If you can add ONE amendment to the Constitution, what would it be?

posted by bgood26 on September 22, 2025 - 2:21pm

This can be a fixing a flaw in governmental structure or civil-liberty related.

Mine would be to add the right to privacy. This would be freedom not only from gov't intrusion, but from private intrusion like paparazzi.

(Sorry, nowhere else to put this post.)

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Been to the Unity08 Delegate wiki lately? Join today!http://unity-usa.org
Lets uncorrupt our government!

The US onstitution should explicitly declare that all right s and previleges of the constitutions are reserved to persons and elected government.

Right! Not even on the radar, But one of my most fundamental beliefs is that the ability of commercial interest, trade associations and unlegislated agents (groups) to subvert individual property and behavior is way out of bounds. Mostly because money buys access to courts and legislatures.

But Balanced Budget is a good one too.

Bill"for what we are together"

I believe my choice for an ammendment to our Constitution would be term limits for Congress. If legislators knew, going in, that they were only serving 2-4 terms, it would eliminate costly and distracting campaigns to retain their seats. Perhaps then, they would attend to important issues confronting America, rather than re-election.

Joe - 5th Congressional District - Pennsylvania
Restore the Republic

maybe 4 years, add 2 more if Senate approves.

are you aware of why there arent terms for the supreme court? aparently not. what happens in congress when a large supporter of the congressman's campaign is very interested in a specific piece of legislature? do you think the congressman, who is very much indebted to this contributor, and would greatly appreciate the help in the next campaign, would decide his vote on morality, or would he perhaps decide his vote based on account transfers? congressmen act on this system of lobbyists, contributors, election campaigns, and greasy palms. what kind of horrendous pit of a government do you think would arise if the very people who oversee congress operated the same way? yes, the current system allows for a president to theoretically stack the court, but again we run in to selective hearing in most people here. the senate has to approve every judge. the president really is making mere suggestions, the decision is not up to him. and when you do end up with a slightly stacked court, all the judges still need to uphold the constitution, and usually do so fairly well. a stacked court is a small price to pay to avoid one sponsored by phillip-morris.

The 27th amendment would repeal the 16th amendment, and forbid the taxation of labor, or property, in any form, including wages.

yes and the tooth fairy will fund civil services, maybe santa will defend you from foreign powers that may not like us so much.

I think stepping into the World Wars was a fork in the road.

It would be great if the US had become a low tax type of government but we are too tied into the European economy due to history. We can lean against it, but not really separate.

Take the global financial markets. The European elites would totally take advantage of our having a small federal government with agressive business ventures.

Since the personal income tax is mostly used to service the debt, we don't need a small gov't, just a smaller one. In fact, we could keep it nearly the same size without personal income tax, just by getting rid of pork and waste.

To protect us from those agressive business ventures might fall under what could be considered a legitimate function of gov't.

Can you imagine the increase in corporate profits if nearly every consumer got a 15% raise? The amendment I suggest would not stop corporate taxes.

All Elected Officials, Local, State & Federal MUST SUBMIT TO A THOROUGH VETTING & PUBLICIZING OF :
Their Education, Work History, Job Performance, and give evidence to demonstrate Dedication and Integrity ..

And All Said Officials Be Bound By Formal Contracts That Specifies The Publics Expectations and Penalties for Non Performance ..

WHY ?!

When someone seeks to Manage Your Money, Your Life and the Lives Of Your Loved Ones, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT & RESPONSIBILITY TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THEM - Than They and Their Handlers Choose To Tell You !!

When someone seeks to Manage Your Money, Your Life and the Lives of Your Loved Ones, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT & RESPONSIBILITY - To Have Efficacious Means Of Monitoring and Insuring Their Performance Is Reasonable & in The Best Interests of all who are required to fund and support their activities ..

THIS IS A "NO BRAINER" and the right to "demand this" - WAS VOICED BY PRESIDENT JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, who helped draft our Constitution : when questioned about What The Constitution was Designed To Do For Citizens of The United States of America - he responded - quote "It endows the American people with eights and freedoms that cannot be restrained or repealed by Human Law" !!



We have enough Delegates in UNITY08 Already (Over 100,000) - More than enough to get our voices heard and an excellent method of drawing attention to OUR NEW AMERICAN AGENDA !!

We have enough clear and convincing evidence that Politicians will Promise The People Anything To Get Elected, Once Elected, their interest & Loyalty becomes the property of those who got them elected and decide how long they keep their jobs !!

What About It - Who's Game To Support This Action - We need some Lawyers willing to work pro bono !

Email me popopete@hotnail.com


you do understand that work history, education, and just about every other aspect of any persons life is public record, right? all you need to do is look for it. and we're not talking under the table dealings to get records here, its all on file in a public place somewhere. even most financial records are publicly accessible. what we need is people who arent too lazy to work and not too ignorant to overlook these facts...

What a lot of people don't realize is that there are two reasons why the 16th amendment does not give the government the ability to a new tax outside of the constitution.
1. The 16 amendment was not ratified by enough states. Philandry Knox secretary of state at the time was bribed to lie to the American people. Also the states that did ratify this amendment changed at first which makes it void. This is also cited by a judge recently in 2025 as well as many others admitted this fact(congressman Ron Paul being one the only honest politician)

2. There are 8 Supreme court decisions after 1913 stating that the 16th amendment gives the government no new taxation rights. These decisions were never overturned. Many judges don't allow these decisions to be used in tax cases for these two facts.

This just goes to show how corrupt our government has really become. The corruption has literally reached every aspect of government no exceptions. A few cases have recently been one because of these two facts, but the media would never dare report something against the IRS. I am really excited about this site and hope we can finally have a say in our government. I also strongly believe that if Ron Paul does not get the nomination we must harness the power of this cite to get him to run as a third party and on the ticket for all states. Just listen to some of his interviews, he literally wants to end all corruption in the government and give all the power to the people. If we get him on the ticket he would win with a landslide. I aslo feel strongly that the popular vote with the electoral college should decide the president. This is simple eliminate the delegates and give there votes based on the popular vote in each state. Also proportion the delegate votes according to the percentage for each canidate in each state. This would ensure that all voices are heard and ensure that the delegate vote goes to the canidate the people voted for.
Ron Paul 2025 The year the American people reclaim their government.

I agree and so does a growing number of people that Ron Paul is the only candidate with the message, intelligence, and integrity to lead the People in their quest to recalim their government!

but here it is

If i were to add a 27th amendment to our constitution it would be that all natural drugs, that is anything that is not directly produced through chemistry or other human means should be legal.hemp fields, toadstools, all were here long before us and well if a man can take hops,barley, and grain, stick it in a kiln for months and then drink it, black out in a drunken rage and beat his wife/children with little or no punishment(admit it we all know an abuser who never got their just desserts) why cant the rest of us dry a plant and inhale its smoke, watch a movie get really hungry and fall asleep.

any research would show that alcohol is a more dangerous drug then marijuana, but, no testing can come from it thanks to DuPont holding the president in their wallet pocket back in the day when people first started realizing
1)hemp can be harvested more often then lumber
2)hemp is a weed and grows just about anywhere, making it readily available to anyone
3)hemp production adds significantly less to the cost of making rope then lumber production resulting in a cheaper product
4)a hemp fiber rope is mush stronger then a rope made of wood fiber.(this is an obvious benefit when looking for something to tie things together with dont you think?)
this lead to a rapid decline in lumber sales

If you don't believe me do you research

the reasoning behind the act to abolish drugs was strictly another game of smoke and mirrors, a major presidential funding support was unhappy with thier profits, this is not the only time. Why is bush so anti-green? could it be that his family go hand and hand with oil? Don't even get me started.

LSD, MDMA, PCP, Cocaine, Heroin and the like would still be illegal due to the fact that they can not be used in a natural state, they must first be combined with another ingredient to have an effect. Ok so there is a Cocao plant but its much more complicated to make cocaine then simply drying the plant grinding it up and rolling it in a cigar. Any thing which can grow freely on mother earth (a force stronger then any man)can not and should never be messed with.

look how many extinct species there are already, im not talking about the dinosaurs, im talking about things we killed off in ignorance
Tazmanian Tigers
North American Panthers (in true form no longer exist in the wild they are cross breeds of the mountain lion and populations of the now extinct north american panther
Numerous species of coral and invertabrates are being obliterated completely due to climate instability.
North American bison were almost there once before
The entire country of Madagascar is feeling human kinds icy grip. Need I remind you, most species are island exclusives found no where else in the world.
the great Silver Back Mountain gorilla, Red Panda and even the famous giant panda are all victims of our violence and ignorance and now cling to existence
the yeti/big foot/whatever you call it,... ok so i just lost any sane minded supporter but hold on a minute. Every nation, creed, and religion has ancient (at least a few centuries old) reports of elusive primates. I'm not saying there is one Bigfoot in America or one Yeti on the mountain tops of Nepal, I am saying once it was highly possible that there were forest dwelling primates on all continents, look at humans, we did it, why is it so hard to believe a sister species wasn't here before us

I being a Biology/zoology nut could go on for hours

Point Being, If it is still illegal to smoke/eat it/however you use it, then fine. But we should not let another one of "__________"s(<---insert your god and creator here) creations be wiped out because we don't take a stand against killing it all off

If I could add one amendment, it would be an ammendment limiting federal jurisdiction to matters of
1. National Security
2. Interstate Business Regulation (including maintenance interstate roads)
3. Education and (if it could ever be done appropriately) Healthcare (to include aspects of the FDA etc)

As for matters of Gay rights, abortion, gun control, laws (including drug laws since it seems many of you hope to change them) and anything not relating to the top 3, should be determined at a state, county, and city level. basically, reduce the federal government to protecting life, liberty and property. I'd also push for more notice and attention to be held to state/local elections, even much more so than federal. If we try to blanket views and ideas across all 50 states, me might as well not even have 50 states, just divide the country into 1000's of counties used primarily for tax collection.

the reason we have 50 seperate states is so people have 50 different ways of life they can choose from. If you are gay and want to get married, find a state that will allow such. If you want guns to be distibuted freely, go to a state that does so, if you don't want guns in everybodies hands, move to a state that regulates them strictly.

with 300 million people in our country, were not going to find the end all be all solution to anything if we legislate it nationally. I'll admit, that during WW2 and the cold war after, uniting behind one banner was the best thing we could ever have done. But the great war is over, and the terrorist are bound to strike again no matter what we do, so why cower in fear, go on about your daily life, and if its your time, its your time (SPOILER ALERT! were all going to die eventually anyways).

things can be changed much quicker at a local level then they ever could at a national level. Leave the governing of people to the people, and the policing done by members of their own communities.

Las Vegas, NV

I like some of these ideas. Here's another:
Revamp the presidential election entirely.
a. Primaries will be on the same date. There is NO reason why two of the smallest states should choose the nominees.
b. In the general election, the candidate who wins a congressional district gets one electoral vote. The candidate who wins the state gets two electoral votes.
c. Abolish the electoral college. It's not necessary, and it's a waste of time and money.

BTW, there are already 27 Amendments.

If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you're reading it in English, thank a veteran.

I'd just adjust the existing amendments myself. I'd just restore the 16th amendment to its original form, charging incom tax from citizens who make enough money to be considered upper-middle/upper class. In any other circumstance, if we feel that we're being persecuted we can simply invoke our 9th amendment rights to combat government action that isn't specifically mentioned in the constitution. Actions like torture, blocking gay marriage, etc.

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