Thanks to everyone who has come to this website over the past few days, given us consideration, and said “Yes!” to becoming a Unity08 Founding Delegate. And thanks to all of you who’ve been with us for months and have been reenergized by this latest effort. We’ve received careful inspection and thoughtful comments from new names and new faces. We’ve received emails from Americans we’ve never heard from before, telling us they’ve passed along word about Unity08 to hundreds of other people. We had the single largest traffic day ever on this website, and the single largest day of online giving. We’re inspired by what’s happening.
We have many ambitious goals like getting on the ballot in all 50 states, preparing to host a secure online nominating primary/convention, and raising enough money in small dollar contributions for the ultimate Unity Ticket to have a fighting chance in the general election. But we need Delegates first. In order for all of us at Unity08 to wield real political power, millions of us need to sign up as Delegates. As our numbers grow, and we report them publicly, we will be watched closely and be taken seriously by serious candidates and the press. So we thank you and ask you to continue to spread the word. And if you haven’t yet signed up to be a Delegates, please reserve your seat now!
From our small headquarters team, we ask that you get involved, help make this YOUR movement and tell us how to help serve that mission best. We realize we’ve got to do more...much more. At the top of our list is creating more opportunities for this great online community to interact with our founders. We’re working on that, we promise, and we ask for your patience.
Thank you once again for embracing the opportunity for real change to a badly broken political system. We are all united in the notion that we simply can’t afford to do nothing. Unity08 gives us a chance to be a part of positive change.
I'm so glad that I watch Hard Ball where I first heard about Sam Waterston's brief explanation about Unity08. I watch Chris Matthews regularly with my wife and this plan is right up my "alley". It was what I hoped might happen to have significant influence over the elected President and Vice President. I think there are a number of great candidates who are Centrist. I support Chuck Hagel and Mark Warner and I like Barrack Obama, John Edwards, Joe Biden, and others. We are going to have an impact and while I don't always agree with Chris Matthews, he is wrong about this. He said that in Virginia, Jim Webb had no chance to beat George Allen. We got Allen out much because of his own stupidity, but many of us new what kind of person he was.
So colleagues, go for this!!!
It is great that Sam Waterston is out there spreading the word about Unity08. He is doing a great job!
But no matter how well Sam does, his efforts will be wasted unless the website, (and the organization behind it) is ready to work hard to keep the interested people that Sam attracts.
Without more interactive content, new members will not stay energized. And it would be a tragedy if Sam Waterston puts all the effort into advertising this movement, and brings thousands of interested people to the site - and we only end up keeping fifty of them interested in the long term because of our lack of organization.
The Founder's Council should be recruiting people in every state to move beyond the limitations of the Internet. There should be face-to-face recruiting, and Town Hall meetings to mobilize support at the local level. This is a political movement, and at some point we have to interact directly with voters.
Right now, this is an organization without any depth - and people that I have talked to are looking for (and hoping for)a viable presence at the state and local level.
To put it more simply, we need something tangible for people to cling to when they check the site out. This is something that the Founder's Council must do to make the movement grow. The council should also be recruiting other spokespeople - not only nationally known people like Sam Waterston, but also regular people. Who better to promote the movement than other people just like us? I don't have much of a face (it is the classic, "made for radio" face), but I wouldn't be afraid to appear publicly to promote a cause that I am passionate about.
The Founder's Council should also be recruiting writers (and I am again ready, willing, and able to help - since writing is my best skill) and advertising people - anyone who can help spread the message.
But the rest of us can do a lot on our own to promote Unity08.
If you are interested in the premise of Unity08, and you believe the idea has merit, then do what you can to spread the word. Try some of the following:
Write your local, state, and national representatives and tell them what you want to see more of in government; more cooperation, and less partisan bickering. Tell them that you support the principles that are spelled out in the Unity08 mission statement.
Write your local newspaper and help make sure that people in your town are aware of this movement.
Call your local television & radio newsdesk, and ask them to do a story about Unity08.
Anything we can do will help the movement. In the end, the success of this is really up to us - not the Founder's Council. We are the true face of Unity08.
Jeff Currie
I dunno...considering how postings on this site how gone up ASTRONIMICALLY this wekk (ironically enough since I joined); it seems UNity08 is becoming QUITE popular.
Yep! Too bad content quantity is commiserate with content quality! Anybody can blast away but can you actually provide something constructive?? That is the trick Kris! Try it!
How 'bout this, Mr. Milligan
And you still haven't said whether you are delegate or not.
Nothing is broke! All Presidents today must sell their soul too rock and roll! NOT ANY MORE! I I think we will be just fine with a little focus and more teamwork from the people using IRV and streaming video for electing our next President! Colin Powell for President and Hillary for Vice President and see a 90% majority! A ticket for sure! Let's have some fun and see how much we can save and trouble we can create with streaming video saving a trillion in process!"
Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
For more policies visit
While checking out the bio of Unity08 member jamesmcook
I stumbled across concerning the Unity08 movement on this radical secular Left-wing blog.....
(where DO these Left-wing loonies get all the money for these goofy conspiracy theory websites)
I found the article QUITE ironic in light of the Edwards bloggers biggoted use of certain words. Of course, since I didn't join until after this incident occured, I have no knowledge of it.
Maybe Unity08 COO "Anya Harris" can comment. She mentioned something about 'livechat', IIRC.
Not to speak for Anya, but, we’ll be hosting a live chat Friday, February 16 at 2pm ET with founder’s Doug Bailey and Jerry Rafshoon.
Well, my dinosaur of computer soesn't take well, to livechat (it won't load the new AOL welcome screen properly!), but I might see how UNity08's livechat function works.
Where does one find it????
So did anything come of the "livechat"????
I was out until around 3PM.
Anymore livechat's planned?
I got in OK but was disconnected twice - seems like when I tried input a question my connection went kaplooey.
Have you signed up as a delegate yet, John Milligan????
Yes!! I'm a delegate! I keep getting emails that I am!!
Oh really....I only got ONE email.
And I'm convinced VERY FEW of the "regulars" here actually signed up as delegates.
Maybe the reason why the President isn't listening to the people is because we don't have a President, or we have a new President?
You may not like our President, but he is our President and I guarantee you he's busting his hump to get out of this mess without making things worse - he knows better than anybody, his place in History is on the line ..
Please, tell us , exactly what you would do right now if you were President, and give us your rationale - and I'm dead serious, I would really like to know.
JC you can run but you can't hide !
Obama certainly isn't a "centrist" he's quite left-wing. Still I think he'd make a good candidate if paired with a solid Republican.
And hasn't the poster learned it is not good nettique(sp) to post in ALLCAPS?
What is "quite left-wing" about Obama?
Can you think for yourself, or are you a Fox Noise regurgitating spam-bot?
In Harmony
I gotta tell ya - if people in this small forum aren't capable of having a reasonable discussion of the vital issues facing the country now, we're in more desperate straights than I thought when I woke up this morning. I'm not talking about holding hands and singing "Kumbaya" here. I'm talking about at least attempting to stow your ego at the door, practice the old skill known as active listening, and respond to the issue being discussed, not the individual who wrote the last post.
If unity08 is going to devolve into another online pissing contest, this is both a waste of time and energy.
If he has the guts to, and can make a point.
Why resign now? Unity08 hasn't picked anyone yet - and nobody knows at this point who will be eventually nominated.
There are people from the entire political spectrum posting on this site, and everyone has an opinion. Post your ideas, and add to the debate....
Jeff C
Sam Waterston has done a great job. For the segment of the population that has already given up on politics and stopped watching shows like Hardball we should all submit letters to the editor raising public awareness of Unity08 and saying that it isn't some pie in the sky possibility but something happening locally.
I've posted it as a new topic & on my Blog today "The System Is Broken - But Those In Control Like It That Way" !!
I hope you will find it interesting and my solution one you can and will support !!
Click on
popo: You made some very good points. Good Job.
One Voice Among Many
Thanks MFV it hope it goes somewhere
click on for the rest of the story
I want to be clear! Congress gave the President a license to kill and needs to take that license back! As a President is the cheerleader, the visionary and the one that takes on world leaders face to face representing the Congress and the people. For Congress should make the laws, policies and dictate war and withdraw from war not the President! This has actually ruined the office of President as the powers now given the President requires him to be a moderate playing the center. When in reality it is the Presidency that should scream for the people as Congress implements after proper council from experts and both sides of the story! - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
For more policies visit
"Lets take care of "U.S." first"
U.S. = United States
My name is Tee Barkdull, I'm also running for President in 2025. I'm with the American Party. Just wanted to wish you Good Luck. My site is WWW.TEE4PRESIDENT.US Thank you