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Both have shown the abililty to work positively within both parties and in the case of these two the true independence of character -- to work for the people of America and not just special interests--- a value which is now so needed in America.
The single most critical issue in America today is national security which, in essence, encompasses control of our borders. Congressman Tom Tancredo owns the issue of stemming the tide of illegal immigration and reversing it. If he can burst through the money and influence wall of corporate GOP interests, and become a known national name, he will win. I know Democrats, Republicans, and Independents who'd vote for him based on JUST his illegal immigration stance.
Evan Bayh represents the moderate wing of the Democratic Party which has all but been pushed away by the radical Left. The radical Left Wing of the Democratic Party will continue to go down in flames as long as they ignore the center of their party.
Fresh faces that would be more atuned to the people than more career politicans
Ron Paul is without a doubt the biggest defender of the Constitution in Congress. Having served on and off since 1976, Dr. Paul has never voted to raise taxes and though he voted against the war in Iraq, he did so because he understands history and what lead us to invading in the first place.
Both of the candidates I've chosen have libertarian views, which America is in dire need of returning to.
Each of these guys know how to get things done, how to work together, and ultimately how to build America.
The first trait I look for is intelligence. Then I decided not to select an established 'politician' for President.
Both have shown the ability to look at both sides of an issue and at least consider an alternate viewpoint.
I believe these 2 people are smart, articulate, have tons of experience on a worldwide stage and can lend balance and sanity with practical real world thinking to this country.
Both have experienced war on the ground and prefer negotiations to war.
Hagel is an Eisenhower Republican foavoring fiscal restraint, smaller government, separation of church and state. Not as hard core conservative as his record indicates. Flexible and thoughtful in his thinking.
Clark is the most intelligent among all the candidates, in my opinion.
Has been a success in executive decision-making while in service, has a macro view in foreign policy, favoring diplomacy over intransigence.
The Best for our country
Belief in constitutional government, confidence in private sector's abilities to solve problems if government gets out of the way.
National security issues dictate that experience is essential right now. Sen. Hart represents the best thinking of the past 40 years in America, and Sen. Cohen has hands on experience. They are both the kind of statesmen we need at the helm.
Smart group. Non-ideological. Libertarianish in their understanding that markets gererate wealth, and the religious right needs to stay away from policy making.
We need to nominate governors, not congressmen or senators. There is too much compromise involved in legislation to be a good candidate after being a legislator.
Gore has the right stuff to heal this world and Cosby has a lot of the right stuff but has little experience. Seems to me the right stuff.
Strong leaders with a willingness to stand up to wrongful systems.
Tom Tancredo-Has fought against illegal immigration and has never wavered.Illegal Immigration is the greatest threat to American soveriegnty.
James Webb-He won my loyalty when he told Bush "That's between me and my son Mr.President"! Any man that stands up to Bush has my vote.
Pretty simple really. Proven female leadership to help soften our harshly viewed American exterior. Military experience for the voice of reason if the time ever comes.
If we are to get out of the mess that we have gotten into over the past 30 years by overspending under the sayings "We are growing the economy" and "We need free trade" then we need good smart managers in every position in government not just a bunch of "Yes (Men)persons" who will say anything to keep their jobs in government.
Chuck Hagel had the guts to go against his own party on the war even when the president was still popular. Experienced in foreign and military matters. As a former investment banker, knows how to handle money.
Bill Richardson has the best overall experience, and has dealt with the people in the hotspots in the world in addition to having executive experience
If Rudy can pull a city through 911, he is duly qualified to run the country. Hillary is a great bipartisan leader.
I like their experience, their focus toward key issues (not detractors), I like their diversity as well as their voting record that is anything but partisan.
In the case of Anthony Zinni, I have read his history and seen him in action. He seems focused in international diplomacy but doesn't hold much domestic sway.
I think both of these candidates stand on principle rather than blindly sticking to the party line and are not afraid to make hard choices that challenge the established way of doing business.
Rockefeller seems the definition of a current-day, moderate Democrat who has lots of Beltway leadership experience, and who is most likely, at least grudingly, respected by most in Congress and in the other branches.
Shays has demonstrated himself to be a thoughtful, moderate Republican who is fiscally conservative in the classic sense, yet socially progressive.
Because they're moderates, very intelligent,and have been vetted in previous campaigns. They are easy to listen to and don't arouse antagonism when they debate.They have both been very successful in fields other than politics.
Both are moderates on social issues and they both oppose any continuation of the war in Iraq.
Ron Paul is a very strict constitutionalist! He is for very limited government and even more limited spending. Donald Trump is a businessman who knows how to get things done. They are the dream team!
Richardson for President because he has wide experience and phenomenal success at negotiating - the skills we need so desperately right now. McCain for Vice President because he's a man who can be trusted.
I feel these are the folks more likely to put country ahead of party !!!!
I believe they are honest people who will make decisions based on what is best for the country and not for political purposes. They will also tell the world and American people the truth and help rebuild and improve America's partnership with the world.
Sen. Feingold has integrity and acts independently according to his conscience.
Ralph Nader is an advocate for justice for all people.
Both are proven leaders.
I can imagine the two of them
taking on the corruption in our government and dealing with the difficult issues that face our nation.
Both of these men are well educated, thoughtful, erudite, and, I believe, of honorable intention. Colin Powell took a hit by his association with the Bush Administration, but he demonstrated the clarity of thought to get out. He has military experience, and it was his "pottery barn rules" discussion, if heeded by the President, that could have avoided our present situation in Iraq. Al Gore pretty muchs speaks for himself as to his viability. If these guys are boring candidates because they read books, write books, and speak in complex sentences, give me some "boring" guys in the White House anytime.
Ron Paul would try to restore the Constitution, secure our borders, restore our personal liberties and privacy, improve our standing in the world by reversing our current horrible foreign policy.
Intelligence and experience!
Fred Thompson I believe has a good sensible head on his shoulders - I hope that he embraces the problem of illegal immigration, which if not checked - (no amnesty, no chain migration etc) will destroy this country. Tancredo does, but do not believe his message is as widely spread - sue to an extreme liberal media. Bill Richardson probably makes as much sense as a Democrat can - I am certain he understands the illegal problem in this country.
I am troubled by America's standing in the world. I feel these candiates can restore our leadership in the world by restoring moral values while maintaining our safety and strength.
Each has experience tempered with thoughtful reserve. Good communicators who don't mince words or play games. Each works and plays well with others.
Boxer and Sanders are among the best and brightest public servants we have. They would be the most accountable to the American people (not corporations or rich campaign donors). They put their love of this country before their party loyalty, and have shown themselves to be tireless defenders of our Constitution, advocates of peace, justice, and freedom, and leaders for change. They work persistently to overcome some of the greatest challenges of our times, including Global Warming, the decima
They both display independence and are willing to work with others. They both seem open to considering all options.
Experienced, knowledgeable, fearless, diplomatic, peace-oriented, fresh perspectives,electable.
Both think long-term, both have a strong sense of integrity, and both are concerned with the environment.
Both are sensible, smart, veterans of the Senate. They will bring an interesting mix to the campaign. And might win!
Bill Weld can cross the aisle and appeal to the Democrats, while Joe Biden can offer his vast experience and sharp foreign policy.
No comment submitted.
Tom Friedman is one of our most thoughtful, logical, and informed Americans. When he speaks he is sincere and believable. His understanding of the Middle East and the U.S.'s place in today's world would help to improve relationships around the world. Richardson has the experience to back up the President.
Bill Richardson is my pick for president because he has more experience in forien afairs than any other candidate. He also is a Governor in his second term so he knows how to run a government.
Mike Hukckabee has also been a governor and knows how to get both sides of the illes working together. He is a stong man of principals and that's what this country can use right now.
It's time to move away from the poles and toward the center. I and many I know are tired of extreme positions driven by "sound bite" politics. Let's really solve problems not avoid solutions by blaming a failure to compromise on the other guy's extreme views.
As a NYC resident I have seen first hand Mike Bloomberg's extraordinary vision and leadership as mayor of NYC. He has pushed the envelop in molding NYC into the best city it can be through competence, effectiveness and inclusiveness. He's a builder not a breaker - a uniter not a divider.
Retired General Wesley Clark is one of the best we, as a nation, have to offer in the areas of national defence, detente and foreign policy. Informed by experiences on the battle field as well at the diploma
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Both Hagel and Feingold have demonstrated the abilit to try and do what's best for this country regardless of party politics. They've both worked with members of other parties, even counter to the interests of their own party leaders. And they just seem to make sense whenever I hear them speak. A rare commodity in the capital.