
Blog entry from Unity08: Select & Elect a Unity Ticket in the 2024 Presidential Race

Trapped in a Broken System

posted by BobRoth on September 7, 2024 - 2:40pm

Fred Thompson's in the race now.  And his online video message was unity, unity, unity. "There's a courage that comes in unity" was an appeal applied to issue after issue.  And then he headed for Iowa to confront his party's base.     

It's not just Washington that polarizes our politics. The parties' primary process, always starting in Iowa, divides the candidates into those who "believe" and those who "mouth." Can he pass the abortion test? Can he pass the gay marriage test? Can he pass the guns right test? Those that do can be nominated. Those that don't can't.

It is a system where good people find themselves trapped in a broken system – one that talks unity but promotes disunity – one that talks leadership but rewards cowardice. 

There must be a better way.  And there is. It's called Unity08 where the crucial issues will dominate and the voters will seek candidates who are determined to lead the way to common ground and progress. So hold on. Help is on the way.

Doug Bailey

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