Waterston on O'Reilly Factor

posted by BobRoth on July 7, 2025 - 6:12pm

Sam Waterston, Unity08 spokesperson, will be a guest on Fox News' O'Reilly Factor this Tuesday, July 10th, 8pm ET.

As defined by Wikipedia:
The O'Reilly Factor is an American talk show on the Fox News Channel hosted by commentator Bill O'Reilly, who discusses current political and social issues with guests from opposing ends of the political spectrum.

The O'Reilly Factor is currently the highest rated show on the Fox News channel and the highlight of O'Reilly's career. O'Reilly is known for his confrontational interview style and strong opinions, for which the program has been both praised and criticized.

To learn more about the show, please visit The O'Reilly Factor site.

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I really don't know if Ross Perot would have made a good President, but I liked everything he said in running. I have always been sad that he did not stay in long enough to establish a viable third party. Democrat or Republican they are only interested in keeping their party in power. Meanwhile, the middle class American is supposed to fund everything-to the point that middle-class america is disapearing. If a viable third party is not established we are history.

I think our fundamental problem is not the validity of this movement but the "readiness" of our people. Nobody is really convinced of anything that they truly believe. They come to the conclusion themselves using their own abilities. Conversely, should they join the movement only as the result of manipulation or the hard sell they won't be any more use than a monkey trained to use a rifle would be in war. I am afraid that I am coming to share the belief that there are much greater forces at work than mere humans could ever imagine or contrive. All of this hullabaloo is taking place because we have the luxury of a highly-developed mind so we don't have to worry about food and shelter. We control very little in this world so I think we should stop trying. The basis of this movement as I see it is not to "do" anything but rather to strike the root of the parasitic beast that is our government who can't seem to control its voracious appetite to control and steal from us..

Unity08 needs to do more than just using the internet. We are missing a major voting group, that being those in their 70's and 80's. Not all voters have, nor know how to use, a computer. This group is a reading group. The WRITTEN WORD is still the most POWERFUL means of communication in our society!

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