Sam Waterston, star of NBC's Law and Order and Unity08 advocate, has recently written an op-ed for the online political publication, The Politico. Check it out below or read it on .
I've recently begun speaking out in a vocal way on politics for the first time, because I believe that a significant righting of our two-party system is in order. A new entity called Unity08 is the best idea I've encountered.
It's a thoroughly modern process for doing a very old-fashioned thing: giving the people in our democracy a larger say in whom they get to vote for.
The delegates who participate, numbering in the millions, will debate and agree on the questions for which they want clear answers from presidential candidates. And with that audience of millions, the candidates will have an opportunity to be honest about exactly what they think, on the most important issues of the day. Rather than candidates fearing the consequences of candor, candor will give candidates a chance to show how they would lead.
I'm finding that Unity08 has a lot of appeal for a lot of different reasons. It appeals to people who are fed up with their lack of say, and those who are sick of partisan bickering. It appeals to voters who are tired of inaction on crucial issues, tired of seeing the way money affects the behavior of politicians and those outraged at the disproportionate influence of small factions of people. It appeals to people who seek a powerful tool to encourage -- and oblige -- the parties to stop the endless grudge match and get the country's necessary work done.
I'm no political insider. Even though my face appears on TV quite a bit, I'm not otherwise different from any other concerned citizen watching politics from the outside. I'm frustrated at the obsessive playing for petty advantage that takes the place of doing the nation's urgent business.
Every day I read stories in the newspaper that tell me something is very wrong with the way we nominate our presidential candidates, articles about candidates abandoning campaign finance reform measures so they can raise unlimited amounts of money, or about the candidates designing and redesigning their statements to suit the money people, the partisans and voters in primary states.
I'm left without any certain idea of what the candidates represent, what they stand for, what their priority issues are and what they may be counted on to do. I crave their honest opinions on the issues that I think are crucial to the future of the country and our planet.
But the experienced men and women who designed and run Unity08 aren't reacting to headlines only. They have taken a long and deep look at causes, and they have a great idea. Not everything about our presidential nominating process needs to change, but some things need to change a lot. Unity08's plan will change only what needs improving; it aims at a moderate revolution, or a revolution of moderates, like the one that founded this nation. It doesn't intend to upset the apple cart. It means to set it right again, and put it back on track. With enough delegates signing on, it looks to me as if it has a really good shot at doing it. I hope a lot of people will join us at
I like the idea of giving the people more of a voice in the election of our leaders in washington, but we also need to get the local and state to listen more too. One thing the Mr. Waterson said in his article is not totally accurate. We do live in a democracy but the Constitution calls us a Republic. Which is government "of the people, by the people and for the people" the power comes from all the people not the majority as in a democracy. Sure the 14th Amendment makes us a democracy, but we can take back the Republic, the answer is in the Constitution. Our silence has placed us in the position we are in and we have to speak up and move back to the Republic for which we stand. we have to expatriat ourselves from the democratric form of government. I don't know about you but I don't like the majority telling me what I can and can't do, and I am going to do something about it. That is why I joined this movement. If you want to find out more google "USA The Republic Is The House That No One Lives In" it makes for interesting reading, for more interesting reading google "The missing 13th amendment". Another is It is a 7 part class on the Constitution. I hope we are all serious about change and can look into what we don't know with an open mind.
Michael S. Nenzoski
Waterston played a pretty good Lincoln in the NBC mini-series a few years back (and did pretty well on "Jepordy"), but I still liked Ben Stone better than Jack McCoy.
Claire Kincaid was his best assistant, and Lenny Briscoe was "Fantastik".
I will crush them all without a hammer! As leadership does not come from being shot down in a plane or suffering as a prisoner of war nor being a crying mayor when terror strikes. And someone who kills millions in a civil war may have done something that had to be done, but could have done better.
A leaders is one who has destroyed past enemies doing things no others could do while serving in the military under extreme pressures and a Top Secret Security Clearance then later becoming the first desktop publisher to computer page a daily newspaper when others said it was a dream. And now, during a time of historic transition, taking 20 years of publishing experience to UNITE the nation by posting the below streaming video website to save his nation. Now that's a leader that should be appointed President! No election necessary! Visit this website Newt - you name the place and time buddy as you are the only one with enough fight in you to dare! - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
For more policies visit
Newt Gingrich is starting a unitylike site soon. Maybe that site will deliver on what Unity08 does not.
The convention is about a year away or Spring 2025. I see unity08 as being in its formative stages. Much as I'd like to see something happen "Now" I'm going to give this movement a little more time. I don't see any candidates yet making statements here, or doing anything remarkable in the media. Of course the last candidate I felt strongly about was George McGovern. I think this is part of the problem unity08 wants to address. But then if you have confidence in Republican Newt, more power to 'ya.
Why would anyone in their right mind (or left) support this liar and evil person. He was the start of the devision of this country and would never work with Clinton to make this a better country and world. He has no loyality to this country just like no loyality to any wife!!!I would never vote for him even for dog catcher!!! he would be another disaster for this country and world!!!!!!
Not one politician has a plan for a single emergency we now face! NOT ONE! All are denying the technology to preserve the fraud, waste and abuse! I want solid plans of action not this blah blah blah - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
For more policies visit
Question #1: "Please list 2-3 bipartisan efforts that you clearly remember as making a positive difference for our country."
should be replaced by: "Please list 2-3 bipartisan efforts that you initiated to make a positive difference for our country."
1. Do you recognize the Peoples Sovereign Right to Control The Conduct of Government - in This Republic called America ??
2. If Elected will you honor a Legally Constituted Public Mandate For Political Reforms ??
3. Do you understand that America is not one nation, it is 50 Nations each with its own laws and agendas - and each seeking all the Federal Funds and Programs it can for its Nation and Citizens ??
4. Do you understand, that to have the Social and Financial affairs of The Nation Controlled by People whose First Loyalty is not to the Nation and all its Citizens - but to their State, Their Political Party, and those who financed their Campaigns and keep them in Office : do you understand - that this is a design for Disaster ??
5. Do you understand and accept the fact that AMERICA in the 21st Century is the World's Largest Corporation, the people are its stockholders, their future and the future of the Corporation, depends precisely on how efficiently and effectively its Social and Financial affairs are managed - NOTHING CAN BE LEFT TO CHANCE, we must have the most qualified people in each branch of Government, and the most effective means of conducting our operations to insure sustained healthy operation and growth - Do You Understand This, and Pledge to place the Nation's best interest above all else ??
I respectfully submit - these are the questions to which we need truthful answers from All Candidates & Sitting Members of Congress, if America is to meet its obligations to Its Citizens and The Community of Nations
popo (pke)
Frm. President Abe Lincoln, Nov. 1863, Gettysburg Address:"...It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated, here, to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated the the great task remaining before us; that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth" WE MUST ACT LIKE A FAMILY, THAT IS, STATES, UNITED, the unfinshed work, our great task....
1.)Prolife all the way with the passage of PERSONHOOD
AMENDMENT, where Right to Life is recognized as
VESTED in the human person at the moment of their
conception and only in cases of police reported
claims of rape can an abortion procedure be granted,
also their will be no consenting of or otherwise
disrespecting put upon embryonic-sized perople,
2.)Adoption of Constitutional Amendment JEOPARDIZING
3.)Socialize all public elementary and high school
teachers salaries,
4.)adopt Constitutional Amendment for the American
Dream, disallowing Real Estate and Housing to be
Commodities, especially, create 'JUBILEE CLAUSED'
PROPERTY DEEDS,(perpetual 50 yr. resale cycle)
5.)promote societal structuring of full-time employment
being 36 hours work/week/person (6 hours/day, 6
days/week--off for Sabbath Day Rest: Muslims-Friday,
Jews-Saturday, Christians-Sunday) Banking business
opened 12 hours daily. Pre-school children ought to
be in the care of one of their parents during day.
Require Employers to provide each employee (and
their spouse and up to two children) annually
one 'well visit' to General Practitioner, Dentist,
and Optomitrist. MINIMUM WAGE has got to be a
LIVING WAGE (in todays market that would be $20/hr.);
Create government allotment of $300/year free
prescription coverage per taxpayer(children included)
and allow individuals to 'donate' their unused
prescription funds to a clearinghouse/bank where
persons who need more can get more at no cost.
Federal Government needs to provide for EMERGENCY
HOSPITALIZATION of citizens and a $3000. funeral
check at the time of death per citizen. There should
be no health insurance industy but have people pay
cash from their wages as they need. People need to
be taxed a substantial nuisance tax if they do not
live where they work--this is stated because vehicles
causes 1/3 of co2 pollution (global warming)and
another nuisance tax if they have too big of a house
or more than one home because this takes resources
to maintain creating unnecessary pollution for all.
Vehicle Industry has got to manufacture smaller
cars and trucks with high mileage and low maintenance
costs. SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE must coordinate,
manage, and orchestra a well designed farming
program in USA where there is everything produced
and distributed and no SUBSIDIES.
6.)No 'Rights' to persons participating in Homosexual
activity, except free counselling to correct
confused thoughts,
taken from employers at pay time,
8.)DEATH PENALTY to murders and high level sex offenders
I respect your views, but you are so wrong on most issues. The USA was founded because people were tired of being ruled by the upper classes. We are a free people. To me that means free to pratice any religion or none, to choose who I wish to spend my life with and make my own medical decisions. Not have government tell me what I can and cannot do as long as I am not hurting, or taking advantage of others.
However, I do agree that we should be assured of a living wage, not a slave wage. A child born to someone other then an American citizen while in America should be considered a citizen of that childs parents.
Healthcare is a more complicated issue. Before anything can really make sense here, I would need to WHY healthcare is going up at 15% a year while the cost of living is only going up at 2 or 3% a year. I cannot help wonder if Greed has a big part in this. Although this is a privilege, it make good economic sense to have univeral healthcare. Businesses will be able to compete on a global level and individuals and families will not have to choose between eating or medicine. Judgeing by your limits, you have never lost anyone to a devastating illness or been diagnosed with a major illness. Limits this low would penalize those who extremely sick.
Certainly you do not belong in the middle of the two parties. Go support Ron Paul
I'm just curious to see if Sam Waterston nominates Fred Thompson for President.
Sam was on Kudlow and Company on cnbc today and Larry asked him about Fred.
Sam said no one is asking anyone to give up party affiliation but the Unity 08 candidate must not be beholden to the party extremes.
At least he didn't shoot down Fred directly.
Of course Sam said he is just a messenger for Unity 08 and I must say he is a good one.
The biggest thing I see is an outsider in DC who can't move people because he is not part of the establishment is at a disadvantage unless he/she has some good powers of persuasion along with an eye for talent.
GW Bush has not been served well by some of his minions and that has hurt his presidency.
So far I like Fred but he doesn't have the original thinker credits Ronald Reagan had as far back as the 60's.
On an ABC news show View Point in 1967 RR had notes for the show that said at some time in the future the US would face the choice of loosing freedoms temporary or loosing cities and people permanently.
We arrived at that point on September 11 2025.
Well actually before that but we just didn't know it yet.
The candidates who can most effectively serve as President of the United States and "leader of the free world" must be committed to forging new alliances around the globe and strengthening old ones, particularly those weakened by the U.S. involvement in Iraq. Strong allies are the only security in the modern world.
What I like about Unity 08 is the premise that a leader had better put partisan politics aside and do whats best for the country both short term and long term.
I want someone to stand up and tell me why we are doing an end around congress to accomplish this Global Security Initiative and what is the endgame as far as it affects our borders ,culture and economy.
Any one want to tackle that one?
I've been hearing about Globalists since I was young and George Soros father was a Globalist in the 1930's so it isn't something new.
Trading blocs I understand but open borders?
There are some really bad people getting rich from oil and a hard line attitude from us only feeds their propaganda machine.
As the Discovery Times channel special said AQ Kahn may be under arrest but his Nuclear Proliferation network still has the goods for sale in where else, Dubai.
Yep the same Dubai as in the ports deal over a year ago.
Small world out there isn't it.
He invented a centrifuge that eliminated 5 steps in producing fissionable material and therefore made it easy enough a third rate country like maybe Iran and North Korea can do it
I wouldn't want the job this or the next president will have because we are living in the most dangerous times since 1942.
We had a disinformation campaign then too. Our Government didn't want us to know we were outnumbered , outgunned and loosing battles.
So they only put out good news helped by the Hollywood elite.
The difference between then and now is only the bad war news is put on news and print while the good goes unreported and the Hollywood elite would have us defeated and wallowing in polution when just the opposite is true.
The times changed apparently. Rant Over back to work!
Common sense laws regarding guns is not gun controll, it is common sense. No one wants to take guns away from hunters, collectors, law abiding people. In the many cities in America, there is a real problem with violence, and it is spreading into the rural areas as well. We do not live in the old west and our population is much larger then when the constitution was written. I think it is selfish and childish to complain about getting a permit to own a gun or to fight against a background check. Compromise is the only way we are going to accomplish real solutions to the crucial issue facing our country.
I really don't care for the term "moderate" as a political descriptive, because it has been too often used to mean a fence-sitter, a "mugwump". Better perhaps is Rational, Inclusive, Open-minded, Pragmatic, Realist, or "Solver". I think what we mean (in a President) is a person who attempts to see all sides of an issue, and solve it, in consultation with Congress, in a way that is best for the country, or at times for the world, but at no times best for "The Party". It is, in fact, a non-partisan who owes no debts but to the citizens.
The Republicans have been promoting measures which squeeze the middle class and other measures which ignore the findings and recommendations of the world's best scientists. The Democrats have begun to drift toward the radical left and are less and less likely to take the hard steps which will be necessary to protect our country from increasing terrorism from outside our borders and from within as well. The Unity 08 idea is a good one because it frees us as voters from the special interests supported by both parties, but there is a caveat. We must keep an eye on trends to prevent the Unity 08 campaign from taking votes primarily from the Democrats and wind up insuring the election of the Republicans just as Ralph Nader has done in the past. We will have to monitor our delegates to see if they are mostly coming at the expense of the Democrats or else we will just be working for the Republicans.
I watched the C-Span broadcast of Sam's comments at the National Press Club. While I laud his efforts to avoid being pegged Republican or Democrate, liberal, his comment regarding his belief in the two party system caught my attention. Many believe that third party candidates have had a negative impact on past elections. Nader and Perot have shouldered responsibility most recently. If the true purpose of Unity 08 is to allow the voices of the silent majority to be heard it will undoubtedly come at a price to both parties. As a honest to God moderate, I am disgusted by both the right and the left. The lack of a true middle ground in Washington is our fault. We can blame special interests, the media and both parties for all that is wrong, but it is our silence that has created the great divide. Both parties subscribe to pandering to their "base". Those bases are comprised on the radical fringe elements on both sides of the fence, the rest of us simply roll our eyes, hold our breath and vote for the person we see as the lesser of two evils. The real question is whether or not a bipartisan ticket makes the statement that speaks for us. At this juncture, I believe that it is absolutely essential that the efforts underway with Unity 08 are recognized not only as a new step forward, but are understood by all that, they will most likely come at a price.
Great stuff Sam. I enjoyed immensely your fine speech at the NPC last Tuesday. Lincoln is my favorite and your quotes were right on! Would love to have you and Doris Kearns Goodwin do a podcast or Unity Cast on Lincoln - would be great. One thing I do know about Lincoln being a history major - he stood for something and was not afraid to stand by his beliefs. We at Unity MUST emulate somehow that true political courage (the biggest deficit in DC) of Lincoln. But just hiding behinf warm fudgy statements of bipartisanship won't do that. We MUST here at Unity stake out the middle ground with sober rational options to attract others to our cause and hold our candidates to account and elect a tru bipartisan moderate centrist team that acually like Lincoln STANDS FOR SOMETHING. If we don't, the OTHER parties will brand us. We need to BRAND ourselves as the flaming modeartes that we profess to be.
We at Unity must always temper what we OUGHT to do (many and wondorous things) with what we CAN do (the art of the possible).
I hark back to Rory Stewart's recent NYT op-ed:
In ALL our deliberations and policies we synthesize here at Unity. We need to connect the dots so to speak and the ends-means disconnects by asking and prioritizing “Ought” with the “Can”. We ought to do a lot of thing such as maybe health care, political reform, immigration reform, Foreign/Defense Policy/Grand Strategy, Comprehensive Entitlement reform, Domestic Economic Stability, Energy/Environment, etc. Throughout all we need to ask that all important “Ought Implies Can” question, because as Stewart say in the last sentence of that op-ed – “We have no moral obligation to do what we cannot do." If we talk about all the wonderful “oughts”, we at the same time need to sync up with the “can”.
If there is a discrepancy between the two, we need to be truthful and upfront (the hard truths) with the American people and lay it all out how we will boost the “can” (what is possible – through shared sacrifice or whatever) to make sure we do what we need to do as a nation for our people and the world (the “oughts”).
So to me this whole unity process is a big syncing ups so to speak of determining what is in our true and vital National Interests (the “oughts”) with the means of delivering on those oughts (the can) on all the issues we present. Policies propounded DO have costs of implementation. The PACs and lobbyist special interests are particularly adept at exploiting this vast and growing ends-means disconnect to the detriment of the medium and long-term National interest! Thus their proliferation here on K St in DC. Jonathan Rauch in his books (‘Government’s End’ and ‘Democlerosis’) shows so well how this nexus has occurred. It’s only getting worse folks!
Our Unity candidates we present should be the best to sync up those “Oughts” and “Cans” so we do not have to suffer the big ends-means disconnects BOTH parties have foisted upon us in the last several decades of the republic! To me all the troubles we have experienced domestically and internationally in the last few decades has been the abject failure to sync up the two.
I have great hopes for Unity, but we MUST and SOON tie up our own ends-means disconnects with some political courage and be true to Lincoln and ourselves!!
He's what america stands for we are nation of peace. We are supposed to only defend our selves not pre-attack a nation before they do anything. we must not throw the first punch it is in our constitution.