All Dream Tickets

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Michael Bloomberg & Bill  Richardson

Bloomberg is a hugely competent and successful man. He has plenty of dough and plenty of power...he does not NEED either. As Chief Executive with the power of the bully pulpit he would bring a new candor & reassuring voice.
Richardson is similarly pragmatic, understands the strategy & tactics of compromise, Neither one is wedded to party politics. He brings a helpful view of the world as it is.

posted by charles ritchie
Joseph Biden & Olympia Snowe

Competence and willingness to reach across the aisle.

posted by Stephen Johnson
Hillary Clinton & Michael Bloomberg

By far the most qualified candidate for President, of any party affiliation, Hillary Clinton has the intelligence, the determination, the professionalism, and the compassion necessary to restore America's terribly scarred stature in the world and to tackle the challenges truly facing our nation, not the phantom wedge issues propagated by the current administration. Senator Clinton has an incredible history, working with Marian Wright Edelman, serving as council during the Nixon impeachment, actively taking a meaningful role as First Lady, and deftly serving her constituents as the junior senator from New York.

posted by Ryan Jolley
Nancy Pelosi & Warren Buffett

Pelosi has shown excellent leadership and commitment to american values.
Buffett brings strong financial and business experience.

posted by charles eubanks
Fred Thompson & Barack Obama

Thompson/Obama - looks & sounds presidential with intelligence,racial balance & new ideas.

posted by steve argalas
John McCain & Joseph Lieberman

Both John and Joe have strong beliefs in maintaining a strong defense and fighting terror in the Middle East for a better world. They also have a history of not voting the party line and taking a moderate view rather than the far left or right. Additionally both have a history of successfully reaching across party lines to collaborate rather than divide which is strongly needed in this country

posted by Dave g
John Edwards & Colin Powell

Colin Powell: as a very successful military leader, he has the fortitude to face opponents and not back down.
John Edwards: I saw an interview with him and his wife after they announced her return bout with cancer. I just like their attitudes and their reasoning for continuing in the campaign.

posted by Cheryl Rath
Bill  Richardson & Tommy Thompson

Bill Richardson and Tommy Thompson both have proven executive abilities as successful governors. Each has made significant national contributions. They are known for solving problems by unified efforts rather than partisan divisiveness.

posted by Bill Nowell
Al Gore & Ralph Nader

The most pressing issues for the U.S. in the coming decade are:

1. Global climate change
2. Restoring faith in government, so that serious programs to address big domestic issues (i.e., health care) and foreign policy concerns (i.e., terrorism) have a chance to overcome public cynicism and be implemented.

No one has done more to raise awareness, identify challenges, and offer hope with regard to climate change than Al Gore.

No one has done more to earn public trust through tireless work and unimpeachable integrity than Ralph Nader. He's the anti-Cheney.

posted by Jim Howard
Joseph Biden & Chuck Hagel

Biden and Hagel are both independent thinkers and are united in their thinking on Iraq in opposition to Bush's continuing blunders.

posted by R.K. Piper
Joseph Lieberman & John McCain

I selected Joe Lieberman for the presedential ticket because he has proven to be a man of principal with the ability to rise above special interests to make the right decisions.

John McCain would be my choice for VP because he has also stood by his convictions even when it angered special interest groups.

Lets face the facts - almost every issue that grabs the headlines in this country is some type of special interest issue - abortion, gay-rights, the iraq wear, global-warming, etc. Each has been used by partisan politicians to further their own political careers. What we need are leaders. People who will rise above the fray and make the right decision even if it is not a good (political) career move.

posted by Clifford Pelchat
Evan Bayh & Bill Cohen

Senator Bayh has a proven record of cutting taxes and balancing budgets as a moderate Democratic governor of solidly red-state Indiana. William Cohen brings immense foreign policy and defense experience as a former senator and secretary of defense. I believe these men have the experience to stop the rampant overspending in Washington, and get control of the situation in Iraq.

posted by Brian Melton
Barack Obama & Rudy Giuliani

Barack Obama is a "new" face on the political scene and doesn't have the stigma of political lobbyist hanging all over him. He also is a natural leader and projects a vision of HOPE. Rudy Giuliani is an experienced politician with a history of getting things done correctly.

posted by Donald Sanders
Barack Obama & Charlie Crist

They are two charismatic populists who appeal to the people and have a refresing news approach to politicis.

posted by John Van Gieson
Bill  Richardson & Duncan Hunter

Richardson has negotiation experience.
Hunter is a proponent of securing our borders.

posted by james lowe
Tom Friedman & Colin Powell

Tom Friedman seems to have the answers needed to help us out and Colin Powell would be an outstanding advisor, as he is completly familier with Washington Beltway politics.

posted by George E. Matthias
Bill  Richardson & Colin Powell

Both have a breadth and depth of experience in domestic and foreign affairs. And from what I've heard (from the individuals in interviews, etc.)and read of them in articles and so on, both men seem to typify a moderate, measured, rational approach to life that is ultimately reflected in their political philosphy/actions. I believe both to be persons of integrity, and not likely to pander to vocal interest groups.

posted by Bill Enright
Chuck Grassley & Chet Culver

I think they all have potential for bringing about a more moderate change for the good of the country

posted by Doug Lass
Michael Bloomberg & Barack Obama

Experience and Vision equal the results America needs.

posted by Jon Kane
Chuck Hagel & Barack Obama

They "get it"...and the Republicans couldn't say anything about weak on defense.

posted by Jim Mangum
Charles Barkley & Bill Bradley

Both of these men are independant thinkers.
Bradley is definatly a bipartisan guy, and Barkley is a man with strong opinions but not a radical.

posted by Jeffrey Johnson
Patrick Leahy & M. Jodi Rell

A track record of independence, accomplishment, creativity and good manners. Both concentrate on getting things done, not blaming someone else for what's wrong.

posted by Frances O'Neill
Al Gore & Lowell Weicker

I know Lowell Weicker personally, and although he is an elder statesman now, he is vigorous in his independence. We also share a common experience in having a son with Down Syndrome, which gives one perspective of prioritizing issues of importance and relevance.

posted by Nelson Schmitz
Tom Tancredo & Zell Miller

A Western conservative strong on border security and a southern dem. who is strong on national security - who won't sell out our nation like most democrats have today. What a concept!

posted by shawn garbutt
Christine Todd Whitman & Al Gore

Whitman strikes me as that too rare Republican who is pragmatic, fiscally careful, and who understands both markets and the environment. In addition, as a past Governor, she has experience in executive branch skills.

Al Gore combines executive office experience with a similar dose of practicality rarely seen in a Democrat.

posted by John Campbell
Bill  Richardson & John McCain

He has the best experience nationally and international and appears to have the diplomacy to deal not only with our friends but also with our enemies. At the moment we do not seem to any dialogue with any other nations. He also seems to have a good handle on domestic issues.

posted by Jesse Reed
John McCain & Joseph Lieberman

Mainstream candidates yes, but I still think two of the most straight talkers who will not vote or lead the country over to any extreme side.

posted by Brian Bick
Christine Todd Whitman & Joseph Biden

Ability and willingness to work as cooperative team members to accomplish goals. Excellent track record in past performance in various elected and appointed political positions.

posted by Jack Fisher
Bill  Richardson & Christine Todd Whitman

I'm looking for candidates who are middle of the road and have proven executive capabilities. As governors and cabinet secretaries, both of these people make my list.

posted by laRRY Molby
Barack Obama & Michael Bloomberg

Have the ability to unite

posted by Susan Willnus
John Edwards & Bernie Sanders

I think that John Edwards has the most knowledge of and solutions for helping all Americans.

posted by Susan Llauget
Ron Paul & Zell Miller

I am looking for candidates who will simultaneously be as libertarian as possible while at the same time recognizing that America is dangerously over-populated (legals and illegals) and that over-population is the root cause of our energy and water crises.

posted by Peter Hoffman
Hillary Clinton & Tom Coburn

Because Sen. Clinton is smart and she will apoint smart people to try and fix the mess made by this adminstration, Sen Coburn becaue he is a true American and will only do things to help America & Americans. I could als see them in reverse, because they are smart and love this Country and its People.

posted by Grady Thomas
Barack Obama & Arlen Specter

Balance of the new and the old/progressive ideas and wisdom.

posted by Harry Willnus
Fred Thompson & John Edwards

Fred Thompson has demonstrated a strong Constitutionalist position in the past, with a calm, measured, sensible, approach to problem solving which is relatively free of the idealogical extremism that characterizes most of the candidates on both sides. The middle-class needs relief from traditional Tax-and-Spend Liberals in the Democratic Party (Hillary, John, Barack, et al) and the tyrannical Give-to-the-Rich Insiders- while- Imposing-Puritanical-Social-
Hypocrits in the Republican Party. A Plague on Both their Damn Houses...

posted by Tom Utterback
Ron Paul & Harold Ford

Enough experience to give us confidence in their leadership, but these are "out of the box" thinkers who don't let party dictate their beliefs.

posted by Bradley Shelbourn
Joe Gibbs & J.C. Watts

Very successful business people, understand big $ budgets and how to manage them. Team players...
Some political background...

posted by Jim Wolfe
Fred Thompson & Joseph Lieberman

Honest, reliable, straight talking leaders

posted by Steve Warsaw
Russell Feingold & Anthony Zinni

They're for honesty, integrity, justice, and regular decent folk - they care about people and policy not politics and partisanship.

posted by John Hetts
Hillary Clinton & Warren Buffett

Represent real and symbolic changes in attitudes, approaches and accountability.

This Hillary-Buffett duo can offer our country and the world complementary and diverse views and skills that are needed to address today's problems and ills.

posted by Dennis Wong
Joseph Biden & Chuck Hagel

Both of these men have shown an uncanny ability to work together over the years even though their voting records run along party lines. I believe each believes in this country and its ability to work together even when they disagree with each other.

posted by Allen Young
Bill  Richardson & Newt Gingrich

Mr. Rchardson appears to be a prudent liberal and Mr. Ginrich seems to have become a prudent conservative.

posted by John Sevier
Rudy Giuliani & Hillary Clinton

Both people are strong and decisive, and I'm very sure Rudy will work with anyone that will help solve any problem or situation.
Hillary may be more democratic, but will work for the best for this Nation.
I trust them both.

HOWEVER, no matter who is in Office, they must realize, first and formost, that they are elected NATIONAL Leaders. Not World Leaders. The United States MUST come FIRST in all cases.

posted by Sheldon Hendricks
Barack Obama & John McCain

Rarely has a man with Barack Obama's intellect, educational background and political experience presented himself as a candidate for U. S. President. Those who cite his lack of experience either ignore or are unaware of the eight years he served as an Illinois state senator before his election to the U. S. Senate, where he will have served for four years by the time the '08 elections roll around. McCain would bring intelligence, vast experience and worldwide respect to the ticket. Together, these two worthy candidates would restore credibility to America's position as a world leader capable of working with other nations on the global threats facing us now and in the decade ahead.

posted by Bill Williamson
Al Gore & Chuck Hagel

Competence and integrity. A perfect ticket.

posted by John Madden
Barack Obama & Martin Sheen

The centrist-to-liberal Democrats will bring America forward and competitive with Europe. We need leaders, we need this ticket!

posted by Ross Goldsmith
John Edwards & Colin Powell

Fresh ideas, fresh outlook.

posted by Sue Pfeiffer
Dennis Kucinich & Fred Thompson

Dennis Kucinich is the most reasonable level headed polititian running for President. His steps to pull the troops out of Iraq is second to none. His one provider health care system will work as it has worked all over the world. He and only he has concrete facts and the experience to run or country the way it should be. Fred Thompson although in the acting business is a breath of fresh air that would bring an entirely new perspective to the Whitehouse.

posted by Linda MacMillan


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