Groping For Another Way

posted by Joe Gandelman on July 20, 2025 - 10:25am

Joe Gandelman

This was the week of “high concept” audio and visual clips from the G8 conference. And what memorable imagery...

First, there was President George Bush’s blunt, no PC use of a four letter word beginning with “s” in referring to Hezbollah’s provocative Middle East actions (The word wasn’t “sore.”) in a moment when he didn’t know his mike was on.

Next, there was that visual of Bush walking behind a clearly surprised and not precisely delighted German Chancellor Angela Merkel to give her a neck rub. (He would have gotten lots more publicity if he had done it to British Prime Minister Tony Blair).

In a way these seem to be metaphors for many in America’s political center.

You meet more and more centrists and moderates who are bluntly saying (and some will use the “s” word) about how fed up they are with polarization and the way they perceive both parties’ partisan bases are ignoring or “dissing” them.

And you find more and more centrists groping for solutions -- and new options.

Did you ever walk onto a school playground and hear a little kid say “Nanee nanee noo noo!” as he teases a playmate? You’ve heard it many times before and even thought it may be cute and attention getting, but it’s quite old.

And that’s the story of American politics as it moves into the 2025 midterms and the 2025 presidential. We wouldn’t dare use the phrase “stuck on stupid” to describe what's going on.

Let's just say it seems stuck on stupidity.

POLARIZATION REMAINS KING: Last week former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich had some advice for GOPers and the White House. Start talking up events in the Middle East as being part of World War III. Have President Bush then call Congress into session in September and bring it all together using label World War III. Newt then suggested this could work against Democrats in the upcoming mid-term elections -- in other words, are you for us in this fight in World War III (which would embrace everything the administration has done on Iraq, 911, the Middle East) or not? In essence, he was suggesting national unity over the Middle East be flushed down the toilet. But when he went on Meet the Press he urged the World War III terminology, yet omitted the idea that this be used against Democrats to further divide our polity. In talking to Tim Russert, Newt assumed the role of thinker versus polarizing political hack. So which one is he?

EVEN SYMBOLS OF MOMENTS OF NATIONAL UNITY ARE EXPLOITED: In Ohio, Sen. Mike DeWine is using 911 footage to suggest his Democratic opponent is soft on terrorism. It turns out DeWine is soft on accuracy: it turns out the footage he was using was doctored. Mr. DeWine and others who want to turn 911 images of falling towers (which mean people being burned into cinders inside the buildings) into suggestions that their opponents are soft on terrorism and don’t care about American lives seem to forget that 911 was a supremely NONPARTISAN moment in national history -- where all Americans came together and on the key decisions in changing the way the government operated BOTH PARTIES voted for the final measures. He seemingly forgets that who might have voted against a piece of legislation did so for reasons other than not caring about Americans. He also forgets: 911 was the result of a failure of MANY administrations of BOTH parties and intra and inter intelligence agency bickering that failed to connect the dots. No one party deserves the blame for 911 or is totally responsible for the national unity that came right after it.

DOWNSIZING THE SIZE OF YOUR PARTY TENT: Many partisans in both the Republican and Democratic parties seem determined to weed out people who do not fully agree with their own ideological agenda. They always offer logical explanations and rationalizations for doing it but the bottom line is the same. Lieberman has acted like a Republican and blasts his own party. Bush kissed him…Lincoln Chafee is a RINO. You can’t count on him to back the Republican party. (Come to think of it, Harry Reid has not kissed HIM so perhaps Chaffee is luckier than Lieberman.) When these folks are weeded out or even if they survive with grave political wounds, it will tell some independent or non-lockstep voters: You’re not welcome in THIS party unless you agree with everything we believe so find another home. (We predict they WILL).

How did we get in this state? You can make the case that since the early 20th century America has gone through upheavals in the concept of “broadcasting” versus “narrow casting” that impacted entertainment and politics. Early live vaudeville shows had to appeal to a wide audience. Movies and radio came in and killed vaudeville but the concept was still to get a broad audience. In politics, politicians sought broad-based coalitions that would help them win and govern.

By the early to mid 60s and the growth of the Vietnam War, generation/culture gap and divisions became more rampant. In entertainment terms, this partly led to the demise of CBS’s Ed Sullivan Show because a “big tent” entertainment variety show was becoming passé. Cable fed the trend of “narrow casting where you now have 100 stations to choose from (most of them showing crap). The Rush Limbaugization of America began by the 80s where politics became like pro-wrestling -- entertainment…hours of demonizing and ridiculing politicos and defending and praising one side. Rush became the model for much of progressive talk.

Enter Karl Rove and the “mobilization election” where you aim to get YOUR side out and don’t worry about the center. Add to that a (sometimes angry) soul searching among some Democrats that their party has blown it by trying to appeal to Republicans and that the way to win is to by accentuate differences between parties to offer a clearer choice.

In a way, this comes full circle: today’s left-wing Democrats aren’t just like the 1960s McGovernites, but like the early 60’s Goldwaterites whose credo was “A Choice Not An Echo.”

Increasingly, moderates and centrists are being asked to choose sides or someone will define them as being on one side whether they like it or not. In the Blogtopia some blogs in the middle are being labeled as right or left. Usually a writer’s motives are impugned. Blogs on both sides have allowed almost slanderous things to be said about other bloggers in comments sections. Meanwhile, blogs in the center are used to being called secretly Democrat, secretly Republican and being delinked occasionally by the right or the left who insist they know THE TRUTH about what they REALLY believe.

It’s trying to shove people in the center into one of the ideological slots on the right or left. The goal in American politics these days seems less to create broad-based coalitions and win people over than to beat them down. Old fashioned political horse trading has in many cases been replaced by a yearning for intellectual slavery and total obedience.

This may work to bludgeon some folks in the center. But those on the right and left may find that when it comes time to vote he who has pressured or demonized people in the center may find that his side will lose their votes. The good news: there are STILL thoughtful politicos and operatives in both parties who are trying to keep their tents from shrinking. There ARE many thoughtful liberals, conservatives and centrists who aren’t buying into the politics of demonization and intellectual intimidation. They vigorously defend their views but don’t do so by trying to tear down others.

You could make the case that folks attacking the center for not supporting them 100 percent must be moles for their opposing parties. But, more accurately, they sometimes seem moles for the politics of polarization and intellectual intolerance.

Many Americans in the center look at all of this and use the “s” word. And many grope for answers.

Although perhaps not as joyously as Mr. Bush.

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What happened to brevity and clarity as a objective of style?

Most of this is just blah,b blah, blah. What is he trying to say?

Really? You can't understand this? Maybe you should read it again. It's very clear to me what he's saying about these various issues and polarization.

I read it. It's very clear.

It's a commentary about neck rubs, s words and poopyheads, a lot about dissing and groping, and something flushed down the toilet followed by Bush kissing somebody while watching pro-wrestling.

I don't know what the "Nanee nanee noo noo" was all about, I never heard the phrase before.

My only question is; What does this have to do with electing a president?

Is this how our founders like to talk.. count me in.. my kind of party.

It appears the message was lost. Stop the bickering.Quit the righteous criticism. His message is to stop polarization--so do it. Look past the words to the message.

re: why dont you read it again
Anonymous on July 21, 2025 - 6:30pm

No. Lost is temporarily not knowing where you are or where your going.

This rant was more like a stem cell that went into a uncontrolled mutant state and started to grow a mesh of toe nails, elbows, and eyeballs.

Because I didn’t understand what Mr. Gandelman was saying dose not mean it was stupid, dumb, negative or loony. I will refer to those of you who understand his prose to translate his writings to me.

If Mr. Gandelman is writing in a positive tone, whether I agree with him or not is what I am here for.

PS most of my postings are on the negative side. I must practice what I preach.

There is too much discussion about discussions, which quite frankly the middle or moderate group doesnt care about...

It is not about groping for another way... its not about attacking the Republicans or the Democrats....

Its about addressing the issues that most americans value at the present time....

Its about a president that can unite this nation.. who may not always agree with.. but we trust his decision..

The simple issue is that we MUST get control of our government... In Oklahoma since May 2025, I have formed a group that now has 26 members dedicated to bringing our government back to the people

Unity 08 has 9,000 people.... yet I venture to say that by end of 2025.. our small group will increase and have a record of success..

Unity will still be discussing the discussions..... To be successful in elections you must be mobilized, organized, dedicated and inspired to change this country

That is done at the grassroots and not by reading topics entitled "Groping for another Way"

OK with all the swirl. Now for defining agendas:

1. Use the space shuttle and station for something immediately useful: like building a NATO controlled space based laser weapons to blast nasty Hezbola rocket out of the air. For now ... forget the Moon and Mars stuff. We got other fish to fry.

2. Massive Government research and engineering effort to get this nation off of Mideast oil in 4 years flat. "A" with a petroleum substitute. "B" with a hydrogen bolt on substitute. "C" with tax-free enterprise zone credits and manufacturing for electric cars.

3. Establish national health care. Our insurance programs and medical costs are totally out of control and outrageous. Enough. Establish national health care for all LEGAL citizens.

4. Illegals gotta pay up. Either join our military and defend the country, pay big-times fines, leave the country, or settle for 2nd class U.S. occupancy with no benefits for medical, schooling, or social services. Along with this, going forward, change citizenship laws that if you are born here from parents who entered the US illegally, you are a citizen from the parent’s country of origin. Period. Not citizen of USA.

5. Promote tax free enterprise zones for building new nuclear plants to 'energize' this country away from fossil fuels running power plants. We need more energy now than ever before.

6. Pump Mississippi flood river water to the WEST for storage and conversion of arid land into good farm land.

7. Sell excess Federal BLM lands to highest bidders to get properties on to tax roles and in to development. In other words, re-establish a kind of homestead authority where individual people can get BLM lands and pay for them with real money to reduce the national debt.

7. Bring back manufacturing to the U.S. with major policy changes and tax incentives.

8. Revise education system to encourage crafts, trades, and hard skills.

9. Send the U.N. packing. Give them 5 years to find another host country, pack up, and move. We're done. Major limits to funding from the U.S.

10. Fortress America. Bring home 90% of troops from Iraq, Korea, Japan, & Europe. Don't want to be world policeman. Seal the borders. Let those countries wanting terrorists, keep them. If radical Islamist terrorists want to die and cut off heads, and people of those countries let them; so be it. If they try to wipe us out or our friends, give them 3 days to stop or we'll pave their lands and build condos. But first, we'll have to clear it from the rubble. No longer permit terrorism in civilized countries.

11. One extra: convicted druggies receive $1000 and an all expense paid trip to Afghanistan for their new permanent residency. The Afghan government gets $4000 as compensation for each druggie sent there for the duration of their lives.

Who is this masked man! I copied your plan and like most of it!

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