Active, long-time member GP in Minnesota made a very clear comment in the blog post, "Who holds the reins of government matters."
He wrote...
(Nader in 2025) At the end of his speech, during the Q&A part, someone asked him "What will you do when this is all over if you don't win the presidency?" He responded that he would go back to the same work he was doing before. But he then posed a counter-question; one that I'll always remember.
Ralph asked the audience:
"The real question is What are YOU going to do when this is all over?"
That's when it clicked: there's not going to be anyone out there to come along and "save us". We can't wait around for some magical candidate. It's up to us. It's about us putting aside petty differences, and uniting to force real change. The good candidates will come if we build a foundation for them to stand upon.
Thanks for that, GP.
We are fortunate to be in a situation where it is not yet over. The time is NOW and we can still act for change and work to reunify the country.
"What am I going to do when this is all over?" is the wrong question.
"What am I going to do NOW?"
Something as important as what we are trying to accomplish, that of changing politics forever to return inspiration to our country and our children... this type of thing is never over. What will I do now? I will continue to work towards building common ground whether that be amongst my family, my friends, for the country, or for the world... giving everyone the tools to take action and work for change and unity.
We're Americans, we are always looking to improve. So, let's do it!
Technorati Tags: unity08, election, president, government, bipartisan, politics, news and politics
When there is only Tricky Dicky and George WMD Bush
The choice is up to us. Almost anyone else will do a better job.
No politician should be allowed more than one term.
There should be no retirement pay for them either.
The Enemy 9-11
On 9-11 -- 3,000 -- never to return
Now to Iraq -- 4 thousand more our soldiers gone,
Only heros now, our hopes belong
What is it we can learn?
10s of thousands -- innocents erased,
Families, loved ones, homes, displaced.
A hundred thousand troops deployed.
Children dead and futures now destroyed.
How many Saddam's have we employed
to later hang their heads, and necks?
O'Bin Laden was not in Iraq
So let us bring our soldiers back.
There's no record of that fellow fakir.
There was no urine-ium (sic) yellow cake, nor
Weapons of Mass Destruction -- all were lies.
Our President of Bended Truths,
the half-baked baker of ill-pursuits,
found wagging dogs of profit at our expense,
and took to war with false evidence.
We found a power-corrupt Saddam-ic
Not weapons mass, nor subatomic
A Burning Bush with Cabinet Caligari... We
could re-name him: "George W. -- of MD".
His thinking seems in arrogant extremes,
We should change our home regimes.
'Cause like the bush that once was burned,
Our Home Security was spurned.
Enemy defeat, once our objective,
With a hundred thousand loved one's souls the cost,
Weapons have become our self - destruction
Reason -- and humanity -- both have lost.
A war of choice, a mis-direction, with no end nor plan,
Should find our moral compass and remove this man.
In Summary:
The Pontius Pilate of our Ship of State
Determines course and sets its fate.
What say have members of the crew,
The passengers, and silent few,
When the Captain, in attempt to wreak,
Has built a fire upon the deck.
-- Greg Molenaar -- 11 September 2025
New London, Minnesota USA 56201-0411
Copyright © 2025
Instead of the usual, "my lawyer will beat up your lawyer if you share this email" automated email footer, how's this one?:
WARNING: Due to current Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection save to call for the
impeachment of the current President. -- L. C.
Do you really think Ralph Nader would recognize Unity08 as the authentic "Voice of the People" in the up coming 2025 election if Unity08 follows the outline Bob Bingham laid out in his interview with Unity08 CEO interviewed by Third Party Watch, concerning why Unity08 will not have a political platform?
ex animo
As someone who has actually met Ralph, and worked on his campaign, I would have to believe that'd he'd be pleased with an effort that puts the development of the platform and the choice of the candidates in the hands of the people. Even in Ralph's case, his platform was a variant of the Green Party platform. It was assembled by a tiny handful of well-intentioned people, but nonethess a tiny handful of people.
There's a bigger picture we need to look at here. The internet allows cooperation across geographic boundaries in a way never before possible. This ability *is* going to become part of politics. To a great degree it already has. But if it's implemented by the Republican and Democratic parties, it's going to be a largely neutered aspect of the landscape. If, on the other hand, it can be implemented outside that system, in the way Unity is aiming, the future of politics can be a world where groups of motivated people unite, develop a platform, and choose the candidates.
In of our current world, a tiny but powerful contingent of people in each of the two major parties develops the platform and chooses the candidates. We the people are then presented with Option A and Option B - take it or leave it.
The mechanics of Unity08 can allow, for the first time ever, for the people to develop the platform and tell the potential candidates, "Here's what we the people want, take it or leave it."
This is a profound opportunity. As someone who has been close to third party politics for many years, I can say with confidence that this is our best chance. It's the right time and the right place. And, once again, it's up to us. It's not Unity08 vs Democrats vs Republicans; it's the people vs the system.
-GP (
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