Shameless Self-Promotion: We made 'Variety'!

posted by stevek332 on May 2, 2025 - 1:05pm

You may have heard about Survivor creator Mark Burnett's effort to create an independent presidential candidate through a reality show. It might be good TV, but it's probably doomed from the start, thanks to FEC regulations. But in the latest issue of Variety, the top Hollywood trade publication, writer Ted Johnson notes that Unity08 presents a far more credible alternative to the two-party monopoly. Check it out.

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A way to help acheive ballot acess

While it is not the rosetta stone one way to help acheive ballot access is to call into talk radio shows, and i mean everyone who can call to call often. Another way is to fill C-Span's Wahington Journal switch board up on Sunday mornings with calls for unity, specifically unity08. Make it impossible to ignore, Americans are hungry for something besides politics as usual but far too few are aware of unity08.


post this on the message boards, where we have ballot access discussions. I know the Shoutbox is excessively cluttered and disorganized. We are working to address this. But we need you to do your part too, and keep the discussions on topic. Here is a link to a ballot access discussion:

That's how I found Unity 08

I saw this throw away comment in the news articles copying the Variety article. I googled Unity 08. And here I am.

Just thought I'd let you know the shameless plug is working. :)

Double edged!

The key now is having mainstream party candidates debate with us fringe party candidates and that should about do it as I have excalibur! Bring it on! - Earn Snyder
For more policies visit

Are you ready to rock!

It will do many things, mainly create a media circus! Make the mainstream politicians form real policies that the people like through hot debate. And give us radicals a voice in debate so the people know Unity08 is truly the party of the people! UNITY UNITY UNITY - Earn Snyder
For more policies visit

Illegal Immigrants

Illegal Immigrants will be the number one issue in the up coming election and Iraq will be second. Our Government in Washington doesn't treat legal Americans as well as it treats illegals and I am sick just watching this country as it slides away...all for the sake of "Political" votes.
All legal Americans need to be offered a little tax amnesty too how about $5000....think how easy illegals are paying for breaking the law. If you only had to pay $5000 in taxes one year... to be forgiven why not offer that to ALL Americans that have broken tax laws? If you don't stand up against this will fall for anything. I ask that you do not support anyone that approves the immigration Bill... now before Congress. If we send that message loud and clear...we will have a new congress that will listen to Unity08....My Solution

Tell those that wish to come to this country get in line.
Have employers dial a social security information "JOB LINE" and ask for the name and the age of the person applying for a job...set up a special number for each state. Give employers 5 days to call the number and varify his employee's SSN.
Then "Fine" employers $5000 for the 1st violation and $50,000 for the second.
Pay any American citizen a bounty that turns in an employer hiring illegals. Have local Police and Sheriffs set up a special unit to hunt down and arrest employers that hire illegals.
Pay the bounty from the money that is fined to the employer.
This will stop the flow of illegals and make new jobs for law enforcement.

Dr. Not Popular - But Something For You To Think About !!

For years and years Thousands Upon Thousands of People From All Over the World - have risked their lives to live the American Dream, many came illegally - raised families who grew up loving and appreciating America - more than thousands of Natural Born Americans ..

That illegals have become a major problem - is not a matter for debate, but the reality is - We Need Them, the real problem is, that Administration after Administration failed to establish effective means to manage the flow ..

Please, click on, read my recent posting "Warning To All Americans of Voting Age" : therein lies the problem and the solution.

The answer to this problem like all the others is : A Government consisting of people with Wisdom, Dedication and Integrity !!!

It's too late to come up with a perfect plan to cover the 12 Million already here, the McCain/Kennedy Plan is the only one we can afford to meet that situation : the new administration will need people Wiser, More Dedicated & More Honourable - to handle the future needs.


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