Obama throwing his name in the hat – what does it mean?

posted by U08 Web Team on January 16, 2025 - 10:51am

It’s official -- Illinois Sen. Barack Obama is going to run for president. (See the story in the Chicago Tribune here.) His star power will certainly impact the Democratic field … and undoubtedly will make it harder for other candidates to attract the lobbyist dollars that seem so critical to having any chance of winning today, unfortunately. Will he become the ultimate Democratic nominee? If not, might he be someone who would raise his hand and say, “I want to be ½ of the Unity Ticket”?

The presidential candidates are really starting to mix it up, and it’s exciting to ponder what it all means for the ultimate Unity Ticket, which we believe will win the White House regardless of who wins the nominations of the major parties. The country is simply ready for a Unity Ticket, to bring a whole new level of bipartisan cooperation to Washington, to refocus on crucial issues, and to re-emphasize small-dollar donations and mandates from the electorate.

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The House passed a modest reform: make public which senator put forth each of a wide range of "earmarks" before these appropriations are voted upon. When this proposal was pushed by Jim DeMint, as an amendment to a larger bill in the Senate, Barack Obama and small number of Democrats defected from their leadership's opposition to the proposal. With Republican support, the proposal carried. Senate leader Harry Reid hopes to kill this proposal at a later date. Contact your senators to keep this reform measure alive.

This so called reform is a joke, and I do mean joke. I guess they think we are stupid out here. Just attaching your name to an earmark will not keep it from becoming law. They put these things on big important bills that usually have to be passed to keep some federal program running or department. That is going to stop earmarks like a 22 would a charging elephant. If that's reform they can keep it. Bob Schieffer a CBS news analyst tried to pin down Nancy Pelosi down and get her to answer how this so called reform would actually stop the abuses of earmarking. Being a typical politican she would not directly answer his question. She would never say that each earmark would be voted on, on its own merits apart from the larger bill. I have a feeling the measure in the senate is just as worthless. If I sound pessimistic, I am thoroughly disgusted with our so called political leaders, democrat, and republican. Bring on a third party, a real one.

An Independent

The value of knowing who is sponsoring an earmark is to allow the huge number of bloggers and other interested parties to explore the links of who benefits from the largess; and to make that public. One excellent example is that Harry Reid did not want all earmarks exposed because many of his family are lobbyists who have been benefiting from earmarks. The process of closing down opportunities for self dealing is never ending but necessary.
Many earmarks may be a good investment on behalf of the country. We just want to be able to vet these in a more open process.

Hope you are right, but I won't believe it will work until its actually tested.

An Independent

The blogosphere has potentially perhaps millions of interested folk who are contributing lots of informed and uninformed comments -- simply identifying the sponsor of any particular earmark is quite likely to irk at least a few of that multitude - - -
Meanwhile, it will surely be tested if the Senate version is adopted. And that's a test that will have some meat.

This is one of those defining issues that separates pandering from genuine reform. Bravo to those Democrats Senators who are acting independently from the leadership to do the right thing.

Ok well lets see his stand on the issues and how they resonate with the public.

If Barak Obama does not win the democratic nomination (I think he will, I said so on a earlier forum on shoutbox) he will not bolt the party and run with unity, he's too young. He could kiss any further runs for the democratic nomination good by. He's far too sharp for that.

An Independent

Unity'08 should proceed with its American Agenda (as soon as the web site upgrade is ready for it) and let the politicians follow US.

Obama's rapid ascendency comes from the same fertile ground that has spawned Unity08 - and Eliot Spitzer's election victory as Governor of New York State. There is hunger for a new kind of politics in this country. We shouldn't be looking over our shoulder at what the politicians are saying - we should be forming a true grass roots platform so the politicians can talk about our issues.

If the People will Lead, their Leaders will Follow

TE: You nailed it, very good point.

An Independent

Erik, you are exactly on point about why Obama is rising and what we need to do next as citizens. Like you, I also sense a deep hunger by many for a rebirth in American politics from the cynical and special-interest-dominated abomination it has become, back to our roots as a movement of people united for the common causes of freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (which I believe should be defined more expansively to mean the well-being of the American community, and not simply individual happiness). We have some important and difficult decisions ahead of us - health care, social security, fair taxation, immigration, the prosecution of the war on terror, just to name a few - that will necessitate the kind of unity this country has not seen since perhaps independence itself.

Retired but Active

It is quite possible that Obama could win the Democratic nomination but he can never win the election. He and Hillary are both darlings of the Democrats right now and they will both fall on their face if either of them gets nominated. The United States is just not ready for either a Woman or a Black to be president regardless of their star power or their ability to draw crowds. Neither of these attributes can overcome the reluctance of Americans to make a change in its leadership this drastic.

Obama is just too new and has no track record at all. Some say this is good but I would not want an inexperienced person to be the chairman of my Bank and I would not want an inexperienced and naive person to be president. Hillary is old meat. She draws a lot of attention but when the rubber hits the road next hear she will quickly be kicked off the bus. She just has too much baggage and is so obviously a self centered politician that cares little for the country and much about her fame.

I would no vote for either under any circumstances.

The inexperience thing they said about Lincoln (Read Doris Kearns Goodwin's 'Team of Rivals') and Truman and Kennedy was deemed unelectable because he was Catholic. Both are definitely electable as anyone else. Bush in his Totally Keystone Copish Incompetent Administration has set the bar low for sure. But Hillary or Obama I feel could be excellent Presidents (and many other Democrats and Republicans for that matter who are also electable) if they choose their issues well, focus, demonstrate true political courage in addressing those issues, and refuse to kick the can down the road on these nation-buster issues any longer.

Anyone is better than another relative! I think we learned our lessons for electing relatives of a prior president! No sons of, wives of, or even brothers of! At this point the less "experience" in public office the better! I would vote for a bum off the street before the wife of a ex-president! Especially one that buys her way in and won't stand on her own two feet - KEEP PLAYING THE MIDDLE HELLARY! - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent (poor speller:)
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Here is an interesting article on Obama's candidacy, as well as its implications.


You were right it was interesting. His philosophy he briefly touched on sounds somewhat similar to u08's.

An Independent

As Hillary supports her war contractors over the lives of our troops - Rock speaks clearly! Now he just needs to look up and see no enemy in the sky! As these goofs thinking we need boots on the ground! Do they not see a clear sky over Iraq for our Airforce to attack without restrictions? - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent (poor speller:)
For more policies visit www.appyp.com/fix_main.html

Obama's candidacy represents two things for me- Hope and Joy. Hope for doing things differently - away from the baloney of partisanship for partisanship sake alone -- and joy - joy at those values we share as Americans - that truth is something to be pursued, that justice is possible, that propoerity should be shared, that military might should be used to protect, not inflict-- and that fundementally, that anything is possible!

Pat Crowley
Lincoln, RI

Barack speaks with a calmness and understanding that I've never heard from a politician before. While called a "Liberal", he takes progressive stands that address our country's problems. He wouldn't reject a "conservative" idea if it benefit Americans. Sadly, "conservative" ideas today are those that benefit of the power elite - rightfully rejected by Barack.

That's why I fear for his candidacy. John Kerry was less a threat to the power elite than Howard Dean. When Al Gore endorsed Dean, the Democratic faction of the power elite kicked into high gear and greatly assisted in Dean's downfall (long before "the scream").

It will take powerful organizations like MoveOn.org and Unity08 to bring about a change. Despite their ability to manipulate the media, to control the message and even flood the blogs with dissent, the power elite only gets one vote per person. They have to con a lot of folks to vote against their own personal interests. Organization like Unity08 can do their own "manipulation" to get voters to wake up and think for themselves. We need an articulate voice to carry the message - someone we can rally around. YOU WON'T FIND ANYONE BETTER THAN BARACK OBAMA. His "inexperience" is that he's not tied to the existing power structures and he will be able to operate as his own person. We've not had that since Jimmy Carter. Not to slight Jimmy (who I really love), but I think (hope and pray) that Barack will be able to negotiate Washington more successfully than Carter (who got stabbed in the back by all the folks who Jimmy wouldn't scratch theirs).

Barack understands the world in a way that Bush never could and he cares about people as no President has in a decade. I'm shocked (and very grateful) that a man of his caliber would consider taking the job. I guess if I thought I could straighten out the mess we're in right now, I would do it. There's the difference: he can do it.

- Samatva


Retired but Active

All the gushing over Obama and his bid for the presidency by a few people here and there will do nothing to change the fact that he IS inexperienced and has little knowledge of world affairs, national finances, our place in the leadership of the world, or the general feelings of Americans about our next president. I agree that it is refreshing to see some new ideas for a change and a little positive attitude and Americanism in a political race. But, I cannot believe that anyone with Obama's credentials is a viable candidate for the Democrats. A flash in the pan perhaps and a catalyst for a different discussion of the issues but NOT a practical candidate.

Perhaps he is like Jimmy Carter. But if you truly believe that, how could you possibly vote for him? Carter is a very nice man and I am sure he has a good heart. But, he was a lousy president that made MANY poor decisions that harmed this country in many ways. Obama would most certainly make the same mistakes and not even know it until it was all over and too late to change.

I agree with you Darrel that Obama and Hilary are inexperienced and mistake prone. Obama has no baggage though so he is more trustable and likeable. I actually often believe what he says.

Both Obama and Hillary could be real good in addressing the mega-issue of Comprehensive Entitlement Reform (Soc Sec, Medicare, Corporate Welfare/Subsidies, etc). Much like Nixon could have been the only President to go to China given his conservative and right-wing credentials, Hillary and/or Obama might be the only one's in today's political milieu to pull off reform on Entitlements. A right winger Repub could not get away with it and get it through.

The only rejoinder is that they have the requisite political courage to tick off their traditional base constituents and stick to their guns(definition of political courage). Whether they have that requisite right stuff for the essential reform (before the Baby Boom retirement Tsunami) is still to be determined. My hunch is that both could but I'm the eternal optimist. If they don't then Unity should supply their own backup framework-plan/candidates to fill the void.

I hear you, but Hilary owes too many return favors and has a history of making good on promises of favors in return for support.

That is what they said about Lincoln and Truman. The times make the man and Obama does have a nice touch about him and might have teoratoricaland intellectual ability to pull off a synthesis of the disparate issues weoghing on the country. He may surprise more people than you think. And then he may not. Stay tuned and don't rule him out or underestimate him.

Retired but Active

When Senator Biden made a harmless comment during a public appearance, Obama jumped on him immediately. This, to me, demonstrates a lack of experience that could very well be dangerous to the country if he were president. The remarks by Biden were not insulting or degrading but Obama is running for president so he needs any publicity he can get. But by doing this he hurt his chances with a lot of people, me included. I just cannot trust a loose cannon like this.

In the cold war with the USSR, they knew better then to send ICBM's in our direction. We had too many pointing their way.

Today the world is a different place and the idiots with the nukes don't seem to care what's pointing in their direction. In my lifetime I have never seen the world closer to "doomsday."
Do we really want a president that has no experience whatsoever at the helm?

Bush is acting like an emperor who is above speaking to our enemies. We need someone who can and will. There is an old saying, "the best way to get rid of an enemy is to make him a friend".

I'm a republican, but vote for the person I feel will do the best job. Are we ready for a woman president? We can see where the males have taken us!!!!! So far, Hillary is the only candidate that shows willingness to tackle the problems of the world in a correct manner.

Obama seems to have the vision, but I think he lacks the experience. I've seen to do very well in some interviews, but stumple through others.

I see him more as a potential VP candidate. He would make a good balance to someone like McCain or Lindsey Graham.

Harold Ford might actaully be a better choice.


Retired but Active

Now THIS is really out in left field somewhere. Harold Ford and the entire Ford family of Memphis fame are nothing more than a bunch of crooks. Ask the people that live in Memphis what they think of him. From the black community you will hear that he is Jesus Christ reincarnated. But they would say the same thing about Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton. I think you would be well advised to do a little research before you decide he is a nice guy or that he would be a better choice than ANYBODY.

Remember, he LOST the last election and this is extremely difficult for a Ford in Tennessee to do.

I think Harrold Ford would be a great candidate....as long as he takes "clean money" pledge.


Retired but Active

The problem here is that no matter if Harold Ford swore on a stack of bibles and took a pledge on his mothers grave he would STILL be totally untrustworthy. He has a lifetime history and several generations of political hacks that he does not know that lying is not wrong. He would lie about anything if it got him elected or made him more money.

I agree. I want to see how he tackles issues. He's young..so was John F Kennedy. He's fresh and I like that. I saw him on a talk show and I liked him very well altho I am conservative.

Most of the 'old guard' I could absolutely not support. Hillary..ah I remember too well the 'Clinton years' and don't want any repeat of that. I see Hillary as power hungry. A cameleon. I will never forget last summer when she stood in Washington, DC and 'welcomed' half million illegal alien marchers to this country.


Giuliani..he made NYC a 'sanctuary city' for illegal aliens. At OUR expense, thank you. I think his personal history points up some instablility and untrustworthiness.

I want a candidate that will stand up for America. For our laws. For our sovreignty, for our security, for our prosperity as citizens. There are only a couple of men who are even in that arena. One of them..Congressman Ron Paul ( a strict constitutionalist) would have to be drafted as he won't run otherwise. Other than that I like Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter. Both men who speak their minds and pc be hanged.

Obama..well..let's just wait and see.

Based on the rambling, non-sensical postings I've seen in the "Evangelicals for Obama" blog...


I think Obama will be flaming-out by mid-Summer.


As far as I can see Obama will not be flaming out by summer, he is a new and fresh face, hopefully hasn't been in D.C. long enough tohave been corrupted like the rest. I know the mainstream mrdia will dig up all the dirt on him that is possible (Fox network has already tried to spread their lies about him) John Edwards knows what it's like for people to struggle to make ends meet in this day and age, the media is complaining about the size of his house, well he went to work and earned the money that house is costing him which is more than I can say about most denizens of D.C.. Also, why should it cost upwards of 100million dollars for a job yhat pays 200,000.00 per year? I think too that the so-called seniorty system in congress should be done away with, we are all supposed to be represented equally and that can't be done when one Senator or Repersentive has power over another.........BillyRay....Kerschner

Edwards is an attorney.

Based on my own experience with attornies, they have the same moral character as child molesters.

And I've met several of both.

Apologies to any attornies who may be lurking, but that HAS been my experience.


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