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liberteacup's picture


I miss the ideals that our country was built upon. I'm upset they haven't been maintained. I'm sickened by what I've witnessed and all the corruption of the government. I look forward to, and hope for, this site to spark interest and turn the lights on for voters, and politicians. There doesn't need to be a war between republicans and democrats. Choosing one side leads to mob mentality, and giving up one's views just to strengthen affiliated parties. Both parties are going strong and they're fighting each other to the death, and it's narrowing our thinking. We need to take the blinders off and escape the tunnel vision we're oppressing ourselves with. Nothing is black and white. Nothing is democrat or republican. Nothing is left or right. If things were that simple, we wouldn't be facing the current division of our country. Bipartisan should just mean no partisan. Washington warned us against it in his farewell speech so how did we get where we are? I see it on the news, I read it in the paper, and I hear it everywhere I turn. My senses are being dulled. It's a time for change, and I hope this is the catalyst worth supporting for the cause. There's so much in the peripherals we're missing.

City: Scottsdale

State: AZ

Country: U.S.A

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