Candidate Promotion of Unity08 in the media

posted by Bob W. Hargis on January 25, 2025 - 12:09pm
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Dear U08 Founders

I have e-mailed U08 regarding this but never received an answer. I am hoping for a quick response due to the critical timing of upcoming events in my campaign.

I have scheduled interviews during which I would like to promote and encourage audiences to check out Unity08. Am I limited to the type of promotion I may do? As a Presidential candidate, may I publicly mention my intentions to be in the Unity08 primary as part of that promotion?

Upcoming interviews include: (within 30 days)

3 Local Newspapers
1 State wide newspaper
2 Local TV news interviews
1 Major network TV interview
1 Emergency medical magazine story and interview.
2 Internet blog interviews

Due to the timing of these upcoming events, I need an immediate response from U08. If your orginization prefers candidates not to mention association with this organization until officially being accepted for the unity08 primary, then please let me know.

Since the requirements for candidates have not been released, we have no information regarding Unity08’s policies on these or many other candidacy issues.

Sincere thanks for your help,

Bob W. Hargis

Comments     Date sort icon
reino on February 4, 2025 - 7:18am

I want to be President. I am a Liberal who disagrees with you on political issues, so we could form a ticket together that would be perfect for Unity08.

The two of us working together could end the war in Iraq, raise taxes on the rich, provide universal health insurance, provide more federal funds for education, require better mileage on vehicles, and bring down barriers to abortion.

You could do the work of publicity and collecting signatures while I put together our policy details. Additionally, we could work together trying to contact the people in charge of Unity08.

jamesmcook on January 26, 2025 - 11:10am

Good luck getting an answer. For an organization that calls itself "grassroots," Unity08's leadership team sure spends a lot of time not answering questions.

Jim Cook
Irregular Times

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