Let re-create the National Union Party.

posted by BigJ on October 4, 2025 - 5:20am

The National Union Party was a political party in the United States from 1864-1868. It was an alliance between the Republican Party and Northern Democrats during the Civil War.

The party was created during the 1864 Presidential Election to accommodate War Democrats who wished to separate themselves from the Copperheads. This is the main reason why War Democrat Andrew Johnson was selected to be the Vice Presidential nominee. The Republicans also hoped that the new party would stress the national character of the war. The National Union ticket won in 1864.

With the National Union victory, Abraham Lincoln became the only president to represent two political parties. Upon Lincoln's death, Andrew Johnson became the only National Union President.

In the 1864 Congressional Elections, the National Union Party won 42 Senate seats, and 149 House of Representatives seats.

The last congressman to represent the National Union Party ended his affiliation with the party in March 1867. Upon the expiration of Andrew Johnson's term, the National Union Party came to an end. By 1868, the Republicans had felt strong enough to drop the Union Party label.

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Don't you think is is time to start selecting a team to represent us for the next two years in our effort to fundamentally change the way Washington thinks and operates, with a filter down effect on the states themselves? We can gripe and make our individual opinions known. We can attack policies and suggest new ones, but without a solid centralist, independent set of candidates then we are no more than a sounding board for our members. It's time to give the voters someone to rally behind, support and elect for real change. I have no expectations of having someone that I agree with totality with but what the heck, I haven't had that in my entire life. I want leaders that are not owned by the bosses in Washington. I want leaders that will stay out of the partisan battles. Unless someone is completely brainwashed by one party or the other then the rest of us should to various degrees be in the same fix. Come on let's do something now and to hell with what happens this November.

Since this is a a drill that's supposed to do a specific job ..




Targets Of Opportunity : Incompetence & Corruption !

Rationale : The Existence, Nature & Extent Of Available Evidence !

Strategy : Filing Of A Citizen Class Action Suit Claiming Our Legal Right & Responsibility As The Sovereign Authority To Oversee & Control The Actions Of Our Elected Representatives !!

Basis : There is clear and substantial evidence, that our Elected Representatives have engaged in activities that have placed this Nation and Its Citizens in Bondage to Friendly and Unfriendly Foreign Powers AND That This Is The Direct Result Of Activities Conducted Without The Advice & Consent Of We The American People.


Citizen Evans of Boynton Beach, Florida

Blog www.popopete.com
Email popopete& hotmail.com

Popo: In my humble opinion, Newt Gingrich is far too conserveative to be the leader of Uo8. I thought we were seeking middle of the road moderates who could pull the two parties to the center. Maybe I was wrong, if U08 wants a right winger he's our man. By the way popo I don't think one can sue Congress per se. If people could they would be fighting lawsuits every minute of every day. But if you could a case like that would drag on for years and uo8 will be but a distant memory by then. Hopefully if we are successful the reforms we pushed will have been enacted into law. That is really about the best we can hope for and in my mind it would be enough.

A Sooner Independent

Churchill was a very controversial character but A Situation Arose Where He Was THE MAN FOR THE TIME - Whether This Is Only A Drill Or Not : The TEAM OF GINGRICH & OBAMA - ARE THE MEN FOR THE TIME ..

I studied Churchill, I met him and talked with him in Monaco, as you probably know - like Newt he was a student of History, this had a lot to do with how effective he was when Britain and the Free World needed someone.

Consider Our Objectives and the Nations Needs, Our Task Right Now Should Be To Take Actions That Guarantee Media Interest and Resonate With Those With The Same Interest & Desires As Our Own ..

Unlike most Nations - we the people of The United States Of America were endowed with Sovereign Power similar to that of the Monarchy, it is both our right and responsibility to monitor and control the actions of our Government, the fact that we have failed to exercise that right and responsibility in the past CHANGES NOTHING ..

It's up to UNITY08's LAWYERS to Think And Work "Outside The Box" To Come Up With The Way To Do The Job !!

Either way : Publicizing THE TICKET & PLATFORM I'VE SUGGESTED WILL ACHIEVE OUR OBJECTIVE - It will demonstrate we are serious, and bipartisan, and we have a platform that will resonate with millions of potential voters .. AND OUR ACTIONS WOULD BE PERFECTLY LEGAL !!!

Read my open letter to Chief Justice Roberts (one of todays postings on my blog)

Boomer I do appreciate your comments, we come from entirely different worlds - you dealing with what is, me dealing with ways to change things in many areas and fields - for the better. That's a good combination - you can help me to make my ideas more acceptable to people we must convince.


Email popopete@hotmail.com

Popo, I enjoy your comments, however, I have to disagree with you on this one. Since you have studied Churchill so closely, perhaps you should do some of the same study on Mr. Obama. He is not the person you want leading your government.

Since the FEDERAL judiciary is free to do whatever it wants (Constitution be damned) it really doesn't make any difference who is president.

That's why I think I'll just vote for Hillary.

It's time American had it's comeupence. Hillary is just the person for that.


Gingrich had/has big new ideas that Clinton and the Demos largely adopted in the late 90's and Obama has a hope and optimism that is direly needed. But together they are not the ones to bring the change. I think we need more seasoned leadership that can focus on two key issues (Gingrich/Obama may I fear try to do too much and end up unfocused and hacked up by thee Special Interests on K St who will not be going away anytime soon unfortunately). We need someone (preferably a governor) who has some decent real experience in dealing with real life crises and situations where the rubber meets the road, who can focus on one or two key issues (mine are Entitlement Reform and Grand Strategy delineation but make it just two)and who either has the oratorical ability to go over Congresses and K Streeters heads (the real power holders in DC) to focus on getting workable bipartisan solutions to these two nation-buster questions. And Bondage?? Class Action?? Balderdash! We have the means to hold these guys accountable fully now. They are called elections. So the American people need to stand up and stop whining about "Bondage" and "Class action" and execute their mandated civic responsibility. We have the obligation in Unity08 to give them a decent bipartisan alternative that can call to action implement aviable solution. Cheers and Happy New Year! Milligan in DC (and now Iowa on vacation)

John: I submit the two be seasoned moderates. Although I disagree with popo's method to influence Congress to change, you're right that is why we have elections. He is as right as rain when he says Congress actions are threatening the health, welfare, and security of the nation. The republicans lavish deficit spending led by Reagan, the two George's have us on the path to big tax increases, big cuts in programs, or bankruptcy. It will be very important to see what the new Congress tries (it is not veto proof)to do. For our country's sake I hope they can start us back on the path towards fiscal sanity and tackle the myriad of other problems we face. If the President does not work with them or vice versa it will definitely strenghten unity's hand.

A Sooner Independent

First, I consider it bondage when so much of our debt is to Foreigners, and when our dependence on Foreigners for Oil places us at the mercy of people who can shut us off at anytime !

I consider it Bondage - when the Congress has mortgaged the future of every American man, woman and child alive today - to the tune of $90,000.00 each !!

As for the people currently on The Hill & K. Streets, they are the same people that got us into this mess - my obvious reaction to your remarks is : If they were willing or even able - to make the reforms we need - why did'nt;t they make them before we got in this mess !!

The Gingrich Obama Ticket & Platform I've proposed for UNITY08 - is designed to Send A Message - To The Hill to K Street & The Millions Of Americans who are sick of The Bloody Hill & The Whole Damn Shebang in Power in DC !!

In my opinion - two moderates wont get the job done : It will take two men with fire in their bellies committed to doing whatever it takes to turn this country around - I believe Gingrich & Obama posses that fire AND The Right Balance of Skills, Experience & Dedication to do the job ! Its just a shame it will be just a Demonstration of What Could Be Done.

And John, remember this is a project designed to serve a specific purpose : to wake up the Hill & K Streets to the fact - We're Serious, We're Bipartisan - And We're Going To Stir Up Millions Of Voters To Respond To A Call For Major Reforms In The Areas Of : Performance, Accountability,Corruption!

Let me know if there's some common ground here, I'm getting a little tired now - I can't do what I used to do at 79 Years of Age.

Oh and by the way John, while early inications were negative to Gingrich/Obama - the general concenus now is it would be a winner.

Citizen Evans of Boynton Beach, Florida

Email popopete@hotmail.com

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