Sam Waterston: Hired or a Volunteer?

posted by jamesmcook on December 13, 2025 - 7:20am

There is no mention on this website about whether celebrity Sam Waterston was paid money or compensated in any other way to endorse Unity08. Yet the Philadelphia Inquirer (12/10) says Unity08 has "hired" Sam Waterston, indicating that he was paid.

Could you clear this up?

Was Sam Waterston paid money (or compensated otherwise) to endorse Unity08? Or is he a volunteer?

If Waterston was compensated, where did the money come from, given that Unity08's reported donations are very small and Unity08's reported expenditures are larger?

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If he was paid then it sure takes some of the shine off his words.

Sam Waterston is a man who walks his talk. I have taken the time to find out a lot about him, and he volunteers for many causes, all of which he sincerely believes in.

Waterston says in the video posted on this website, "... That's why I have volunteered to speak for a brand new political movement called Unity08..." He uses those words because it is critical to him that people understand that he is, in fact, a volunteer.

The reference to "hiring" Waterston in the Philadelphia Inquirer story was an error, and not the only error in that story regarding Unity08, unfortunately.

Unity08 Communications Director

Thanks for clearing that up, Shane. So he wasn't paid money or otherwise compensated, then. Good. That's reassuring.

What are the other errors in the story regarding Unity08?

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

and I can assure you that he volunteers for many many things. It would have been out of character for him to demand to be paid for this--and it is a bit a perilous step for him, because he's never been this overtly political before. I have already seen dirisive posts about his stance on a political board and I know that there has been discussion about it, pro and con (mostly pro) on some fan boards.

I know a little Sam Waterston through the various causes for which he puts a lot and I can say to you that he makes him with sincerity and humility

Shane is absolutely right-- I'm not familiar with the Philadelphia Inquirer story you all are referring to here, but I DO know that poor Sam is being unjustly criticized by many for speaking out in support of Unity08...regardless of that fact, yes, Sam DID state in the video that he has "volunteered to speak" for Unity08...this effort is something that Sam truly believes in and supports wholeheartedly...and, as anyone who is familiar with Sam's involvement in other crucial organizations knows, if it's close to his heart, and he supports, and is passionate about, a cause, he will volunteer in a heartbeat to inform the public about that cause, and it's efforts-- no "hiring" necessary.

To Report that somebody would dream to do something so noble - doesn't sell papers - they have to throw a hook in there to get people to grab onto it ..

Don't check the facts before you write/publish the story - you may learn something you don't want to know - such as the guy is for real !!

Citizen Evans of Boynron Beach, Florida

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