been incorporating YouTube into their campaigns. Check out the blog entry here.

In his latest entry, blogger James Kotecki takes a look at Unity08's YouTube videos. This light-hearted video (appropriately uploaded via YouTube) praises Unity08 for its incorporation of YouTube and even awards Unity08 "The Best Use of YouTube for a Presidential Campaign So-Far" award! Thanks James, we appreciate the support!

Do you use YouTube?  If you do, you can help us keep our reputation as the best presidential campaign by uploading a video to YouTube today telling us why you are a Unity08 Founding Delegate. Click here for more information on uploading a Founding Delegate video.

Do you have other thoughts or suggestions on how we can better incorporate sites like YouTube? Leave a comment below!

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Why comment? Will something be done?


That's a good question. How many reasons do you want? Not to comment lets them think we are asleep. Commenting opens a door to sources that need a push to join in the process. Get the point to the local elected officials; make them realize that there is a floor upon which they stand that is made up of people who are watching. It is easier to act sooner than later because you can catch them sleeping. Remember the broken arrow, and remember the non broken arrows that are bound together.

Yes, why comment? To have the only chance for change. Enertia not broken leaves status quo for those in power. Break that sitting enertia, and start things moving in the right direction and that energy is even harder to stop.
because they can't wait , use rescue 8

We would like the U08 Web Teams help. You can help your delegates by incorporating some of our recommended changes and updates to this website.

The U08 Web Team needs to start getting things done to support the delegates; they may not be please if some disgruntled delegate of unity08 makes negative video about uniity08 and puts it on YouTube.

If the Founders want to keep our reputation as the best presidential campaign by uploading a video to YouTube today, they had better clean up OurTube, ASAP.

One hand washes the other!
The U08 Web Team needs the Delegates.

James Kotecki, cited above, is an extremely talented individual, and we are proud to have him as a contributor to Politics 2.0.

So far, Unity08 has ignored calls for WebSite changes, I have no trust in their activity right now.

Then why don't you leave GEA?

What's does "GEA" stand for anyhow?


If somebody that ia savy will clisck on my blog maybe they can figure a way to make it more effective ..

Click on www.america-21stcentury.com, read and digest the last sequence of postings and see what can be done : Politico use some of my stuff on SPEAK TO THE POWER - the last few postings caused my stats to skyrocket ..


Thin to win! You think I'm gonna give you all my good stuff so early! Hah! I will crush the two headed beast! For now you get only the preview! - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
IM: earnsnyder@yahoo.com
For more policies visit www.appyp.com/fix_main.html


See http://www.americansolutions.com/

I don't agree that our political system is dead. Though out history there has alway been the same thing we see now. If the system is broken, fix it don't just jump on to another party. Make the current system stronger. Send those in power clear consise needs and stay on track.

You're playing a game against an opponent who sets all the rules. This opponent can change the rules whenever it suits him. It is clear to you that the rules are patently unfair. So, what do you do?

  1. Ask the opponent nicely if they wouldn't mind terribly if they could only change the rules so that things are more equitable?

  2. Change the game.
  3. It is clear that politics is tilted toward:

    • Those already in power

    • Existing political parties
    • Existing political processes which include:
      • unelected lobbyists in positions of great power

      • a sea of unregulated cash and prizes
      • an electoral process that benefits from low turn-out, biased "base-focused" pandering and the elevation of soundbites to an artform.

    So, to "send those in power clear and concise needs to stay on track" it may be necessary to go outside of the current political system in order to prove that current party politics does NOT have a monopoly on access to the ballot or the White House.

    The Unity08 approach (or at least the professed approach of Unity08), properly executed, IS that clear and concise message.

    Albert Einstein is reported to have opined:

    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

    John E. Kaczmarowski

Are you a joke? The sky is falling and you want to stay on track! Your tracks are going off a cliff incase you have not noticed Al Gore refuses to run because politics in this nation is corrupt! New York, Florida, Seattle and all coastal cities will be under water in 20 years thanks to this two party control! Both parties bought and paid for by modern pirates that have all but destroyed the republic, enviornment and now want to turn all working Americans into slaves. Wonder what your grandchildren will think of your two headed party! Claim your independence and Register as a Independent and take the hot air out of both parties by leaving them with no base at all!!! SAVE THE REPUBLIC! - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
IM: earnsnyder@yahoo.com
For more policies visit www.appyp.com/fix_main.html


Were I to have to choose party over person, I would choose person. An example is the Governor of Fla. He is a Republican. I did not votefor him, but I can now see that as an individual he is doing better than the track record of his party. That is a lesson to me regarding choices.

It would be a shame to bypass an individual simply to vote for a party. There are though differences in parties , as seen by the actions of the constituents of both parties during the 2025 eelection. If one uses the individual actions of the individuals in each party at that time one would see a vast difference in the way each parties members reacted to getting bad news form the courts. who can rmember the shouting and intimidation of the counters in the recount? Who can remember the statements made about the Fla Supreme court Justices when they judged against recount issues? There were no deogratory comments toward the court members. In contrast the judgements for recount brought derogatory comments against the individual court members. Who remembers that before the court decision against the Gore campaign that Al gore advised his people to be civil,and that he made the public statement that he would not try to convert Republican electors. The other parties candidate made the statement that if he lost he would try to get Gore electors to switch. The entire campaign was wraught with that type of example of the differences in the party and candidate running for President.

I remember, and put every difference in a journal of mine as it happened on a daily basis. That is one of the strongest reasons that I have followed the path Al Gore has continued on. He is a model American and walks the walk.

Very sincerely, David H. Marshall
because they can't wait , use rescue 8


I would like to start a pol regarding the possability of nominating former V.P. Al gore for the Presidential position. I believe he, as a citizen has shown his interest and caring about America and the worldand desirves to be considered. He has shown his dedacation and mind set, which is beyond the simple yearning for political power. He is knowledgeable and has much experience in areas we need to have in the White House.

His honesty and integrity is self evident. The Republican Party used his seriousness as a weapon against him. To me that is one of his best qualities. If his past so called stiffness is seen as sincerity and seriousness it puts a totally different take on his qualifications. I would rather have a non joker straight shooter than a chorismatic idiot. Al Gore is a thinker, not a slinker. I would vote for Al Gore before any I see standing.

Sincerely, David H. Marshall
because they can't wait , use rescue 8

Last time these two ran together they received more votes than Bush.

This time they can run as a Democrat and Republican!

Please explain how either of them can run as a Republican.


Joe Lieberman (I-CT) is not affiliated with either party (Connecticut for Lieberman Party), but he is leaning more to the Republican side. He has recently endorsed Susan Collins (R-ME) for reelection to the Senate, and often votes with the Republicans on key issues.

He is President Bush's second strongest backer in Congress on the ongoing occupation.

He is more popular with Republicans than Democrats, had more voter support from Reps than Dems last year, and strategerized with Karl Rove for his reelection to the Senate.

Why do you ask?

I wish Sally Parker or I knew how to put Jack Grimes videos from the 2025 & 2025 elections, that are on the Internet Archive, on You Tube. 0ne of our members with the screen name, Jackalman 99, say's You Tube is a happening site.


Candidates, Jack Grimes

Hail Grimes
Heather Goldsmith
for the United Fascist Union's

What's the deal, Mike?

New hint that Hizzoner is eyeing presidential run


Monday, April 23rd 2025, 4:00 AM


I think we need someone who is NOT embedded in this system. Most of these people already in Congress have been there too long to bring any REAL change, and I'm sure they owe favors here and there. The only current person in our government who I think cares more about our country than getting elected is Dennis Kucinich, and the new House members elected on '06. (there may be others)

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