And, We’re Off! Sam Waterston Launches Delegate Drive on Hardball

posted by U08 Web Team on February 6, 2025 - 6:05pm

Sam Waterston made us all proud on Hardball this evening. Sam’s commitment to the Unity08 mission came through loud and clear. We hope that American citizens hear his call and respond by signing up as Founding Delegates to the first online national primary where ALL Americans, not just those in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina or Nevada, can have a voice and a vote. Only by spreading the word about Unity08 as a viable alternative to the two-party system, can Americans take back political power.

Sam Waterston’s genuine concern for our country is clear. His belief that Unity08 just might provide a necessary and viable platform for taking our country back by nominating and electing a new style of leadership bringing together the best of both parties in a Unity Ticket is also clear. We are proud to have Sam on board. Join with Sam and make history. Tell us what you think about Sam on Hardball by posting a comment below.

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Congrats to Mr. W. on getting at least a few good points in edgewise amidst all the blathering from that supreme buttinsky Chris Matthews. It's quite nice to feel that I can join with some sane people who want very much to see something besides the hypocrisy and bad feeling of both the Dems and the Repubs. Unfortunately, I don't know enough people to be able to recruit more for Unity08, but I'm with you all. Perhaps this will prevent me from going into my private rants to the TV images of Bush and Cheney etal which I realize do nothing but raise my blood pressure.

Sam Waterston and his message are the reason that I am here. This will be an interesting journey and hopefully an opportunity to offer an alternative to corporate america who seem to own both political parties.

Sam is the reason I took interest in this, also. He appears pragmatic and sensible whenever I see him in ads, & even on "Law & Order".
Then, again, there is the good sense of Unity08, promoting empowerment of the political middle. Sam & Unity08 seem like a perfect match for each other.
Here, 21 months before the "08" election, the nay-sayers are tsk-tsk-ing. I felt that the Chris Matthews interview was insulting to Sam & Unity08. Chris was anything but open-minded, but, I guess, he does not get pais for being open-minded. (I usually enjoy his interviews, but not this one.) Sam, who seemed to expect a little more acceptence & politeness from Chris, managed to persevere through the ordeal, and finished looking much more refined than Chris, I thought.

Sam is also what brought me here to Unity08...I was glad to see him speak out about this movement both on 'Hardball', and on 'Lou Dobbs Tonight'... the only thing that irked me immensely is that Chris Matthews hardly ever gave poor Sam a chance to speak, which was a true shame .... why ask someone to come on your show to be interviewed, if you don't plan to let them get a word in edgewise? At least the interviewer that spoke with Sam on 'Lou Dobbs Tonight' did it the RIGHT way, and let Sam discuss Unity08, rather than blindside him at every turn....


I like this idea and I think this will have a real impact. But it won't be the one we want. Young voters will likely be most attracted to this. Young voters tend to be Democrats. In the end, the votes that go to the Unity candidate will be sucked directly from the Democratic nominee. Clinton was elected to his first term because Ross Perot took votes from George, H.W. Bush. George W. Bush won his first term because Ralph Nader took votes from Al Gore. This movement is likely to guarantee another republican president.

We stopped a war in the 60s maybe it's time we marched on Washington to stop this one. This facist dictator who calls himself a president will never simply listen to the people that voted against this war, to him we're nothing. It's time we EMBRASSED THE HELL OUT OF HIM!!!


The only reason Chris Matthews took the interview even a little seriously is because Sam Waterston was the guest...

Chris Matthews doesn't buy into the concept, and until people like Chris do see some provable evidence of real political clout from Unity08, then fluff pieces like this interview will be the extent of Unity08's influence.

Those of you who are serious about this organization must convince the founders of Unity08 to define the mission statement more clearly.
We need to issue statements of support for moderates in both the House and Senate. We need an organization in every state to promote Unity08 to the public. We need to have a face on all of the national talk shows - not just an occasional celebrity appearance on Hardball.

The idea of promoting a moderate agenda that addresses our core issues should be the priority - not some unrealistic idea of nominating and electing hand-picked candidates to the presidency. If it happens at all, that will happen much later.

If we cannot distance ourselves from the idea of becoming a third party, than we should form a subsidiary "Think Tank" of members who can write position papers/press releases for distribution, and appear on the talk shows. These people can work exclusively toward putting our agenda into the national spotlight. This will help grow Unity08 faster, and ensure that the mainstream media takes us seriously.

Jeff C

One of Unity08's stated goals should be to influence politicians to
work together and do what is good for the American public instead
of what they feel is good for their parties. Until politicians do
this all of us suffer. Unity08 is an opportunity for us to accomplish
this by banding together and insisting our politicians become
statesmen instead of partisans.

How about Unity08 sponsoring some real debates for the upcoming election? Let two or three condidates debate each other for an hour or two so they can go into a subject in depth and question each other. No moderator but maybe an umpire or referee. Then let them challenge other candidates on their positions. A series of debates involving all the candidates could be televised to provide a forum for the candidates. The debates could then be edited to the agreement but not approval of each participant, and copies could be distributed to various groups all over the country.

The model for debates of this type are the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858. They held seven debates of two or three hours each in various parts of Illinois. Spectators would also throw in questions, and would cheer, laugh and make catcalls.

I posted this elsewhere, but can't find it now.

It would help if a date was set for selecting a candidate. Sometime next summer would probably be appropiate.

One of the reasons I signed up to be a online delegate with Unity08 is because I'm sick and tired of the people in congress working for their party and lobbyists instead of the American people. I'm looking for any solution that brings elected representatives, including the President, back to do the business of the American people that elected them.

Bring it on! Any issue any time! - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
For more policies visit

I, like a lot of you, joined to make a difference in our abused political structure. I akso liked the fact that Sam Waterston, renown actor and Yale graduate, is one of their spokespersons, which in my book, only gives credence to their noteworthy cause.


Keep your head! All the names (icons) have all signed secret contracts and agreements that "legally" bind them from leading in truth. You cannot cross this line under contract with the other? Or you are playing both sides of street. Just ask the clowns in L.A. - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
For more policies visit

Seems like you are promoting some sort of internet conspiracy there, Earn.

Heat is on! Must appear balanced as a progressive (really a conservative)!!!!, Any favortism and they will squash me... No problem here! I don't like either party anyway!!!!!! Conspiracy...I'm a Airforce Veteran that had a security clearance 20 years ago... must be clear that I'm not with the communists living within our borders! So both the communists and the fascists will stop calling me! - Earn Snyder
Modern Progressive Independent
For more policies visit

I am very interested in the formation of an alternative to the political parties we have now, but I don't see some issues on the list of Crucial & Important issues - like illegal immigration, for instance. Where will the new party stand on this?

u08s stand on issues will be determined by their two candidates responses to questions coverning the various issues. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

A Mo South Independent

Can anyone tell me if the government can devise a forgery proof Id for immigrants? No, I do not want a number permanently etched into a person's skin. If the government cannot create such an id (forgery proof) The only way we will stop illegal immigration is by augmenting the border patrol with units from the military, and they need to be armed, some of the drug dealers smuggling drugs into the country are armed to the teeth. I urge everyone to write their congressman and ask them to urge the President to pardon the two border patrol agents who were jailed for stopping a drug running illegal immigrant at the border. Although I doubt if either party really wants the illegal immigration to stop. The republicans are too worried about their business buddies who hire them, and the democrats are wanting the hispanic vote. So you had best tell your grandkids to learn spanish fluently, because in about 30 or 40 years the US and Mexico will be one nation. My humble opinion.

A Mo South Independent

and signed up, I would like to ask site administrators to update their secure site certificate, I hate giving out personal data on an insecure site.
Other than that I am checking and thinking these things out and posted links on my blogs (we are discussing it now) so I hope this takes off and goes well and we can at least see what happens.
How could it be worse than now.

I'm joining this because I want to have some real influence to choose the President in 08. This last President (or Current) is the least qualified even after 6 1/2 years of experience. He doesn't evn get better. I want a competent President in all respects.

Ok, I understand People Pc is a fundraiser for The Peoples Party of france, but why charge for tech support, when nobody else dose?

I asked a question about why so few donations on 13 march, I got a computor generated resapne, "it will take 24 to 48 hours" i tried again on 18 march and got same response. as of 26 march still no response. I get no response i donate no money, simple hey.

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