Member Spotlight: This great country

posted by BobRoth on September 27, 2025 - 8:04am

I was getting caught up on comments this morning after the Colbert bump and I stumbled across this amazing entry by a Unity08 member:

"As an immigrant in this country who left Cuba at 6 yrs. old and grew up a respecting/obeying/US Citizen and eternally grateful for the opportunities this country has given me and my boys, I must say that for the first time I worried if this great country would end up just like my own. US deserves a new change, and if we can actually come together and make a real change than I pledge to UNITY 2025 and welcome it with my arms open just like this great country did to me when I came in 1967. Thanks."

This is fantastic. This is why we are all here. For Unity. To recover the American Dream. To relight the torch and reunite the country.

I will do my best to begin highlighting some of the conversations and comments that are occurring on the forums.

Thank you for adding more inspiration to my morning, barb1205.


Bob Roth

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I am tired of politics as usual. America is in need of some statesmen and women in Washington. The issues facing our nation are too great to be settled by political hacks who are more interested in staying in office and furthering their party than doing what is right for our nation.
I do not know if UnityO8 is a gesture in futility or if it is the beginning of something that will endure. However, although, I first voted as a Goldwater conservative in 1964 and have been on the conservative side of the political spectrum since then, I see many honest liberal ideas that I can support. Politics is supposed to be the art of the possible.
I am going to ride the Unity08 horse with the hope of seeing some real solutions to real problems facing our great nation.

We need to take our country back. Think Tanks are running our country and we are not voting for these people, who are TRULY making our policies. Every politician that rises to prestige, is a puppet on a string. We need to be a democracy or corporation, not one masquing itself as the other. I for the first time in my life am outraged by what people around the world think of us. Sooner than later, the world will unite against us and for all the right reasons. We have even gone beyond being the world police and are now throwing around our weight for corporate interests. I understand the strategy, but I am sick of giving a third of my pay check to support it. I am an accessory to the atrocities of our government and the war machine, that it has unleashed on the rest of the world. We cannot repress the world forever, eventually they will crush us economically and physically. I am very afraid of the future. Soon we will not be able to visit other countries and cultures, without looking over our shoulder. Our only true allies are the enemies of our enemies. We have become a country of entertainers and service oriented business. We have taken our eye off the ball and soon we will feel the repercussions.

Yes, I believe in the freedom of America. Most of my family emigrated here in the late 1860's. I think we need new emigrantion in America to keep us strong but it should be LEGAL EMIGRATION!!!

My emigrant family had to dot their "I's" and cross there "T's". Emigration has become far to difficult to achieve now and more, and more illegal emigrants have come to America then we know about! There are probably good people as well as bad. There are many Americans that are in need of a job right now and the more illegal emigrants that take their jobs the more hate that will occur. This has happened in time past, just read American history books: the Irish, Jews, Germans and Italians etc...

If we really want freedom we need to make it as easy as it was for my family to emigrant here in the 1860's and make sure all the emigrants have good ethics. America need good people and not criminals, there needs to be changes to our policy to find the right people for America.

i cried when i read your comments. i am a mother of three young children and i am terrified of what the world is becoming. everyday the reality is becoming more clear that we are doomed if we stay on the same track. the only thing that is giving me hope at this point is knowing that i'm not the only one who sees it. i believe we can change the world, but we have to unite!!!

Carmak, very powerful comment. Thank you for posting it. I believe we can change the world, as well. Thank you for joining the movement to reunite the country.

Bob Roth
VP Online Marketing, Unity08

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The idea of having another major party favorite winning in 08 though sickening is very likely. The only real opportunity lies with an independent that has the following attributes
1. Self finance campaign
2. can appeal to the centrist views held by a majority of americans
3. is smart enough to understand that it only takes 10 states to become president
4. has proven executive/administrative skills either in public service or the business world to succeed in an election
5. wants to be president
6. is a pragmatist and not idealist
7. appears to not have any baggage beyond repair

To date other than Bloomberg I cant think of anyone else who fills the bill. i trust he is doing his homework now to figure out if there is a chance of pulling this off. however i doubt he will commit until he knows the dem and rep candidates. Unity 08 should canvas among its supporters whether he could count on our support if he decides to make a run.

So this is my Blog. I just deleted my first version; it was about 9/11 and it sounded sappy and repetitive. That’s not the impression I want to make. I guess I just want to start posting my views and leaving my mark in cyberspace. It’s my Freshman Year in college, it’s 9/11, and I think it’s a good time to try new things.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my role in the next generation. People call us “Generation Y”—the tech-savvy, independent, and self-important youths who are out to “challenge the status quo” and who thrive off of creative innovation. Our parents (Generation X) were similar to us, but USA Today says that we are “Generation X on steroids.” To us, social equality is a norm, not a privilege. In our world, the Internet has always existed, and if we need something we can pull it up with high speed. As we assume leadership roles, we will demand change with that same high speed. The Y’s are the ones who will determine what happens next. The storm is here, and our parents are almost done ruling. We are next in line. This is not a rebellious rant, but rather a declaration: We are charged with the fate of the world. This is serious.

My two greatest fears are fanaticism and apathy. I’m afraid of the fanatics because of their blind devotion to extreme views that are, more often than not, dangerous. I’m afraid of the apathetics because they don’t worry about the fanatics. My experiences with many of my peers, and fellow members of the Y Generation, have ranged from inspiring to despairing. Growing up, I was lucky to make friends with some of the most intellectually active people—these were people who challenged my thinking and made me who I am today. I’m also lucky to have had family members and teachers who forced serious reflection and questioning—tools that are now a part of my very being. However, I have encountered countless who refuse to question…refuse to think…refuse to learn…refuse to care. These are the Paris Hiltons. These are the Entertainment Channel addicts. These are the ones who have never watched the news or read the paper. These are the ones who don’t know the capital of Iraq. These are the self-indulgent mallrats. These are the ones who continue living without regard to the world. These are the overly-patriotic citizens who vote Republican or Democrat without any knowledge on the issues at hand. These are the blind, propaganda-devouring, ethnocentric masses. These are Americans.

Well, I like T.V. and I have an iPod—the difference is that I’m also writing a Blog. I have open on my computer and a NY Times on my desk. My point is that you can care and act on your beliefs while still enjoying the perks of life. I do. The problem arises when people push out all of the stuff that matters just to fit in another show or another visit to the mall. Don’t sacrifice democracy just so you can fill your life entirely with meaningless extras. We can maintain a balance.

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We (everyone i'm related to of voting age and am friends with) just want the most electable Democrat to be nominated. the big difference is between any one of them and any Republican. they should not kiil one another. And they're not.

1. energy independence: why are we financing our own demise?? We know chavez will be a source of constant problems, why are there still citgo stations in america? why is he advertising cheap heating oil, and our citizens are falling for it (the drug addict syndrome?); shell sends us iranian oil, why are there still shell stations in america? we need a manhattan project for battery development.
2. war?? on terrorism: my problem with bush - not enough effort; not enough trooops; not enough killing. why is there still a sadr city?? cut the bs, partition iraq (it never was a country anyway); recognize that there's no arab free press, and don't worry about "the arab street". the world will be a better place when arabs are a footnote in history books.
3. education; we need to import nurses and engineers?? does anybody in this country know how to read and write? too much garbage population; too much ssi.
4. proportional representation: then maybe every vote will count and potential voters will bother.
5. term limits: two terms and out, thanks for helping us out, have a nice life.
6. ballot initiaitives in every state: if we can't have proportional representation, then let the people at least be able to get their issues on teh ballot.
7. capital punishment for crooked politicians; right now all they lose is their seats; let them lose their pensions, driver's license; health plans; oh, and encourage them to do the honorable thing.
8. i'll stop here.

All the discussions that are being held are wonderful. We have bright people trying to form our Agenda, by themselves, with no backing from National !( Am I wrong? ) Those of us trying to get delegates to join us are frustrated !!! While we know the Founders believe that the existing parties "came on" too soon----we don't know what "National"
has planned for the future. If we just wait for June'08 and hold a convention, we will not have millions on our team !!! Maybe 200,000 ! I know that I meet people on a daily basis that have never heard of us ! What causes interest?----The name of Waterston, to an extent. People are lazy and only want to know----who are your candidates?, where do you stand on issues? I say, " We have no candidates, we have no issues-----we want to change a broken system, by having a convention of millions who will decide on the candidates who best answer our needs." THEY LOSE INTEREST and in effect say. " See me when you are ready" People are not interested in details and cannot SEE what we are actually about. THIS IS A PROBLEM !

Of course, National is smart enough to understand this---so they MUST have an idea of what to do. If so, why is it a secret? If not, how about two conventions---0ne in March and one in June? Or damn it----something, think, obviously I am no genius !!!

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