Not for Profit Government

posted by Mark J Seebach on October 6, 2025 - 11:19pm

I wrote this on Oct 4, 2025, and no matter what the posted date says, this is October 7, 2025, not that December 31, 1969 wasn't a memorable day. If you would like a better understanding of my positions, perhaps, come to myspace:

Hello Friends, Today, my wife and I attended a rally in favor of overriding President Bushs' veto of the Child Health Insurance Program sponsered by

Unfortunately, it was hastily assembled, and the attendance, or lack there of, suffered Greatly. But, no fault, no foul and about 40 folks showed up and spoke their mind, plus one,me, who spoke his Heart.

Although I support the override, my underlying position is and will always be, "Healthcare for Profit is IMMORAL." When coupled with the steady diet of poisons we have been fed,innoculated with, prescribed, put in our water, filled our teeth with,cleaned our homes and clothes with and used to fuel our vehicles, it is a REAL GROWTH BUSINESS! IT IS DISGUSTING AND ABHORRENT! Let's see, WAR for PROFIT, HEALTHCARE for PROFIT, ENERGY for PROFIT, MEDICINE for PROFIT,Water for Profit, GOVERNMENT for PROFIT, yup, I think we have been CAPITALIZED right into HELL. Sure FEELS like the BELLY OF THE BEAST to me. I'm not making a profit, nor would I touch the money made from such profits. I'd prefer not to touch money at all, as it is all an ILLUSION anyway.

Whew, ok, I vented. Can ya tell I'm passionate about this stuff? So, don't think I'm just some old hippie reliving the sixties. Although a sense of Deja-vu is persistent.(lol) No, we are in much,much,much more DANGER of loss of PHYSICAL FREEDOM, than you can imagine or was the case in the '60's, even without the draft.

OK, so what do we do? I, for one, will stand, will speak, will LOVE, until my transition back to pure Spirit, or we manifest the NEW AGE of the HUMAN SPECIES. Ah, whichever comes first, I guess.

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