What can you do as a member? Get interviewed!

posted by BobRoth on September 27, 2025 - 7:41am

Members often email us and ask what they can do to help the movement. Earlier this week, Bob Beck, a member in Monroe, Wisconsin, was interviewed by his local newspaper.

The interview is fantastic. Mr. Beck does a great job of hitting the salient points about the movement. Nice work, Sir!

Read the entire article, "Unity08 Punching its Ticket," by Kayla Bunge.

"I tell them, 'You're the problem,'" Beck said. "If you do participate, things will change. They won't change if you don't participate."

Mr. Beck continued,

"It's a very important thing for us as Americans to be a part of, to actually utilize what we have that most countries don't have."

By all means, send your local journalists an email or give them a phone call and tell them that you'd like to talk to them about Unity08. And, feel free to point to this article in The Monroe Times as an example!

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What has Bush done?? Nothing! He got what he wanted in 911. An excuse to go to war. Afghanistan was ok...but Iraq? No way!! I was against this war in Iraq from the get go. It's time to bring our troops home!!

When you're asked what UNITY08 is all about - TELL THEM STRAIGHT OUT - Its About Getting ... Transparency, Performance & Accountability .. IN GOVERNMENT !!

WHEN ASKED HOW - the answer is WITH UNITY08's NEW AMERICAN AGENDA - and Electable Candidates Willing To Adopt & Fight For It !!


I'd like to aviod another one of those.

Free the media!

For too long, media has been under thumbscrews of right-wing agenda.
Our media is not an investigating and reporting arm. It has become a tool for propaganda.

We do not want "sound bites," flashy graphics and titillating fluff. We live in perilous times and do not need to hear about Paris Hilton’s escapades 48 times a day.

Average (working) Americans are overworked and too tired to read. They have allowed themselves to be blinded by repetitious lies.

When it comes to campaigning, our media has failed us in providing equal time to candidate Ron Paul, who is the most “candid” of them all.

Even if he is squeezed out of the race by big money and conservative media moguls, Americans need to hear his wisdom.

America is laughed at, ridiculed and despised for its actions in war.
The People of America are despised for making bad decisions.
How can we make good decisions without good information?

American hearts ache for truth!
Give us back the robust free press!

Armed with truth, Americans will once again show the world we truly are heroes.

Our forefathers were fighters and died for their beliefs, most died nameless and paupers, fueling another beurocratic heirarchy after their children grew tired of fighting the rich tyrants. Atrition warfare from the wealthy?

Nowadays we could fight.. right?
I think that we as Americans are too polarized to ever fight the wealthy again.
We are helpless.

A few questions are all I have left in me...

Id first like to know how on a blog your opinion could ever matter?
Also... whats to say I'm an American?

How can we ever be free from business monopoly agenda's?

How can we ever stop rapeing the earth of it's resources and achive sustainable energy policies?

I'd like to know why Frank Weltner's Zionist News makes so much sense?

Why is our media controlled by a few?

Im sure there's more but I'll spare you the effort, because who the hell is gonna read or listen to my rantings anyway?

Our forfathers were indeed fighters but several of them such as George Washington were very wealthy Americans and came from wealthy familys in Europe. They were not fighting the wealthy. They were fighting big government that controlled every aspect of their lives including religon. They fought hard to distance themselves from Europe and the European way of thinking. I fear we are heading back there today. We are so paralized by what Europeans think of us. They hate us because we don't or didn't want their way of life. Our forfathers felt there was a better way. To let the people run the government and have a say so in whats going on and what they will be taxed on. That is why Unity08 is so important. I personaly do not want big government telling us how to live our lives. Thats not freedom, thats exactly what our forfathers did not want and fought against.

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