Hi America and all of you wonderful and dedicated people of America.
My name, Mark Fazio and Karen are both addressing this message and hope that your staff will take the liberty of announcing this phrase on the air and thus into the American Conscious, Conscience and Psychy; ie. (mind, heart and hard drive) and in hopes that the idea will resonate long enough to spark a nerve and nerves will drive ambitious writers to write books on this very real dilemma in America's core. Our dilemma is this and it needs a voice: As the "Cold War" with the Soviets settled, the storm seems to have changed course and landed in Washington and spread like a disease though ALL of America. Despite the temperature increase from Global Warming, America's political climate has cooled and the a new war has emerged in America; a Cold Civil War is at its peak here in America. There'll be no Confederates with muskettes or bullets being fired directly at one another as was so in the US/Soviet Cold War. This is a new kind of civil war, a war of ideas. The Republican versus the Democrates and it is proving much more effective and damaging than and military war. Even WHEN we Democrates win the )* Presedential election/Office, the Republicans will focus ALL of their attention, resources and venom on the destruction of the Democratic Parties decisions and policies even at the cost of America's success; From creating irreversible National deficits to destructive International Relations with our Allies and with the World at large. No matter if and WHEN the Democrates run and win as the majority for the House, the Senate and the Presidency, the Republicans will still cause serious and permanent damage to America, while attempting to cast a dark cloud over the Democratic Party, with absolutely NO regard for the consequences to Ameica as a whole. As bad as it may seem to have another Republican in the Oval Office, the only viable and successful way for America to emerge victoriously, is to prevent another dictator, such as George W. Bush, from overthrowing our Democracy and creating a Autocracy or Theocracy, we must UNIFY the polarity of the parties, so that we can get back on track and work TOGETHER as a "UNITED" America. We've seen the horrors of what happens when ONE man is the elected (or recounted) the SOLE leader of our Country, such as Reagan, Bush, or Bush etc. Please ask your listeners, and the American people to log onto unity08.com and vote for a bipartisan President/Vice. President for America's future and to put an end to the devistation of Americas Great Cold Civil War.
Please share this with America Al ...our future depends on it and it is the ONLY way to get a "cease fire" and end America Cold Civil War.
P.S.S. Please PASS this message on to EVEYONE/ SITE/ NEWS-RADIO EVERYWHERE you can, so that MILLIONS will become aware of the dangers of the American Cold Civil War, and the even more grim outlook of us(Democratic-Republic people)losing the Civil War to the tyranny of the fundamentalist Theocracy-Wing!!
...especially in light of the two bloggers in Edwards campaign that littered a Catholic website with all sorts of biggoted epithets.
Mark and Karen-
You get further if you present things more calmly.
You have some points I agree with.
I agree we have a lot of people who have perverted religion into a base for power.
I agree religious agendas do not belong in our government.
We are founded on religious freedom and need to preserve that - to become a Christian state would lower us to Taliban status.
People should be free to believe and practice, but not impose their beliefs on others - particularly thru our government.
Yep, the Left seems to be determined to "take over" Christianity, since the Religious Right played such an important factor in the 2025 election.
Of course, the antinomian bull-plop they preach is no better than the legalist bull-plop the Right preachs.
Just look at what Catholic-basher "pastordan" has to say.....
you are paranoid. please find a hobby or something to do or maybe even get some counseling and stop reading the crazy blogs. take a deep breath, relax.
The Religious Right was duped - they believed the claims Bush made, but have now seen he only used them to get elected.
Foley, Abramoff, DeLay, Haggard - some Christians ;-)
But they were loyal Republicans -
Which comes back to the current evil of our divisive 2-party system.
You'll come right back at me, Kris, assuming I love Hillary, that I have to be a "lefty" (I love the labeling that neo-cons adopt, it helps them cope), that I must be a Democrat....
I'd like to see both parties to tell religious groups to "kiss off".
Religious agendas do not belong in American politics.
I'd like to see the Republican Party to go back to some principles they used to have, like fiscal responsibility. They used to earn the claim to integrity. They used to regard war as evil.
I would welcome a situation where I could go in to vote where it was tough to decide who was better, rather than pick the lesser of 2 evils.
Thank for being so presumptious to speak for the entire Religious Right.
I personally AS A CHRISTIAN feel some what duped by Bush, especially given my PERSONAL experience with one of the FEDERAL judges he appointed (as 'quicksilver' already knows)
My politics actually lean to the left, but I found the Man-Kerry-ian candidate so odious, there was NO WAY I could vote for him. And I have been a reluctant supporter of the Iraqi war.
As far as the "Religious Right" goes, my problem with them is that I feel they have bought into too many Republican "values" than aren't really Christian. However, on the other side of the spectrum, I see a growing movement on Left that tries to do the same thing (www.streetprophets.com is an example....the Edwards bloggers are another)
NOW...answer me this 'quicksilver'.
If you such a big Hillary supporter, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?
Hillary appears to be a shoe-in for the Democratic nomination and is the epitome of a "Washington Insider".
the republicans sure arent what they used to be and the dems are not who they used to be either. the dems went from great men like JFK to michael Moore and Rosie odonell, Alex "screaming" Baldwin and all the other nuts
The war of Words! how wonderful! For now the Truth can be spoken in the circumspect fashion that it has always wanted...Lies, that is, Falsehoods have been alive in the world for so long and in America where God's Divine Providence has set us Truth, albeit, THE AMERICAN WAY, as a shining light, that is, if corruption can be seen clearly amoungst the goodness and that we the good hardworking honest Americans of the world Demand Accountibility to Goodness only...Unity08 gives this opportunity to exist...let us debate the big wigs, and line by line cause them to substantiate their positions not just give sound bites to sell themselves as wonderful leaders when in fact they stink Unity Founders need to start being a liason on Delegates behave and field questions that Delegates have already been showing solidarity on
I think the evangelics are about to be hoodwinked by Karl Rove and crew....again!
Guialani vs. Hillary favors Hillary, because Rudy has nearly as many skeletons in HIS closet as Hillary, and once the mud starts flying Hillary can play the 'woamn victim' card.
I was led to this site by my father. He is a middle of the road democrat. I am a conservative neo-con. I already had some preconceived notions when he gave me this link but I am pleased. I voted for Bush twice and feel as though he let me down. I am a right winger with a heart. Do I believe the US should be a theocracy? NO. God gives man free will and allows him to decide if he will serve and follow. Forcing people to do it is wrong. This does not mean I don't believe in the principles of a Christian nation just that I will not force it down anyones throat. As an American of black heritage I cannot except what the democrats are putting down and have been left with no choice for this current upcoming election. Why is it that many in the black religious community allow these lying politicians into their churches? We saw today how Hillary can change her voice to suit the crowd(Very Dangerous)We saw Obama tell poor people to give his campaign $5 bucks because after all everyone has at least this! I guess he really doesn't care if they eat so long as they give him money. All the democrat hopefuls support abortion. What would Jesus say about abortion? Is this not a conflict of interest? Is not the current welfare state that the DNC panders to blacks the thing that is keeping them from rising to self reliance? On the same page we have Bush. I do support the war but not because he says so. Bush haters ask your self this why have we not been attacked since 911? They have tried but not successfully. If Bush is really serious about our national security then why has he not done a thing about the border? Why is he and the majority of the GOP silent? At first I thought Secret Wiretaps? Who cares I'm not a terrorist what does it matter to me? Then I saw the writing on the wall. If we spy on them (American people)or scare them enough maybe they will be silent. I will not be silent. Do I support torture for terrorist? Yes I do. As a former military man I know IT WORKS!!! We are the only ones who don't do it and if it saves lives so be it I mean we don't have to televise it like they did but the word would get out we were doing it. Bush and his fallout boy Dick should have listened to Gen. Powell when he said don't do (iraq)it UNLESS you do it with absolute commitment, and this was not done. They hide in the Mosque blow it up, they hide in houses blow them up, you see you blow up enough they(iraqi's) will kill them for his. One of the main reasons I cannot support the DNC is because they believe you can negotiate and change the hearts of the arab islamofascist. WRONG look at history, they only thing they understand is violence. Make it so dangerous to be an insurgent and they will leave and the people of IRAQ will police themselves. Give me a candidate who is the following and I will vote for them Male or Female: Abortion:NO Immigration:Enforcement Period. If you are illegal GO HOME then come back the way many hundreds of thousands of other Americans did LEGALLY. Welfare: First cut off all CORPORATE welfare. Why did we give almost a billion to the airlines after 911 and they still raised rates dropped service performance and treat us like dirt? HealthCare: Regulation of HMO's and the drug industry. If we stop having to pay for people who should not be here and if the government can work a deal for Medicare, healthcare will be more affordable for all. The GOP like to give tax breaks then give them to companies who provide healthcare and none to those that do not. As a user of a type of universal healthcare (VA,MIL) it is not the best system and will make things real bad real quick. Civil Rights: Why has the DNC not denounced Robert Byrd who still rants racist belief's when he thinks no one is paying attention. Why does the DNC do nothing about a supposed former klansman? Hollyweird: Just act or sing or dance or tell jokes we really don't care about your opinions since you do not live they way we do. Los Angeles is a fantasy world not fit for average joes. WAR ON TERROR: Fight! Failure is not an option period. No more embedded Media. This makes soldiers too careful and hurts them. We don't need a blackout just a step back. Gun Control: I simply don't see how any red blooded American can be for this. So long has the bad guys don't have to wait 15 days to get a gun neither to tax paying law abiding patriots either. After all they are the only ones to follow the law anyways. We saw in horror and disgust what happen in New Orleans when that idiot(Mayor and take no responsibility Nagen) and his incompetent administration used gun toting paramilitary police to confiscate LAW ABIDING citizens weapons leaving only the bad guys and the government with the means to fight. In addition the spirit of the second amendment is explicit. The people need to be armed to ensure a more proper and just government. Hitler was very good at quoting crime rates and promoting fear thus allowing his regime to confiscate all firearms. I do not need to remind you what happen next do I?. I believe that Sigmund Freud said it best when he said" Fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." The gun started this nation after we decided to relieve ourselves from a king and it will save this nation from those who desire to erase her identity as free nation. Find me a candidate who can move this and not fall to special interest and you will find not only my vote but my money behind them as well!......until then......RW
Mr. SoloOperative, I disagree with most of your beliefs, but that in itself is not cause for disputation, in my mind. The whole point and purpose of Unity 08 is to figure out how Americans can come together and resolve their differences. So I will here explore some ideas that might form a basis for people like you and people like me to agree.
First, let's talk about the Second Amendment. While I am not opposed to the ownership and use of rifles for hunting, I do think it is reasonable to place some limitations upon what firearms should be available to citizens. Let's take an easy example: surely you would agree with me that heavy weapons (anything firing a round larger than 12 mms) should be outlawed. You don't advocate people owning cannons, do you? How about SAMs? Automatic weapons? Why would anybody need an AK47 for any legitimate use?
Next, let's talk about terrorism. You are obviously very gung-ho about our military efforts overseas. Can we agree that the invasion of Iraq was a mistake? We're stuck there now and cannot easily disengage, but, had you known then what you know now, would you still have supported the invasion?
I apologize to the moderators for committing felony topic drift, but there seems to be insufficient activity on this board for pursuing these topics in their appropriate places.
"Anybody" needs an AK47 if the one kicking in their door has one.
The firearms regulation we have now is MORE than sufficient. Since the state will not relenquish power, Let's at least leave it where it is.
I just noticed you posted the RNC talking point "We haven't been attacked since 9/11" as justification for Iraq. That is utterly false logic. They are killing us in Iraq so they don't have to kill us here. There was no attack between 1993, when the Trade Center was bombed the first time, and 9/11 - is that to be credited to Clinton? I didn't think so.
Iraq is about oil, period. It had nothing to do with terrorists. There are terrorists in Iraq now, yes, but there weren't before.
I also saw this:"Do I support torture for terrorist? Yes I do. As a former military man I know IT WORKS!!"
That's disgusting. You can get anybody to agree to anything with torture, but most importantly, IT's WRONG. Why don't you see if Cheney has room for you in his bunker? You can spend time with him pulling wings off flies.
Let's follow your logic - someone is accused of being a terrorist. After torture, they confess. So What? The British sailors held by Iran have "confessed", too. Do we stoop to Iran levels? The US already isn't trusted by much of the world, do we just give up on any and all standards? One step away from "Kill everybody and let God sort out the innocent".
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69
Quicksilver, you say "The RNC talking point", how 'bout just calling it the truth? As for the Clinton years, you seem to have forgotten:
April 19, Oklahoma City: car bomb exploded outside federal office building, collapsing wall and floors. 168 people were killed, including 19 children and 1 person who died in rescue effort. Over 220 buildings sustained damage. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols later convicted in the antigovernment plot to avenge the Branch Davidian standoff in Waco, Tex., exactly 2 years earlier. (See Miscellaneous Disasters.)
Nov. 13, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: car bomb exploded at U.S. military headquarters, killing 5 U.S. military servicemen.
June 25, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia: truck bomb exploded outside Khobar Towers military complex, killing 19 American servicemen and injuring hundreds of others. 13 Saudis and a Lebanese, all alleged members of Islamic militant group Hezbollah, were indicted on charges relating to the attack in June 2025.
Aug. 7, Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: truck bombs exploded almost simultaneously near 2 U.S. embassies, killing 224 (213 in Kenya and 11 in Tanzania) and injuring about 4,500. 4 men connected with al-Qaeda 2 of whom had received training at al-Qaeda camps inside Afghanistan, were convicted of the killings in May 2025 and later sentenced to life in prison. A federal grand jury had indicted 22 men in connection with the attacks, including Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden, who remained at large.
Oct. 12, Aden, Yemen: U.S. Navy destroyer USS Cole heavily damaged when a small boat loaded with explosives blew up alongside it. 17 sailors killed. Linked to Osama bin Laden, or members of al-Qaeda terrorist network.
Our troops are fighting the war on terror in Iraq, where many of the insurgents have gone to die. They are trying their hardest to keep the area unstable and we are killing them. Yes, brave young Americans (an all voluntary military force) are dying to stop these monsters. They are fighting this WOT in Iraq to avoid fighting it in the U.S.!
I get so sick of the news reports saying that over 3000 Americans are deed because of this war on terror. They seem to forget the other 3000+ inocent civilians that died in the initial attack on New York City! Do you need to see a mushroom cloud over one of our cities? Have you not heard of any of the unsuccesfull attempts at another attack?
Your type with the "hate Bush and blame his administration for everything" mantra are a big part of the problem. Why don't we hear the possitive stories of what's happening in Iraq? Why do we hear only the accusations of torture and abuse? Could this be the liberal media's unstopable angst over failing to achieve their goal of electing Al Gore in 2025 (yeah, they counted over and over and he lost, get over it already) or John Kerry in 2025 (yeah, he lost too)?
This whole Unity08 movement is supposed to be about getting rid of this partisan bullsh*t and getting back to making America the great place that we know it can be.
You all also miss the point that the real big losers and recipients of these attacks are the Muslims themeselves - from other Muslims. And THAT is where the real battle is folks! It's WITHIN their societies for the most part and NOT between ours and theirs. The world does not revolve around us! Look at what is happening in THEIR societies domestically. All politics IS local - we are just background props!
"Their battle, their casualties" was fine for centuries while that was the practice. When they decided that while fighting amongst themselves over who worships the best they could also gain favor with their G-d by killing the infidels, they brought us into their fight. Any group that thinks they can gain favor with G-d by killing all that disagree cannot be reasoned with. If they would keep this battle in their own region and between their own groups I think we could allow them their space. But this is not their plan. They do not wish to merely exist, they think it is their divine mission to either convert, enslave, or kill ALL non-believers. What can be done with such a group?
I largely agree with you Bob. We need to be smart about containing the spillover occurring in THEIR combined Reformation, Counter-reformation and Enlightenment esp with any WMDs that may be sloshing around the open markets now. Anybody that deliberately and maliciously targets innocents should legitimately be considered toast and fair game! What we needthoughis to realize it is power politics and their domestic and regional power politics more that it is religion. They use virulent strain of their religion and the Palestinians and others for sure in various ways as they do nonsectarian pathologies (Pan-Arab Nationalism, Pan-Syran Nationalism, etc), but at the core of the conflict it is about power pure and simple. Some people have it and some people want it. It's aslold as the Civilized world regardlessof religion.
The Shia esp Ahmadenijad have been particularly emboldened by Bush's ill thought out bungling in Iraq and see an opening in Iraq and beyond in te Arab World. Even our supposedly dependable saudi allies are distancing from us to counter. The Arab street may blame the West and Israel for all their accumulated ills (so did Hitler and Stalin), but the source of their conflict is at its core within the power plays going on within their societies. It is ultimately up to them to resolve. Bush's hubris was that we could resolve it for them and doit on the cheap.
What we need to do is contain in a strategic way (bridging the ends-means disconnects Bush has foisted on us) and the possible spillover effects from these various ethnic , tribal, and sectarian power plays within their societies. There are no simple pat answers and we will have to get samrt and learn about the complexities of these societies as we delineate a clearer picture of our National Interests and use the locals to contain and eventually roll back the virulent excesses (sectarian and non) wishing to dominate and extend their power.
that the intelligence agencies of all the major nations (U.S., U.K., Germany, Russia, France,...) thought that the WMD's existed. This was not a fairytale made up by President Bush. Both Republicans and Democrats in Congress voted in favor of going to this war with a multi-national coalition to depose a tyrant who was killing hundreds of thousands of people and had ignored umpteen UN resolutions.
This was not "Bush's ill thought out bungling in Iraq" as so many like to state to try and further widen the gap between two parties that should both be behind what they had voted to do. I think it a point in his favor that he is willing to continue doing what he is told by his advisors (not Haliburton and oil as is the other favorite thing for a liberal to harp on) is necessary even when it is unpopular with all the armchair quarterbacks that feel they know far better how to run things.
I personaly think we should be doing the same thing in Darfur. I think that as the most powerful and most giving nation in the world it is certainly our responsibility to try and help stop genocide wherever it may be happening.
The UN had inspectors in Iraq when we invaded. The inspectors checked out a lot of the CIA evidence for Iraqi WMDs. They found serious flaws with the evidence. It became a fairytale once Bush ignored evidence.
"Our inspectors had been there, and they had taken a lot of samples, and there was no trace of any chemicals or biological things," Blix said. "And the trucks that we had seen were water trucks."
The most spectacular intelligence failure concerned a report by ElBaradei, who revealed that an alleged contract by Iraq with Niger to import uranium oxide was a forgery, Blix said.
"The document had been sitting with the CIA and their U.K. counterparts for a long while, and they had not discovered it," Blix said. "And I think it took the IAEA a day to discover that it was a forgery."
You are quoting an interview by Wolf Blitzer aired on March 21st, 2025. If you continue past your quote you will read that Hans Blix agreed that there were probably chemical weapons because of the lack of documentation to thier destruction.
"With regard to chemical and biological - and that was Hans Blix fight - I think the situation was more complicated, because, although there was not much good intelligence, the presumption - and I think that was also shared by Hans, shared by many members of the Council - that because Iraq had them before, because it had accused them before, and there was no record of either destruction or production, there was this nagging question: Do they still have them?
And, frankly, because there was - we were dealing with a regime that was brutal, that had used chemical weapons in the past, the level of tolerance was very low, and the level of suspicion was extremely high. And - I think that's how we should look at - the question in context, frankly, yes."
Also, as our troops reached the Tigress river they detected both Mustard gas and cerin. I believe is we ered it was on the side of safety.
How about: 'When we erred.' There is no doubt that we erred.
And if the threat was chemical rather than nuclear weapons, then why was the Bush Administration afraid to admit that there were no nuclear weapons after the inspectors had shared their findings?
I need only look at the photo's of the dead children in Halabja from the 1988 chemical attack to know that we have done the world a great good in getting rid of Saddam. But, as JeffC says, that is now past and we must figure out what to do next.
I do not believe that we can pull-out with any timeline telegraphed in advance. I think we must get the Iraqi's to the point of being able to control their region so that we do not leave ANOTHER vacuum to be filled by what would be as-bad-as if not worse. I think that a planned time-line would only give the oposition the ability to plan along the same time-line.
And what of Iran? Do you think that the world can allow Iran to become a nuclear power?
Oh well.....
Jeff C leikec@yahoo.com
I have no apologies in taking out Saddam as I have said before. And everyone thought he had the WMDs and was not fully accounting for them - even the UN said as much. His paper trail on their supposed destruction and explanations was specious and ALL the best intel including the UN was that he did have something somewhere and was not accounted for.
What was ill thought out and a totalKeystone cop bungling was the follown "stabilization" during and after Saddam was deposed. As Powell said all the instabilities that will happen after Saddam goes will be blamed on us - thus the K mart Principle! IT was our solemn obligation to secure the place,the borders, and at least the ammo dumps that supposedly harbored the feared WMDs. Neither was done because Bush and Company decided to willy-nilly toss out the accumulated Powell, Shinseki, Zinni waring gaming scenarios and do Iraq-lite! Bad move. That was the bungling and Bush blew it big time. And he should take full responsibility for that! But on taking out Saddam... No apologies there. But the bungling of this Administration will be legendary and damaging toout long-range strategic interests if not righted quick.
And Darfur....Sounds wonderful, but remember that "Ought Implies Can" and we have no moral obligation to do what we cannot do. See http://unity08.com/node/1016 .
All of you, liberal and conservative, are great at re-hashing
history. I'm guilty of it myself every now and then.
Here is the real challenge:
Tell me what you want to accomplish tomorrow.
Let's focus on the future - and all of us need to get away from the standard institutionalized thinking; we recycle yesterday's talking points, but the real solutions will come from people who have the ability and the foresight to think independently of Fox news, or MoveOn.org...
Jeff C leikec@yahoo.com
Here you go Jeff. It's a start on what we CAN do now, today, tomorrow:
"The Future is Here. It's Just Unevenly Distributed" - William Gibson
Nascent creation occurs when the walls separating disciplines start breaking down" - Einstein
Have you signed up as a delegate yet?
People that believe in nothing pose more of a threat than those that believe in somehing ..
Freedom to worship for all religions that teach the commandments to love - not to hate, need to be an integral part of our daily lives, the teachings that provide guidance toward peace and toleration of our differances - are an essential tool to achieving the best for humankind - until something better comes along ..
My opinion
popo (pke)
What we need to avoid is mixing religion and government. The push to ban teaching evolution particularly upsets me, and is one small example.
The "televangelists" Falwell, Roberston, Baker, etc. - use religion as a basis for power, masking hate and ignorance under the guise of religion. Their aim is not saving souls, but money and power.
This administration is scary in that it values ideology over competence. I do not believe Bush is truly religious, but he sure panders to them, stuffing his administration with people out of touch with reality.
I have no problem with people believing what they want to, but I have a problem with them legislating their views - then we have fallen to the level of Iran.
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69
I completely agree - Religion & Politics should not be mixed : Render Unto Caesar that which etc etc
The point I was making is based on evidence that the lack of religious training (whatever religion) - has led to the denigration of American Society and family life .. that's all ..
I'm glad you called : I'm trying to get UNITY08 Delegates, Members & Founders TO FOCUS ON THE ONLY ISSUE AND ACTION THAT CAN Make It Possible For Us To Take Back Our Country AND MAKE IT OUR FIRST ORGANIZATIONAL ACTION ..
Click on www.america-21stcentury.com read/digest Saturday Posting ..
Point : As long as we allow people to be elected and empowered without Verifying Their Skills/Experience BEFORE ELECTING THEM And Binding Them To Contracts To Insure Their Performance/Accountability AFTER WE ELECT THEM .. Our Lives, Rights & Freedoms Will Stand In Jeopardy !!
Help me on this one Qucksilver, John Milligan, and the rest of you ..
Peter K. Evans
I agree with your restated position - all the "real" religions I know of (I don't count scientology as a religion, for example) teach that honesty, generosity, understanding, --- basically the golden rule - is how we should act.
If our government would start with practicing honesty alone, it would be an improvement.
I am sick of hearing candidates say how religious they are - actions tell me, not their claims. I am always wary of those who "advertise" their religion - the people I respect most are quiet about their faith - they live it, and don't feel a need to "push" it.
The underlying religious principles - rules of how you treat your fellow man - of the major religions should be part of good government.
On that, we agree.
US Marine vet Vietnam 4/68 - 8/69
popo, come on, the Bible, which is the book for two of the major religions (at least in part), is the most intolerant document I have ever read. For example, god tells Moses to commit genocide in Canaan against the worshipers of Baal in Numbers 25. If you read the laws of the Jews, it is wrought with violence against others in the support of their jealous god. How many attrocities is the Catholic church alone responsible for. Religion is the most dangerous force on this planet. History proves that again and again. The Crusades, the massacre of the Cathars, witch burnings, burnings of heretics at the stake, the religious wars of Europe, the massacre of the Hugenots in France, etc.... Come on man, religion is bogus, and has been a force of division, hatred a violence since time immemoriam. Who do you think you are fooling?
--Think also of the comfort and rights of others
Religious organizations are nothing more then political power bases.
One of my favorate politions said "religion is a crutch for the weak of mind".
The middle east has been fighting religious wars since time began. it's just a mess.
It is quite true that religions have many times been co-opted by the power hungry, and the evil.
Religions are the "source document" for what moral behavior we DO have. Without acknowledging a "higher power", we would still be eating each other.
I don't believe in religions. But I'll put my morals up against anyone's. They're what I believe in, not some book telling me I should believe in.
As for eating a human, I wouldn't. They taste terrible.
Browncoats Unite!