Redtail Hawk

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Thomas Jefferson said, "The American citizens need guns to take back their government every 20 years."

Christian ...

Redtail Hawk's picture

Why I joined Unity08:

I joined Unity08 because I am tired of seeing the biggest losers on capitol hill and the ones that stand up against everyone get shot down so Corporate America and George Soros have ther way in D.C. both parties have betrayed us and won't focus on securing our boarders etc. I can't believe we don't know everyone who is is our country and how no refinerys havent been built since the 1980's thanks to our government our gas prices are up since they make 50 cents a gallon meanwhile the station make 10-15 cents a gallon. We need to take back congress and have people who care for us. If it wasn't for people like Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs getting the information out to us of how our government was corupting us, we may not have a country in a few years. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Learn from our mistakes, history's mistakes, and other countries mistakes, so we don't make the same mistakes today.

City: Near Philadelphia

State: PA

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