Robert Bingham, Unity08 CEO, was on NPR's Weekend Edition with Scott Simon this past weekend.
Listen to the interview here.
Tags: unity08, election, president, government, bipartisan, politics, news and politics, scott simon, robert bingham, npr
Robert Bingham, Unity08 CEO, was on NPR's Weekend Edition with Scott Simon this past weekend.
Listen to the interview here.
Tags: unity08, election, president, government, bipartisan, politics, news and politics, scott simon, robert bingham, npr
I would encourage former Senator Nunn to continue to give us a serious look as a way to enter the 2025 Presidential race. As Unity08 CEO Robert Bingham indicated in the NPR piece, we are looking for a credible candidate to commit to a non-partisan white house and represent the broad middle position in American politics. We need a healer of the wounds of division and a strong voice for positive change.
I believe Sam Nunn will fit the bill.
Steve Bonomo
Crossroads Technology Team
Sam Nunn would give this Unity08 effort instant high-level credibility. His knowledge of Washington and Defense/Strategic/International affairs is Top Notch and Bipartisan and second to none! Plus his work with other Bipartisan Groups like the Concord Coalition stands him in good stead to effectively discuss and address Comprehensive Entitlements reform. I say get that guy Sam Nunn on the ticket so we can finally start addressing these big Nation-Buster issues of Grand Strategy and Entitlements!! Nunn-Hagel sound pretty good to me!! Unity would be a REAL player then!!
DC - 3rd ward -
Everyone should look at what Congressman Brian Baird has to say about Iraq.
You can hear the interview on the BBC and NPR on Sunday 9 Sep.
Jim Keiper