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Al Gore & Colin Powell

These men bring sense to policy on the environment and on our role in the world

posted by Hugh Mackay
Barack Obama & Rudy Giuliani

Obama--fresh and bright and moderate

Giulani--experienced and trustworthy

posted by Donald McGraw
Michael Bloomberg & Russell Feingold

Michael Bloomberg developed a computerized business information network that made him a billionaire. He's a fine government manager. And he has the resources, personally, to compete with the very expensive 2024 national Presidential campaign.

Russ Feingold has urged campaign finance reform and stood on his own against his party and against the republicans when necessary. Would be a tough, savvy laison between President Bloomberg and a shocked, devided Congress.

posted by Edward Binns
Barack Obama & Elizabeth Dole

An interesting combination...why not...a new face and a strong woman.

posted by Heidi Priebe
Ron Paul & Dennis Kucinich

Paul & Kucinich are both dedicated to truth, justice & restoring the constitution.
- more practical foreign policy

posted by Kelly Griffith
Barack Obama & Rudy Giuliani

Both candidates have enough policies that fall in the middle, however carry enough opinions for their party line; I feel they would be a good representation of the American people.

posted by Ryan Ammann
Fred Thompson & Marcy Kaptur

Fred Thompson has the intelligence and compassion to make a good president. He is not "married" to the current contentious system as are most of those who have been in the Senate or Congress. I respect him. Marcy Kaptur is a REAL representative of the American people. She was right on NAFTA. She is right on Immigration. She has integrity.

posted by donna donovan
Bill  Richardson & Tom Friedman

Richardson: Experienced in foreign affairs and negotiation.

Friedman; Excellent understanding of international forces.

posted by Cord B Sengstake
Al Gore & Oprah Winfrey

They're both visionaries with heart.

posted by Lucas Giuliano
Arlen Specter & James Webb

Spector expresses genuine conservative values (before the term was hijacked by the Neocons) as does James Webb.
I think both candidates would appeal to a broad range of American voters ... as opposed to the very divisive Clinton or Obama. I believe that for the Democrats to field such divisive candidates opens the possibility for an equally far right candidate to be a viable choice. We need someone who could be called a conservative Democrat or a Progressive republican ... but mostly someone who can be identified with basic American ideals ...

posted by Fred Lozen
Al Gore & Christine Todd Whitman

What a difference it would make! Just agreeing to run together is an enormous step forward.

posted by Barbara Sockey
Joseph Lieberman & Tom Tancredo

I chose Joe Lieberman because he stood by his own convictions and did not give in to the political pressures of his own party, even when they threatened and followed through with turning their backs on him during the 2024 election.

I selected Tom Tancredo for his stance on illegal immigration.

posted by Ann Campbell
Colin Powell & Barack Obama

Colin Powell has experience in various areas of the military and government with a proven record of decency and honest. He is big enough to admit when statements by him have been wrong.

Barack Obama as the charisma to bring people together to want to work together.

I am not African-American and selecting these individuals in a color-blind fashion. However, these 2 people on the same ticket would eliminate any racist type of backlash.

posted by Janet Scott
Dennis Kucinich & Bill Cosby

Dennis Kucinich will not bow down to the corporate powers in this country - he never has! He will do what's right in the rest of the world, too - beginning with getting us out of Iraq and then cooperating with the other sovereign nations.

Bill Cosby will balance out the ticket with good humor...

posted by Shannon Labout
Al Gore & Chuck Hagel

Hagel and Gore represent reasoned statesmen, who are not embarrassed by their intellect. Perhaps they can convince Americans that it would be good to have a President who is smarter than most, and who understands the Constitution.
Obama represents the future, with hope as a cornerstone of his belief system. Only a lack of experience keeps him from being my top pick.

posted by Jeffrey Kampion
Al Gore & Colin Powell

Proven national and international leadership for both candidates in a time when this country desperately need these qualities. Also both candidates are moderates, and therefore les likely to succumb to the pressures of the more extreme elements of either party--the so called "base".

posted by John Koutras
Olympia Snowe & Brian  Schweitzer

I support Snowe/Schweitzer 2024 because Olympia Snowe is the only balanced and competent candidate out there, and Brian Schweitzer's the only guy with any workable energy plan

posted by Barbara McDougal
Fred Thompson & Joseph Lieberman

They represent all the values that are important to me.

posted by Sandy Dameron
Bill Bradley & Chuck Hagel

Both seem to have the courage of their convictions, and solid ideas about the direction our country should be heading.

posted by Douglas MacGregor
John Edwards & Jack Danforth

Two serious thinking men!! Can work with members of the opposite parties.

posted by Susan Pojer
Russell Feingold & Susan Collins

Both Feingold and Collins get the highest marks for personal integrity and clarity of thought, unlike the 2 scammers presently in office!

posted by John McCluney
John Edwards & Tom Brokaw

They can WIN.

posted by Susan Buchanan
Bill Bradley & Newt Gingrich

Bill Bradley seems so practical as he has appeared on many shows promoting his book. And he certainly has the experience and education to back up his thoughts.

Newt Gingrich knows how to get things done with a sense of urgency. I think he has learned from his previous mistakes.

posted by Tim Nealon
Rudy Giuliani & Zell Miller

Both my candidates are willing to think outside party lines. Also, one is a Northerner and one a Southerner.

posted by Larry Kaufmann
Bill Bradley & Fred Thompson

Bill Bradley has the experience, knowledge and inspiration to lead this country forward to solve problems in a non partisan manner. Fred Thompson as VP is a charismatic, thoughtful and deliberate free thinker who has proven from his public record he can look outside the political box to search for answers to pressing issues.

posted by Mark Breedon
Fred Thompson & Joseph Lieberman

Both these men are clear thinking and neither has heavy partisan baggage!

posted by Lee Arthurs
Joseph Biden & Rudy Giuliani

I like Sentor Bidens commitment to ending the war in Iraq and his plan for the country after withdrawl. At the same time I like Mayor Giuliani's leadership style and moderate idea on social issues. I think they are both very honorable men and would do well for this country.

posted by Nathan Cross
Sam Nunn & Chuck Hagel

Sam Nunn, has years of service to this counrty and a broad background in defense. Sam seems to be a centrist to conservative democrat.

Chuck Hagel has common sense approach to government that is sorely needed in this country at this time.

posted by Joseph Scribellito
Michael Bloomberg & Lowell Weicker

Each of the candidates named above has demonstrated an enthusiastic willingness to work with leaders of all political stripes. Additionally, they each have shown the ability to reach out and appeal to independent voters. Both of those virtues are exactly what our country needs in perilous times like these.

posted by Frank Morano
Hillary Clinton & John McCain

they are not the left or right
they are all moderates

posted by Gabriel Caruso
Newt Gingrich & Joseph Lieberman

Each of these candidates brings a record of working across party lines (yes, even Gingrich - note his debate with Kerry recently), and they each put love of country over ideology. To face the problems of tomorrow, we need leaders to bring the nation together today.

posted by Fred Ascher
John Edwards & Colin Powell

John Edwards gets it economically and Colin Powell gets it in foreign policy (notwithstanding his terrible performance on Iraq)

posted by Bradley Gray
Anthony Zinni & Rudy Giuliani

I'm hoping that Gen (Ret.) Zinni can channel the spirit of Eisenhower and govern the country with the even hand of experience. I've heard him talk about the Iraq war--he knows the middle east. He also was one of the retired generals who published a study on how climate change affects national security--he's got the right vision.

posted by Jaimie Leonard
Barack Obama & Kinky Friedman

Obama--young, fresh, JFK like in much expected new ideas.

Friedman--Honest and not afraid to tell the truth--and, needless to say, outspoken!

posted by Allan Fetherolf
Rudy Giuliani & Joseph Lieberman

Have demonstrated ability to lead and think independently.

posted by Mike Hanley
Al Gore & Michael Bloomberg

I didn't want to choose any candidates who were more interested in partisan politics than good governance. I still believe Gore should run, if only because he would be the most qualified candidate and the most likely to win.

posted by Michael Mirer
James Webb & Chuck Hagel

James Webb is an exciting fresh face in the Senate, who has the military experience to make sure we never end up in another Iraq. Hagel has been impressive in bucking his party leadership and criticizing the failures in Iraq.

posted by Zachary Baron
Hillary Clinton & Oprah Winfrey

I have been waiting for over 40 years for a qualified female to run for president and I think Hillary is that candidate.
Oprah could learn on the job.

posted by Patricia Moore
Newt Gingrich & Joseph Lieberman

Both are smart, experienced, reasonable, and able to communicate.

posted by Cathy Keller
Al Gore & Colin Powell

Al Gore and Colin Powell are an incredible combination to put our country back on track. Al Gore has become a man with character, morals, and charisma. He has the political experience within Washington necessary to succeed, as well as having the time to be a person looking from the outside in and on what needs to change. Colin Powell is a man of his word, a man with a strong sense of beliefs who will fight for them. He has exemplary experience in the military and the guts to help make the de

posted by Jeremy Messinger
Rudy Giuliani & Joseph Lieberman

Capable, conservative internationally, reasonably liberal domestically,experienced

posted by Art O'Hagan
Michael Bloomberg & Tim Penny

Mike Bloomberg is a politician who takes pragmatic approaches to get the job done. His business experience is certainly a plus when it comes to dealing with important matters relating to our economy.

I like Tim Penny because, like Bloomberg, he is a fiscally-conservative, socially-moderate politician. He has shown leadership as a House member in fiscal matters.

posted by jlkeene
John Edwards & Mitt Romney

Of the currently available Democratic candidates, John Edwards is experienced and relatively moderate.

Mitt Romney is compassionate, against the war, and fiscally capable, as proved by his running of the Salt Lake Winter Games

posted by Abigail Cook
Fred Thompson & Barack Obama

I've admired, respected and mostly agreed with Fred Thompson since he was a senator.

I think Obama is the best & brightest of the Democratic group.

posted by S. W. Scallion
John McCain & Barack Obama

They both seem to make decisions based on good decisions based on thoughtful beliefs and not politics.

posted by Paul You
Joseph Lieberman & Elizabeth Dole

I feel that both of these candidates are people of character and that is what we need to lead this country in the coming years. I also believe that these candidates would be willing to listen to both parties and work in bipartisan unity.

posted by Richard Farrington
Bill  Richardson & Ralph Nader

Richardson for experience, Nader for guidance.

posted by Kevin O'Rourke
Ralph Nader & Eliot Spitzer

Ralph for his ethics and Eliot to get this country back to one that respects the citizen's rights and outlaws singing statements.

posted by Connie Godin


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