Letter to Editor on DenverPost.com

posted by BobRoth on September 28, 2025 - 1:05pm

Charlie Krumenacker, come on down! Nice letter that you submitted (and had published) to the Denver Post!

Go to DenverPost.com to read Charlie's letter now!

An Alternative to National Leadership

We have almost a year to go before the presidential conventions. Considering that congress has an approval rating that has almost plunged to single digits I think it is time to devote some time, printers ink and paper to a group that might make a difference. A difference that we desperately need.

We have experienced questionable thinking and a lack of leadership by the Republicans and now with the Democrats in control of congress a lack of action on important issues. So what is that group that needs recognition, cooperation and involvement by the public? That group is simply Unity08. I challenge you to get involved and really make your vote count. Check them out at unity08.com and see if YOU can make a difference and have your voice heard.

Charlie Krumenacker

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I accept your challenge. To be fair, why don't you tell me exactly where do you think your voice is heard at Unity08 and where you think it is being counted at Unity08?

ex animo

Where is Charlie Krumenacker? I have posted my challenge to him for a number of days now, but so far he has not seen fit to actually tell us exactly where he thinks his voice is being heard at Unity08 and where he thinks it is being counted?

If I don't hear from Mr. Krumenacker soon, I will be forced to carry this challenge further to the Denver Post, Opt-Ed section.

ex animo

David Farrar , I assume your votes will have to be tabulated at the same place they are tabulated now , Unity o8 will need to do alot more work with omly 130000 members , but it certianly is a unique idea at selecting cantidates . And would of course be a real chellenge for the establishment . I noticed Obama seemed to score very high on unity pols , and yet he is losing amoung democrats . This continues bickering amoung democrats and republicans is getting sickening and costly to pay for . But i know of no other way to keep them honest . I kinda like some of the other countries when they had a no confidence vote and change leadership . Bush would be very close to getting a no convidence vote .
Even if we could have a third party of Unity people or independents might make our goverment better . One strong party controleing the presidency and congress has always led to corruption , sooner or later . A third party and a vote of confidence could give us a quick response . Iam going to work for the unity 08 people , but iam not going to hold my breath before they take over .
Finding out weve been fed a pack of false stories , like both in Kosovo and Iraq 2 or 10 yrs later is really not soon enough . So I believe it is very American and democratic to look for improvements and more modern ways of running our democracy more efficiently . I see many possibilities in this internet unity Idea . especially if we can get enough members to order election recalls or petitions to put on Balots . Remember proposition 13 in Calf . The states have merely raised the number of signitures on the petitions or worse yet shorted the time aloud for a petition to be run . thereby making it only possible to run a petition with a large political movement .
thus effectivly giving the power back to themselves .

Iam happy you asked your questions there will have to be alot of improvements in unity before we can do anything and then there will have be a way of tabulating our desires to be put on the balots . All ready I have been given more choices for president of United States in their questionare than either party or both parties , With the blue line test. I felt this alone could measure my desires better than the political parties do . I went to their results page and was very disatisfied . As I have 20 20 vision . But the results tabulations were to small for me to read . I am Assuming you could not even see them . dont give up but keep asking questions . This Idea was started by some good people we only have to improve it so it will work for us .

We will need to get much better at Internet verification and the whole issue of transparency if we are going to convince people their voice will be heard and their vote accurately counted, recorded, and verified. But that is exactly what the Internet is supposed to be good at, so there is really no excuse for Unity08 leaders not to have these issues already addressed, and they haven't. The people know their voices aren't being heard and their vote may not have even been counted in the last survey.

I too hope we can someday get to where a true Internet 3rd party becomes a political reality. There are ways to structure it, but I see little effort on the part of Unity08 officials to addrsss these obvious failings any time soon, and certainly not before the next election.

ex animo

But nobody has tried this before. Everytime we make an observation, demand transparancy, question a poll, we are making steps toward a functioning system. I am a rather poor man, i know little to nothing about web design, voting verification or for that matter managing an internet movement. But i cannot assume that the creators are doing nothing. Don't forget that Constitution as we know it started out as the Articles of Confederation. I took some of the greatest leaders this country has ever known nearly nine years to fix that, I think we can give the organizers of Unity at least a few more months.

Phil Weiser

We are engaging in an effort that has never been tried before. And I can readily agree with all of your points. And as things stand now, Unity08 will simply follow its course and end up woefully short of registered delegates by elections time.

ex animo

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