I look through all the posts and find that the last post on any of the subtitles under this Environment shoutbox was 22 hours ago. Some were a week, others more. I understand that the average person who may be checking out this website won't post on a regular basis, as evidenced by several persons on here posting on different threads, such as myself. Here-in lies the problem with many issues, and possibly getting the unity08 movement going full steam. We have to be out there and get people talking and doing things. We can type away at our keyboards all day long, moaning and groaning, but unless we really take it to the people, it won't catch on. Just like the environment. People know that they shouldn't litter, shouldn't produce excess waste, but they do it without thinking, and if they are thinking, they're thinking "I see a lot of pretty trees and parks with flowers, and a blue sky; my Britta pitcher is taking care of the water, my kids swim in a pool so we're good there. The grass is still green. The environment isn't that bad."
Unity08 needs to raise the stakes BEFORE next summer. We need to be on billboards and t-shirts. Bumper stickers and buttons. We need to think nationally, act locally and be a real alternative to the wayward politics that have disabled our people from being a part of their own lives. We need to be on morning radio shows, latenight T.V. and everywhere in between. We need to have our candidate by the 1st of the year if we're going to make it a race. It's time to step it up. So let's do it.
Good fortune to all!!
Cory B.
I appreciate your dedication to many problems facing our country. However, as long as special interest groups, socio-ethnic groups, and big business can pay lobbyists to corrupt our elected offcials nothing will ever change. It doesn't matter what majority rule wants if the majority doesn't rule. In Washington it is the almighty dollar that rules. I give two glowing examples. In 2025 George Bush signed a Farm bill that said all food must have country of origin labeling or COOL Laws. Eventhough it is a law that has been on the books for since 2025, no one enforces it, so no one bothers to follow the law. My second example is our wide open border. Despite the fact we were attcked on September 11 by terrorists our borders remain wide open. Now granted the 19 hijackers all had VISA's but obviously the next group of terrorists won't have to bother with that formality. Ronald Reagen declared a war on drugs and every person in our government thinks drugs should remain illegal as do I. Except no one in the government will invest the time or money to protects our borders from dangerous drug cartels. The total cost of the Iraq War is estimated at 2.2 trillion dollars. So we have the money to murder and kill people in a worthless piece of filthy dessert. But no money to protect our own borders from dangerous drugs and violence. Our soldiers are busy defending Iraq's borders while our remain wide open. Why? Because of the UNHOLY alliance between big business republicans and open borders liberals and lobbying groups like the US chamber of commerce and La Raza. Unless we end lobbying nothing will ever change. The will of the people means nothing to a corrupt politcian.