Member Spotlight: This great country

posted by BobRoth on September 27, 2025 - 8:04am

I was getting caught up on comments this morning after the Colbert bump and I stumbled across this amazing entry by a Unity08 member:

"As an immigrant in this country who left Cuba at 6 yrs. old and grew up a respecting/obeying/US Citizen and eternally grateful for the opportunities this country has given me and my boys, I must say that for the first time I worried if this great country would end up just like my own. US deserves a new change, and if we can actually come together and make a real change than I pledge to UNITY 2025 and welcome it with my arms open just like this great country did to me when I came in 1967. Thanks."

This is fantastic. This is why we are all here. For Unity. To recover the American Dream. To relight the torch and reunite the country.

I will do my best to begin highlighting some of the conversations and comments that are occurring on the forums.

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