Illegal immigration

posted by BarbJ55 on March 29, 2025 - 9:25am

Illegal immigration is one of the critical issues facing this country. I recommend it as one of unity08's crucial issues. If I were to rate what is on the minds of the American people, I would put the Iraq War as number one, illegal immigration as number two, and outsourcing of jobs as number three.

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agree that this is and should be a top issue.

1) stop illegal immigration; too many of one specific group will distort what good there is in cultural diversity.

2) immigration policy should consider all nationalities porportionally.

I was one of those that constantly faxed Congress, the senators and the President that I was against allowing the constant flow of illegals entering our country, the anchor baby law etc.
We have set laws into motion years ago and they need to be enforced, NO EXCEPTIONS. If they are not
this will effect our economy, social security, and many more area's of life.
My other concern is the population explosion and the BILLIONS of people that will saturate
our land. Ther can be only so many people allowed per square mile before we will be on top of eachother !!!
Just a thought.

I was one faxing also, calling , emailing , I belong to, My delegates in Washington Hate me I am sure. I refuse to buy new houses because they only hire illgals to build them, I won't hire any company who hires illegals. We refuse to go to mexican resturats etc.
I am tired of seeing millions of illegals having baby after baby and our tax dollars paying for them.

I too have contacted my senators and congressman, but I have yet to get a response. They are more interested in letting them stay instead of getting rid of them.
The NY state legislators are trying to force our county leader to allow a hiring hall to be built so illegal aliens can be hired by landscapers, contractors, etc. I thought it was against the law to hire someone who is here illegally. I guess it isn't so in NY

I believe that illegal immigration needs to be stopped. we need to impose stiffer penalties to Employers that hire illegal immigrant's to work for them. we also need to install a tamper proof identity for these people so Employers and Law enforcement officials can indentify them. I also think that we should make then spend atleast 4 years in the military defending our country and learning the English language. Our For Fathers spilled there blood forming our nation and our brothers and sisters our still spilling there blood defending our nation and our freedom, Why should these people get a free pass? Just some thoughts

Illegal Immigration should most defiantly be one of the tops issues this election. Tell them they must serve some time in our Armed Forces or a Community Service Program of sorts. But they must learn English, this is America and we speak English here. I hate to sound insensitive, but that's the way the cookie crumbles
---Props 4 Buddha---

I remember when I was 13, 14, 15. I used to cut lawns for 12 dollars. Not anymore. Their hetting 30 bucks. Kids are playing video games and the lower income group is in hiding.

If the immagrants didnt do it we would have to pay more and it "would" get done.

I think the big problem is that if our country goes into a real ressession or even depression we are going to be fighting immigrants for labor jobs and they are going to get them. The balance of this country is gone and we are probably just scrood. Unless we ship 10-15 million people back.

It will be interesting to see, if things do get really bad here, how fast the laws will be enforced..

~ Congress (& presidential candidates) immigration report card ~ as of : July 20, 2025

lnk ~ congress' immigration report card ~ find your senators/reps voting report card(s)
(lnk is ~

Americans for Better Immigration (ABI) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization
which lobbies Congress for reductions in immigration numbers & border/interior enforcement(s).
(Each action is graded by how much it would reduce or increase illegal or legal immigration.)

~ sampling ~
Tom Tancredo............Final Grade: A+
Duncan Hunter...........Final Grade: A+
Jeff Sessions...........Final Grade: A
Ron Paul................Final Grade: B
Fred Thompson...........Final Grade: C
John Edwards............Final Grade: D
Newt Gingrich...........Final Grade: D
John Mccain.............Final Grade: D
Chris Dodd..............Final Grade: D-
Barack Obama............Final Grade: D-
Hilary Clinton..........Final Grade: D- ( 10 sanctuary cities in the state)
Dennis Kucinich.........Final Grade: D-
Joseph Biden............Final Grade: D-
Chuck Hagel.............Final Grade: D-
Sam Brownback...........Final Grade: D-
Bill Richardson.........Final Grade: F- ( 3 sanctuary cities in the state)
Nancy Pelosi............Final Grade: F- ( 27 sanctuary cities in the state)
Michael Bloomberg.......Final Grade: F- (& mayor of sanctuary city)
Rudolph Guliani.........Final Grade: F- (& mayor of sanctuary city)

It's easy to be non-partisan when no one will have you...It's easy to be non-profit when you have nothing profitable.

Bill"for what we are together"

Illegal aliens are not an immigration problem, it is a public policy problem.

The flimsy argument that illegal aliens that commit criminal acts (aside from their act of illegally crossing the border) are a law enforcement problem is just plain wrong. Local law enforcement agencies are designed to serve and protect the legal American citizens within their jurisdiction. Municipal budgets hire based on the needs of the legal populace, not some world wide concern that they need to police the criminal acts of foreigners too. Until people achieve some sort of legal status within the U.S., they are foreigners operating illegally within our borders, pure and simple.

The argument that chooses to combine the extra criminal acts, of the already illegal aliens, as part of regular law enforcement, are arguing from the perspective of an ideal world with unlimited resources. The real world is one where policy is based on a world with limited resouces and local municipalities can not realistically pursue every world wide law enforcement contingency imagineable. Police are needed to take care of the criminal acts of Americans. Local law enforcement is based on the federal government doing their jobs.

Whenever a police officers engages in duties that involve an illegal alien, that is less time that is spent on dealing with citizens that commit criminal acts. As citizens, we nonetheless want our police to take on the extra duties to protect us from outside threats too. The bottom line is simply that the presence of illegal aliens directly and indirectly reduce public safety. There is no ifs, ands, or buts about the impact that illegal aliens cause to local law enforcement. Sadly, crimes commited against illegal aliens also make citizens less safe as they draw law enforcement resources away from the duties to serve and protect legal citizens.


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That is another reason Phil we should get these 12 to 20 million illegals in the shadows (99.9% good hard working law abiding people other than their immigration status) above board in a probationary path to earned legalization/full tax paying citizenship. Get them out of the shadows and fully above board these 99.9% so it will be easier for the law enforcement to separate the wheat from the chaff and so they can go back to doing their important law enforcenment jobs and not have to play Immigration Police!!

DC - 3rd ward -

True, but we did that in 1986 and the issues remain. At what point do we try something different? Shades of same failed Iraq tactics! Methinks we need a political solution that involves Mexico. Time to uncorrupt ourselves and our neighbor government.


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I do not want a repeat of the 1986 I agree totally. The ends-means disconnects on that bill were enormous (full costs and means of implementation were given short shrift BIG TIME) and the can kicking that ensued after the resulted in the 12 to 20 mil we see now in the shadows. I think we need to learn the lessons from that sorry experience and I thought many of the provisions of last years CIRA legislation was a real good start to doing so as a way forward.

We need to have much stringent border security and less family immigration, more poeple allowed in legally for citizenship and working purposees and clear less complicated application laws/procedures ones now would make Rube Goldberg blush), and probationary fines earned legalization for the ones here and who can self document and who want to be put on a path to full citizenship, and an instant fool-proof employee verification EEV database. And more intensive diplomacy thumb also with Mexico will be needed. All this needs to be FULLY funded and much more comprehensive this time where the costs and means of implementation are full accounted for and locked in firm - unlike the 1986 bill.

So I too do NOT want a 1986 bill redux for sure , but something that will get the good people (99.9%)who happen to be illegal out of the shadows and above board as fully responsible tax paying citizens so we can ferret out the true gangsters and thugs and get on with all our lives.

DC - 3rd ward -

Based on the political lessons we have learned from 1986, I don't believe it will be possible to proceed until the border security issue is the first item on the 'fixing agenda'. IMO I just don't think the people are willing to allow a strategy that gets people out of the shadows first. I am kind of the same mind. I live close enough to Missouri to want the government to show me some real progress on the border situation first, this time around. Once that is done, I think people will be in a more understanding and cooperative mood.

Regarding the people in the shadows, I think we already know the non-contributing criminals. They are the ones that have had to go to court and then promptly released. They should be held and/or deported depending on the case verdict. The ones that are productive are the rest of the people in the shadows. So far, there is no harm no foul with regard to those people. Their illegal entrance and having to sit in the shadows for a while is just the price they are having to pay while things get sorted out.

BTW, I went back to the Centrist Organizations you added with the thought that I would begin working on putting profiles together. I quickly saw that effort to be extremely time consuming. Maybe others will do one here and there to whittle it down. Then I thought maybe it would be best to just leave them as they are. Or maybe a brief link content description (25 words or less) would work. Or perhaps putting them in sub-categories would help. What do you think?


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Lets uncorrupt our government!

The wiki suggestion on group abstracts sounds excellent Phil. I'll give it a try when I get a few hours - Thanks for the effort! Its tough to pin these groups down. A lot of those groups may not be Centrist/Bipartisan per se (some are left and some are right oriented from IPS to Heritage). I do not feel ideological labels are fair and really obscure rather than edify. Many of the groups I listed I feel do offer up in their research papers haystacks some good doable cogent centrist-like ideas (ends-means connected well) that could be gleaned used to cobble together maybe a bipartisan centrist agenda (range of doable costed-out options) that may be actually somewhat implementable and not just the traditional pandering palp we traditionally see in other parties platforms year in and year out.

And on Immigration Reform and 1986 Law lessons Learned, you are probably right that it will have to be chunked out with border security first and then the others later to make it politically doable. I just do not want to forget the "later" items or the border security may not solve the problem as some people may think and we will just be back to 1986 bill results redux but only in a different way. Wiki On!!

DC - 3rd ward -

We live in a Dangerous world - Controlling Our Borders is vital for many reasons, the issue of Illegal Immigrants is separate and involves two separate categories (a) Those That Are Here (b) Those Who Are Trying To Come Here ..


As for the 15/20 Million That Are Already Here ...

1. All Law Enforcement Agencies Co-operate To See The Criminal Element Serve Time For Their Crimes - Then Be Deported, never to return - some method of painless/branding - invisible/detectable electronically to provide surveillance/identification ..

2. For those with families and no criminal record in this country - NO AMNESTY BUT - A Permanent Version of The Green Card (Red/White & Blue) To Remain As Parents/Care Givers To American Born Children ..
all other family members "outside the country" must apply and wait in line to come ..

John, there are practical solutions to every problem we and the world face now - together, THAT SAID - THEY WILL NOT BE SOLVED BY THOSE GOVERNED BY EMOTION .. they will be solved by people Willing, Able & Eager TO EXPLORE NEW AND BETTER WAYS TO DO THINGS ... AND PEOPLE WILLING TO CONSIDER/EVALUATE/ADOPT NEW & BETTER WAYS TO DO THINGS ..

Pete's Plan for Political Reform - is a classic example of what I mean ..


Going back over barb's list in the original post. I have to think (kind of ironically) -- that outsourcing should be number one. Then the Iraq war number two. Then Illegal Immigration number three. Because we are already outsourcing everything right here in our own country, (look around you) -- and even the Iraq war is "outsourced" to keep us from dwelling on what is really happening in what should be the primary focus, Afghanistan.

Davey K. in Florida

Keep in the mind that the cost of the outsoucing of security is driving the cost up ten fold per man outsourced. Where is the fiscal economy?


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The war, illegal immigration and trade issues are perhaps the three most important issues facing our country and the American people. Obviously the two party system is not working, talk about broken!

A majority of Americans want our troops brought home, a majority of Americans want our borders protected and illegal immigrants sent home, a mojority of Americans are disapointed with our trade policies due to out-sourcing of jobs and industries ,trade deficits dangerous toys, food and
fake products.

The majority in Congress don't give a flip for the American people! The President and the Democrat leadership are continuing to push for various parts of the amnesty bill. Senator Reid says it will be
back in about six weeks. This adminstration and members of Congress still cannot comprehend the meaning of "no". Even if we are lucky to vote the bastards out of office they will not understand why.

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