Unity08 Blog: Open for debate

posted by Publius on May 31, 2024 - 11:02am

The response has been big and astounding. Keep it coming. We have just begun to fight to change American politics.

One concern raised by some needs to be addressed head on: Some experienced bloggers expect/want Unity08 to arrive with a specific platform position on every issue.

We repeat what we said in our statement of purpose: We will have an agenda, not a platform. Our agenda is the list of issues that the public feels are crucial that Washington is not addressing – energy independence, quality education, affordable health care, rising national debt and many more.

But we don’t come to this with a platform. We invite you to debate and offer solutions – and ultimately we invite candidates to run for President on the Unity08 banner with their own platform on the crucial issues.

We would stifle the debate if the web site has pre-determined answers. And most American voters know that the crucial issues are very complex, don’t have simple answers, and progress will require debate, discussion and maybe even consensus or compromise.

What’s sad and interesting is that in Washington none of those things are happening on any of the crucial issues. No debate, no discussion, no consensus and no compromise. Washington is polarized and paralyzed.

So to all who expect Unity08 to have all the answers and to be certain of everything, we may disappoint you. To those who relish debate, serious discussion, and finding candidates for leadership ready to discuss crucial issues seriously, we hope to excite you.

Spending a lot of time in Washington is dangerous for your mental health, apparently. But spending a lot of time watching Washington causes you to be very wary of two types: Those who need to read the polls before they know what they think – and those who seem certain of every answer even before the questions are asked.

At Unity08 our forum and our minds are open. Blog on!

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I love the idea and the goal of Unity08. But I want to push it one step beyond that ... I would like for us who back Unity08 to also demand that the new Unity candidates agree to strip their party affiliation from their titles if they should win.

Why? That takes the partisanship out of the equation! No more, Mr. or Mrs. President Jones (D) or (R). Our president is president for ALL (A) not just (R) or (D).

In no time at all there will be too much in the blog for building particular agendas.

Parellel to the official blog, wikispaces.com may offer additional support.

If you visit wikispaces you will find room for as many other parallel agenda efforts as may be wanted.

Harnessing such parallel efforts will not be impossible.

Futurist policy - God has provided us with the tools necessary to resolve the problems we face today. The removal of hard currency (cash) and application of GPS tracking technology. Combined with the replacement of the old bureaucracy (dmv, government buildings, schools and institutions) with new video conferencing systems. With the understanding that if we don't rush and implement these technologies the enemy will take advantage of these weaknesses to destroy us. For more information visit www.appyp.com/fix_main.html

The major crisis that any serious candidate, or so-called "UNITY08" team, needs to address is the near total control that we have granted to corporations in directing our government's policies, programs, and ability of working Americans to improve their lives.
The key areas where corporations have done the most damage is their success in convincing politicians of every political stripe, as well as most of the public, media and political commentators that it is not the responsibility of government – or corporations – to help ensure that ordinary working Americans have access to affordable healthcare and a decent level of retirement security after a lifetime of employment. No two issues today -- and into the next 20 years -- will affect so many Americans.
Yet everyone is silent. No one from either party has dared to suggest that ensuring affordable healthcare and retirement security should be the primary responsbility of our government. Most of us seem to accepted two very dangerous ideas -- one, that American working men and women should be shouldering the weight of these financial gorillas alone via our 401(k), IRA, and medical savings accounts, and two, that our government, because of rising deficits and "runaway" entitlement programs can no longer afford to help us out in these areas. What, then, is the role of our government? This is what we should be asking of those candidates who we support for election to Congress and the White House. We are now paying billions in taxes every year for misadventures in Iraq and, God knows, where else in the near future, but we cannot afford to spend the same amount or less in ensuring the healthcare and retirement security of our citizens?
I would gladly pay 35-40 percent of my income in taxes if those taxes were paying for, or significantly lightening our financial ability to afford healthcare, retirement security, and higher education.
Corporate-driven policies and the politicians whose allegiance they have bought are steadily wiping out America’s middleclass. Today, corporations, not our elected leaders, are running our government. There was a brief period in our nation’s history when government, supported and elected by a wiser and better-read electorate, took on these challenges and responsibilities. I hope that it doesn’t come to another Depression to make us think straight.

So what's the problem? So far all I hear is a bunch of whiners..we need a platform..ooh..oh start nailing a platform...blah..blah blah

Let's go! Discuss the platform plank proposal I made or put forward your own. We only have a few months left before this blog must produce or self-destruct.

I have a short attention span for bullsh*t.

Perhaps we need to code up an auto-whiner blocker?

The Global Warming Issue can be platformed so that all can support it

Global warming is happening. Personally I think it's a solar-system-wide event, but I could be wrong. Either way, Global Warming is here and we need to deal with it.

Regardless of the cause, if we reduce our dependence on foreign oil by researching alternative fuels that is one less possible cause.

Regardless of the cause, the temperature is rising and we are going to have to deal with the consequences. (especially in our important coastal cities)

SO, let's not debate the how, but the what instead. Let the scientists figure out the how while we figure out what the hell we will do.

The enemy is not some misguided youngster with a pipe bomb strapped around his waste! Those states that sponsor the terrorist are the real enemies. Nations with nuclear weapons capable of destroying America. Nations that are influencing both political parties with campaign contributions to support the rape and pillage of our jobs, economy and way of life. The real danger is that communication technology makes it possible for a covert operation involving (for example) Middle Eastern natives who don't even realize they are actually being finance by China or Russia - and not their God! An attack made to look like it came from the Middle East so the the U.S. blames and attacks Iran! Or maybe that's what happen at 911? Who really financed 911 and why? That's right - we still don't know. Don't be fooled again!

I wish that more people were aware that the central issue related to global warming is NOT really about the whether people are or are not contributing to it but rather that rising earth temperatures will change life on earth as we have known it for centuries.

The scientific realities are that global warming IS occuring right now and that a CO2-based green-house gas effect facilitates this process. In many ways it really does not matter HOW it happened but the fact is that it IS happeneing and we must not ignore it.

Indeed the earth has cooled and warmed many times in its long life and in the past earth has been hotter than it is now or will be in 100 years-this is NOT disputed by the scientififc community.

The real problem related to increasing global temperatures is CLIMATE CHANGE not really how or why the earth is warming. We now have 6 BILLION humans on earth and upwards of 3 billion more on the way. This has never been the case in the past when earth's tempertaures increased and caused climate change.

As temperatures increase (for what ever "natural" or "un-natural" reason) climate change is more severe. This results in alterations in rainfall patterns & amounts, ocean temperatures, polar ice flow/melting, wind/storm patterns & activity. Any major change in these systems will have dramatic effects on food production, fresh water availability, disease, sea levels, and economies throughout the world.

The global warming debate needs to quickly shift from a "blame game" to a conversation on how we can begin to prepare for the future effects of global climate change. Of course, any solutions for decreasing the rate of global warming and climate change will serve to give the people of earth more time to adapt and plan for changing climates.

thanks you for everything and good luck Earth!!!!!

All I know about you is what you tell us here on the blog. I just want to stop typing in American Infidel so give me a nickname you like. I see from your last entry that even you typed the name in wrong. Let's see your initials are A.I. so how about Hal? How 2024!

Consider revoking the tax cuts and spending the money on infrastructure and a national medical care plan. Better yet eliminate the Income tax and institute a Fair Tax/VAT type system so we can get on with paying the deficit created by that gaggle of theives in DC. and never allow them to steal Trillions of dollars again.

I notice that a lot of people have a lot of ideas on what issue we should focus on: environment, education, energy self-sufficiency, health care, etc. The ONE issue that determines all others is money in politics. Unless we eliminate the influence of money on our political system, none of these other issues will be resolved to the benefit of the people. For example, the reason the environment is not addressed is because the special interests finance the campaigns of Congressmen, and Congressmen pass legislation to suit the special interest: the Medicare Drug Plan was written by and for the drug companies, not those on medicare.
Congress will never fix the problems, because Congress has become the problem. Maybe we the people can bring about needed change.

First can't you identify yourself? Too lazy to type over anonymous?

I agree completely stop debating global warming let's build a platform for the future that addresses it (as I have now said three times in this blog territory).

What's your plank proposal?

See my first at "A Platform for Change" below.

I've noticed Newt and Hillary have, IMHO, gone out of their way to say *nice* things about each other, rather than the usual negatives.

Could such a ticket, composed of people who have rabid support at the right and left of center, get elected?

How would such a ticket govern?

The political rule of thumb is that (more or less) 40% are with you, 40% are against you, and the 20% "swing voters" in the middle are the ones who decide the outcome.

Which is why a 60% victory is considered a political "landslide" - 100% of the swing voters going with one side's 40% base. (And, of course, the losing side's 40% base staying on their side of the fence)

Would enough of *each* 40% base be able to hold their nose and vote for such a "mixed" ticket to get the ticket elected?

How would such a ticket govern?

Great Idea. My only concern is that it has been stated that Unity 08 is only looking for a one term president and is only considering this as a one shot deal. It will take longer than that to root out the rampant coruption in D.C.

I'd like to say first that I read about Unity08 in the Washington Post last night and I'm very excited about it. I'm currently a law student at the University of Chicago and had planned eventually to try to build an Internet-based grassroots moderate political movement on my own. It's wonderful to see that people with political experience are already taking the initiative.

I'd like to propose the following: Instead of a rigid platform, perhaps the Unity organization could commission special issue-based polls the results of which would complement the agenda.

An excellent way to do this would be to provide poll respondents with a list of policy proposals for each issue and allow the respondents to rank their preferences. The data analysts could then use the Condorcet method to find the position that a majority find preferable to every other position.

I recommend that people take a look at the wikipedia article on the Condorcet method to learn more about it. It's a method of analyzing people's preferences that tends to bring out moderate, compromise, consensus results.

We should also think about making political reform a top issue on the agenda. Such efforts as the National Popular Vote movement could do a great deal to reform our political system, making it less focused on the narrow interests of a few swing states. We should consider Condorcet or Instant Runoff Voting in House and Senate elections to give people more options in electing new kinds of candidates to those positions.

i believe Unity'08 may be what i've been looking for for a good long time.. though i'm not yet convinced that letting two folks from the current Big Two Parties run and keep their old political labels is a step in the right direction, but, at least it is a step in a new direction..

and most everyone knows we need something new!

Perhaps we have to agree about:

1. Shall we have a platform with planks (proposals and requirements)?

2. Define (for our purposes) what constitutes a plank.

etc., first we need to have a majority agree on 1.

We need a process for voting to make this blog work so we can select a purpose based on a measured consensus.

I'll invent one if none is available.

Dear Unity08 Team,

Love the idea, can't begin to navigate the response. The blog comments are overwhelming and disorganized. The discussion is so far and wide that there is no real discussion.

I would love to see this process broken into more of a "forums" format with headers for various topics. That way, people passionate about certain issues could debate away until a middle-ground is found and then open that up to a wider group. Yeah, I know it reeks a little of Senate subcommittees but we need some order of attack to begin to build the agenda points.

For some, the environment is the issue while others want to discuss the value of a combined-party 3rd ticket and still others want to debate why we are debating these issues. It is all leading to overload.

If I can help facilitate this in some way please let me know. I am not a web programmer but I would be happy to be one of the moderators of a forum-based discussion arm to this site.

- David

I have been a little frustrated with politics lately. I want us all to get along as Americans even when we disagree. I think that a large part of the problem today could be solved by answering what I have come to refer to as "the BIG question".

When do we as Americans have the right to interfere in someone elses life?

If it were only a matter of protecting peoples lives than the answer would be "only to stop someone from killing/hurting themself or another". However, more often lately, the answer seems to be "whenever their persuit of happiness offends me". Do we really think we have the right to interfere in someones sex life? Or to tell them what god to worship? Or what they can ingest for the sake of medical treatment or entertainment? I for one don't think so. Therefore, it is my belief that Congress should answer this question for the sake of all Americans. It would end debate on many national issues in one fell swoop.

When do we as Americans have the right to interfere in someone elses life?

I beleive that the answer to that question has the potential to make us all more free. If we could agree to an answer to that single question I think a sense of national unity would once again flow through this great nation. Once that question is legally answered, what more is there left for us to argue about?

What is your answer to "the BIG question"?

If there is going to be any real unity, we need to be able to work together. And that means no accusations of "whining" when people are talking about issues.

Why should I work with Republicans? They threw out the rules in 2024 and have been playing dirty ever since. Right now in North Carolina, the GOP is smearing the Dem candidate by rumoring he is gay (he's married) and using gay- and immigrant-bashing in an infamous "mariachi band" commercial.

This is what happens when the GOP cannot run on the issues, because they would lose on the issues. This is just the start of what will be one of the nastiest campaigns in history, as the GOP smears the Dems and further divides our great nation with wedge issues.

Republicans brought us the $9 TRILLION deficit, torture and secret prisons, treason in the White House (Plamegate), illegal wiretaps, war profiteering and institutionalized corruption with the K-Street project.

Yes, there are a few crooked Dems too but GOP corruption is widespread on a unprecedented scale. One Dem got his office raided by the FBI and his papers sealed by the prosecution, which has stirred up serious seperation of powers issues and raised the question whether Bush is making a "power play" for a "unitary executive" which means dictator.

Until the Republican side of the Unity equation is willing to admit these problems and is willing to disassociate themselves from them, there can be no unity.

One positive indicator on the GOP side...Karl Rove sent one of his proteges to Colorado to stir things up by playing dirty. The Colorado GOP sent her back to Washington last week. Good riddance.


Interesting! I'll check it out, but lets not loss sight of the fact that any platform to transform America needs to be long lived and at some point not subject to the vagaries of poles.

Overwhleming number of posts -- YES.

My name tag above takes you to one a what may be many forums. Wikispaces are free. I'm only a user not connected in any other way. They may be one answer for the immediate present.

This idea of trying to reunite the country by pushing aside sterotypes and special interest is nice. I can still see people using this platform as a way to bash another party, however I like the open forum and appreciate all new ideas.

Dubya's a divider, not a uniter. He and Karl Rove use wedge issues to divide and conquer the voters.

There can be absolutely nothing from the current "Brand W" GOP platform on the Unity platform.

A Unity platform must have nothing to do with the current administration or the current GOP leadership.

No more letting industries write the bills that regulate them.

No more taking away our rights.

We need new ideas, not more of the same.

That sounds a lot like the Libertarian platform. I happen to agree - the "State" has no right to tell the individual what he can or cannot do as long as one does not interfer in anothers life.

You want to do drugs - have at it.

You want to marry someone of the same sex - go for it.

Just don't interfer in MY life.

I like the idea of this group and as an independent I would think about voting for you. I would be most interested in your stand on going for smaller government and getting away from the constant attacts on the first and second amendments that we get today from both sides. I think you have hit most of the other major issues. It would be nice to have a party looking out for the average guy, not special interests. We need smaller government focused on our freedom, not big brother. Time to take this country back to what made it great - The PEOPLE

I agree smaller gov't would be a good thing. As I recall, Bush has increased gov't size by 40%. And it was way to big when he took office.

Now that the 4th Amendment is all but gone, I guess we do need to stand up for what little is left of the 1st and 2nd.

I am a registered Democrat and I do not see anyone on the horizon that has earned my vote. I do not strictly vote party (I have voted for Republicans), but I am finding it harder to find a person I want to vote for and easier to find a candidate I want to vote against. In my mind, this administration has made the United States a joke in the world community. We seem to want to solve each issue with the military option. "Bully Politics". Our President is denser than Saturn and really has no clue. Tax Cut while pursuing a war on 2 fronts? Genius. I welcome what you are attempting to do. I look forward to seeing more of the details. I am on board........

Unity08 at the very least will send a strong message to Washington that says "hey, pay attention, politics in america as you know it are changing. get on board with the new or go down with the sinking ship" The fact that Unity08 exists means that more and more of us.. Americans.. are starting to feel empowered to topple the status quo. BUT, and this may not resonate with some, it is more important to begin to free yourself than it is to try to free others. why? because you can ONLY free yourself, and others will see you free and want the same. An example: This latest gas surge pissed me off to the point of action instead of just complaining. I sold my durango, bought a small car and purchased an electric bike that I ride all over. Now Im freer of the gas ups and downs than most people. When people see my bike, they are amazed and ask how they can get one. I dont go around preaching that everyone has to do what I did. It will happen naturally. Lead by example and not by mouth. So, Unity08 will work, wether the next president comes from Unity08 or from the old regimes. The point is that politics are changing and its only a matter of time and effort (like Unity08) until the old ways of washington are gone.

I am Hispanic, live on the border and, like most Hispanics I know, am not in agreement with amnesty and failure to control the borders at all. We say this to each other but no one asks or wants our opinions. Our views are barely given a sentence in the media. It is as though the decision has been made for us and about us. It is very frustrating. As usual, the quiet are ignored. I am 52 and never missed an election but will never vote Republican or Democratic again. The people in DC, I see, are completely ut of touch with ordinary people.. on immigration, on health care, on anti-drug measures, on the Middle East. I have come to believe all my votes were wasted. Good luck to Unity '08.

Its pretty obvious that the political system we have now has morphed into something that the founding fathers probably wouldn't recognize, or want to be involved with. I agree that it is time for a change.

However, someone else mentioned that a third party needs to exist for a while in order to have the desired effect. I think that is critical. What I would really like to see is a permanent third party.

If we can maintain at least three parties, especially if none of them have an absolute majority, maybe we can get away from situations like the one we are in now, where whatever the Republicans want gets jammed down our throats. We have no recourse because the only other political party, aside from not having a platoform, doesn't have enough votes to affect what legislation is passed and in what form.

I mentioned the founding fathers before. I really don't think that the current situation is what they had in mind. So let's change it.

The list of potential debate issues has a glaring omission - illegal immigration. If we could control this, health care costs, public education, and some other issues would take care of themselves. If we weren't using up resources on people who are here ILLEGALLY, we'd have resources to adress many of these other problems. I'm looking for politicians who will look out for the law-abiding tax-payer, not pander to the potential votes (provided they get amnesty and become citizens who can vote).

Enforcement should be a priority. When someone who is here illegally is stopped for a traffic incident, or other reason, they should be treated as criminals. That's what they are. If they were a murderer, they'd be detained. Let's enforce the laws that are on the books, rather than making excuses not to.

For me the importance of this web site is to focus on the important issues that are not being addressed in Washington today. If we become active in the current popular game of "finger pointing", then in my opinion we have lost an opportunity to have a real platform to voice our opinions.

This is how y'all see the issues:
"In our opinion, Crucial Issues include: Global terrorism, our national debt, our dependence on foreign oil, the emergence of India and China as strategic competitors and/or allies, nuclear proliferation, global climate change, the corruption of Washington’s lobbying system, the education of our young, the health care of all, and the disappearance of the American Dream for so many of our people.
"By contrast, we consider gun control, abortion and gay marriage important issues, worthy of debate and discussion in a free society, but not issues that should dominate or even crowd our national agenda."
So, despite all the people who posted here with worries about illegal immigration, you don't even consider it a minor problem?
Afraid you'll lose the gardener or Maria the babysitter, who's just like family to you and works 60 hours a week for $200?

Almost every american knows the system isn't working right. And that we need a third and probably fourth or fifth legit party. Why should we believe that this isn't another green party? Or Libertarian party? Other than different positions on issues, what is the fundamental difference that is going to make this new party work? MAKE ME BELIEVE! I'D LOVE TO!

The problem is that only the "donor class" can afford to buy influence, because of (a) the cost of winning an election, and (b) the potential for political payoffs to the special interest donor class contributors.

Issues are a smokescreen, Unity08 will accomplish nothing unless it breaks the money-politics cycle.

When I bring up legitimate problems with the current political situation, it is not bashing. It is attempting to start a dialogue.

Labelling it as bashing stops the dialogue. Instead, address the issues I brought up.

There can be no Unity until we find some common ground. And that common ground is not where Dubya is standing.

Looks like another flash in the pan to me. Might be fun to watch.

It's about time!

Unity means Republicans who are sick of the current administration, getting together with Democrats who are sick of the current DLC Dino leadership.

Together we can achieve something, but not until both Dems and GOP are willing to deal from their parties' problems.

I'm willing to deal with the problems the Dems have, is the GOP side of the Unity equation willing to deal with theirs?

"Labelling it as bashing stops the dialogue. Instead, address the issues I brought up."

But YOU were the one calling for Bush bashing just yesterday! So which is it?

The notion of an effort to break the country out of the confining, outdating nomination process for the presidency as it exists today is very exciting. And cooperation and collaboration in Washington to actually get things done? Radical. The city has almost forgotten how to be civil -- maybe this will change all of that.

In my earlier comment I said we need a third party. Sorry for forgetting that we already have a number of other parties. Unfortunately, their agendas have failed to gain any significant support. That is the kind of third party we don't need.

We need a 'relevant' third party that will decide on approaches to the hard issues based on a consensus.

The idea behind this whole democracy thing originally was that everyone who was registered to vote had the opportunity to express their views, but the decision on how to act was based on consensus.

I don't think it is possible to get every one of 300 million people to agree on anything, no matter what. I have already shown that I'm not a sore loser when the government, with implied consensus, decides to do something crazy. I hope that others are willing to be as open minded.

Nice riposte. Yes, I said that. Probably a poor word choice. Maybe "Dump Bush" would have been better.

Don't avoid my point that both sides must be willing to ditch the bad parts of their parties in order to put together a unity platform.

Are you a Dem? Are you willing to dump the "DC Dems" and the DLC?

Are you GOP? Are you willing to dump the "Brand W" GOP?

Until Dems and GOP can dump their baggage and find some common ground, this isn't going anywhere.

I would suggest that instead of getting involved in the Presidential Campaign, that we look for candidates for the Senate and House. Holding a few of these seats could really disrupt the balance of power. It should be easier to win the vote and would best lead to a third party that could have influence on legislation.

Like you, I caught wind of this site watching T.V. You mentioned Fox, I happened to see it on PBS – You believe there are those who would hate or discount you simply for being a Fox News viewer. I imagine I could make the same claim from the other side. Unfortunate, but true.
I guess the appeal for me at this site is the possibility of moving some things forward, relatively uncontroversial things that are being sabotaged by the rancor of ideologues on both sides.As a lifelong liberal, your admonition about unintended consequences resonates loudly with me. What are your thoughts, if any, about experimenting with the federal implementation of small scale programs - be they health, education, artic drilling, whatever... programs that could be either shut down quickly or expanded slowly-depending on merit.
Kelly L Scott Princeton, TX

Back in the old days in Greece, often considered the birthplace of democracy (Not to be mistaken for anything related to the current Democratic Party) if you didn't vote, you lost the right to vote, which means that you were really no longer a citizen. I'd like to see that come back. Use it or lose it, but don't just stand around and bitch when things don't go your way.

The current political situation has made this impossible because there are so many issues where all of the proposed solutions either don't make any sense, or are illegal or suicidal.

Reasonable people must come together to add sanity to the process. Niether the Dems or Repubs seem capable of dealing with issues. Set the agenda. Don't let them dodge the issues. Pretty boys, money-laden pols, and those who poll to "hot button" issues should be scorned. Please let us send a message!

Some people lable all third parties as the same thing, but they are not. There are about 5 real places on the spectrum you can be, libertarian representing 0-3% Green representing 3-10% Democrat representing 20-30% Republican representing 20-30% and centrist independence which can represent the rest. The real key here is to get the public to know they have the option and for them to learn to take advantage of the option. That starts with Angus King as a past elected governor. It will continue with the new examples created this election cycle.

In Minnesota an independence party candidate who never lifts a finger gets 3%, with moderate financial backing and a good pressence and resume were talking 15% minumum. As the years go by more and more Minnesotans are getting used to a competitive third party that appeals to them and those numbers are heading up every election cycle.

I have huge doubts this unity movement will be good for even 3% in 08, but if this group works to build something long term success is a real oppurtunity. The key is to get that passion built for the long term growth, with people who have 50 years to invest and/or enjoy the benifits.

I guess the appeal for me at this site is the possibility of moving some things forward, relatively uncontroversial things that are being sabotaged by the rancor of ideologues on both sides.As a lifelong liberal, your admonition about unintended consequences "resonates loudly with me. What are your thoughts, if any, about experimenting with the federal implementation of small scale programs - be they health, education, artic drilling, whatever... programs that could be either shut down quickly or expanded slowly-depending on merit."
Kelly L Scott Princeton, TX

First, let me clarify my general position: I consider myself a sort-of "classic liberal" - i.e., not conservative on social issues, not leftist on economic issues, but not 100% in-line with the Libertarian Party.

I really can't give you a blanket outlook that covers every issue, because every issue must be judged on it's own merits, because there is never a perfect one-size-fits-all solution to everything.

However, one of my basic assertions is that the worst answer to most problems is "more government". I find it interesting that many (especially leftist) ideologues cry about corporate involvement, and want the government to intervene and limit businesses. Yet they fail to realize that the reason the corporations are involved in government is to also limit businesses-i.e. competition. So why the hell would you want more government involvement in business? Let there be less government intervention, and let businesses survive by their own merits. The consumer ultimately decides who stays in business by spending their dollars on what best satisfies their needs, instead of the government deciding what our needs are.

I think P.J O'Rourke was onto something when he said, "There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences."

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