AMERICAS COLD "CIVIL" WAR is very REAL and its happening right NOW!!!

posted by MarkFazio on August 24, 2025 - 2:37pm


Hello Americans and all of you wonderful and dedicated people of America. My name, Mark Fazio and Karen are both addressing this message and hope that your staff will take the liberty of announcing this phrase on the air and thus into the American Conscious, Conscience and Psychy; ie. (mind, heart and hard drive) and in hopes that the idea will resonate long enough to spark a nerve and nerves will drive ambitious writers to write books on this very real dilemma in America's core. Our dilemma is this and it needs a voice: As the "Cold War" with the Soviets settled, the storm seems to have changed course and landed in Washington and spread like a disease though ALL of America. Despite the temperature increase from Global Warming, America's political climate has cooled and the a new war has emerged in America; a Cold Civil War is at its peak here in America. There'll be no Confederates with muskettes or bullets being fired directly at one another as was so in the US/Soviet Cold War. This is a new kind of civil war, a war of ideas. The Republican versus the Democrates and it is proving much more effective and damaging than and military war. Even WHEN we Democrates win the )* Presedential election/Office, the Republicans will focus ALL of their attention, resources and venom on the destruction of the Democratic Parties decisions and policies even at the cost of America's success; From creating irreversible National deficits to destructive International Relations with our Allies and with the World at large. No matter if and WHEN the Democrates run and win as the majority for the House, the Senate and the Presidency, the Republicans will still cause serious and permanent damage to America, while attempting to cast a dark cloud over the Democratic Party, with absolutely NO regard for the consequences to Ameica as a whole. As bad as it may seem to have another Republican in the Oval Office, the only viable and successful way for America to emerge victoriously, is to prevent another dictator, such as George W. Bush, from overthrowing our Democracy and creating a Autocracy or Theocracy, we must UNIFY the polarity of the parties, so that we can get back on track and work TOGETHER as a "UNITED" America. We've seen the horrors of what happens when ONE man is the elected (or recounted) the SOLE leader of our Country, such as Reagan, Bush, or Bush etc. Please ask your listeners, and the American people to log onto and vote for a bipartisan President/Vice. President for America's future and to put an end to the devistation of Americas Great Cold Civil War.
Please share this with America Al ...our future depends on it and it is the ONLY way to get a "cease fire" and end America Cold Civil War.

Sincerely, Mark Fazio and Karen. P.S. My fiance is scared to use her last name, in fears of Bush's secret police arresting us, as we have seen happen while this Dictator controls our Country!!! Can you believe this is REAL in America!!!???? This can NEVER happen again. The people of America...between Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield, robbing the election, wire tapping the Democratic Pary/ domestic spying/Bush and Cheney's Secret Police and Schools such as Henry Kilpatricks so-called"Ivy Leauge" College of Evengelicals, who are flooding Washington, which threatens our Nation as they are home-schooled and taught everything from a religious, Christian foundation, which if given the oportunity, will break the Constitution by creating a Christian fundamentalist Theocracy, one of which the Evangelicals are seeking to accomplish and we should ALL (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddist and Atheist) alike, be EXTREMELY PETRIFIED of. One which WE can ALL prevent from EVER happening. We can accomplish this by uniting the polarities in our Country and working together towards a liberal center...or just a bit left of center. Please consider, talk about, write about, debate, tell every friend, every single American you know every American you see and hopefuly emerge with a vote that UNITES America and puts an end to America's very real Cold Civil War. Vote, or check out Americ's DEMOCRACY is in your hands. Soncerely, Mark T. Fazio and Karen too.

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For it is not the people in power but the time and energy they spend fighting as facists... a line of communications that has turned offshore slavery into free trade, legislative process into gridlock and most of all both parties into the enemy... as they are saying the same big lies with no solid reform policy once again... Party of change? I doubt it, I doubt it very much... sounds like the Dems will say anything for public office, I mean anything... Don't get me wrong, I'm a recovering republican for what the right has done... - Earn Snyder
Author "$aving the bureaucracy - Killing the beast"
Modern Progressive Independent

The Republican party was once respectable, and their conservative values were truly conservative. But the current Republican party has been hijacked by fascist ideology. From

1. A political regime based on strong centralized government, suppressing through violence any criticism or opposition of the regime, and exalting nation, state, or religion above the individual.
2. A system of strong autocracy.

How in the world is the current leadership not living up to this definition? Our first priority as Americans is to strongly repudiate fascism and its current disguise, the leadership core and theocratic base of the Republican party.

I am very concerned that the Unity08 effort will only serve to split the vote of reasonable Americans, allowing the fascist Republicans to continue to destroy everything good about the United States.

Everything the current White House regime has done (with the backing of a compliant Republican congress) has been catastrophic to American values, American lives, and American standing in the world. How will we keep Unity08 from simply handing another victory to the current Republican leadership of crooks and thugs? Do we sincerely believe that Unity08 can rescue the Republican party from itself and return it to its more noble roots?

It is one thing to say that the political debate in America has become polarized, but when one pole is fascist, it is patriotic and noble to take a strong stand against that pole. Polarization in defense of democracy is no vice. The electorate should be polarized at this point, and the pole of fascism must be disgraced and dismantled.

Well, I'm trying to do my part, but given the star chamber the American Judical system has become, it is a difficult job.

And the pedophile-like lawyers that have usurped the system are a MUCH greater threat of turning America in a fascist state than Unity08 will ever be.

I had been a life long Democrat, but because of the anger and hatred directed at George Bush, I had to leave the party. I have never supported Bush and honestly believe he is the worst president of my lifetime. His administration, I feel, embarasses our Nation, but the hatred from the Democrats toward Bush equals the hatred from the Republicans directed at Bill Clinton. We do not need either Right Wing or Left Wing hatred. We need people willing to sit down with those they disagree with and talk. We need conservative and liberal ideas. We need all Americans. Not bi-partisan but non-partisan. Be for America, not the party. People are more important than party successes. Everyone out there has to stop thinking as a partisan. There is no issue we can not work together on. Forget George Bush and Bill Clinton. Think about our brave soldiers in Iraq, our eager students seeking knowledge or our poor seeking food and shelter. Balanced budgets, and economic growth are more important than which party runs things. Taxes, ag policy, limiting the ablity of the insane to get guns, these we can work on. Even abortion. Working together we can reduce the number of abortions through education, better health care for mothers to be and their unborn, adaoption and other ways, all the while respecting a woman's right to choose. Come on America.

thank you mark fazio. we all need to pay attention to putin.

Larry53, where does Mark say anything about Putin???


I hate to tell you this but I voted for Bush (and I am registered non-partisan). I am extremely unhappy with him AND the Republican party but if the election were held again today I would vote for him again over the current cast of Socialists in the Dem wing...

MarkFazio, you preach about working "together for a united America" and "[unifying] the polarity of the parties". Well, I have news for you.

You criticize every move the Republican Party makes.

You demonize Christians.

You glorify your Democrats, (who, as AStormIsComing says, are socialistic).

Your hateful language and gross overstatments only serve to create fear and anger in the hearts of your fellow Americans.

It is you who are fanning the flames of this "Cold Civil War". Even though I agree that the war is happening, I refuse to debate in such an immature fashion.

End the hate. Let's take part in a constructive, respectful argument.

Hatful statements, gross exaggerations, instigation of fear...Sounds like Lou Dobbs to me.

Think also of the comfort and rights of others

The U.S. is a pluralistic country, religiously, racially, politically, and culturally.
Now that's not just idealism.
That's a fact.

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