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Hillary Clinton & Bill Gates


posted by chris flores
Fred Thompson & Bill  Richardson

Thompson would be a rallying point for the moderates with a central focus hopefully on domestic issues. Richardson is experienced both domestically and internationally and would hopefully lend the ticket international appeal.

posted by Steven M Traylor
Barack Obama & Lamar Alexander

We need people in office who care about the environment and the 'working man'.

posted by Maggie Williams
Fred Thompson & Joseph Lieberman

Because they represent the people, not business or special interests. And they have experience and are qualified for the positions.

posted by Bill Ames
Dennis Kucinich & Ron Paul

Ron Paul wants to restore the constitution

Dennis Kucinich is progressive and supports the constitution also.

posted by Tony Stroup
John Edwards & Chuck Hagel

I think both these candidates will turn this country away from the occupation of Iraq and towards healing the rifts in our country. They would also create an energy policy that would reduce, then eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels

posted by Jim Colleran
Fred Thompson & Bill  Richardson

I see Fred Thompson as the nearest candidate to another Ronald Reagon who in my opinion was the best and most effective President of our time and someone who could change the climate in Washington to a more traditional conservative philosophy.

Bill Richardson has done a great job as Governor of NM C and would be the perfect match with Fred Thompson on this ticket with both representing the conservative ideals that we need to embrace.

posted by Dean Polhill
John Edwards & Mike Huckabee

These candidates represent a more accurate WORLD VIEW......rather than a simplistic "American" view of the world.

posted by Laurence Hotchkiss
Fred Thompson & Bill  Richardson

I see Fred Thompson as the nearest candidate to another Ronald Reagon who in my opinion was the best and most effective President of our time and someone who could change the climate in Washington to a more traditional conservative philosophy.

Bill Richardson will fit well with Fred Thompson bringing his expertise in foreign policy and conservative approach to government.

posted by Dean Polhill
John Edwards & Olympia Snowe

I lbelieve they have the correct priorities on most issues.

posted by Pat Pulliam
Kathleen Sebelius & Olympia Snowe

A Unity ticket must distinguish itself from its partisan counterparts, both by the issues it chooses to address and the personalities it offers to the electorate. It must also be a practicable ticket, where there is some arena for agreement between the running mates. For that reason, simultaneously nominating ideological opposites with no hope of compromise, i.e. pro-life and pro-choice candidates together, would virtually guarantee a stalled campaign. The candidates must also have varied political experience, like that brought by a ticket comprising a governor and a senator, an executive and a legislator.

posted by Joseph B.
Ron Paul & Dennis Kucinich

Ron Paul is for limiting Govt spending, small govt, limiting the size of the military, bringing our boys home form all foriegn countries, maintaining good diplomatic relations with other governments, replacing the income tax with a fair alternative, taking control of our currency and giving it back to the people, and ending all programs that are not authorized by the US Constitution.

posted by Steve Grycel
Joseph Biden & Colin Powell

They are all interested in 'America First', maintaining the middle class and restoring America's respect in the world.

posted by Jan Burgess
Newt Gingrich & Jane Harman

Honesty & knowledge

posted by Joe Lane
Barack Obama & Chuck Hagel

Obama is able to think outside the box. Hagel is experienced, honest and has great expectations of America.

posted by Tom Bulger
Mitt Romney & Al Gore

I think these guys could work together for the good of the working class American and for the good of the Planet

posted by debbie roberts
Rudy Giuliani & Michael Dell

If Rudy can clean up New York city perhaps he can help the rest of our country..Hopefully people will learn the president can't really do a damn thing without it passing the two houses..Even with veto power..

Tom Tancredo & Lou Dobbs

These men are true Americans who support the people of the country, not special interests!

posted by William Basiewicz
John Edwards & Chuck Hagel

Both men's anti-War stance has my attention. This is THE issue and anyone with intelligent and honest thoughts on this matter is worth considering.

posted by Joe Torrell
Wesley Clark & Jack Danforth

People who actually care about the country and getting things done.

posted by Tim Etzkorn
Gary Hart & Bill Cohen

Both are serious thinkers and have the experience in government. They are real friends, have already written a book together. The job of President is so big, it would be nice to see a real team working together integrating foreign and domestic policy.

posted by Steve Martin
Bill  Richardson & Michael Bloomberg

I think Richardson's foreign policy experience, his knowledge of the inner workings of the federal bureaucracy, and his solid track record as Governor of New Mexico make him a prime candidate. He is also open-minded when it comes to domestic and foreign policy. Bloomberg, on the other hand, is a Republican big-city mayor who is a self-made billionaire. He would make an interesting choice as Vice President.

posted by Ashley West
Fred Thompson & David Boren

Fred Thompson handled himself very well while in office, is a straight shooter when it comes to what is going on with issues at hand. David Boren would make the ticket for this group much stronger, did wonderful when he was in office too!

posted by Michael Summy
Dennis Kucinich & Rudy Giuliani

best of both worlds and in my opinion a progressive ticket

posted by Paul Doucet
Barack Obama & Ralph Nader

Obama is an inspiring leader who can draw the public into participation. Ralph Nader is a no nonsense genius who identifies the priority problems and the solutions.

posted by Linda Bulger
Bill Bradley & Chuck Hagel

We need intelligent, honest people who can work together for the good of America.People who know and understand the constitution and will fight to save it.Bill Bradley is the most intelligent person who could restore honor to the office and Chuck Hagle is a person who is not ruled by his party.

posted by John Robbins
Bill  Richardson & Jeb Bush

Bill Richardson has the domestic and international experience for president. He is also well grounded. Jeb Bush knows hows to politically get things done.

posted by John Paterson
Mike Huckabee & Barack Obama

The both have charisma, vision and know how to work across party lines. they have both had admiministrative functions proior to life in politics.

posted by GREG SMITH
Barack Obama & Condoleezza Rice

No comment submitted.

posted by James Curran
Wesley Clark & Oprah Winfrey

They are independent thinkers, highly educated, successful, honest, ethical, and know enough to be able to run the country in areas such as finances, the war, the environment, and social and economic justice for all citizens not just the rich and famous and the corporations. They are all self made people who have gotten where they are on their own merits.

posted by Kathleen Bishop
Joseph Biden & Chuck Hagel

Joe Biden & Chuck Hagel, the key issue for me is Iraq. Joe Biden has a plan that could work and Chuck Hagel wants us out.
Even though Chuck Hagel is a conservative, I think he comes from working class people so his social priorities should be moderate.

posted by Henry Barrett
Rudy Giuliani & Bill Gray

The take charge nature of Giuliani and the "fire and brimstone" of Bill Gray, I think they would be a great source of healing and advancement for our country.

posted by Lance Charen
Bill  Richardson & Colin Powell

My choices are based on people getting things done. Think both proven to be efective in a political arena ans still getting the job done for the betterment of all.

posted by Greg Holmes
John McCain & Mark Warner

All of these candidates are not partisan and can get things done!

posted by Daniel Roth
Michael Bloomberg & Joseph Biden

They both seem to take middle of the road common sense approaches to America's problems.

posted by Robert Apperson
John McCain & Barack Obama

I think that John McCain is a decent moral man with a lot of world-wide experiences. He has longevity and paired with Barack OBama could make up for Barack's lack of experience. I believe this ticket- either as pres. or VP could win.

posted by Karen Pinsky
Fred Thompson & Joseph Lieberman

I believe that Fred Thompson is the only Republican that truly espouses the true Conservative values of a smaller Federal government and stronger states rights.

Joe Liberman represents the values of the Democrat party I used to belong to. The present Democrat parth has moved so far to the left I can no longer support them. Huubert Humphry, "Scoop" Jackson and Harry Truman would fit in today's Republican party much better than today's Democrat party.

The Republican party has lost it's moral compass and is placing "bought and paid for" special interests above the country's legitimate business.

posted by Howard Williamson
Bill Bradley & Chuck Hagel

Bill Bradley offers a practical, calm, intelligent and positive message and with Chuck Hagel's experience and views on Iraq it would be a powerful ticket that should bring conservatives and liberals together.

posted by Gary Trabucco
Colin Powell & Barack Obama

With the prudence and care Colin Powell approaches every situation and the clear ease with which Barak O'Bama energizes the people, this ticket would inspire both confidence and zeal from much of America, not to mention finally represent a minority long ignored in either office.

posted by Jesse Vader
John Edwards & George Voinovich

A conspicuous departure from the "status quo,"

posted by Rob Gossman
Al Gore & Colin Powell

Gore understands the major issue for the whole earth.
Powell is a great statesman and understands the limitations and capabilities of our military.

posted by Olavi Wirkki
Mitt Romney & Bill  Richardson

Both seem stable enough to run the country!

posted by alphonse marcotte
Barack Obama & Michael Bloomberg

Change! and a positive outlook for the future.

posted by Taylor Ferguson
Barack Obama & Christine Todd Whitman

Leadership, diversity, inclusiveness, intelligence, capability, reasonableness.

posted by jeanne juneau
Mitt Romney & Bill  Richardson

Both seem stable enough to run the country!

posted by alphonse marcotte
Mark Warner & Anthony Zinni

Warner seems to know how to govern and obviously is not driven by ambition. He seems to have good judgement and skill as a consensu builder.

Zinni seems to have good foreign policy judgement and knows how (and how not to) use US military power.

posted by Walter Costello
Rudy Giuliani & Bill  Richardson

Giuliani knows about leadership. Read his book

Richardson has the experience, resume, and ideas

posted by Jeff Merlin
Chuck Hagel & Barack Obama

Senator Hagel has the gravitas and Senator Obama has the humanity needed to direct this country out of the awful division that we have been led to over the last 6+ years. We cannot meet the monumental challenges we face in the US with a divided country. I believe these two candidates can bring us back together to face the foriegn and domestice policy challenges.

posted by Richard Iden


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