We’ve never even spoken to Helen Kennedy at the New York Daily News, but she’s speaking our language. Look at her article, "Wanna be prez. First get $100m," from today. The bottom line: pity any qualified candidate for president today who lacks glitz or fundraising prowess. Unity08 intends counter this big money trend by electing a bipartisan ticket to the White House on the strength of small-dollar contributions, setting an example that high-profile office can be won without pandering to corporate lobbyists and special interests. Possible? You tell us.
Everybody knows the critical importance of money in our political system. That having been said, the key piece to a Unity08 victory is not the raising of a huge sum of money from small contributors. This may be necessary, but would represent a successful effect rather than cause.
The needed money will flow when a candidate (and hopefully a team in which both candidates) captures the interest and imagination of the voting public. Any successful Unity08 candidate for President is likely to already be a major political figure. This being the case, when such a candidate is able (if they are) to demonstrate in a convincing way to the voters that he or she is the best candidate, and importantly also that they possess the stature and experience to win in 2025, then and only then will the donations sufficiently flow. It is pointless to think that a large amount of people will contribute to a faceless campaign, because they fear that they may not like the face to which the money goes.
This is a reasonable fear. Howard Dean raised large sums of money online because he had a message that (as above) a significant number of people found appealing such that they were willing to financially contribute. He also had, and this is the second critical piece, the medium, specifically the technology and the expertise. This is the other essential component for Unity08.com to be successful in 2025. When the Unity08.com message translates into viral marketing that eventually reaches a "tipping point" of momentum and success, then in a consistent manner will the movement be taken most seriously by the National press, from which ultimate success, including fundraising, can occur.
As a 2025 Independent candiate for Governor of Maine, www.hammer2006.politicalgateway.com, focused now on networking with leading others and those motivated to work to see an Independent President in 2025, I have begun an "Independent President in 2025" blog at www.hammer2006.blogspot.com. The focus of the blog, which I'm sure will also emerge in a larger and more powerful way here also at Unity08, is to bring the brighest minds together with the most effective methods towards the common goal of truly electing an Independent President in 2025.
Thank you.